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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by bebop View Post
    Okay...just for the pretties......heres the piccy that inspired my drabble...I just couldn't get it out of my head!!!!!
    I'm not sure I'd technically considered it a drabble anymore, bebop. We've gone a bit past that now with 10 mini chapters!

    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
    Well as JM said Travelers is a gift to us, but we know what men are like at getting us gifts, lol, I think we should send him the list I'm more than happy to send it to his blog to give him some ideas
    Uh oh... you're right - we're screwed!

    Before the list is sent we must definately remove our names from it!

    Originally posted by caty View Post
    I wanna kill someone!!! My bf is being a jackass!
    I'm sorry you're having a hard time with RL, Caty ((HUGS))

    Originally posted by parisindy View Post
    the answer to that would be a giant no! hehe man first strike was just so stinky.

    its a big reason i'm not sure i can be a whumper... love love love you guys but there is going to be tons of season 4 stuff that i just can't be involved with, and i won't deny you guys being excited about some... glad you are all happy ((hugs))

    best i leave again before i get hit with the pitch forks...back in a bit
    You can still stay a whumper with us! Salty and GG have stayed with us this whole time even though they weren't watching the new eppies. You can still enjoy the pics, fics, and talks about 'the good old days'


      Originally posted by caty View Post
      If it's that cheap, buy it... Joe is only a kid in it, but it's cute.. If you don't mind him being gay

      BTW: I just realized that we'll go ballistic until Season 4 starts and especially untill a certain episode airs... As much excitement as there is now, I'm not sure we can survive until the actual air date. We might all be squeed to death and in whumper heaven by then
      I remember how hyper some of us were before CG aired, and we were practically foaming at the mouth when we saw it! I REALLY hope that Travelers is even better, with REAL whump and Sheppy blood etc... I have no idea what it's going to be about, and JM obviously doesn't want to share it with us yet However, I'm really, really positive about the episode and really hopeful

      Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
      I have to disagree. CG is no. 1 for me. I just loved it. I love 38 minutes, but CG outranks it, IMO. Maybe it was because of the pre-squee, or maybe just because it was darker than 38 minutes. Just still want to huggle Ken C and JF.
      I adored CG, but 38 Minutes takes the whump crown for me. I can NEVER watch 38 Minutes too many times. It's just wonderful whump and a fantastically tense episode. CG was brilliant too, and is my second favourite whumpy episode, for sure. The first scene where
      Kolya allows the Wraith to feed on Sheppard took my breath away, Joe was awesome in it, and the whole story is wonderful, especially as we got to see another side of the wraith.
      However, in 38 Minutes Shep was so vulnerable and in so much pain, and yet he held the team together, kept Rodney under control and really showed what a great leader he was in that episode. He sort of won my heart then, and I've adored Sheppard ever since, so that episode has a special place in my heart!


        Originally posted by wraithkeeper View Post
        You can still stay a whumper with us! Salty and GG have stayed with us this whole time even though they weren't watching the new eppies. You can still enjoy the pics, fics, and talks about 'the good old days'
        Yeah and i am staying its just hard cause the talk has been alot of season 4 squeaing hehe hence why i could have anit season 4 tags hehehehe ...i'll just try to skip the season 4 talk no worries... just cause it makes it a bit hard doesn't mean i'm leaving... i like you guys to much and seasons 1,2 and 3 (except 2 episodes) rocked.. i love my old atlantis

        "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
        ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
        Card designed by Falcon Horus


          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          I remember how hyper some of us were before CG aired, and we were practically foaming at the mouth when we saw it! I REALLY hope that Travelers is even better, with REAL whump and Sheppy blood etc... I have no idea what it's going to be about, and JM obviously doesn't want to share it with us yet However, I'm really, really positive about the episode and really hopeful

          I adored CG, but 38 Minutes takes the whump crown for me. I can NEVER watch 38 Minutes too many times. It's just wonderful whump and a fantastically tense episode. CG was brilliant too, and is my second favourite whumpy episode, for sure. The first scene where
          Kolya allows the Wraith to feed on Sheppard took my breath away, Joe was awesome in it, and the whole story is wonderful, especially as we got to see another side of the wraith.
          However, in 38 Minutes Shep was so vulnerable and in so much pain, and yet he held the team together, kept Rodney under control and really showed what a great leader he was in that episode. He sort of won my heart then, and I've adored Sheppard ever since, so that episode has a special place in my heart!
          i think i liked 38 minutes best cuase shep wasn't fixed 100% at the end of the eppy... i like long lasting sheppy whump

