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John Sheppard Whump

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    Night all. Dreamland is calling.
    Sig by Luciana
    My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


      Originally posted by CritterCreator View Post
      Seet icons. Wish I could make fancy ones like them. I basically just shrink pictures and plug in words.
      Eh, me too - I don't even have photoshop .
      But then again, who needs words when you've got:

      Night, Ruffles .

      Banners by Luciana, Nici and myself.


        Originally posted by CritterCreator View Post
        Seet icons. Wish I could make fancy ones like them. I basically just shrink pictures and plug in words.
        thats about all i can do to hehe but my friends are all web gurus hehe i wish i could plug in to their brains for a while hehe just borrow some of the info

        "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
        ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
        Card designed by Falcon Horus


          Originally posted by twinchaosblade ½ View Post
          Thanks for the James piccy, that's so cute!
          Looks a lot like the haircut I'm going to get again in summer... now it's the same, only a good deal longer.

          I hope you don't mind my snurching.
          nope snurch away my pictures are your pictures

          Originally posted by twinchaosblade ½ View Post
          As to your question, I finished university about 10 months ago and am unimployed still...
          Looks like no-one wants to have me. *sobs again*

          I have things to do still: I work for my sister's Spanish professor together with her for just a few bugs a month, I am currently translating a German book for children (written by a good friend of mine) to English more or less for fun and running the entire business part of our university's movie theater with some friends.
          good for you for finishing school! lots of people don't get that far. It took me a while to get work after school. I worked in the film industry for about 5 years but i got tired of the hours.. and i wanted to be in the script department not the art department/crew. So then i went it to office work which i despise... i so its time to get back to my roots i think...

          really i just want a job that allows me to be creative in some way

          those jobs you have sound cool...gotta follow your heart!

          Night ruffles! ((hugs))

          "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
          ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
          Card designed by Falcon Horus


            Originally posted by Llyrellin View Post
            Eh, me too - I don't even have photoshop .
            But then again, who needs words when you've got:
            Kick-butt space pirate. And proud of it.


              Originally posted by CritterCreator View Post
              By the way, I absolutely love your sig .

              Banners by Luciana, Nici and myself.


                Originally posted by CritterCreator View Post

                "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                Card designed by Falcon Horus


                  Hello All

                  I can officially say the internet connections can suck a big one.. grrrrrrrrrr
                  The whole freaking day I could not get on... called my provider for tech support... they did all they could and said it might be my computer and might need to get a new one(which would be alright if I had the money)... or it was my cable wire.... well that was 2 hours of wasted time.... then I take my battery out of my notebook and then put it back in and what do you know... my internet works again... so I think it might be my computer/battery or a connection in the computer thats shorted. I don't know.. but at least now I'm online.... what a freaking day... I really wasn't feeling good and wanted to come online and get my worries away from me for awhile and this crap happens.... gaaaah

                  Ok rant is over
                  I really need me some Whumped Shep to make me feel better.. hmmmm I think I need to go find my Clone Shep and see him all hurt and needing my comfort

                  By Kidwizz

                  By JessM


                    Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                    *Snork*. That's great .
                    And if Gollum demands, then I suppose we must...

                    Okay, so that last one's not actually whump. But it is a really good picture. .

                    Banners by Luciana, Nici and myself.


                      I know what you mean, with needing a creative job, Paris.
                      I actually really like both office work and working with people, selling tickets, purchasing the rights to show the movies, installing the technical equipment and so on but I also need a way to be creative. That's why I started writing poems and stories, cutting movies myself - which takes a lot of time - and such more or less needless things.

                      I need that to express myself in a way.

                      Ok, I'm fit for bed time too.

                      "Don't let the space bugs bite..." - shamessly quoted from 'Firefly' -

                      *waves good-night to the whumpers and calls for ShepHolo*
                      FanFic---------------------------------------------------Twinchy's Lair


                        Originally posted by gravelgerdie View Post
                        Hello All

                        I can officially say the internet connections can suck a big one.. grrrrrrrrrr
                        The whole freaking day I could not get on... called my provider for tech support... they did all they could and said it might be my computer and might need to get a new one(which would be alright if I had the money)... or it was my cable wire.... well that was 2 hours of wasted time.... then I take my battery out of my notebook and then put it back in and what do you know... my internet works again... so I think it might be my computer/battery or a connection in the computer thats shorted. I don't know.. but at least now I'm online.... what a freaking day... I really wasn't feeling good and wanted to come online and get my worries away from me for awhile and this crap happens.... gaaaah

                        Ok rant is over
                        I really need me some Whumped Shep to make me feel better.. hmmmm I think I need to go find my Clone Shep and see him all hurt and needing my comfort
                        Aw, that's terrible. *Hugs.* Here's some whump to make you feel better.

                        Hope you and your Clone have fun .

                        Banners by Luciana, Nici and myself.


                          Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                          okay dude you have to get out of my head LMAO!

                          my best friend got me into the dresden books on our last vacation together hehehe and i always pictured him as sheppard! hehehehehehe My best bud jips thinks he should spike from buffy hehe. I think i'm a bit disappointed in the show cause the actor is not like shep at all! I have read books 1, 2, and 4 and i am currently reading three hehehe i can't even read normal

                          love the books!...still hoping the show will sort its self out

                          i'm just a bit tired out from all the stress...makes it hard to concentrate...makes it hard to read and i'm falling behind on my writing.

                          man i couldn't handle dial up...i just upgraded to highspeed myself ((hugs)) you have my sympathy!

                          I watch that show.. I kind of like it and the guy.. I think its just getting its legs... so we will see if the show will get better.... I love his ghost buddy..

                          Ohhh Shep in place of the actor who plays Harry... interesting.....

                          By Kidwizz

                          By JessM


                            Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                            Kick-butt space pirate. And proud of it.


                              Originally posted by Llyrellin View Post
                              Aw, that's terrible. *Hugs.* Here's some whump to make you feel better.
                              Hope you and your Clone have fun .

                              Ohhhhhh nice.. Thanks I needed that...

                              By Kidwizz

                              By JessM


                                Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                                paris's heart melts into a pile of mushy gooo
                                the wee turtle

                                That just makes me smile everytime someone says that... the wee turtles...

                                John should take care of Carsons Wee Turtles.. the poor buggers

                                By Kidwizz

                                By JessM

