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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
    I think you hit the nail on the head there, honey. That's exactly it and it's a huge part of why I am such a fan of JF's acting. No disrepect to excellent actors like DH whose style is more overt and dramatic, as it were, but I much prefer the subtlety of JF's acting.. I think that is actually harder to do and so utterly believable...
    totally agree ALI!! i prefer JF over DH too, dont get me wrong hes a great actor but like you say he's more overt and obvious and often JF gets overlooked because hes more subtle with it...which completely works for the character hes playing.
    i just love all the little nuances of JF's acting...*happy sigh* and this is why im so excited about season 4, if we're going to see lots of sides to shep we're gonna get more fantastic acting from Joe!!



      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
      He really is cute in that scene, and it's nice that he feels comfortable enough with her to show his vulnerability. That's it in a nut shell, Rodney is all about letting people know when he's upset, but it's very hard to see when Shep is hurting emotionally and physically, but it's all in his little expressions, the subtlety always tends to work on me better than it being blatant. But I would love to see him reach his breaking point, even if it's as a result of some alien device/mind control thing. Maybe in

      i really feel the need to go write something now, lol, maybe a lil tag to Sateda or something, lol.
      oh yeh im hoping in DG we will get some good emotional whumping as well as the physical sounds like this ep has much potential for sheppy angst and what not
      especially with the scary dreams and sheppy having nightmares squeee
      squeeeeee squeee!!!!!!!



        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        I think you hit the nail on the head there, honey. That's exactly it and it's a huge part of why I am such a fan of JF's acting. No disrepect to excellent actors like DH whose style is more overt and dramatic, as it were, but I much prefer the subtlety of JF's acting.. I think that is actually harder to do and so utterly believable...
        I don't think JF gets the half the credit he should, which is a real shame considering how good he is. DH is such an extrovert and it really works with his character and the writers love him because he's so much like them, geek boy and I mean that in the nicest way. I just wish sometimes that JF gets credited for his part a bit more. I actually liked Rodney more when he has those subtle moments of panic and emotion rather than OTT, because it's such a rarity that we see the vulnerable side of the boys and it's nice to have now and again. I hope we get some more emotional whump in S4 like we've seen in Sateda, even if it's just a couple of minutes.


          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
          I don't think JF gets the half the credit he should, which is a real shame considering how good he is. DH is such an extrovert and it really works with his character and the writers love him because he's so much like them, geek boy and I mean that in the nicest way. I just wish sometimes that JF gets credited for his part a bit more. I actually liked Rodney more when he has those subtle moments of panic and emotion rather than OTT, because it's such a rarity that we see the vulnerable side of the boys and it's nice to have now and again. I hope we get some more emotional whump in S4 like we've seen in Sateda, even if it's just a couple of minutes.
          totally agree JF rarely gets any of the praise which is such a shame because hes such a fantastic actor...then again none of them do...only ever DH...rachel did great in the ark, jason did great in sateda.....where was their praise as well. when tptb talk about seaosn 3 ive heard great praise for mm and m, and tao.....wheres the praise for common ground which on this forum is actually the most popular ep of season 3 with TRW 2nd (ironically my most hated ep ever which ive never watched again, but apparently torri did a good job)!!



            Originally posted by Josie View Post
            That scene makes me laugh a little bit too it's the...
  's the look on poor Shep's face when Teyla says he has no friends. "I have friends!" He's all indignant but at the same time he's being too defensive. It's sad but funny at the same time.
            Me too, as you say its the indignation at the reference that he has no friends....poor wooby..!!!

            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
            I love that bit

            I think in Sateda there were some really good Shep moments, and team moments. So I think they'll get the balance with this to... I hope.

            I still get choked up at that scene. I think if we were to get that every ep it would lose it's...what's the word? Impact?

            Sateda pix


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            Oh fab caps mate!!!! I really feel for him at that point..

            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
            He really is cute in that scene, and it's nice that he feels comfortable enough with her to show his vulnerability. That's it in a nut shell, Rodney is all about letting people know when he's upset, but it's very hard to see when Shep is hurting emotionally and physically, but it's all in his little expressions, the subtlety always tends to work on me better than it being blatant. But I would love to see him reach his breaking point, even if it's as a result of some alien device/mind control thing. Maybe in

            i really feel the need to go write something now, lol, maybe a lil tag to Sateda or something, lol.
            Quick Peg......go write...before the bunny goes away!!!!

            I've just been sitting in my mums garden and I got sunburnt!!!! Its now about 19 degrees!!!! and aparently its due to continue for the easter weekend..

            my fan fiction place


              Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
              totally agree JF rarely gets any of the praise which is such a shame because hes such a fantastic actor...then again none of them do...only ever DH...rachel did great in the ark, jason did great in sateda.....where was their praise as well. when tptb talk about seaosn 3 ive heard great praise for mm and m, and tao.....wheres the praise for common ground which on this forum is actually the most popular ep of season 3 with TRW 2nd (ironically my most hated ep ever which ive never watched again, but apparently torri did a good job)!!
              I don't watch TRW, or should I say that I've only watched it twice and the second time was for BamBam!!!!!

              my fan fiction place


                What y'all said! the problem these days is that people seem to love that OTT, chew the scenery, screaming, in your face kind of acting. The subtle performances just aren't appreciated any more. I don't know why. Most people really don't like that kind of behaior in their everyday RL, so why is it so admired on the screen?

