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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
    And agreed on the CG pics. What about those ones from the end when he's young again? Unzipped shirt, mussed hair...

    like this..

    (THUNK) *is dead....*
    THUNK!!!!!!! oops wrong thread

    yes pics like those where he is HOT HOT HOT!!



      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      So far we have:
      oooh good list so far Thanks Ali

      *puts thinking cap on*



        Great CG pics, as usual SGAFan!

        I have a few TDO pics


          Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
          THUNK!!!!!!! oops wrong thread

          yes pics like those where he is HOT HOT HOT!!
          Wrong thread, for sure, but I couldn't resist.
          My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


            Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
            oooh good list so far Thanks Ali

            *puts thinking cap on*
            sheppy in a sling
            sheppy with butterfly stitches
            sheppy struggling through physiotherapy
            sheppy traumatised (torture?) cant speak and his friends are trying to comfort him through his nightmares, physical injuries etc



              After being temporarily paralysed, has a nightmare and tries to get out of bed only to face plant on the floor, and ends up stuck on the infirmary floor trying to drag himself out of view before anyone sees him and fusses over him but one of his team finds him first and Carson panics thinking he might have done damage to his spine and then putting him in restraints to stop him doing it again


                Originally posted by Josie View Post
                Morning all!

                How exciting for you.

                Though once again I realise I'm the dumbest person in the room, this happened on my other forum I found myself surrounded by clever people, it seems like sci-fi fandoms don't attract people like me.
                Oh, no, Josie! You have to be intelligent if you like sci-fi. Like the others have said, degrees and schooling just make you schooled, not smart.

                Originally posted by bebop View Post
                My first ever drabble..whumpy of course and based on no.83
                'Of course Sheppard would take point' thought Rodney,'Ever the protector, ever the hero'.. as he trudged through the trees, cursing as the branch that Ronon had just passed whipped back and struck his face.

                ''Thank you...scientist with delicate scientific machinery behind you!!''Rodney said, wiping green streaks down his face.
                ''Could you be more caref.....", his speech was cut off as a sound reverberated through the trees.

                The cry of anguish split the air like a blade and immediately had the team dropping into a well rehearsed crouch, weapons drawn..waiting.The cry was followed by a series of choking coughs, as if whoever had uttered them was trying to shout but was unable.

                The sound was eerily familiar to Rodney and his mind flashed back to a jumper journey that had gone to hell and Sheppard lying on his back screaming in agony with a bug attached to his neck

                They ran through a small gap between the trees where Sheppard had walked just seconds before them and stopped dead.

                Where before had been a quiet glade surrounded by lush greenery, was now
                a scene of utter desperation.

                Lying on the ground was the Colonel...his hands grasping at the dry leaves and earth, desperately trying to move, but unable as his leg was trapped between the jaws of a huge bear trap.His back arched off the ground as he strained to free himself, and another cry of anguish escaped his lips.

                My first try, what do you think?
                Originally posted by bebop View Post
                Part 2
                "".Rodneys voice faltered and died in his throat as they approached their fallen comrade.

                Sheppards nails were digging gouges in the earth as he struggled with the pain and his head thrashed from side to side as low moans escaped from his lips. He tried to lift his body from the ground, but fell back again, tears of frustration and pain escaping from his eyes as he collapsed to the ground.

                Teyla reached his side and as she looked down to his leg, her hand went to her mouth in horror and she couldn't help the strangled gasp that escaped her lips as she saw the extent of the damage.

                The jaws of the trap had closed just below the Colonels knee, but the force behind them had pushed the metal deep into the flesh and had only been stopped by connecting with the bones below which, judging from the strange angle at which the leg lay, had been smashed by the impact..
                GREAT Bebop

                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                Eeep! More please!!

                We need some more squeeeing in here... it's been very quiet today.. I guess maybe we all used up all our giddiness and squee last night?

                Edit: Ooops. When did I hit 8,900 posts?!!
                Congrats Ali, and I hope your sister finds health again. My thoughts are with your family.

                Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                heh im like that those situations always want to make me laugh, my sister once said something funny to me before i went to the orthodontist *shudders remembering what it was like to wear braces* and i started laughing, bet he thought i was a bit strange LOL....i also always want to laugh at the opticians when they look into your eyes with the pen light...i dont know why, silences make me feel uncomfortable!!!!
                I hated braces. was supposed to have them for 18 months, ended up with them for 4 years. It was a never ending hell!!! at least I didn't have head gear. I thank my heavens for that. My husband did, though.

                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                Odd isn't it. See I would have said that Fachidiot is one of those concepts that cannot be translated into a simple term in English (or US English) - there simply is no equivalent noun so all you can do is describe the concept (I would suggest that idiot savant also doesn't really properly translate the meaning of Fachidiot.

                My German-English dictionary gives the following definition for Fachidiot:

                "person who can think of nothing but his/her subject, philosophy/chemistry etc; freak"

                As I said, no real equivalent so you have to describe the meaning of the concept really....
                yeah, hmm.... there IS a word, but I cannot think of it right now. D'oh! Singlemindedly obsessed, maybe?

                Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                i have to bite my lip or dig my nails into my hand to stop myself from laughing!!!! its just so uncomfortable!!!!i have laughed before and then you just feel like a loon!!!(which probably isnt far from the truth )

                hehe i managed a 2:2 average in my second year but this year i just cant be bothered hehe, not that i did much last year this year ive got a ton of work and yet barely even done loads of course work as well as my much work so little time!! not to mention the fact that because its my last year i want to make the best of it, going out and having fun with my mates.....its hard to find the balance.....And it doesnt help that this place is so distracting
                Yeah, I finished my thesis in July of last year for my master's. It was a year of hell for me. I hate writing school papers. but more than the writing, which only took up 5 months of my time, there is the thinking about the writing, and there is the research and the thinking about research. glad I am DONE!!! Good luck in your endevours.

                Thank you for the sig, SciFan!

                Thank You Sheyla Fan!



                  Originally posted by bebop View Post
                  My first ever drabble..whumpy of course and based on no.83
                  'Of course Sheppard would take point' thought Rodney,'Ever the protector, ever the hero'.. as he trudged through the trees, cursing as the branch that Ronon had just passed whipped back and struck his face.

                  ''Thank you...scientist with delicate scientific machinery behind you!!''Rodney said, wiping green streaks down his face.
                  ''Could you be more caref.....", his speech was cut off as a sound reverberated through the trees.

                  The cry of anguish split the air like a blade and immediately had the team dropping into a well rehearsed crouch, weapons drawn..waiting.The cry was followed by a series of choking coughs, as if whoever had uttered them was trying to shout but was unable.

                  The sound was eerily familiar to Rodney and his mind flashed back to a jumper journey that had gone to hell and Sheppard lying on his back screaming in agony with a bug attached to his neck

                  They ran through a small gap between the trees where Sheppard had walked just seconds before them and stopped dead.

                  Where before had been a quiet glade surrounded by lush greenery, was now
                  a scene of utter desperation.

                  Lying on the ground was the Colonel...his hands grasping at the dry leaves and earth, desperately trying to move, but unable as his leg was trapped between the jaws of a huge bear trap.His back arched off the ground as he strained to free himself, and another cry of anguish escaped his lips.

                  My first try, what do you think?
                  Amazing!!! You're a natural! Can't wait for more

                  Originally posted by Josie View Post
                  That was the great things about the 101 Ways it was no only fun but inspirational too. I hope there are some fics borne out of it, even if they are just some funny drabbles about sand in his pants.
                  I've started a fic now about the hanging idea I suggested. I may just post a little snippet of it here later.

                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  I'm on the drabble bandwagon.. hey, it's better than working, right?

                  Her first awareness was of pain; a dull constant throbbing in her head that brought a low groan to her lips even as she struggled to open her eyes.

                  “Teyla?” John’s voice was rough, tight and hoarse with concern and an indefinable something that brought a frown to her face. “Hey. You okay?” A hand touched her shoulder lightly and she shuddered, dragging her eyes open to find him leaning over her, his face smudged and dirty, his expression serious. She blinked a little groggily, her eyes drifting past John to take in their surroundings; rough stone walls, damp with moisture, a floor of tight-packed dirt cold and solid under her. A cave. They were in a cave.

