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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Gate Geek
    Nice summarization. I think you should have added the scream when Ford tries to shoot it off too.

    I watched that ep four times today.
    My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


      Originally posted by Linzi
      Squeee! Ok, I've changed my mind. I want Sheppy to kill my spiders!
      Could be hard on the home flooring. All those bullet holes.

      Thanks to blingaway for the shiny new siggie!


        That always bothered me at the end of 38mins.
        "He's got a pulse...its getting stronger...he's going to be okay."
        Well, surely not Carson, because you just leave him on the floor of the jumper and do nothing....wheres his oxygen? where's his gurney? huh, huh? I need answers!

        and has anyone noticed that through all the defib...shep has got his hand, practically in carsons CROTCH!! its true....go see.......and surely he would therefore recieve the same shock??

        Okay, I have not been staring at Carson crotch. Only Sheps, i promise


          Originally posted by WannaBeAWhumper
          Could be hard on the home flooring. All those bullet holes.
          True, but think of all the other benefits...


            Originally posted by Lauriel
            It's in spoilers now. And if you ever do come this way to visit - they don't hold up long against a good whallop of surface spray.
            Thanks mate!!! Just thinking about that darned thing is creeping me out. Fine. I admit I am the biggest wimp there is!!! *sigh*

            Like anything else - it depends on what area and what season you go. At least huntsmen aren't poisonous, thank god. We do have more than our fair share, though (I think seven of the top ten most poisonous snakes or something like that). Most of the time they prefer to bite tastier things than humans anyway.
            and when would be a good time to visit then? when hell freezes over??


              Originally posted by obsessed1
              That always bothered me at the end of 38mins.
              "He's got a pulse...its getting stronger...he's going to be okay."
              Well, surely not Carson, because you just leave him on the floor of the jumper and do nothing....wheres his oxygen? where's his gurney? huh, huh? I need answers!

              and has anyone noticed that through all the defib...shep has got his hand, practically in carsons CROTCH!! its true....go see.......and surely he would therefore recieve the same shock??

              Okay, I have not been staring at Carson crotch. Only Sheps, i promise

              Oh yes! It's terrible! Number one, no way could Carson know Shep's going to be ok. He suffered hypoxia, so he'd need to wait until he regained consciousness to see if there'd been any brain damage, and yes, Carson would've been jolted too, but, most importantly, Carson didn't do chest compressions! So, Shep's blood wasn't being circulated round his body. He'd have been a turnip brain, I'm afraid!


                Originally posted by Linzi
                Oh yes! It's terrible! Number one, no way could Carson know Shep's going to be ok. He suffered hypoxia, so he'd need to wait until he regained consciousness to see if there'd been any brain damage, and yes, Carson would've been jolted too, but, most importantly, Carson didn't do chest compression! So, Shep's blood wasn't being circulated round his body. He;'s have been a turnip brain, I'm afraid!
                turnip brain??....LMAO!!!

                Just in a really giddy mood all of a sudden and I found that extremely funny.


                  Originally posted by obsessed1
                  That always bothered me at the end of 38mins.
                  "He's got a pulse...its getting stronger...he's going to be okay."
                  Well, surely not Carson, because you just leave him on the floor of the jumper and do nothing....wheres his oxygen? where's his gurney? huh, huh? I need answers!

                  and has anyone noticed that through all the defib...shep has got his hand, practically in carsons CROTCH!! its true....go see.......and surely he would therefore recieve the same shock??

                  Okay, I have not been staring at Carson crotch. Only Sheps, i promise
                  now you'll have me looking for that part in the episode... oh my

                  By Kidwizz

                  By JessM


                    Originally posted by Linzi
                    Oh yes! It's terrible! Number one, no way could Carson know Shep's going to be ok. He suffered hypoxia, so he'd need to wait until he regained consciousness to see if there'd been any brain damage, and yes, Carson would've been jolted too, but, most importantly, Carson didn't do chest compressions! So, Shep's blood wasn't being circulated round his body. He'd have been a turnip brain, I'm afraid!
                    poor turnip brained Sheppard

                    I needed more in that scene, more action and tubes and masks and injections and.....him waking up at some point...........Perhaps he wakes up..."He's going to be okay." Shep tries in vain to speak etc, light in the eye routine, tries to get up, "No lad, stay put" as an oxygen mask is secured over his face


                      Originally posted by Linzi
                      Oh yes! It's terrible! Number one, no way could Carson know Shep's going to be ok. He suffered hypoxia, so he'd need to wait until he regained consciousness to see if there'd been any brain damage, and yes, Carson would've been jolted too, but, most importantly, Carson didn't do chest compressions! So, Shep's blood wasn't being circulated round his body. He'd have been a turnip brain, I'm afraid!
                      Turnip brain? Is that an English expression I've not heard before, or is it a Linzi-ism?
                      My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                        Originally posted by Gate Geek
                        turnip brain??....LMAO!!!

                        Just in a really giddy mood all of a sudden and I found that extremely funny.
                        Poor Shep! Turnip brain has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?


                          Originally posted by gravelgerdie
                          now you'll have me looking for that part in the episode... oh my
                          it's blatant for all to see


                            Originally posted by obsessed1
                            poor turnip brained Sheppard

                            I needed more in that scene, more action and tubes and masks and injections and.....him waking up at some point...........Perhaps he wakes up..."He's going to be okay." Shep tries in vain to speak etc, light in the eye routine, tries to get up, "No lad, stay put" as an oxygen mask is secured over his face
                            How about an adrenaline injection into the heart? And being intubated too? Sigh.....


                              I notice things like that as well... ecspecially if its so blantently obvious

                              By Kidwizz

                              By JessM


                                Originally posted by gravelgerdie
                                I notice things like that as well... ecspecially if its so blantently obvious
                                Which is why they need a whump continuity supervisor. I volunteered for the job, but they didn't return my call...

