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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
    Do you get Sleuth channel? I have DirecTV and it's one of the channels on there. They have shown Thoughcrimes several times.

    Let me know if you find any good fics. The current WIP by Stealth Dragon/CC is quite good.
    nope, got nothing like that around here. Just got cable TV.

    I am busy reading Running on Empty by Sholio. Published last year, and well, never read it. so its going well. Still not he torture fic I was hoping for though.................


      Evening whumpers. I got to see half of Tru Calling, then had to switch over, but I Sky +'d it so I'll watch tomorrow. Boy, does Joe make an attractive corpse!!!!!

      Er, I like Sheppy in the yellow glasses from Coup....*runs away and hides*


        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
        Maybe you need to campaigne for Shep to be living when he's shot, fevered and restrained whilst nekid under the infirmary blanket, lol

        I agree!!!!

        Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
        Howdy Whumpers! *waves*

        Ah, Sheppy D.....JM liked your pug! SQUEEE!

        Yes he liked the pic!!!!


          congrats Roo, on 4,600 posts!!!!


            Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
            nope, got nothing like that around here. Just got cable TV.

            I am busy reading Running on Empty by Sholio. Published last year, and well, never read it. so its going well. Still not he torture fic I was hoping for though.................
            Oh, I LOVE that one. One of my very favorites. If you're looking for torture, have you read "Eyes Wide Open" by Stealth Dragon? Not for the faint of heart. You might also try "Uncommon Alliance" by StarGalaxy. It's a WIP.
            Sig by Luciana
            My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
              congrats Roo, on 4,600 posts!!!!
              4,600! Ditto - wow we are eating our way through the milestones on the thread


                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                congrats Roo, on 4,600 posts!!!!
                Wot she said!
                Sig by Luciana
                My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                  Originally posted by Listy View Post
                  4,600! Ditto - wow we are eating our way through the milestones on the thread
                  You will have a big milestone coming up next!


                    Originally posted by bebop View Post
                    This is really for Ruffles because she gave me 'that look'...

                    Desperate Hours Chapter One
                    Excellent. Runs off to read...

                    Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                    oh WTF theyve just announced hot zone on sky one next and they said "nitrate virus" DOH nanite virus sky one nanite!!!stupid sky!!

                    seen a skyone advert with 24 and lost in the forefront a bit of battlestar gallactica, and oh as long as you dont blink and miss it you can briefly see teyla in vengeance...briefly indeed oh and a blink and miss it scene from talion sg1!! woah hows that for advertising not!!!

                    at least i get double joe zone and at 8pm on scifi tru calling!! lovely!!
                    OMG! Nitrate virus? What's wrong with them? Stupid Sky!!!

                    Originally posted by Tristen View Post
                    Oops! Sorry, didn't mean to tease! *grins* I've only read two of 'em so far, but as far as I can tell, she likes to whump Shep. I hope you haven't already read them!

                    ga unicorn

                    There you go, Ruffles! If I find any more, I'll let you know

                    X Tristen
                    I've read all of her stories. They're wonderful!!!!

                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    First coupla paragraphs for ya:

                    The first thing John was aware of was cold; a smooth, hard, cold surface under his cheek, a bone-deep chill that leeched through his skin from the cold floor (he hoped it was a floor?) and from the frigid air. The second thing he was aware of was discomfort; he felt stiff and achy, as though he’d been lying in the same position for far too long. His head was throbbing gently and his left arm was tucked under him in an awkward position, his body weight pressing it uncomfortably against the floor. He felt decidedly… groggy.

                    With a reluctant groan he moved a leg experimentally, breathing a little easier when the movement wasn’t rewarded by pain. Lifting his head was a little less fun; he blinked his eyes open woozily and was met by a blurred expanse of orangey-brown. Forcing his eyes to focus through the ache in his head, the pattern resolved into something familiar, if not usually from such an intimate perspective; he was looking at the smooth, metallic-compound floor of Atlantis from a distance of not more than an inch or two. Raising his head to try and see anything beyond the end of his nose triggered an upgrade from throbbing to pounding that made him scrunch his eyes closed and rest his cheek quickly back on the cool floor.

                    He gave a heartfelt groan and tried to concentrate on just breathing as he waited for the pain to settle to a manageable level. When he opened his eyes again the same close-up view of the floor awaited him; he took a deep breath before having another go at lifting his head. The headache was tolerable this time and he was able to expand his view of the floor to include the more immediate environment; smooth walls in tones of pale blue and green – definitely Atlantis – and looming over him what appeared from this angle to be a couple of consoles of the kind they often found in the various labs scattered about the city. He frowned. What he could see of the room didn’t look particularly familiar but then he wasn’t usually looking at rooms from this unique perspective.
                    Oooooh! More please!!! YUMMY!