                  “Teyla?” The note of worry in John’s voice jolted her attention back to him and she offered a reassuring smile, ignoring the pounding in her skull as she projected calm confidence into her voice.

                  “I am fine, John.”

                  Few people knew John well enough to read his emotions through the careful mask he maintained but she caught the quickly hidden flash of relief in his eyes as he looked her over carefully. “You sure? You took quite a bump there..”

                  The pain in her head was slowly settling, becoming manageable, and she moved restlessly, grimacing a little as she struggled to sit up. John hovered uncertainly, his hand still on her shoulder, and she had to assure him again that she was okay before he finally leaned back a little, giving her space as she leant back against the rough cave wall. The stone was cool against her back, moisture immediately soaking into her jacket, but it was better than lying on the hard earth of the cave floor. She took a moment to look around her, her eyes still adjusting to the subterranean gloom; pale sunlight washed into the cave from somewhere to her left, providing enough light to see by.. though not by much. She realised with bemusement that she had no memory of how they got to this place.

                  A muffled grunt drew her attention back to John to find him rising awkwardly to his feet and her frown deepened as she took in the careful way he held himself, the pinched look to his dirt-streaked face. He moved a little too slowly, a little too stiffly, and was tilting slightly to the right. As he moved towards the cave entrance, P90 in hand, she realised what was wrong with what she was seeing.

                  John was holding the gun in his left hand.
                  My first thought was "OMG, she's whumping Teyla!" then I got to the nice Shep whumpy part! Excellant job!

                  Originally posted by bebop View Post
                  Now where were we....Part 4
                  The strap around his thigh was digging into the fabric, but fresh blood still welled from around the jaws of the trap. Teyla knelt beside her friend on the ground and touched his shoulder.
                  "John.....the tournique is not tight enough, we must draw it in again..are you ready?"
                  Sheppard looked up into her eyes and gave a small nod, then closed his eyes in readiness.
                  "Ronon.." Teyla turned to the tall Satedan next to her and nodded her head.

                  Rodney looked away as the strap was pulled and winced as the Colonel struggled to prevent himself from crying out.
                  "John...I am so sorry...",Teyla found her voice breaking as she spoke, but to save the colonels life they were going to have to work quickly.
                  Gads...I have to take them swimming now..RL can be sooo.. intrusive.. Later
                  Forget RL - we need you to keep writing! LOL j/k

                  Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                  OMG I just cannot believe it!!!!!!!! All those weeks and weeks and weeks that we prayed for some CG promo pics and finally they have been released and oh my what a dreadful collection they are!!!! How upset would we have been if this is what we had been shown!!!! What is wrong with these people!!!!!!!

                  Here is the link if you can be bothered!!!!


                  There are some more promo pics due as well later today (probably tomorrow for us in the UK)
                  One pic of Shep! OMG that's insane. He's the main character of that ep and thay only put up one pic of him. *grumbles*

                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  So far we have:
                  How about Sheppy waking up in the infarmary with a breathing tube and struggling because he thinks he's being choked.

                  Broken legs and needs to be carired back to the gate by Ronon.


                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    Wow. I could understand them not wanting to give away vital plot details if they'd actually released these before the ep (and not SIX MONTHS after!!) but still... every single photo but ONE is from one short scene of the episode!

                    I know we joked about the promo photos consisting of
                    "two pictures of Kolya and one of a Wraith" but this is almost worse.. "four Rodneys, four Ronons, one Becket, some marines and one of Sheppard and Wraith"!!

                    Though I guess at least it's interesting to see Joe's old age make-up properly, without it being all dark and gloomy.
                    Kolya and the Wraith would have been soooooo much better than these!!!!!


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      I'll start collating a list..

                      Drabble part 2:


                      Teyla sat up a little straighter, concern sending a flood of adrenalin through her body, making her forget aches and pains.

                      “I think we lost them but better safe than sorry..” He ignored the question they both knew she was asking, speaking over his shoulder, his back to her as he drew to a cautious halt at the far left side of the cave. His silhouette was outlined in the weak light emanating from the cave entrance somewhere ahead of him as he crouched a little, holding the P90 awkwardly in his left hand as he peered around the corner. Apparently satisfied that the way ahead was clear, he straightened slowly and crept forward a little, disappearing around the curve of the cave wall.