                Love the pics, everyone! Many thanks! I must take the lift (elevator for the US whumpers) down into the mine again. It's gonna be another sweaty, pick ax kind of day. i just love working in an office! LOL


                  Originally posted by bebop View Post
                  I don't watch TRW, or should I say that I've only watched it twice and the second time was for BamBam!!!!!
                  i didnt even manage to watch the whole way through the first time i got it....i was so bored and then i thought well maybe on a second viewing...nope i didnt even make it past about 10 minutes before i stopped it, not even shep can save this ep for me because he's so OOC add that to the others standin around and not even caring about weir dying....blaaah no thanks...i have every single season 3 ep on my comp except that one.
                  and what we were saying about the awkwardness and greatness of that scene in sateda where he finds it so difficult to speak and then in this ep hes suddently saying all these things and saying all these corny lines....gah..just no!!
                  yes im ranting about this ep again..i cant help it lol



                    Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                    i didnt even manage to watch the whole way through the first time i got it....i was so bored and then i thought well maybe on a second viewing...nope i didnt even make it past about 10 minutes before i stopped it, not even shep can save this ep for me because he's so OOC add that to the others standin around and not even caring about weir dying....blaaah no thanks...i have every single season 3 ep on my comp except that one.
                    and what we were saying about the awkwardness and greatness of that scene in sateda where he finds it so difficult to speak and then in this ep hes suddently saying all these things and saying all these corny lines....gah..just no!!
                    yes im ranting about this ep again..i cant help it lol
                    I know how you feel, and agree with you. Shep was OOC, and none of the episode worked for me


                      Originally posted by bebop View Post
                      Me too, as you say its the indignation at the reference that he has no friends....poor wooby..!!!
                      Awwwww woobie Sheppard!! *tackles Sheppy to the ground in a flying hug*

                      Originally posted by bebop View Post
                      I've just been sitting in my mums garden and I got sunburnt!!!! Its now about 19 degrees!!!! and aparently its due to continue for the easter weekend..
                      OMG! Sunshine on a bank holiday weekend in the UK? It's the end of the WORLD!!! *runs off screaming*

                      P.S. I may have gone slightly insane this afternoon. I'm just sayin'...


                        Well I've got to go get ready for work tonight, so have fun whumpers and don't let the squeeeeee get away!!!!...

                        and if you're bored....for anyone who's interested...
                        Desperate Hours Chapter Two

                        my fan fiction place


                          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                          Awwwww woobie Sheppard!! *tackles Sheppy to the ground in a flying hug*

                          OMG! Sunshine on a bank holiday weekend in the UK? It's the end of the WORLD!!! *runs off screaming*

                          P.S. I may have gone slightly insane this afternoon. I'm just sayin'...
                          *Backs away from Ali veeery slowly*..its alright..*waves hands down and looked around for the restraints*...Its Ok...Thursday is nearly over mate, hold on!!!!

                          my fan fiction place


                            Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                            What y'all said! the problem these days is that people seem to love that OTT, chew the scenery, screaming, in your face kind of acting. The subtle performances just aren't appreciated any more. I don't know why. Most people really don't like that kind of behaior in their everyday RL, so why is it so admired on the screen?

                            Love the pics, everyone! Many thanks! I must take the lift (elevator for the US whumpers) down into the mine again. It's gonna be another sweaty, pick ax kind of day. i just love working in an office! LOL
                            totally agree..i dont like OTT acting if i wanted that i'd watch eastenders (for those in the UK) or one tree hill/oc!!lol
                            at least we all appreciate joe...and if he ever came on here and went to the ep poll he'd know how well received CG was, and thats not just us voting over there for him! you know the other day i was in the ep thread and there was rarely a bad thing said about that ep, unlike the other eps where opinions are so varied!!



                              Originally posted by bebop View Post
                              Well I've got to go get ready for work tonight, so have fun whumpers and don't let the squeeeeee get away!!!!...

                              and if you're bored....for anyone who's interested...
                              Desperate Hours Chapter Two
                              You evil cliffie lady!!!! Only kidding. Another suspense filled chapter that had me wanting, RIGHT NOW!!!! Well done!


                                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                                I know how you feel, and agree with you. Shep was OOC, and none of the episode worked for me
                                nope nothing worked for me!!
                                even in the rodney centric eps where im bitter about them lol, i can always find stuff in them i love....ok generally theyre the shep scenes lol but not always...theres plenty of rodney scenes i like too *gasp lol*...but in TRW there was just nothing i liked about it and nothing can save it for me!!
                                if shep had been affected too that mightve been a bit more interesting, but even that really pissed me off how these nanites (or nitrates as the sky one person calls them lol) these super intelligent multiplying computers ignored another host to infect because "they were too busy" WTF??!!!
                                gah...pile of crap!!!

                                SIG BY MY SISTER OBSESSED1! WHEN SHEP GOES WHUMP I GO THUNK! My LJ

