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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
    Q&A part 3 actually at the end of it...
    ahhh close enough LOL i was just too busy having a thunky moment to see what part it was on!!!

    im watching boa vs python (with DH) on scifi hahahahaha....oh dear..... cheese on toast!!



      Hello whumpers. Since I mentioned my dog's vet appointment and got so many well wishes, I thought I would let you know how it went
      She is doing well. No weight loss yet. She is on a cough suppressant and predinsone for her cough and to let her sleep. NO pain meds yet. The doc was very pleased with her and surprised. She mentioned maybe is wasn't thryroid cancer but a different type of mass. We will still go on the cancer assumption though



        Originally posted by Pocus View Post
        Hello whumpers. Since I mentioned my dog's vet appointment and got so many well wishes, I thought I would let you know how it went
        She is doing well. No weight loss yet. She is on a cough suppressant and predinsone for her cough and to let her sleep. NO pain meds yet. The doc was very pleased with her and surprised. She mentioned maybe is wasn't thryroid cancer but a different type of mass. We will still go on the cancer assumption though


        Oh hon, I bet that's a relief for you, that's better news than you were expecting. *huggles* fingers crossed everything's okay. So when do you find out if it definately is cancer?


          A wallie to celebrate the air date of season four....



            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
            Hello whumpers. Since I mentioned my dog's vet appointment and got so many well wishes, I thought I would let you know how it went
            She is doing well. No weight loss yet. She is on a cough suppressant and predinsone for her cough and to let her sleep. NO pain meds yet. The doc was very pleased with her and surprised. She mentioned maybe is wasn't thryroid cancer but a different type of mass. We will still go on the cancer assumption though

            good to hear shes doing ok Pocus!

            righto its gone a bit quiet in here so im off, night night peeps!!



              Originally posted by Pocus View Post
              Hello whumpers. Since I mentioned my dog's vet appointment and got so many well wishes, I thought I would let you know how it went
              She is doing well. No weight loss yet. She is on a cough suppressant and predinsone for her cough and to let her sleep. NO pain meds yet. The doc was very pleased with her and surprised. She mentioned maybe is wasn't thryroid cancer but a different type of mass. We will still go on the cancer assumption though

              Oh hun I am pleased it went well, thats a more positive outcome I will keep my fingers firmly crossed


                Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                Hello whumpers. Since I mentioned my dog's vet appointment and got so many well wishes, I thought I would let you know how it went
                She is doing well. No weight loss yet. She is on a cough suppressant and predinsone for her cough and to let her sleep. NO pain meds yet. The doc was very pleased with her and surprised. She mentioned maybe is wasn't thryroid cancer but a different type of mass. We will still go on the cancer assumption though

                That's encouraging news! I'm so pleased!

                Great WP BLUE Thanks for sharing!


                  Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                  A wallie to celebrate the air date of season four....

                  Great wallpaper blue... I can't wait until season 4 starts...
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    So who has watched the IESB clips? can anyone explain what the guitar reference was? I am tired and my laptop has managed to let me only see the first minute of the clip so far and I want to go to sleep


                      Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                      Hello whumpers. Since I mentioned my dog's vet appointment and got so many well wishes, I thought I would let you know how it went
                      She is doing well. No weight loss yet. She is on a cough suppressant and predinsone for her cough and to let her sleep. NO pain meds yet. The doc was very pleased with her and surprised. She mentioned maybe is wasn't thryroid cancer but a different type of mass. We will still go on the cancer assumption though

                      I'm glad she's doing okay. Fingers crossed for you!
                      My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                      Sig and avi by me


                        Hey Whumpers!!

                        Just got finished watching Tell Me No Secrets.

                        I only watch 'cuz Shep is in it. He does not have any real whump scenes
                        but, my God! He's so young!!! There is a little emotional whump but, very little.
                        So, actually if want a true *dunking from rocks being whurled at me* THUNK
                        moment. It is definitely one!! A very nice one INDEED!!

                        It comes again on the Lifetime Movie Network Channel at let's see
                        at 5 am central /6 am eastern time.

