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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Josie View Post
    I could have coped if it hadn't got on my skin but I've really made myself feel sick and I still keep jumping at the silliest of things - I've had to put my hair up because every time a bit of it moved on my shoulder or something I was jumping out of my chair.
    Oh, I'm the same. I can cope with spiders as long as they don't touch me/crawl on me... if there's any chance of them getting near enough to crawl on me then I panic/get scared and if they do touch me then I will be freaking for ages. Even a near miss has me jumpy for ages afterwards, imaginignt hat every itch or twitch is something crawling on me, and I find my toes curling up all the time.. how odd is that?!!


      Um...I quite like spiders...but I'm scared of lifts/elevators/flying!!

      Oh yep...I'm sure Joe is busy with his family and all...I just thought it would be nice to get his take on the show sometimes that's all. I kind of like it that he comes across as a bit mysterious though. I don't want to know every little thing about him!


        Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
        that happened in MY ROOM once!! in my old house, the window had a big gap by it and a spider laid her nest there and then they all hatched into my room, i opened the curtains and there were hundreds of the buggars!! i screamed for mum who thought when i said "theres loads of spiders in my room" was exaggerating because i REALLY hate spiders and even she was shocked, she had to get rid of all of them and i refused to go back in there until every single one was gone!!! I HATE SPIDERS!!!
        Years ago, when I was living at home, a spider ran up my leg (I was dressed at the time - thank god) while I was sitting reading on my bed... I freaked and hit out at it with my book and ran downstairs in hysterics and made my mum check that it wasn't still on me, that there was nothng crawling on me. When I plucked up courage to go back in my room, there was no sign of the spider, couldn't find it anywhere. There was simply no way I could sleep in that room, knowing the spider might still be in there somwhere.... I ended up sleeping in the spare bed in my mum's room for about 6 months!!!

        Edit: I should point out that I was not a child at this point.. I was in my mid-20s!!


          Ugh, spiders. I'm not that scared of them myself. It's wasps that get me. I hate hate HATE wasps. Especially when they buzz near my ears >_<
          Lonk the Sane: My job? Taking care of crazies like you. Making sure you don't go and hurt yourselves with your deviant powers. And cookies, I make cookies.


            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            OMG, I'd still be screaming now. I'm so sorry that happened to you hon... I'm an utter arachnophobe and that would freak me out for hours. Last time a spider crawled on my bare skin I literally couldn't stop shaking and crying for about half an hour and it took me hours to even go back into the room (after I'd made hubby turn the room upside down looking for the damn thing (he couldn't find it))..

            I wish I could do something to help you get your squee back. Is there something - anything - I can do to help? *hugs*
            Me too!

            Originally posted by Josie View Post
            Well my bath didn't turn out so relaxing. When I got out I pulled my robe on and a spider crawled off of it on to my skin - I still feel really jittery and I've scrubbed my skin red raw where it was, so now I'm even more wound up than I was before hand. And it looks like I'm not gong to be able to sit down and watch Supernatural just yet either. *sulks* I'm never going to get my squee back.

            I was reading what you guys were saying about your favorite places etc and I've come to the rather embarrassing realisation that I have only ever been to two cities in my entire life - God that's a depressing thought.

            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
            I know it has been a while, lol, a scouser is just a nickname for someone who is born and raised in liverpool. TBH I'm not sure where it originated from, maybe circa 1800 where the liverpudlians made pans of scouse cause they were so poor, lol.
            Liverpudlians? Wow.

            Hmmm. *has no idea what scouse is* OK. Thanks. *adds scouse to list of strange British terms she doesn't know how to use*
            flippin' nora

            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            This is a little OT. But I don't think I told you guys what happened the other day, did I? I was taking my dad for his usual round of blood tests, and he's got a new wheelchair. It has a padded cushion seat which is removable. My mum put it in its plastic wrapper in the back of the car, on the seat, and we went on our merry way. When we got there she lifted the cushion and bag off the seat, and literally hundreds of little spiders ran out everywhere. There must have been a nest in the bag from the factory where it was stored. I still am getting spiders in there now, despite us cleaning it out 3 times, with a few yelps as we did it. It was so disgusting and frightening, and would happen in my damn car! Urrrrggh!!!
            Ack! *runs away screaming at the thought* I hate bugs, but spiders especially!

            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post

            Would still be screaming now. Would not have gotten back in that car for love nor money - probably not even if assured that all the spiders were gone..
            Me either.
            Sig by Luciana
            My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              Oh, I'm the same. I can cope with spiders as long as they don't touch me/crawl on me... if there's any chance of them getting near enough to crawl on me then I panic/get scared and if they do touch me then I will be freaking for ages. Even a near miss has me jumpy for ages afterwards, imaginignt hat every itch or twitch is something crawling on me, and I find my toes curling up all the time.. how odd is that?!!
              im like that, if i have an "encounter" with a spider i still shake for ages and keep looking where the spider was, and god forbid anything brush against my skin i freak out!!
              Originally posted by Elinor View Post
              Um...I quite like spiders...but I'm scared of lifts/elevators/flying!!

