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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
    someone noticed i was here then

    Im sat on the couch in a hat, gloves and coat!! why is my apartment so flipping cold?
    I've been waiting for you to put in an appearance ever since you left a comment on my LJ earlier, as I said there - we've missed you big time.


      Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
      *scratches head*

      I think I finished Cold Race Will be interested to see what people make of the ending *G*

      Must re-read but hope to post tonight
      *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!* Awesome!!

      Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
      I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! hopefully i'll get some time to play this weekend!!!
      *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!* O1's back!!

      Updated comfort list:

      101 ways to care for a whumped Sheppy

      1. Cut off dirty, ripped clothing - Ali
      2. Sponge bath - Roo
      3. Sheppy nekkid under an infirmary sheet having his wounds carefully stitched... - Ali
      4. Re-setting Sheppy's broken limb - Ali
      5. A flogged Sheppy lying on his stomach on an infirmary bed, naked to the waist, whilst the cuts and welts on his back are gently cleaned with antiseptic - Ali
      6. Neck immoblized with collar and intubated - Ruffles
      7. Blood transfusion - Ruffles
      8. X-rays and scans - Ruffles
      9. Sheppy in isolation (with high fever/disease whatever) - Roo
      10. Sheppy in a wheelchair - Roo
      11. Crutches – Roo
      12. Sheppy needing a spinal tap - Ali
      13. Sheppy with a head wound and the nurses etc in the infirmary having to clean the blood from his face and bandage the wound.. and try to clean the matted blood from his hair.. - Ali
      14. Sheppy on a backboard - Roo
      15. Sheppy recovering in his room with his team surrounding him - Roo
      16. Sheppy has a high fever and he has to be put in a cold bath! and struggles cos he wants to get out! – Roo
      17. Sheppy unconscious and being given an injection when he wakes up suddenly, disoriented, and struggles, snapping the needle off in his arm - Ali
      18. Sheppy too weak/ill to feed himself and has to be given an NG tube - Ali
      19. Sheppy shivering/unable to get warm for some reason and all huddled up in infirmary bed with heated blankets etc but still feeling cold and shivery - Ali
      20. Sheppy in infirmary bed recovering from injuries when one of team notices blood in the catheter bag - Sheppy passes out from an unsuspected bleed and has to be rushed into surgery – Ali
      21. Confused and crazy Sheppy leaves his infirmary bed and huddles in a corner, Carson tried to get him to go back into bed but he freaks out every time anyone gets near him! – Roo
      22. Sheppard with tracheotomy so he can't talk and they can't tell how much pain he is in and keeps moving his arm to try and stop them giving him drugs cos he can't tell them he doesn't want them even though he is in pain – Listy
      23. Sheppy being carried on a stretcher trying to get him back to the gate as he is bleeding out with Carson and nurses trying to stem the bleeding keep him conscious and on the makeshift stretcher as when awake he writhes around in pain and keeps nearlly flinging himself of the stretcher – Listy
      24. Sheppy in a sling - Roo
      25. Sheppy with butterfly stitches – Roo
      26. Sheppy struggling through physiotherapy - Roo
      27. Sheppy traumatised (torture?) cant speak and his friends are trying to comfort him through his nightmares, physical injuries etc – Roo
      28. After being temporarily paralysed, has a nightmare and tries to get out of bed only to face plant on the floor, and ends up stuck on the infirmary floor trying to drag himself out of view before anyone sees him and fusses over him but one of his team finds him first and Carson panics thinking he might have done damage to his spine and then putting him in restraints to stop him doing it again – Listy
      29. How about Sheppy waking up in the infarmary with a breathing tube and struggling because he thinks he's being choked. - WKeeper
      30. Broken legs and needs to be carired back to the gate by Ronon. – Wkeeper
      31. Warm saline IVs to warm up after hypothermia - Ruffles
      32. Debriding and stitching wounds from flying shrapnel and glass - Ruffles
      33. Gauze and bandages for recovery from temporary blindness – Ruffles
      34. Sheppy being forced to consume food in the infirmary through threat of NG tube but throwing up over everyone, to the point of rupturing something and throwing up blood over Rodney and passing out having to be rushed to OR and then being doped up on morphine thinking anyone who comes near him is a bug and therefore major panic attack ensues, having to be comforted until he realised the bugs aren't all out to get him – Listy
      35. After Sheppy drowns, he is rescued and someone has to try to get him breathing again. He's hypothermic, which is good as he'd be a turnip brain otherwise. Chest compressions and rescue breathing ensue...thermal blankets and warm saline next...then it's the vent, as they wait to warm him up and check for brain damage... – Linzi
      36. After a traumatic torture experience Sheppy goes crazy and trashes the infirmary and Ronan has to pin him down will Carson sedates him to stop him from wrecking everything and hurting himself – Listy
      37. CPR - Ruffles
      38. Epinephrine for anaphylactic shock - Ruffles
      39. Wrap for broken ribs - Ruffles
      40. Chest tube – Ruffles
      41. Feeding Shep ice chips/or soup – IHeartShep
      42. Run fingers gently through Shep's hair giving him a massage. – IHeartShep
      43. Rubbing cream into his skin to help with a chronic allergic reaction to drugs – bebop
      44. Drug reaction causes hyper-sensitivity so even the slightest touch hurts - Ali


        Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
        I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! hopefully i'll get some time to play this weekend!!!
        Oh my...are we actually on at the same time???



          **SULKS BIG TIME** I have had soooooo many late nights this week...due to my whump addiction...that I am now officially shattered...I have work tomorrow but as we are lucky enough to have our own internet cafe..I will probably see you peeps on the morrow...maybe with part 6*evil grin*

          my fan fiction place


            Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
            *scratches head*

            I think I finished Cold Race Will be interested to see what people make of the ending *G*

            Must re-read but hope to post tonight
            Yes!!!!! Can't wait to read it.

            Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
            I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! hopefully i'll get some time to play this weekend!!!
            Hi O1!

            Originally posted by bebop View Post
            How about rubbing cream into his skin to help with a chronic allergic reaction to drugs.
            Ohhhh, good one.

            Cold compresses to bring down fever
            Skin grafts for burns
            Treatment for frostbite
            Kidney transplant due to renal failure from unknown PG disease
            Sig by Luciana
            My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


              Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
              sheppy recovering from torture, his team mates take him to the recreational room (that every fanfic seems to have lol) to watch dvds with him, sheppy sits/lies on the couch with a blanket on him, and falls asleep during the film (maybe hes had difficulty sleeping on his own in the infirmary, and had nightmares) but being surrounded by his team mates he feels safe and sleeps whilst his team mates surround him and look after him together.

              Originally posted by Tristen View Post
              'Awwwww', indeed, Roo! Sounds great! Interested in writing a fic about this, Roo? Anyone? *glances around hopefully*
              X Tristen
              That already is a fic, or at least the ending to one, I just can't remember who's....


                Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
                someone noticed i was here then

                Im sat on the couch in a hat, gloves and coat!! why is my apartment so flipping cold?
                of course i did!! im sat on my bed with a blanket on, its cold here too!!
                Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
                oh god dont mention travellers.................................SQUEE!!!!
                Originally posted by Tristen View Post
                'Awwwww', indeed, Roo! Sounds great! Interested in writing a fic about this, Roo? Anyone? *glances around hopefully*

                'Night, guys, I gotta go! *waves*

                X Tristen
                wish i could, i still want to write but got too much work on at uni this semester so no can do!! yeh i thought it was cute!!
                ...ALI you didnt put it on the list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                night Tristen!!



                  Originally posted by Josie View Post
                  I've been waiting for you to put in an appearance ever since you left a comment on my LJ earlier, as I said there - we've missed you big time.
                  aw thanks Josie *blushes*


                    01's here! *waves at 01*

                    GG the Working Woman's Here! *waves at GG*

                    Nope.....I don't have a degree either. Neither does hubby.....he changed his major so many times and then not only changed schools, then he left school. Dummy. He always thought he'd go back but he never has.

                    I think I officially suck at comfort! *oh the horror* Why can't I think of ways to comfort the poor man?



                      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                      Oh my...are we actually on at the same time???
                      I think maybe we of us needs to go away


                        Well, I have no ideas for comfort, but I would like to see Sheppy suffer chafing whump........


                          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                          and to welcome her back you bring zpm whump and FPF lovely!!



                            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                            Kidney transplant due to renal failure from unknown PG disease
                            you are such a bad bad person!!!!..Love it

                            my fan fiction place


                              Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                              Well, I have no ideas for comfort, but I would like to see Sheppy suffer chafing whump........
                              well i put sand in sheppys pants as whump on the 101 ways to whump sheppy!!

                              i think we're all better at the whump than pretty satisfied with a nice infirmary scene!! but oh the ways to whump many good ones!!



                                ive been toying with a fic idea......shep exchanging himself for hostages Cant yet think of the circumstances where that would happen...but i think it would be kinda hot with biiiiiiiiiiiiiig whump potential. Man, i have been so slack with my fics. Lost and found.........oh dear.......MUST....GET....IT.....FINISHED....BUT......TOO...................LAZY !!!!