          "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
          ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
          Card designed by Falcon Horus


            Originally posted by parisindy View Post
            Yeah and i am staying its just hard cause the talk has been alot of season 4 squeaing hehe hence why i could have anit season 4 tags hehehehe ...i'll just try to skip the season 4 talk no worries... just cause it makes it a bit hard doesn't mean i'm leaving... i like you guys to much and seasons 1,2 and 3 (except 2 episodes) rocked.. i love my old atlantis
            Well, you never know, Paris, Season 4 could just well be the best season ever. Until we've seen it, we just won't know.


              Originally posted by parisindy View Post
              i think i liked 38 minutes best cuase shep wasn't fixed 100% at the end of the eppy... i like long lasting sheppy whump
              And we had a proper infirmary scene! We need more of those!!!


                Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                yep tehy are!! although i dont want sheppy to have to share his ep with mckay, he gets enough great stuff as it is without him barging in on sheppys whumpy eppie....i still say Travelers will be something different and unexpected, since JM says its something hes wanted to do for ages..i just think its gotta be big..dont have a clue what it could be about tho!!

                yes ok the pain of that episode will never go away. i admitted it. are you happy now.......*checks herself into therapy*

                Aaww hon, I didn't mean to sound like I'm coming down hard on you. I have the same feelings reagarding that just are way more vocal about it. I tend to internalize and farnkly, do ont watch that ep at all.

                Hey, can it be group therapy you are checking yourself into?? I want to play.

                Originally posted by Listy View Post
                I need a pitch fork I broke mine in my anger that Shep clone did not arrive
                WWHHAATTTT???????? You never received your Shep clone??? LAURIEL or ALI!!!!!! This girl needs her clone delivered. NOW!!!!!


                  Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                  Yeah and i am staying its just hard cause the talk has been alot of season 4 squeaing hehe hence why i could have anit season 4 tags hehehehe ...i'll just try to skip the season 4 talk no worries... just cause it makes it a bit hard doesn't mean i'm leaving... i like you guys to much and seasons 1,2 and 3 (except 2 episodes) rocked.. i love my old atlantis
                  ((HUGS)) I know how hard it is trying to avoid things that others are squeeing about and you can't/won't join in.

                  I promise to make sure I have some conversations not related to S4. We can always have another pillow fight. I don't want you to feel left out or forgotten hon. I love all my whumper friends.


                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    Well, you never know, Paris, Season 4 could just well be the best season ever. Until we've seen it, we just won't know.
                    nope i already know.. no carson, sam coming over and weir being cut back...never mind ellis and the new doctor Oi! its not a show i want to watch
                    i have no intrest in season 4 at all

                    "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                    ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                    Card designed by Falcon Horus


                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      And we had a proper infirmary scene! We need more of those!!!
                      well i won't get anymore lol but yeah that was great

                      "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                      ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                      Card designed by Falcon Horus


                        Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                        ((HUGS)) I know how hard it is trying to avoid things that others are squeeing about and you can't/won't join in.

                        I promise to make sure I have some conversations not related to S4. We can always have another pillow fight. I don't want you to feel left out or forgotten hon. I love all my whumper friends.
                        thanks babes i mean that ((((hugs))))))

                        "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                        ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                        Card designed by Falcon Horus


                          Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                          the answer to that would be a giant no! hehe man first strike was just so stinky.

                          its a big reason i'm not sure i can be a whumper... love love love you guys but there is going to be tons of season 4 stuff that i just can't be involved with, and i won't deny you guys being excited about something... glad you are all happy ((hugs))

                          best i leave again before i get hit with the pitch forks...back in a bit
                          *sends huggles* No pitchfork, I promise. I know what you mean hon, want us to tell you about the whumpy bits if they happen?

                          Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                          i still say someone should just put us in medically induced comas until it airs!! we will all overload on squee otherwise!!!LOL
                          I'm with you there, lol.