                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    Can I just say?

                    You may, and :

                    SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! right back at ya!!!!


                      Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                      Oh, I LOVE that one. One of my very favorites. If you're looking for torture, have you read "Eyes Wide Open" by Stealth Dragon? Not for the faint of heart. You might also try "Uncommon Alliance" by StarGalaxy. It's a WIP.
                      OMG I read Eyes Wide Open it was scary, I loved it very disturbing!! and Uncommon Alliance is good so far. I haven't read many of Sholio's must go check them out


                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        Evening whumpers. I got to see half of Tru Calling, then had to switch over, but I Sky +'d it so I'll watch tomorrow. Boy, does Joe make an attractive corpse!!!!!

                        Er, I like Sheppy in the yellow glasses from Coup....*runs away and hides*
                        yay another glasses person...anyway its not the glasses i like but the man in them
                        and yes he does make a good looking corpse....but hes even better when hes alive!!
                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        congrats Roo, on 4,600 posts!!!!
                        Thanks linzi!!



                          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                          Oh, I LOVE that one. One of my very favorites. If you're looking for torture, have you read "Eyes Wide Open" by Stealth Dragon? Not for the faint of heart. You might also try "Uncommon Alliance" by StarGalaxy. It's a WIP.

                          I read Eyes Wide Open when it got posted. Talk about OMG!!! I can handle things, but that one actually ahd my stomach flipping in a not to pleasant manner.

                          Uncommon alliance huh? Have to check back when that one is finished. I don't do WIPS. Invested too much of my time into stories that were never finished. *sigh*

                          Am I the only desperate for new Shep whump?


                            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                            I have read a couple of those. Don't know what else you've tried. I would recommend anything written by our Whumpers (I'll forget somebody if I try to name them all - trust me, they're great). Another great writer is Sholio (if one of you Whumpers is Sholio - speak up!). Her current WIP is simply fantastic.
                            Yes, the Whumpers are fantastic writers! Have been steadily going through all of their wonderful stories Which reminds me, still got Bebop's stories to read! SQUEEE!! Uhm...let's see, Sholio's on my to-read list, though I have already read a couple of hers. Kodiak Bear Country- awesome fics. Skypig21's The Known World. Hm..that's about it, I think. Oh, Baroqy's still on my to-read list, and so are a whole bunch of other stories! It's a good thing it's almost Easter; I should have some time to catch up to all these fics!

                            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                            That is so NOT true. I have no creativity. I'm good with grammar and punctuation - but dulldulldull when it comes to ideas. You are blessed with a true gift for words. Your fics (and posts) are well thought-out and thought provoking. All writers (from what I hear) have writers block. Don't let your sense of perfectionism get the better of you. We encourage you to write because you are talented. But don't put so much pressure on yourself that you can't enjoy the process. We'll wait for you.
                            I'm the same. I can never come up with a decent plot, and if, on the rare occasion, I do come up with one that's half-descent, I always get stuck on dialogue. You, on the other hand, Josie ARE creative, and very talented! I completely agree with what Ruffles said. We love your stories and always look forward to new stuff from you, but not if it makes you feel unhappy. Take your time, write whenever you feel like it, no pressure. We're not going anywhere

                            Err- except for now, 'cause I'm off to bed! Just about dead on my feet though I have no idea why; I've barely done anything today!

                            Anyway, have a great Shep-whump night, everyone! Oh, and I'm already looking forward to checking JM's blog tomorrow morning! They're supposed to be filming Travelers this week, right? Who knows, maybe there'll be some goodies waiting for us! Yes, I am an optimist


                            X Tristen

                            Thanks to the lovely Pegasus SGA for the awesome sig!


                              Originally posted by Listy View Post
                              OMG I read Eyes Wide Open it was scary, I loved it very disturbing!! and Uncommon Alliance is good so far. I haven't read many of Sholio's must go check them out
                              Sholio's current WIP (Light of a Fading Sun) is unbelievably good. Very thought-provoking and a little heart-breaking. My world stops when a new chapter is posted.
                              Sig by Luciana
                              My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                                Originally posted by Listy View Post
                                4,600! Ditto - wow we are eating our way through the milestones on the thread
                                Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                                Wot she said!
                                thanks guys!!
                                i think we will have a lot of milestones before the beginning of season 4!!
                                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                                OMG! Nitrate virus? What's wrong with them? Stupid Sky!!!
                                i know i know *shakes head*

                                SIG BY MY SISTER OBSESSED1! WHEN SHEP GOES WHUMP I GO THUNK! My LJ