                      For a long moment Teyla sat alone in the gloomy cave, her body propped uncomfortably against the uneven wall, and listened to the slow drip of water from somewhere further back in the darkness. When she realised that John was not simply performing a quick recon before returning to their temporary shelter, she struggled to her feet, a hand on the wall holding her steady as a rush of dizziness made her sway.

                      Moving carefully and slowly as her stiff muscles protested, she moved towards the faint glow of light, the cave narrowing into a short passageway that curved around to the left. She found him just a few feet beyond the gradual turn of the passageway; he had taken up a defensive position with a clear view of the cave entrance some 20 feet ahead and was crouching on the dirt floor, leaning into the wall for support, the P90 gripped in his left hand, one knee raised to allow him to rest the length of the gun on it. His right hand was cradled awkwardly in his lap.

                      He didn’t move, his attention fixed on the stubby brush visible outside the cave entrance, but nevertheless she knew he was aware of her presence as she moved silently up the corridor to join him. Wordlessly, she slipped into a crouch just behind him, peering over his shoulder at the brightness of the outside world.

                      “How’s your head?” His whispered words sounded too loud in the narrow confines of the passageway.

                      “Throbbing,” she admitted with a faint smile.

                      “You should get some rest.”

                      She didn’t bother to hide the reproving tone in her voice as she told him firmly, “And you need medical attention.”

                      She saw his shoulders twitch minutely, as if he were about to shrug and then thought better of it, his hissed intake of breath almost too quiet to hear. “Not a lot of that to be had around here,” he pointed out, pain tightening his voice. She nodded, accepting his tacit admission of injury without fuss. If there was one thing John Sheppard disliked, it was people fussing over him.

                      “Your arm?” she asked quietly.

                      He grunted in acknowledgement, his eyes still fixed on the cave entrance, the gun steady where it rested on his knee.

                      “I’m pretty sure it’s broken.”
                      Yea! *runs off to read* Fabulous! More please.

                      Originally posted by Listy View Post
                      I know this topic ended but just so you know I left school with GCSE's and started an office job straight away, realised I wasn't earning much, went to night classes and part time through apprenticeship, got HNC in engineering and didn't like it now back working in cack office job earning pants money and looking for a new job, so hunny you are most definately not on your own!! I have too short of an attention span to get anywhere in a job!!
                      OK, I've read this twice, but I think I need the American translation for GCSEs. I'm almost scared to ask what a "cack" office job is. And I'm assuming "pants" money is like spare change? *hangs head for not knowing*

                      Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                      I didn't get the job i applied for

                      how you guys been?

                      got any whumpy pics to cheer me up?
                      Paris - so sorry to hear that. Hopefully something even better is coming your way soon.

                      Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                      sheppy in a sling
                      sheppy with butterfly stitches
                      sheppy struggling through physiotherapy
                      sheppy traumatised (torture?) cant speak and his friends are trying to comfort him through his nightmares, physical injuries etc
                      warm saline IVs to warm up after hypothermia
                      debriding and stitching wounds from flying shrapnel and glass
                      gauze and bandages for recovery from temporary blindness
                      Sig by Luciana
                      My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                        OK, I've read this twice, but I think I need the American translation for GCSEs. I'm almost scared to ask what a "cack" office job is. And I'm assuming "pants" money is like spare change? *hangs head for not knowing*
                        Ahh the Atlantic language barrier!

                        GCSEs are the school-leaving exams taken at age 16 (General Certificate of Secondary Education)
                        Cack is another word for crap
                        And so is pants. So pants money means crap money = low wage.

