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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    Indeed it doesn't. I searched the episodes closely, from The Ark onwards, and there is no scene anything like that, and, as discussed earlier, Joe's hair is shorter at the sides, and the fringe thicker. I did wonder if it's a manip, but SheppyD and I studied it closely and are sure it isn't. So, yep, it's a mystery how the friend of Kangamoo got it, but maybe she'll be on later and say, or maybe she doesn't want to? I'm not complaining either way. I'm in my happy little bubble-wrapped land of whumpy squee!
    Yup. Regardless of where the pic has come from - though hopefully we'll find out at some point - it seems certain that in none of the Season 3 eps have we seen Shep in that outfit, with a cut on his lip and in that location (based on colours of walls etc). How many S3 eps did he wear the yummy black shirt outfit anyway? Wasn't The Ark the first time we saw him in it (I seem to remember squeeeing/thunking heavily over it!).. and then he wore it in Submersion, Vengeance and First Strike..?

    Originally posted by Elinor View Post
    Just catching up with the thread a bit although I have to admit I've missed a few pages. P3...they're really not going to invite Joe 'cos he's been to a couple of events recently, so they don't think he'll pull in the crowds this time around?!! That is the daftest reasoning ever!! He's very, very popular! The kinda star you want to meet more than once. I bet he gets invited to other cons in the UK anyway, so people will be able to see him there if he's able to come. That'll teach the P3 organisers!!

    A very simple indicator of how wrong they are in their assumptions is that every single person I know who met Joe at Expo or Collectormania last year is *dying* meet him again (and I think all of them have also already bought their tickets for P3.. just on the off-chance that he might have been there!!).


      Originally posted by Josie View Post
      I can't help it I'm just naturally suspicious.

      Anyway, I'm not feeling very squeeful right now so I'm going to go have a bath with Harry Dresden and then come back and hopefully watch the season finale of Supernatural, if that doesn't cheer me up I don't know what will.
      Ooer missus!

      I've still got I think 4 episodes of SPN left to watch, including the finale. I blasted through most of Season 2 in a frenzy of squeee but I'm pacing myself now, with so few eps left, and drawing out the enjoyment...


        morning whumpers
        Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
          Yup. Regardless of where the pic has come from - though hopefully we'll find out at some point - it seems certain that in none of the Season 3 eps have we seen Shep in that outfit, with a cut on his lip and in that location (based on colours of walls etc). How many S3 eps did he wear the yummy black shirt outfit anyway? Wasn't The Ark the first time we saw him in it (I seem to remember squeeeing/thunking heavily over it!).. and then he wore it in Submersion, Vengeance and First Strike..?

          A very simple indicator of how wrong they are in their assumptions is that every single person I know who met Joe at Expo or Collectormania last year is *dying* meet him again (and I think all of them have also already bought their tickets for P3.. just on the off-chance that he might have been there!!).
          It was The Ark indeed where the outfit had its premiere. That's the only eppie where the tac vest wasn't used really too. However, Joe's hair is different etc.., so it can't be that, and there are no scenes anywhere in season 3 where, spoilers for late season 3 of the uniform variety,
          Shep has a cut lip at all. He also looks like he could have slight bruising under his right eye, though that could easily be just shadows. The only eppies he wears the new uniform are The Ark, Submersion and FS. Submersion, as was said earlier, he wore his tac vest, and FS there are no scenes anywhere like that, and even if it was a scene edited out, it wouldn't fit in to the storyline. So, I really think it is from season 4. How it got on the net, who knows? But these things do happen sometimes.


            Originally posted by caty View Post
            Good morning *waves*

            Nothing new on JM's blog again... I really wonder what happened that he doesn't post any hints and spoilers anymore. He said a couple of days ago that he likes throwing little hints in, but hates big spoilers revealed before months before and ep airs. Well, he hasn't done the hint bit in ages...
            i know, boo!!
            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            SheppyD and I have been discussing this piccie posted by Kangamoo in the thunk thread. A friend sent it to her, she doesn't know where it came from.

            Now, some were speculating it's from The Ark. But, SheppyD and I don't think so, because if you zoom in, Sheppard clearly has, spoilered for possible season 4 whumpage
            a cut on his lip. We've compared hair and sideburns and beard growth to piccies from the Ark and they don't match. So, we think it's possible this is a season 4 photo. Goodness knows how. We've been through all the season 3 eppies with the new uniform in it and this doesn't match any episode.

            Here's the link to the photo in the JFT. What do you guys think?

            SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think its from
            Travelers, and i hope hes tried to escape and then gets recaptured and beaten up again cos if thats all the whump we get BOO!!! it doesnt look like atlantis and i doubt evil shep would lurk like that, we know from spoilers he loves being there in the action and smirking...

