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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Lauriel
    I tried to research it on the net too, and ended up being even more confused! LOL! I'm an absolute dummy when it comes to that stuff.
    I love researching the medical stuff....i often think i would make a great doctor....even if i do love whump....actually that sounds very contradictory,

    Its fairly simple,

    this is a really helpful site
    EDIT: gives you everything you need to know about medicical emergencies and how people would be treated


      Have a nice peaceful sleep filled with whumpy dreams Lauriel!


        Originally posted by Lauriel
        On that note - I am feeling somewhat turnipy myself. I'm going to have a snooze. See you all later. Have fun whumping!
        Night, Lauriel!


          Originally posted by obsessed1
          Yeah i did the adreniline injection to the heart in one of my fics (Dangerous minds) cruel

          i would love to work in whump continuity. Moving injuries, poorly wrapped bandages, disappearing wounds, lack of blood etc, hands in crotches....

          whump continuity is the way to go... lets all sign up for that job.. poor Shep won't know what hit him

          By Kidwizz

          By JessM


            Originally posted by Lauriel
            May I suggest you put aside whichever fic you are working on now and start writing a comedy while you're on a roll?
            Comedy? Me?


              Thank you O1! I've bookmarked it for later use! See you all later.
              My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                Originally posted by gravelgerdie

                whump continuity is the way to go... lets all sign up for that job.. poor Shep won't know what hit him


                  Oh I just thought about something in one of the future eps.
                  I think we are going to get wet Shep again.. ohhhh yeah baby... let it be so

                  By Kidwizz

                  By JessM


                    Originally posted by obsessed1
                    I love researching the medical stuff....i often think i would make a great doctor....even if i do love whump....actually that sounds very contradictory,

                    Its fairly simple,


                    this is a really helpful site
                    EDIT: gives you everything you need to know about medicical emergencies and how people would be treated
                    Cool. Does anyone else have any sites that would be good resources for writers?


                      Originally posted by gravelgerdie
                      Oh I just thought about something in one of the future eps.
                      I think we are going to get wet Shep again.. ohhhh yeah baby... let it be so
                      Oooh yeah hopefully in Submersion we shall get...
                      ...very wet Shep.


                        josie thats my favorite....
                        Wet Shep is always it for me.. now if we could get whumped wet Shep in that ep.. thats even better.. oh yeah

                        By Kidwizz

                        By JessM


                          Originally posted by gravelgerdie
                          josie thats my favorite....
                          Wet Shep is always it for me.. now if we could get whumped wet Shep in that ep.. thats even better.. oh yeah
                          whumped wet shep bleeding from a cut above his eyebrow, blood and water mingling, dripping down the side of his face...............


                            Originally posted by Josie
                            Cool. Does anyone else have any sites that would be good resources for writers?
                            Nah. I usually just google it and then checkout whatever links come up.

                            Darn it. I am so close to finishing my M&MM tag fic but hubby is hassling me to cook dinner!


                              There you go obsessed1 thats it exactly... ohhhhhh bleeding and soak through... oh yes Shep please

                              By Kidwizz

                              By JessM


                                Originally posted by Alipeeps
                                Nah. I usually just google it and then checkout whatever links come up.

                                Darn it. I am so close to finishing my M&MM tag fic but hubby is hassling me to cook dinner!
                                He's got hands