                        Of course, this is before Shep. But, I still knew it was him!! I hoping for a nice
                        gun whump scene, possibly some beating -alas, it did not happen!!
                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          Originally posted by Josie View Post
                          Well Prion posted links to it so I'm guessing a lot of people have read it.

                          EDIT: Okay I just realised that sounded a little rude, what I meant was I wasn't sure if Salty realised just how public her LJ posts were.
                          That's okay. I only post links if they're easily found by search engines Besides, folks who want their LJs private put them on friend lock or whatever, or just don't post online

                          Originally posted by Salty View Post
                          I'm in the middle of reading the comments on the blog and came across this one...And in addition, someone recently reported that they commented to JF about his upcoming appearance at a con in Australia, but it was the first he had heard of it. ????? Could they maybe be using his name to sell tickets? That was me and Knightie he said that to! Someone's reading my LJ
                          I believe that was a comment someone (anonymous) made on JM's blog section, but without specifics, it's nothing more than a rumor.

                          Originally posted by Josie View Post
                          I'm getting very annoyed by watching the news, I don't know if anyone has heard what has happened at Glasgow Airport but I'm deeply annoyed by the way speculation is reported as news, whatever happened to proper journalism?
                          Yeah, saw the pictures on a news site. Journalism hasn't been news in quite a while, although apparently one newscaster was soooo ticked off in being told she had to lead with the dumb Paris Hilton story on MSNBC she tore up the script - on camera - and it's all over YouTube. So if nothing else, maybe newscasters will revolt on this celebrity 'news' junk and relegate it toward the rear of the show, where it belongs.


                            Originally posted by Josie View Post
                            Morning all!

                            I think when it comes to cons maybe they should vet the questions that are asked first, if they went through the audience and got a list of people who want to ask interesting questions they could not only weed out the ones who are going to ask inappropriate questions but also those who are going to ask dumb stuff like "What's your favorite colour?" so that people who are asking worthwhile questions actually get the chance to have them answered.

                            Sure you're always going to get some idiot who'll say they are going to ask something innocuous but actually say something inappropriate and you'd also get people b****ing about not being able to ask humiliating questions but it's all about respect.

                            We've all heard the horror stories about some of the awful things actors have been asked by idiots who don't seem to comprehend that they are talking to a real person.
                            It's such a double-edged sword. Who's to say that the people in chage might think what you feel is a good question isn't - and won't let you ask it. Then it's censorship, and considering how much cash you shelled out, a bad idea.

                            I think it comes with the territory that there's always going to be 1-2 fans who will ask questions that will make the audience groan/cringe and the actor just go into acting mode and just smile calmly, make a joke, and be glad that person lives on another coast (or country!) Some fans get so nervous, or can't think of anything to ask, so ask that 'favorite whatever' question, which isn't very bright, but it's not insulting. What I dislike is fans who take advantage of the situation to give a gift onstage, get sung happy birthday, etc. Come on folks, that's five minutes gone from a 45 minute talk.


                              Originally posted by prion View Post
                              It's such a double-edged sword. Who's to say that the people in chage might think what you feel is a good question isn't - and won't let you ask it. Then it's censorship, and considering how much cash you shelled out, a bad idea.

                              I think it comes with the territory that there's always going to be 1-2 fans who will ask questions that will make the audience groan/cringe and the actor just go into acting mode and just smile calmly, make a joke, and be glad that person lives on another coast (or country!) Some fans get so nervous, or can't think of anything to ask, so ask that 'favorite whatever' question, which isn't very bright, but it's not insulting. What I dislike is fans who take advantage of the situation to give a gift onstage, get sung happy birthday, etc. Come on folks, that's five minutes gone from a 45 minute talk.
                              Exactly those kind of attention seekers really wind me up too.

                              I'm in two minds about Doctor Who I don't think it quite lived up to the anticipation. Still doesn't stop me looking forward to Christmas.

                              I haven't been able to watch those SGA IESB clips either so if anyone would be so kind to give us a quick rundown of the edited highlights it would be greatly appreciated by both Listy and myself.


                                I'm going now, my bro is here to pick me up, be back tomorrow.
                                My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                                Sig and avi by me