            Originally posted by Jade Xianghua View Post
            ...*delurks* Hiya everyone! Mind if this whumpage loving fanfic writer joins teh thread?
            Welcome to the mad house Jade!
            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            Hmmmm... it could be that too, I guess? Thing is though,
            I don't think "Evil Shep" is ever an actual entity stalking the halls of Atlantis... I think he only exists/appears in people's heads/in their dreams? So would we really see him stalking someone like that? I dunno. And given that Evil Shep is not corporeal, how would he have a cut lip? Just a thought...

            Whaddaya reckon.. could those be Atlantis walls?
            i dont think it is
            like you pointed out Ali, those walls are rusty and atlantis walls dont look like that, even with all that flooding lol the cut lip looks like it bled a while ago and has been cleaned up a bit, i think in DG any whump is going to be in the here and now, i think this pic makes more sense to be from travelers from what we know *shrugs*



              Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
              This has gotten me all aSQUEEEE again. (not that I lost my SQUEEE mind you......I'm still in S-3 mode). But
              if this is from "Travelers", and he's in escape mode here, when they recapture him, it won't be pretty! SQUEEEE! New shirt of yum too?

              Heh! I'm calling it 'The Bodacious Black Shirt of Rolled Up Sleevy Goodness'!!

              Originally posted by Josie View Post
              I can't help it I'm just naturally suspicious.

              Anyway, I'm not feeling very squeeful right now so I'm going to go have a bath with Harry Dresden and then come back and hopefully watch the season finale of Supernatural, if that doesn't cheer me up I don't know what will.
              I must try and get time to watch 'Supernatural'. S1 is stored up in Virgin's library!

              I hope Joe is invited to some other con in the UK...there are tons of people who want to see him!!!


                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                It was The Ark indeed where the outfit had its premiere. That's the only eppie where the tac vest wasn't used really too. However, Joe's hair is different etc.., so it can't be that, and there are no scenes anywhere in season 3 where, spoilers for late season 3 of the uniform variety,
                Shep has a cut lip at all. He also looks like he could have slight bruising under his right eye, though that could easily be just shadows. The only eppies he wears the new uniform are The Ark, Submersion and FS. Submersion, as was said earlier, he wore his tac vest, and FS there are no scenes anywhere like that, and even if it was a scene edited out, it wouldn't fit in to the storyline. So, I really think it is from season 4. How it got on the net, who knows? But these things do happen sometimes.
                yeh i thought he
                looked slightly bruised around the eye as well, but wasnt sure if it was just the trick of the lights..

                we should know by now that spoilers get out all kinds of ways online, i mean we have canadian's spoilers for DG which sound pretty accurate..then of course theres those MGM interviews that got out which "acciddently" told us about the whole Weir and Carson wouldnt surprise me if it was JM setting these up to get us in a squee lol...the whump things that is



                  hey so how was the ark you guys?
                  Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                    Morning all! It seems I'm late to the squee fest. Hope it's not too late to join in.



                    Ah, much better.
                    Sig by Luciana
                    My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      The only eppies he wears the new uniform are The Ark, Submersion and FS. Submersion, as was said earlier, he wore his tac vest, and FS there are no scenes anywhere like that, and even if it was a scene edited out, it wouldn't fit in to the storyline. So, I really think it is from season 4. How it got on the net, who knows? But these things do happen sometimes. [/spoiler]
                      The more I look at that pic the more I think that a) it's a deleted s3 scene or b) a s4 pic....the hair is making me think it's a s4 pic...but how has it been sneaked out already?

            's a's a myshtery!! (in the words of Toyah!!!)

                      Forgot to say...Hi and welcome Jade!!


                        hey ruffles!
                        Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                          Originally posted by mckaychick View Post
                          hey ruffles!
                          *waves* Hey mkc! How's life?
                          Sig by Luciana
                          My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                            Hello and welcome!!!! Sorry I missed you earlier! I've been a little over-excited today. Nothing new there!
                            It's no biggie. Thanks for the welcome!

                            Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                            This has gotten me all aSQUEEEE again. (not that I lost my SQUEEE mind you......I'm still in S-3 mode). But
                            if this is from "Travelers", and he's in escape mode here, when they recapture him, it won't be pretty! SQUEEEE! New shirt of yum too?

                            And WELCOME Jade!


                            I have to say, though I haven't quite seen all of season 3, it definately doesn't seem like it's from The Ark. The lip cut shows that much. As for S4... I know absolutely nothing abut it so I can't speculate there xD

                            Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                            Welcome to the mad house Jade!
                            Thanks! Glad to be here!
                            Lonk the Sane: My job? Taking care of crazies like you. Making sure you don't go and hurt yourselves with your deviant powers. And cookies, I make cookies.


                              its ok hows it going for you ruffles
                              Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                                Originally posted by mckaychick View Post
                                its ok hows it going for you ruffles
                                Fine here. Happy that it's Friday. I'm looking forward to a nice quiet day at home tomorrow. Any weekend plans for you?
                                Sig by Luciana
                                My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics

