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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Josie View Post
    I'm not feeling so talkative right now, feeling a bit down all of a sudden so I'm going to take a break for a little while. See you all later.
    Later Josie..*waves*

    my fan fiction place


      Well I suppose that was quite a nice way to hit another miley!!!!!!

      my fan fiction place


        Originally posted by bebop View Post
        Thanks Ali....any more requests?...I'll see if I can oblige...
        How about Sheppard with a nice bleeding wound somewhere? Preferably shoulder, abdomen or leg.... NOT left arm!


          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
          How about Sheppard with a nice bleeding wound somewhere? Preferably shoulder, abdomen or leg.... NOT left arm!

          Hmmmmm!!!... that would mean bare skin..*rummages through picture files*..may need a bit longer for those, but I'll give it a go.....any preference as to actual bodypart?

          my fan fiction place


            Originally posted by bebop View Post
            Hmmmmm!!!... that would mean bare skin..*rummages through picture files*..may need a bit longer for those, but I'll give it a go.....any preference as to actual bodypart?
            Doesn't have to be bare skin.. unless trying to show torn, blood-soaked clothing massively complicates things? I think shoulder would be a good choice?


              Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
              I thought more about the
              Shep angst episode. I really don't think it's about the ex-wife. That was one scenario that didn't even enter my mind. JM said it was LATE in S-3. Carl Binder's writing it. Shep HATES the Iratus Bugs. Binder wrote "Michael" and "Vengeance". Gotta be something with either Michael or those creations of his. That's what I'm guessing.

              so not with the wife idea too....not necessarily michael but definately the bugs i could see being an angsty thing for say this idea or the leave no man behind thing
              my mind boggles at the possibilities, i know i keep saying i wont speculate until we get more info....i cant help it!!lol
              Originally posted by Alipeeps
              Okay the community is SGA Spoilers. It's very basic atm but I plan to work on it at the weekend and get it organised so we've got some rules and some spoiler-specific posts/indexes etc and prettify it a bit. It'll be fun to learn a bit more about how to play with LJ pages in the process.

              Anyone volunteering to help maintain, please let me know.

              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              OMG Erika! That's so scary! I can't believe that happened to you... you poor thing! *hugs Erika* My thoughts are with you and your family.. that must have been terrifying!
              wot she said ERIKA you poor thing, ((HUGS)) i hope you are ok now though!!
              Originally posted by Stricken View Post
              Thats awesome Bebop
              yep i agree....if only we could get that in an ep!!



                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                Doesn't have to be bare skin.. unless trying to show torn, blood-soaked clothing massively complicates things? I think shoulder would be a good choice?
                Shoulder it will be then.

                my fan fiction place


                  OMG......Erika!!!!! That's terrifying! {{{ERIKA}}}

                  I know.......this speculation is something else! SQUEEEE!

                  Can I just say this once?
                  why is it that every day the same thing keeps getting asked about Weir, and JM feels an obligation to address the same thing over and over? More than a tad annoying. End mini-rant.

                  Guh.....guess I should do something useful. NOT.



                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    How about Sheppard with a nice bleeding wound somewhere? Preferably shoulder, abdomen or leg.... NOT left arm!
                    Whats wrong with the left arm?

                    Ali can I pimp the community on my LJ or should I wait until your made the changes to the comm?


                      *waves* Yet again, a flyby post before work.

                      Let me see...

                      Thanks on the Walls and on the latest chapter of Shattered. Hope to write another one this weekend, and with S3 returning to scifi I'm looking forward to making the episodic collage wps again.

                      Ali! joined the community, what a great idea. Although I seem to get around to LJ less often than GW LOL

                      ((Hugs)) to the whumpers ( and to you, Josie, I've had the same thing happen, not here though)

                      errr... what did I miss? LOL

                      Have to jam to work, have a wonderful day! ((hugs)) again and wish I could hang with you all!
                      My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                        Time for one post, so it's going to be packed in. Oh, Happy Friday, the 13th!

                        Erika, OMG! How scary. I am just so glad you and your family weren't hurt. You weren't, were you?

                        I thought I read somewhere that was reasonably reliable that they were going to take in to account TIVO and DVR numbers. I didn't read it here. I'll see if I can find the article. Just because someone watches a show live doesn't mean they watch the commercials, after all. That's when people do other things, like get something to eat or come here to squee!

                        Speculation on the way...
                        I wonder if
                        TR is refering to Weir. Maybe her injuries cause her to lose her memory. It's too late in the line up though, isn't it?

                        The reference to something from an ep late in S3 is to do with Teyla's discussion with the woman that blew up?

                        Did someone suggest these already? Sometimes there are so many pages to catch up on, I miss the occasional comment.

                        At this point, I don't even want to think about a Carter centered ep. there may be one were she is more prominent than normal, but would they really "give" her an ep? JM has said her role is supporting.

                        Josie, I love your interpretation of NOAS!

                        13.5 hours to return 2! SQUEEEEEEEEE!


                          *waves* Happy Friday to you all!

                          Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                          Just sneaking in quickly whilst at work!!

                          Josie - What a brilliant guess as to what
                          might mean. I'm going with that!

                          What she said!

                          Originally posted by *Erika* View Post

                          I feel so much better now being here, but it's just a flyby post, I'm on dial-up again just to say I haven't forgotten the WHUMP. This damn internet service is getting on my nerves, they instaled last week and three days later it does'nt work. And it will only be repaired on Monday, of course thay said the same thing for every single day of the week.

                          I'm feeling like crap this whole week with no shep whump to make me happy, so I'm just going to vent. I'm sorry for it, but I had the worse week of my life, if you don't want to be depressed just skip this post.

                          The worse Easter ever. Just the most horible thing that can happen to me actually did. Two armed men entered our house on saturday night while there were just me, my mother, my sister and her boyfriend (they are both under seventeen). They stayed from 9pm to almost 1am, with us inside my bedroom hearing them threaten us and specialy my brother in law. They tied us up (I like shep tied up, not me and my family ) and stole everything we owned. Things that we take a life time to build simply gone. They carried all in our car and left us tied. The house wasn't insured, just the car, that we were selling to pay the ton of debts my new office made. Now my house is empty and I have no idea when we're going to be able to buy it all again. The police says they are local, and they are probably selling everything in our own neighborhood, so our eyes are open. There a a lot of thieves living nearby so I don't doubt, especially because our six dogs didn't react or anything. Lucky that I brough all my stuff here just last week, but they took my Stargate DVDs!!!! Why would they want that???? They could have taken Star Wars, but no, they left it. All our documents, credit cards, cheques and this whole week is spent running after all this troubles.

                          Edit: My mother came from the police station saying that they have a suspect and they showed the picture of one of the guys, even hooded and with a covered face she was able to recognize the guy because he had a scar on the eye and a very big nose. They are working with the police of the nearby town were they mostly act. I trying to keep my hopes up, but I know what is this country that I live...

                          After this vent, I have to go before my phone bill goes to the sky...
                          Oh, Erika! You poor thing! I'm so glad you and your family are OK. It must be terribly difficult to lose your things. However, they can be replaced and you can't. I hope they find the people responsible and get your things back. (((HUGS))) to you.

                          Originally posted by bebop View Post
                          Well I suppose that was quite a nice way to hit another miley!!!!!!
                          Congrats on 800 bebop!

                          On TR,
                          if McKay truly is a blank slate, it could wind up being more of a team ep since his genius brain would be empty. It could be more of his team trying to help him remember or cure him.

                          JM's poem
                          said "parenthood comes to one". That is extremely vague. If this is the dark season, I would be more inclined to think that they'll find the survivors of a Wraith-ravaged world and one of the kids becomes attached to one of the team (like Ska'ara with Jack in the orginal SG movie). Having a child on Atlantis would definitely complicate matters. And the dark feeling would lead me towards an unhappy ending.

                          Sig by Luciana
                          My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                            Originally posted by Alipeeps
                            Okay the community is SGA Spoilers. It's very basic atm but I plan to work on it at the weekend and get it organised so we've got some rules and some spoiler-specific posts/indexes etc and prettify it a bit. It'll be fun to learn a bit more about how to play with LJ pages in the process.

                            Anyone volunteering to help maintain, please let me know.
                            Oh I thought Josie was setting it up...did she change her mind????

                            Originally posted by Josie View Post
                            I'm not feeling so talkative right now, feeling a bit down all of a sudden so I'm going to take a break for a little while. See you all later.

                            Yeah Josie I know exactly how you are feeling - my squee is not so squee today!


                              LOL Ruffles, I love that pic––"Whump: It's not cruelty, it's character development." *dies laughing* Green coming your way!

                              Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                                GG said: [SPOILERS/]
                                I still would love to see JFs original idea for Epiphany.

                                Hmmm, maybe we should try to get JF to jump into the world of fan fiction. We need to find out his favorite charity and get him to write Epiphany as he would have wanted to see it and then auction it off, proceeds to go to his charity. The whumpers could all go into together and make sure we won! What great publicity for the show. I'm sure JF could find a way to use the screenplay and add in his vision without ruffling feathers in the production offices and writers den.

                                I tried to do the multiple quotes thing but it doesn't seem to want to work for me. On the other hand, it's not like I talk a lot.