                        The list progresses:

                        101 ways to care for a whumped Sheppy
                        1. Cut off dirty, ripped clothing - Ali
                        2. Sponge bath - Roo
                        3. Sheppy nekkid under an infirmary sheet having his wounds carefully stitched... - Ali
                        4. Re-setting Sheppy's broken limb - Ali
                        5. A flogged Sheppy lying on his stomach on an infirmary bed, naked to the waist, whilst the cuts and welts on his back are gently cleaned with antiseptic - Ali
                        6. Neck immoblized with collar and intubated - Ruffles
                        7. Blood transfusion - Ruffles
                        8. X-rays and scans - Ruffles
                        9. Sheppy in isolation (with high fever/disease whatever) - Roo
                        10. Sheppy in a wheelchair - Roo
                        11. Crutches – Roo
                        12. Sheppy needing a spinal tap - Ali
                        13. Sheppy with a head wound and the nurses etc in the infirmary having to clean the blood from his face and bandage the wound.. and try to clean the matted blood from his hair.. - Ali
                        14. Sheppy on a backboard - Roo
                        15. Sheppy recovering in his room with his team surrounding him - Roo
                        16. Sheppy has a high fever and he has to be put in a cold bath! and struggles cos he wants to get out! – Roo
                        17. Sheppy unconscious and being given an injection when he wakes up suddenly, disoriented, and struggles, snapping the needle off in his arm - Ali
                        18. Sheppy too weak/ill to feed himself and has to be given an NG tube - Ali
                        19. Sheppy shivering/unable to get warm for some reason and all huddled up in infirmary bed with heated blankets etc but still feeling cold and shivery - Ali
                        20. Sheppy in infirmary bed recovering from injuries when one of team notices blood in the catheter bag - Sheppy passes out from an unsuspected bleed and has to be rushed into surgery – Ali
                        21. Confused and crazy Sheppy leaves his infirmary bed and huddles in a corner, Carson tried to get him to go back into bed but he freaks out every time anyone gets near him! – Roo
                        22. Sheppard with tracheotomy so he can't talk and they can't tell how much pain he is in and keeps moving his arm to try and stop them giving him drugs cos he can't tell them he doesn't want them even though he is in pain – Listy
                        23. Sheppy being carried on a stretcher trying to get him back to the gate as he is bleeding out with Carson and nurses trying to stem the bleeding keep him conscious and on the makeshift stretcher as when awake he writhes around in pain and keeps nearlly flinging himself of the stretcher – Listy
                        24. Sheppy in a sling - Roo
                        25. Sheppy with butterfly stitches – Roo
                        26. Sheppy struggling through physiotherapy - Roo
                        27. Sheppy traumatised (torture?) cant speak and his friends are trying to comfort him through his nightmares, physical injuries etc – Roo
                        28. After being temporarily paralysed, has a nightmare and tries to get out of bed only to face plant on the floor, and ends up stuck on the infirmary floor trying to drag himself out of view before anyone sees him and fusses over him but one of his team finds him first and Carson panics thinking he might have done damage to his spine and then putting him in restraints to stop him doing it again – Listy
                        29. How about Sheppy waking up in the infarmary with a breathing tube and struggling because he thinks he's being choked. - WKeeper
                        30. Broken legs and needs to be carired back to the gate by Ronon. – Wkeeper
                        31. Warm saline IVs to warm up after hypothermia - Ruffles
                        32. Debriding and stitching wounds from flying shrapnel and glass - Ruffles
                        33. Gauze and bandages for recovery from temporary blindness - Ruffles


                          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                          Yea! *runs off to read* Fabulous! More please.

                          OK, I've read this twice, but I think I need the American translation for GCSEs. I'm almost scared to ask what a "cack" office job is. And I'm assuming "pants" money is like spare change? *hangs head for not knowing*
                          Spoilers for O/T explanation.....
                          Sorry its my northern slang!! ok a GCSE is the exams you take at what 15?? when you finish senior school they are in like English,Maths, Science, Languages, business studies, history, RE, etc they allow you to get a job or go on to college to do for example A-levels and then on to do a degree at university.

                          cack is slang for s**t/rubbish - my job is dull to the point that a trained monkey could do it

                          and pants is also slang for rubbish sorry will try to avoid using annoying slang

                          edit: LOL Ali beat me to it


                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            Noooooooooooooooooo! No whumping of teh hair!!

                            17. Sheppy unconscious and being given an injection when he wakes up suddenly, disoriented, and struggles, snapping the needle off in his arm
                            18. Sheppy too weak/ill to feed himself and has to be given an NG tube
                            19. Sheppy shivering/unable to get warm for some reason and all huddled up in infirmary bed with heated blankets etc but still feeling cold and shivery
                            20. Sheppy in infirmary bed recovering from injuries when one of team notices blood in the catheter bag - Sheppy passes out from an unsuspected bleed and has to be rushed into surgery
                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            I'll start collating a list..