                          38 minutes can not stay number one forever...if thats all we're ever gonna get then heads are gonna roll!! i love it but like i say that was so early on.....and now we have ronon in the mix instead of whiny ford "sir are you alright, sir major sir" OMG FORD SHUTUP hes being strangled you pillock!!!!! hehehe and not to mention the stronger team bonds by now.
                          anyway..hehe something must knock it off soon....Travelers preferably!!
                          CG was close but no infirmary scene and
                          old sheppy eeek
                          means it misses out, plus 38 minutes was whump through and through....although can i just say it really annoys me whenever you read a synopsis for this ep and it says "the team are stuck in the PJ with only 38 minutes before it shuts down" errr hello theres a small matter with sheppy being eaten by a bug!!!!!LOL!!
                          ive got my pitchfork ready too just incase!
                          ROFLMAO, I was one of those that never liked Ford at all, I prefered him more in S2...well my expectations of him couldn't get any lower, lol (no offence to Ford fans) he just grated on me.
                          oh that ep...i dont remember...something about pants i think...pantoms?? LOL

                          Dear Joe M: i will forgive you for calling us all lemmings if you write lots and lots and lots of shep whump in season 4 with lots of blood and please can we have some backstory and ata gene stuff....oh and a bit more whump....and can i also have a crazy sheppy in scrubs being restrained and sedated...a feverish sheppy wouldnt go amiss either

                          errrr hopefully not us!!!
                          Lol, when I wrote my poems for JM, I was always respectful and even said please lol ooh I can just picture that *happy sigh* I'd love to see something more with the ancient gene stuff, rather than him just using the tech equiptment...sorry can't spell tonight, lol.

                          Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                          I have to disagree. CG is no. 1 for me. I just loved it. I love 38 minutes, but CG outranks it, IMO. Maybe it was because of the pre-squee, or maybe just because it was darker than 38 minutes. Just still want to huggle Ken C and JF.
                          See I wish they'd have kept Ken on for S4 know he knew how to whump sad *sniff* I love all the dark stuff in Atlantis, and wish there was so much more...

                          Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                          hehe i wish there was such a thing as season 4 squeaing spoiler tags lol
                          then i could be just like the people avoiding spoilers lol oh well
                          Poor Paris..

                          Originally posted by Listy View Post
                          I need a pitch fork I broke mine in my anger that Shep clone did not arrive
                          *passes over Pitchfork*

                          Originally posted by wraithkeeper View Post
                          Before the list is sent we must definately remove our names from it!
                          Done and names are removed to protect the not so innocent :d and i've asked for evil Shep and some infirmary scenes Well my momma always told me if you don't ask you don't get

                          You can still stay a whumper with us! Salty and GG have stayed with us this whole time even though they weren't watching the new eppies. You can still enjoy the pics, fics, and talks about 'the good old days'
                          It'll be great


                            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                            *sends huggles* No pitchfork, I promise. I know what you mean hon, want us to tell you about the whumpy bits if they happen?
                            erm don't know..the jury is still out on that...i'll let you know. Part of me wants to pretend like the show just ended. Maybe i'll loosen up a bit as time goes the moment i'm just so darn disappointed

                            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                            Poor Paris..
                            thanks lol and thanks for not pitchforking me ((hugs))

                            "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                            ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                            Card designed by Falcon Horus


                              Originally posted by wraithkeeper View Post
                              You can still stay a whumper with us! Salty and GG have stayed with us this whole time even though they weren't watching the new eppies. You can still enjoy the pics, fics, and talks about 'the good old days'
                              thats what i'm trying to do (((hugs))) i'm sorry i didn't realize how hard it was for you guys... wish i would have huggled you more ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))

                              "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                              ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                              Card designed by Falcon Horus


                                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                                And we had a proper infirmary scene! We need more of those!!!
                                Yes we really really really do, and although I love the red scrubs would even be happy with white ones............. or better yet none at all

                                Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                                WWHHAATTTT???????? You never received your Shep clone??? LAURIEL or ALI!!!!!! This girl needs her clone delivered. NOW!!!!!
                                sob.....sob......its been so many whump plans, put on hold...sob....sob.....could have easy been a third of the way through the whump list by now...sob...sob......where is he??.......sob.....sob.....

