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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    I'm preparing myself for there not being much. Then maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised? I really, really want season 4 to be the best, and I am hopeful it will be. Problem is, I over-analyse everything, and I'm not writing the show, other people are. Thus, perhaps the lack of whump does disappoint because I've let my imagination run away with me, and seen in my head what I'd write? I blame Brad Wright He wrote 38 Minutes, Joe acted so beautifully and convincingly in it, and I thought we'd get more of the same - he gave me expectations of more of the same happening sometime down the line. I just adore that episode, and maybe it just can't be topped on the whump front? We haven't really had much more in the same vein since. TDO is a favourite of mine too, as is CG. But the emotion and powerful acting in 38 Minutes hasn't been replicated, IMO. Maybe season 4 will readdress that? Maybe not.
    However, I love other aspects of the show too. Many other aspects, and sometimes I have to remind myself of that! Whump rules supreme, for sure, it's what I crave the most, along with good character moments and interaction and good stories.

    Anyway, I'm going to be cautiously optimistic. This time is difficult for some of us, because there aren't any new episodes for a long time.

    Yep, that's what I'd write!
    Poor Roo, I think you've been scarred for life after P!

    It probably wouldn't, to be honest, but at least we know it's not just us that feel Sheppard has been short-changed on the backstory front.

    Poor Roo. I hope Uni et al improve soon. I've certainly not lost my squee. If I lost my squee permanently I wouldn't watch the show anymore or post here. We need to just 'stay positive'

    You all know I don't like AU's very much because nothing really happens to the real characters in them. I feel short-changed, because there are no consequences. The magic reset button can be frustrating for a fan, I'd agree.
    thats the problem weve got so much time to over analyse stuff and speculate that we go above and beyond with what we want and then now if we dont get anything really substancial might end up being a bit disappointed, i mean any whump is great dont get me wrong but when youre expecting loads and then you dont get it its a bit anti-climatic. i am still scarred when it comes to phantoms, just because you think of all these great things that can happen and then when you get nothing its a pain.
    im still excited about season4 i am but i do think i need to stop over speculating on things because otherwise when it comes to an ep and we dont get much, ill be disapointed. yes whump isnt the be and end all but i really love it and a lot of time can make me enjoy an ep more! i know we cant have it all the time but when we do get it i always want it to be really GOOD!! i love all aspects of sheppy of course dont get me wrong.
    i agree about AUs which is why
    dream whump doesnt get me as excited as some of you...because its not our sheppy getting it and when all is said and done when whoever wakes up the whump doesnt acount for anything

    same with feeling short-changed with backstory (doesnt surprise me most people want it for shep as well) i just want something to satisfy me!

    yeh uni is a pain, stressful!! with RL being a bit of a downer at the moment (because ive got so much work to do!) it kinda does affect my squee, espesh if my hopes of
    full contact extreme whump for our shep e.g might not happen

    i dont think we will get an ep that beats 38 minutes and thats rather sad isnt it? that was season 1 for christs sake, id love an ep in seaosn 4 to rival it but the more i think about it the more i think we wont. CG came close and conversion and tdo are great eps but nothing can quite beat the intensity of 38 mins. and i have to put up with annoying ford when i watch that ep!!!

    Originally posted by Salty View Post
    It occured to me that with all the Travelers squeee vs DG squeeee, and then the posting of the Travellers drawing on JM's blog.....
    even if we get tied up Shep having blood drawn from him, I'm happy with bound, bruised Shep reacting to the blood thing. And he just might be unconscious, head rolling to one side as they tilt his neck to stick that thing on. So even if that's the whump we get, JM did say "bound, beaten" so I'm contenting myself with that.
    im starting to think i should just be happy with what we get
    beaten and bound is pretty good and blood taken by force!
    but i guess i just have high expectations to be met...i want more damnit!!
    i dont think i can trick myself into thinking im satisfied with whump in an ep with shep just getting a papercut..even if it is blood



      Originally posted by bebop View Post
      Hi SGA!!!!!! nice to see you's the squee?
      Squee is most excellent, especially with what I've been reading recently

      hows you?
      My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


        Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
        LOL! Hiya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        LTNS to you too! ((HUGS)) Love the siggie
        Are we going to be seeing more of you??????

