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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    Me too. I wish them all the best. I'll be sorry to see SG1 go, but there's the movies to look forward to, so it's not even ending yet. Another reason why I don't understand the need to have so many SG1 characters coming over to Atlantis.
    Exactly SG1 isn't ending just changing format, it seems we're looking at three films at least and who knows what will happen then. In fact if the SG1 films are successful then I wouldn't be surprised if SGA goes the same way in a couple of seasons time.


      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
      Quick rant while in work....

      Just checked my PM's and i've got an infraction for my sig.... does that mean that some moaning meanie has reported my sig?

      Well they either don't like Shep, lol, or they love the decisions made by the powers that be...either way I have to make a choice....


      *jumps off soap box* Have I offended someone again, lol.
      I should imagine it's because it is (a) bigger than it should be and (b) the file size is too large. Every now and then they pick up on these things, it's not because anyone has reported you.


        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
        Quick rant while in work....

        Just checked my PM's and i've got an infraction for my sig.... does that mean that some moaning meanie has reported my sig?

        Well they either don't like Shep, lol, or they love the decisions made by the powers that be...either way I have to make a choice....


        *jumps off soap box* Have I offended someone again, lol.
        What did they say was wrong with your siggie? I can't remember what it looked like, or is it your penguin one? I know the mods have said rules for the sigs will be enforced, but, yes, I'm sure someone probably reported you for it. Some people seem to really enjoy doing that! I've actually seen some people online here posting and saying they'll report every sig that breaks rules. Sort of the amateur sig patrol


          The thing with sigs is that I'd say about 40% of the people on this board have sigs that exceed the dimension/file size limits but seem to get away with it most of the time. The mods need to clarify things a little better and if they are going to pull people up for it be consistent.


            Originally posted by Josie View Post
            Exactly SG1 isn't ending just changing format, it seems we're looking at three films at least and who knows what will happen then. In fact if the SG1 films are successful then I wouldn't be surprised if SGA goes the same way in a couple of seasons time.
            Indeed. If SGA ends, I'd like to see some movies.


              Originally posted by Josie View Post
              The thing with sigs is that I'd say about 40% of the people on this board have sigs that exceed the dimension/file size limits but seem to get away with it most of the time they need to clarify things a little better and if they are going to pull people up for it be consistant.


                They said that while cool, lol, it was too big. I know my sig for Shep is the right size, so maybe because i had them stacked that was the problem? Apparently it was reported on the 'Will you watch S4' wonder who I ticked off there? So many enemies on so many threads, lol. I'll have to fix it when I get home, cos my boss keeps looking over my shoulder and asking what whump is, lol. I daren't tell him since we're supposed to be protecting people against whump, not promoting it, lol. SO, I don't think he'd get it even if it is make believe, hehehe.


                  Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                  They said that while cool, lol, it was too big. I know my sig for Shep is the right size, so maybe because i had them stacked that was the problem? Apparently it was reported on the 'Will you watch S4' wonder who I ticked off there? So many enemies on so many threads, lol. I'll have to fix it when I get home, cos my boss keeps looking over my shoulder and asking what whump is, lol. I daren't tell him since we're supposed to be protecting people against whump, not promoting it, lol. SO, I don't think he'd get it even if it is make believe, hehehe.
                  Oh I don't think the reporting of your sig was personal. I think some just think it's their job to report any infraction of the rules they see, which, of course, they're totally entitled to do, and in all fairness the mods encourage because they can't be everywhere at the same time. I personally couldn't be bothered to squeal about such trivialities, to be honest, but some just love to do it. I always report actor or poster bashing though.


                    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                    They said that while cool, lol, it was too big. I know my sig for Shep is the right size, so maybe because i had them stacked that was the problem? Apparently it was reported on the 'Will you watch S4' wonder who I ticked off there? So many enemies on so many threads, lol. I'll have to fix it when I get home, cos my boss keeps looking over my shoulder and asking what whump is, lol. I daren't tell him since we're supposed to be protecting people against whump, not promoting it, lol. SO, I don't think he'd get it even if it is make believe, hehehe.
                    The size dimensions account for absolutely everything in your sig combined, text and pictures not just each individual picture - combined they should be no more than 700x200 pixels. And animated gifs are not supposed to be above 50kb in file size, your penguin gif is 443.99kb.

                    As someone who had dial-up until very recently I can understand the need for people to keep the size of their sigs down, it just seems some people can get away with it.