              Oh yep...I'm sure Joe is busy with his family and all...I just thought it would be nice to get his take on the show sometimes that's all. I kind of like it that he comes across as a bit mysterious though. I don't want to know every little thing about him!
              i wasnt scared of elevators/lifts until i got stuck in a small one with no lights with O1 one year when we were on was horrible....i can go in them these days but im not happy until im out and id rather go up stairs if its possible.
              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              Years ago, when I was living at home, a spider ran up my leg (I was dressed at the time - thank god) while I was sitting reading on my bed... I freaked and hit out at it with my book and ran downstairs in hysterics and made my mum check that it wasn't still on me, that there was nothng crawling on me. When I plucked up courage to go back in my room, there was no sign of the spider, couldn't find it anywhere. There was simply no way I could sleep in that room, knowing the spider might still be in there somwhere.... I ended up sleeping in the spare bed in my mum's room for about 6 months!!!

              Edit: I should point out that I was not a child at this point.. I was in my mid-20s!!
              hehe, well i didnt have any choice but to sleep in there with no spare beds/rooms, but i was tempted to at least spend the night on my sofa instead!!
              eta: oh thats the worse thing if they disappear, knowing they might still be in there, and they quite often make a reappearance to freak you out again!!



                Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                Hmmm. *has no idea what scouse is* OK. Thanks. *adds scouse to list of strange British terms she doesn't know how to use*
                pants - technically it means "underpants" (as in um.. briefs, do you guys call em? Men's underwear, basically!!) but is used colloquially to mean "a bit crap"
                cack - crap
                footy - football... or soccer as you folks call it!
                boboes - bed... as in, "I'm going boboes".. means "I'm going to bed". It's um.. a regional thing, kinda kid-speak (as in your parents would tell you it was "time for boboes" when you were a child). I'd never heard of it before meeting hubby!
                kip - nap / a short sleep (can mean more generally sleep - "I'm gonna get some kip" but it is mostly used to mean a short sleep)
                flippin' nora - OMG!!
                scouse - Scouse was a kind of stew made from whatever leftovers were in the house, commonly eaten in poorer households in Liverpool many years ago


                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  pants - technically it means "underpants" (as in um.. briefs, do you guys call em? Men's underwear, basically!!) but is used colloquially to mean "a bit crap"
                  cack - crap
                  footy - football... or soccer as you folks call it!
                  boboes - bed... as in, "I'm going boboes".. means "I'm going to bed". It's um.. a regional thing, kinda kid-speak (as in your parents would tell you it was "time for boboes" when you were a child). I'd never heard of it before meeting hubby!
                  kip - nap / a short sleep (can mean more generally sleep - "I'm gonna get some kip" but it is mostly used to mean a short sleep)
                  flippin' nora - OMG!!
                  scouse - Scouse was a kind of stew made from whatever leftovers were in the house, commonly eaten in poorer households in Liverpool many years ago
                  Thanks for that. I love slang.
                  Sig by Luciana
                  My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                    Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                    Um...I quite like spiders...but I'm scared of lifts/elevators/flying!!

                    Oh I'm scared of lifts too and escalators and a whole list of other things.

                    Originally posted by Jade Xianghua View Post
                    Ugh, spiders. I'm not that scared of them myself. It's wasps that get me. I hate hate HATE wasps. Especially when they buzz near my ears >_<
                    But weirdly I'm not scared of wasps or even hornets, growing up my brother and I had a deal he'd get rid of the spiders, beetles and moths for me and I'd deal with the wasps and hornets. I don't have the good sense to be scared of something that could actually hurt me.


                      Originally posted by Josie View Post
                      Well my bath didn't turn out so relaxing. When I got out I pulled my robe on and a spider crawled off of it on to my skin - I still feel really jittery and I've scrubbed my skin red raw where it was, so now I'm even more wound up than I was before hand. And it looks like I'm not gong to be able to sit down and watch Supernatural just yet either. *sulks* I'm never going to get my squee back.
                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      This is a little OT. But I don't think I told you guys what happened the other day, did I? I was taking my dad for his usual round of blood tests, and he's got a new wheelchair. It has a padded cushion seat which is removable. My mum put it in its plastic wrapper in the back of the car, on the seat, and we went on our merry way. When we got there she lifted the cushion and bag off the seat, and literally hundreds of little spiders ran out everywhere. There must have been a nest in the bag from the factory where it was stored. I still am getting spiders in there now, despite us cleaning it out 3 times, with a few yelps as we did it. It was so disgusting and frightening, and would happen in my damn car! Urrrrggh!!!
                      Ack!! I had one in my towel once, i thought i was going to have heart attack.