                            Drabble part 2:


                            Teyla sat up a little straighter, concern sending a flood of adrenalin through her body, making her forget aches and pains.

                            “I think we lost them but better safe than sorry..” He ignored the question they both knew she was asking, speaking over his shoulder, his back to her as he drew to a cautious halt at the far left side of the cave. His silhouette was outlined in the weak light emanating from the cave entrance somewhere ahead of him as he crouched a little, holding the P90 awkwardly in his left hand as he peered around the corner. Apparently satisfied that the way ahead was clear, he straightened slowly and crept forward a little, disappearing around the curve of the cave wall.

                            For a long moment Teyla sat alone in the gloomy cave, her body propped uncomfortably against the uneven wall, and listened to the slow drip of water from somewhere further back in the darkness. When she realised that John was not simply performing a quick recon before returning to their temporary shelter, she struggled to her feet, a hand on the wall holding her steady as a rush of dizziness made her sway.

                            Moving carefully and slowly as her stiff muscles protested, she moved towards the faint glow of light, the cave narrowing into a short passageway that curved around to the left. She found him just a few feet beyond the gradual turn of the passageway; he had taken up a defensive position with a clear view of the cave entrance some 20 feet ahead and was crouching on the dirt floor, leaning into the wall for support, the P90 gripped in his left hand, one knee raised to allow him to rest the length of the gun on it. His right hand was cradled awkwardly in his lap.

                            He didn’t move, his attention fixed on the stubby brush visible outside the cave entrance, but nevertheless she knew he was aware of her presence as she moved silently up the corridor to join him. Wordlessly, she slipped into a crouch just behind him, peering over his shoulder at the brightness of the outside world.

                            “How’s your head?” His whispered words sounded too loud in the narrow confines of the passageway.

                            “Throbbing,” she admitted with a faint smile.

                            “You should get some rest.”

                            She didn’t bother to hide the reproving tone in her voice as she told him firmly, “And you need medical attention.”

                            She saw his shoulders twitch minutely, as if he were about to shrug and then thought better of it, his hissed intake of breath almost too quiet to hear. “Not a lot of that to be had around here,” he pointed out, pain tightening his voice. She nodded, accepting his tacit admission of injury without fuss. If there was one thing John Sheppard disliked, it was people fussing over him.

                            “Your arm?” she asked quietly.

                            He grunted in acknowledgement, his eyes still fixed on the cave entrance, the gun steady where it rested on his knee.

                            “I’m pretty sure it’s broken.”
                            Very nice!!!! I thought you were whumping Teyla for a minute there, I should've known better!!!

                            Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                            OMG I just cannot believe it!!!!!!!! All those weeks and weeks and weeks that we prayed for some CG promo pics and finally they have been released and oh my what a dreadful collection they are!!!! How upset would we have been if this is what we had been shown!!!! What is wrong with these people!!!!!!!

                            Here is the link if you can be bothered!!!!


                            There are some more promo pics due as well later today (probably tomorrow for us in the UK)
                            OMG! They are total rubbish! I think I'd have cried if those had been released before CG. Eeeek! What the hell are they thinking?????
                            Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                            Kolya and the Wraith would have been soooooo much better than these!!!!!
                            Oh yes, much better. Growl! I can't believe those piccies!


                              Sheppy being forced to consume food in the infirmary through threat of NG tube but throwing up over everyone, to the point of rupturing somethign and throwing up blood over Rodney and passing out having to be rushed to OR and then being doped up on morphine thinking anyone who comes near him is a bug and therefore major panic attack ensue's, having to be comforted until he realised the bugs aren't all out to get him


                                Shep trapped in a room filling with ice cold water. The team see him banging against the door, there's a glass panel in it. The water reaches his head, he thrashes around and is banging on the window as he loses consciousness and floats off. His lips are blue. Obviously he's going to need rescuing and a resuscitation scene!!! He can choke up water and need an oxygen mask!!!