                      Originally posted by Josie View Post
                      The thing with sigs is that I'd say about 40% of the people on this board have sigs that exceed the dimension/file size limits but seem to get away with it most of the time. The mods need to clarify things a little better and if they are going to pull people up for it be consistent.
                      The problem is the Mods don't really have time to do so - as you say, so many exceed the limits that they'd spend all day on it. So they pretty much only deal with ones that are reported to them/

                      Originally posted by Josie View Post
                      The size dimensions account for absolutely everything in your sig combined, text and pictures not just each individual picture - combined they should be no more than 700x200 pixels. And animated gifs are not supposed to be above 50kb in file size, your penguin gif is 443.99kb.

                      As someone who had dial-up until very recently I can understand the need for people to keep the size of their sigs down, it just seems some people can get away with it.
                      It will almost certainly be because of the file size that someone reported your sig Peggy... although one can't entirely rule out a malicious motivation! I admit I do report over-sized sigs now and then... but usually only ones that are ridiculously huge and blatantly over the limits.. I can't help thinking of poor folks like Josie (as she used to be) struggling on dial up. If it's someone know even vaguely tho I will usually send them a friendly PM to give them a heads up rather than reporting them. The sig rules can be a little confusing (many people still don't seem to realise that images in spoiler tags still count within the overall size limit!) and it's easy for folks, especially newbies, to run afoul of them. Most people don't even realise they had broken the rules and are glad to correct it...


                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        Oh Roo, how horrible to have some perve trying to hit on you! That's happened to me before and it isn't nice, is it? Hugs to you!
                        I agree about some of these threads. In spoilers for OTness
                        Being so negative and posters getting themselves in such a state is not conducive to being in a healthy frame of mind, and most importantly, being happy. Surely it's better to either accept the changes, have reservations by all means, but if not, just give the new season a try or just to move on? It's a tv programme for goodness sake, and if makes people that unhappy, what on Earth is the point in watching it and whining endlessly, and making themselves miserable? It's like torturing yourself, in my opinion. Being so negative all the time just isn't good for the individuals feeling that way. It's a really unhealthy attitude to have. Life is so short, something that's really been brought home to me recently, and if Atlantis made me that negative and that unhappy, I would not watch it and wouldn't be involved in the fandom anymore. I do think some people really enjoy being negative though, and, of course, that's entirely up to them if they enjoy feeling that way. We all have complaints and reservations, I certainly do, but at the end of the day it's supposed to be entertainment, and when it makes you sad and depressed, or evokes such frightening anger as I've seen around here sometimes, then it's just not worth the effort. I adore Atlantis and Sheppard, but if the show ever did that to me, I'd soon drop it, but not before I'd actually at least tried the new season, even if Joe wasn't in it anymore. If it sucked big time for me, I could at least say I went in with an open mind and it tanked in my opinion. Being prejudiced is not a quality I admire. I always try to give things a chance, judge them, and then act accordingly. Of course, if people drop a show because they don't like it any more, I say good for them. Vote with the remote control. I've certainly done that.

                        Oh I loathe Andromeda. IMO - biggest load of rubbish I've ever seen. So cheesy and clichéd it's frightening. Tyr and Ronon? Ronon wins hands down every time for me. Did I mention I really like Ronon? He's really grown on me.

                        Don't feel guilty for feeling positive sweetie. Nobody can stop me feeling that way and why should they? If others dislike the show, well so what? Let them wallow in negativity. That's their choice. If you enjoy what you enjoy, you'll be much happier for it. I'm sure those who are anti season 4 wouldn't want you to lose your squee just because they have In the poll in the season three thread, only 10% or so say they won't watch the show because of the changes, so that means roughly 90% will, or at least will give it a try, so that means most people who bothered to vote think the show is still worth a go, and that's encouraging. Squee all you like, it's very healthy. Happier people live longer than unhappy ones. That's a fact.

                        DITTO! I do rather like Joe, you know

                        I got lost watching Lost. My daughter loves it though. I got confuzzled very quickly, but I did miss a few episodes!!! Haven't tried Heroes or Prison Break. Any good?

                        Ditto Joe is a harsh critic of the show. He also has a pretty good idea what viewers want to see from what I can gather. I loved that he fought for Jason and Rachel's characters and encouraged them to. Bless his heart. I really hope we get some good character stuff in season 4. Joe Mallozzi has promised we will, and said in his blog today that they're trying desperately to get some decent backstory in the season for Sheppard. I really hope they do.