                      In my home town, this guy had a car imported and delivered. As he sat in it and jiggled the gear stick, a load of spiders came scurrying out. Course he leaps out and calls the RSPCA cos they're probably foreign spiders.
                      And they were!!
                      The local zoo now has a healthy collection of Funnel Web spiders on display.

                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      pants - technically it means "underpants" (as in um.. briefs, do you guys call em? Men's underwear, basically!!) but is used colloquially to mean "a bit crap"
                      cack - crap
                      footy - football... or soccer as you folks call it!
                      boboes - bed... as in, "I'm going boboes".. means "I'm going to bed". It's um.. a regional thing, kinda kid-speak (as in your parents would tell you it was "time for boboes" when you were a child). I'd never heard of it before meeting hubby!
                      kip - nap / a short sleep (can mean more generally sleep - "I'm gonna get some kip" but it is mostly used to mean a short sleep)
                      flippin' nora - OMG!!
                      scouse - Scouse was a kind of stew made from whatever leftovers were in the house, commonly eaten in poorer households in Liverpool many years ago
                      Ooo, so tempted to put up a few choice Brummie expressions.....
                      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                      l My LJ l


                        Originally posted by Josie View Post
                        Oh I'm scared of lifts too and escalators and a whole list of other things.

                        But weirdly I'm not scared of wasps or even hornets, growing up my brother and I had a deal he'd get rid of the spiders, beetles and moths for me and I'd deal with the wasps and hornets. I don't have the good sense to be scared of something that could actually hurt me.
                        im scared of most animals (especialy spiders, moths, pigeons, wasps, seagulls-living by the sea this is a big problem lol) im not as scared of dogs anymore, but occasionally one will freak me out....
                        im also scared of lifts, deep water, not too great with sure there's more things im scared of!



                          hmmm speaking of bugs, i think i may watch 38 mins and conversion tonight....has absolutely nothing to do with the fact theres a ton of whump in these eps as well of course oh and maybe the Ark in honour of the USA'ers getting it tonight!



                            **sneaks in while kids are playing**

                            Originally posted by Josie View Post
                            Well my bath didn't turn out so relaxing. When I got out I pulled my robe on and a spider crawled off of it on to my skin - I still feel really jittery and I've scrubbed my skin red raw where it was, so now I'm even more wound up than I was before hand. And it looks like I'm not gong to be able to sit down and watch Supernatural just yet either. *sulks* I'm never going to get my squee back.
                            that would totally squick me out for the whole day!!!!

                            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                            This is a little OT. But I don't think I told you guys what happened the other day, did I? I was taking my dad for his usual round of blood tests, and he's got a new wheelchair. It has a padded cushion seat which is removable. My mum put it in its plastic wrapper in the back of the car, on the seat, and we went on our merry way. When we got there she lifted the cushion and bag off the seat, and literally hundreds of little spiders ran out everywhere. There must have been a nest in the bag from the factory where it was stored. I still am getting spiders in there now, despite us cleaning it out 3 times, with a few yelps as we did it. It was so disgusting and frightening, and would happen in my damn car! Urrrrggh!!!
                            I had a Daddy long leg spider in my car once. They don't bother me at all. This one happened to try to escaped down inside my dashboard so I turned on the blower and he blew up into the air and landed on the dash. If he had a head I am sure he would have been shaking it.

                            I did have a big icky spider try to Karate chop me when I stomped at him to get him to move!

                            And about all the pic speculation

                            Woo Hoo

                            **sneaks back to work**


                              Originally posted by Josie View Post
                              But weirdly I'm not scared of wasps or even hornets, growing up my brother and I had a deal he'd get rid of the spiders, beetles and moths for me and I'd deal with the wasps and hornets. I don't have the good sense to be scared of something that could actually hurt me.
                              I shoudn't laugh but you have such a wonderful turn of phrase...


                                I really should be afraid of dogs, but I'm not. Almost got my hand bitten off by an Alsatian. It was a warm sunny day (for once in Scotland), the family was having a barbeque. So I have a hamburger and I'm leaning over the fence with the burger in hand talking away to a friend of mine when this Alsatian runs up out of the blue and bites my hand with the hamburger in it! It steals it out of my hand and I had to quickly slide my hand out it's mouth before it decided to snack on my hand as well. To this day, I just really don't like Alsatians... and snakes, but that's because I watched some jungle film when I was younger and some kid got swallowed up by an Anaconda.
                                Lonk the Sane: My job? Taking care of crazies like you. Making sure you don't go and hurt yourselves with your deviant powers. And cookies, I make cookies.

