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John Sheppard Whump

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    Happy Wednesday! Only 60.5 hours to new eps! SQUEEEEE

    I must admit to being a whumper and a thunker. *holds head up proudly* The pics on the JFT are just!

    I will be friending some whumpers this week, if that's okay. My LJ is sadly in need of a major makeover, but I need to get working on it. I'm just too lazy, and too busy in here or writing! LOL

    Hope you're feeling better GG, SGAFan, Joise and all the whumped whumpers. I must work now. Almost everyone is in today, so I can't come and play.


      60.5 hours left???? that is too long
      Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
        *does happy dance* Looking forward to the new chappie. I'm good with it being all Rodney. Gives perspective.

        I, too, bid you all goodnight. Whumpy Shep dreams!
        Well, it wont be ALL ROdney. LOL I'm on to Shep next, probably tonight

        Originally posted by Lorr View Post

        Yes, I did, Sweetie! I am brain dead at night. Work is draining it out of me lately. It's amazing I get anything coherent out at all.

        GG, (do I have the name right? lol) I am glad to hear the meds are working.
        LOL No worries Lorr!

        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
        WB SGA! Sorry you're still not completely better The WP's are as wonderful as ever. Thanks for the link! I hope you get back to 100% very soon, and I'm so impressed you haven't even missed a days work. The whumpers here are very hard workers, I think Well, except for me
        Linzi! *hugs* Thanks, sorry I missed you! Glad you liked the WPs. I"ve come close to missing work, but not quite.

        Josie, feel better!

        Ok, so I had like 1.5 seconds to catch up here before I have to leave for work. I"m sure I missed something as I had to skip through pages. *gah*

        ((HUGS)) WHumpers! Have a good day! TTYL!
        My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


          cya sgafan!
          Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


            Originally posted by Lorr View Post
            Happy Wednesday! Only 60.5 hours to new eps! SQUEEEEE

            I must admit to being a whumper and a thunker. *holds head up proudly* The pics on the JFT are just!

            I will be friending some whumpers this week, if that's okay. My LJ is sadly in need of a major makeover, but I need to get working on it. I'm just too lazy, and too busy in here or writing! LOL

            Hope you're feeling better GG, SGAFan, Joise and all the whumped whumpers. I must work now. Almost everyone is in today, so I can't come and play.
            Sorry, I just couldn't whump and thunk. I don't think I've even posted in the JFT..oooh, my nose is getting longer!!!

            You guys must be so excited about Friday night! I pray the viewing figures are going to be good!


              Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
              Well, it wont be ALL ROdney. LOL I'm on to Shep next, probably tonight

              LOL No worries Lorr!

              Linzi! *hugs* Thanks, sorry I missed you! Glad you liked the WPs. I"ve come close to missing work, but not quite.

              Josie, feel better!

              Ok, so I had like 1.5 seconds to catch up here before I have to leave for work. I"m sure I missed something as I had to skip through pages. *gah*

              ((HUGS)) WHumpers! Have a good day! TTYL!
              Hello and goodbye, sweetie! Have a good day!


                Originally posted by angelwings9 View Post
                i know the feeling- although i did manage to go and really anoy the hell of of the poor buggars over on the 'born-again Christian' thread- those born-again just hate it when someone rips holes in their religion! lol (what can i say? i was bored, drunk and angry!) now i think their all busy praying for my soul! Good luck guys! ha ha.

                JM's blog is really amusing, loving cheek devils comment, didn't get many spoilers though. i'll keep me eye out just incase. BTW i lost all my links (in my favorites) a while ago and i'm really bad a remembering them, do you have JF'S or DH'S, man i miss laughing at his sisters cat! lol ta in advance.
                angel - we try to keep this thread loving and friendly. We only whump Shep. We want everyone to feel welcome here. Please try to remember that some of those "born again" (like me) are on this thread too. I will do my best to make you feel loved and accepted here. I would ask that you afford me the same courtesy.

                Now, back to our regularly scheduled whump:

                Sig by Luciana
                My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                  gtg all cya later
                  Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                    Morning/Afternoon I am alive once more after a few hours sleep. And in anticipation of Travelers I thought a baby pix spam for CG was in order


                    bound, beaten and interfaced, squeeeeeeeee


                      Originally posted by Josie View Post
                      You're welcome

                      I ventured out of the whump thread again today and posted my ideas for Missing in the spoilers and spec thread. Which means they'll probably be totally ignored I don't think I've ever made a post outside of my usual threads that hasn't been ignored.
                      Well I commented on your post, and really liked your speculation! I thought it made a wonderful scenario, and I could really see it happening


                        Eeek! I have 666 rep points!! And it's coming up to Friday the 13th quick think of something green worthy I can do.

                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        Well I commented on your post, and really liked your speculation! I thought it made a wonderful scenario, and I could really see it happening
                        Thanks Linzi.


                          Originally posted by Josie View Post
                          Eeek! I have 666 rep points!! And it's coming up to Friday the 13th quick think of something green worthy I can do.

                          Thanks Linzi.
                          Tried to green you, but it wouldn't let me It won't help, but mental green to ya'.
                          Sig by Luciana
                          My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                            Tried to green you, but it wouldn't let me It won't help, but mental green to ya'.
                            Aw thank you for trying. I think I'll have to work for it some how though God only knows how, I'm not good at getting green.


                              Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                              I'm still tryin to get all my con experiences posted. So far I only got part of day one. I loved that we ahd the LJ to go too when GW was down those couple days a bit ago. We could still talk whump and Squee. So it is a very effective tool.

                              I think I got quite a few whumpers in my friends. At least those with names I know. Does anyone have an LJ account where they go by a different name than here on GW?
                              Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                              Mine is here if anyone wants to friend me! I think most people here already have- but if anyone has an LJ and they want to post a link too that would be good!!

                              We should get some whumpy chat going on our LJ's!!!!!!
                              Originally posted by Josie View Post
                              Well I do but you know that already GG. For anyone else you can find my journal here
                              Pocus has a different name I want to say Abraca but I'm not sure that's right. Prion is Wraithfodder, Merlin is clarkangel, IWTB is kodiak_bear obviously and CC is kriadydragon and then there's lostinspace who is balikpulang. That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

                              Yeah it just gets better and better doesn't it? And I'm completely in love with Hiro and Pete, you just want to cuddle both of them.

                              Have you ever thought about starting a LJ spoiler comm?
                              Originally posted by bebop View Post
                     dull brain has just worked it out!!!! Panic over...

                              My LJ
                              Lots of talk about LJ today. I have an account named Abracah (Josie was very close). but have no clue how to use it. I have a couple of stories there that are on FF. I got it because I like to be able to leave reviews and not be anonymous. Most of the time I do remember to type my GW name though. I have no friends though . I guess I am not brave enough to play there much.

                              GG that was a wonderful idea to play there when (heaven forbid) GW goes away *sniff*

                              Well back to work. My next group is showing up to learn all about metamorphosis. (I love making 4 yearl olds say long words)


                                Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                                Lots of talk about LJ today. I have an account named Abracah (Josie was very close). but have no clue how to use it. I have a couple of stories there that are on FF. I got it because I like to be able to leave reviews and not be anonymous. Most of the time I do remember to type my GW name though. I have no friends though . I guess I am not brave enough to play there much.

                                GG that was a wonderful idea to play there when (heaven forbid) GW goes away *sniff*

                                Well back to work. My next group is showing up to learn all about metamorphosis. (I love making 4 yearl olds say long words)
                                You have a friend now.