                        Goody! Runs off to read! Thanks for that. I can't remember a thing that was said!

                        I like going to many threads, just to read others opinions, but there are some I'm avoiding now, because it's the same people making the same points over and over, and when something's been said several times, it just becomes plain boring and frustrating to read. So, it's best to just not visit, IMO. I do enjoy the episode threads though. Even when people are posting negative stuff. I like to see what others think, even if I strongly disagree. Have to say the 'Shep is dirty, unshaven and a pervert' is getting tiresome though. It's as if the more you say it, maybe some people will actually believe it...right... It's best to ignore that sort of thing, I think.
                        I prefer being positive too, though I quite enjoy nit-picking certain aspects of episodes. Like, 'Why wasn't there whump in that scene. They missed a really good opportunity there. What were they thinking?'

                        Oh I agree with you totally about the negativity!!! I dont understand why you would enjoy hanging around just to moan and groan. If Joe was not in SGA I would probably not watch SGA again - mainly because I only watch it for him - but I wouldnt go around trying to upset everyone else because they are still enjoying the show- I wouldnt waste my time. I would just look forward to whatever Joe did next.....and hope that it was a show where his character got lots of whump!!!!!!

                        Andromeda...never seen or heard of it!!!!!!

                        Lost - I am still hanging on in there - with the help of my fast forward button!

                        24 - well yes lots of whump so I do watch....but I much prefer Prison Break!

                        As recommended by Flo and VK though I am watching the whole of Season 1 of Supernatural at the moment (oh and s2! at the same time)- oh whumpydoodle!!!!!!!!


                          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                          The problem is the Mods don't really have time to do so - as you say, so many exceed the limits that they'd spend all day on it. So they pretty much only deal with ones that are reported to them/
                          *whispers* then maybe there should be more mods

                          It will almost certainly be because of the file size that someone reported your sig Peggy... although one can't entirely rule out a malicious motivation! I admit I do report over-sized sigs now and then... but usually only ones that are ridiculously huge and blatantly over the limits.. I can't help thinking of poor folks like Josie (as she used to be) struggling on dial up. If it's someone know even vaguely tho I will usually send them a friendly PM to give them a heads up rather than reporting them. The sig rules can be a little confusing (many people still don't seem to realise that images in spoiler tags still count within the overall size limit!) and it's easy for folks, especially newbies, to run afoul of them. Most people don't even realise they had broken the rules and are glad to correct it...
                          I agree most people are oblivious to the fact that they are breaking the rules and perhaps it should be made clearer because let's face it only anal people like me actually read the FAQ.

                          Though I do recall once being told by someone that they knew their sig was too big but that they had no intention of changing it after politely pointed it out to them and even offered to help resize it if they needed. So I tend not to say anything now. I've been tempted to report some people but never have.


                            Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                            As recommended by Flo and VK though I am watching the whole of Season 1 of Supernatural at the moment (oh and s2! at the same time)- oh whumpydoodle!!!!!!!!
                            I watched the first 1 or 2 eps of Supernatural a coupla months back when on of the satellite channels (can't remember which one!) had a "catch-up weekend" and showed it from the beginning... really liked it and meant to watch the rest of the eps on the catch up weekend but we were doing something the next day so I missed it!


                              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                              I watched the first 1 or 2 eps of Supernatural a coupla months back when on of the satellite channels (can't remember which one!) had a "catch-up weekend" and showed it from the beginning... really liked it and meant to watch the rest of the eps on the catch up weekend but we were doing something the next day so I missed it!
                              Well s2 is on tonight ITV2 at 10 ( I think) - the second ep of the season.

                              S1 is on DVD - so I have hired it!


                                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                                Oh I agree with you totally about the negativity!!! I dont understand why you would enjoy hanging around just to moan and groan. If Joe was not in SGA I would probably not watch SGA again - mainly because I only watch it for him - but I wouldnt go around trying to upset everyone else because they are still enjoying the show- I wouldnt waste my time. I would just look forward to whatever Joe did next.....and hope that it was a show where his character got lots of whump!!!!!!

                                Andromeda...never seen or heard of it!!!!!!

                                Lost - I am still hanging on in there - with the help of my fast forward button!

                                24 - well yes lots of whump so I do watch....but I much prefer Prison Break!

                                As recommended by Flo and VK though I am watching the whole of Season 1 of Supernatural at the moment (oh and s2! at the same time)- oh whumpydoodle!!!!!!!!
                                Whumpydoodle? I like it!!