        We need you to join the shumpy squee!!!


          Originally posted by Josie View Post
          I didn't think we knew anything about Missing yet
          other than it being a Teyla ep.
          Its more something a feeling than facts of any kind... *shrug* Dunno

          Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
          *sighs* Just when SGAFan has returned, I have to go. RL is calling me. I'll be back later.
          Well, I have to go too *wave*
          My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


            Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
            Are we going to be seeing more of you??????

            We need you to join the shumpy squee!!!
            Going to try! Mornings seem to be when I catch you all. I've breezed by in the evenings/nights but no one's been around (damn time zones. LOL)

            ((HUGS)) I want to join the SQUEE!!
            My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


              Bah! Time flies!

              Sorry Peeps! Have to go! Take care and great to see you all! ((HUGS))
              My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                Morning all!

                Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                *waves again* Hi you guys! Anyone around? I haven't been here in quite a while but wanted to say hi (again!) god, where does time go? Haven't had much online time recently, been so busy! Been trying to write though.

                *see's over 100 pages of missed chat and faints*

                Err... how is everyone?
                SGAFan!! *bear hug* Good to see you! You''ve been missed.

                Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                oh, yeah! I'm intrigued by the teasers that we've gotten and spoilers that we've read on teh direction the entire series is going.

                it almost seems like the entire Atlantis universe is changing somehow, I dont know, can't put my finger on it, but from what we've seen it FEELS very different. (especially what I"ve seen of the early eps like Missing) I can't put my finger on it (and obviously cant put coherent words to my thoughts yet. LOL) but I feel like something (or somethings) is/are radically different... and you definitely can feel how much of a soft reset was in First Strike...
                JM has said that
                S4 will be darker than the first 3. Is that what you're sensing?
                Sig by Luciana
                My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                  cya sgafan
                  Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                    Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                    Bah! Time flies!

                    Sorry Peeps! Have to go! Take care and great to see you all! ((HUGS))
                    Bye, SGA! come back soon!!!


                      Originally posted by Salty View Post
                      Heck, S4 is sounding promising! 20 more eps of Shep! And the whumping is the icing!
                      season 4 sure sounds pretty i wish the whumping was the whole cake and the icing mwhaha
                      Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                      oh, yeah! I'm intrigued by the teasers that we've gotten and spoilers that we've read on teh direction the entire series is going.

                      it almost seems like the entire Atlantis universe is changing somehow, I dont know, can't put my finger on it, but from what we've seen it FEELS very different. (especially what I"ve seen of the early eps like Missing) I can't put my finger on it (and obviously cant put coherent words to my thoughts yet. LOL) but I feel like something (or somethings) is/are radically different... and you definitely can feel how much of a soft reset was in First Strike...
                      it does feel different, but in a good way i think. definately darker and more character development in the works...except the backstory issue of course, but i guess there is always season 5....if we get it of course. *crosses fingers, toes, arms, legs...looses balance and falls over face first into keyboard* oops!!



                        Congrats on 11,700 posts Linzi! I can't believe how fast that post count is climbing!
                        Last edited by caty; 23 April 2007, 08:46 AM.
                        *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                          Originally posted by caty View Post
                          Congrats on 11,700 posts Linzi! I can't believe how fast that thread count is climbing!
                          What she said!
                          Sig by Luciana
                          My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                            Originally posted by caty View Post
                            Congrats on 11,700 posts Linzi! I can't believe how fast that thread count is climbing!
                            Congratulations on 11700 posts!!!!!!!! Woo hoo!!!!!


                              wtg linzi!!!
                              Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                                Congrats Linzi

