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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Alipeeps
    Rewatching the Sheppy Teyla scene

    He is SO trying not to cry when he says he would give up his life for any one of them. You can see the moisture in his eyes and the way he holds his facec and almost kinda bites his lip to try and keep it all inside. *dies*
    Joe is so good at those kind of scenes. I'm just so glad he's been given the chance ot show what he can do. Blimey, I wonder what CG is going to be like then?


      Originally posted by McKayRocks!
      I tell you Ali - up til now I have liked Ronon but didn't feel that connection with him. Didn't hate him but didn't have any real emotional investment in him either. But now - wow!!!!!! Jason was so cool in this - my son was watching this with me and he loved the action - it really was kick ass!!! Even hubbie watched it and said how much he enjoyed it!!!

      It is such torture having to watch it again and again to get the perfect cap!!

      Me too - I didnt have any great feelings for Ronon but now I hope that we get more Ronon action scenes in future epsiodes rather than him just melting into the background.

      My husband doesnt really like SGA (well Sci Fi in general) but i think he actually enjoyed it


        Originally posted by Linzi
        Joe is so good at those kind of scenes. I'm just so glad he's been given the chance ot show what he can do. Blimey, I wonder what CG is going to be like then?

        I think I may need a tranquillizer the day of CG!!!!


          Originally posted by SLC
          Welcome to the thread Arlessiar!!!
          Yes I think we probably have capped every Shep whump scene to death!!! We are very dedictaed whumpers and even the slightest hint of Shep whump sends us into a frenzy!
          Hehe, I know that phenomenon from the McKay whump, we also capped every single bit of whump and almost-whump that was there!
          Originally posted by Mx
          Now do you understand why my post count has gone through the roof!! This thread buzzes!!!!
          Yep, now I know how you did that!
          And notice that they always slip a little Rodney pic in for me (now us)!! I told you they were the best!!!
          A bit of RM whump too? Fantastic! Really a nice thread!
          Originally posted by Linzi
          You're coming to P2? Cool! I'll look forward to keeping you upright when you meet DH! That's if I'm not struggling to stop Mx from hitting the floor.
          Yes, I'll come too, and I'm very happy that you'll try to keep me upright because I'll surely faint! Mx and I will be dead on the floor!
          I hope i get the chance to speak to him and tell him how much you guys like whumping his character
          Don't you dare, he'll think we've lost it completely!

          And thanks for welcoming me, Linzi.
          Originally posted by Lauriel
          Even the ones that didn't make it to air! Linzi was telling us about the hanky scene that got chopped in another thread. We mourned for lost whump..
          There was a whump scene that was cut??? I so hate it when they do that, they already did it with McKay in "The Hive" and I still mourn for that scene!
          Originally posted by florence
          I really hope Joe will come too. It would be the best! Meeting all of you here, DH and JF? BEST.CONVENTION.EVER!
          (well, seeing as it will be my first convention, I don't really have other experiences to compare with!)
          It will be my first con too, and I'm already nervous!
          But meeting you all will be great, and meeting David will be fantastic! Would be great if Joe came too.

          I so hope I won't embarass myself at the con because of the language thing.

          Bye, A.
          ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
          ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


            Originally posted by SLC
            I think I may need a tranquillizer the day of CG!!!!
            Valium for me, I think. I don't think I'll go to bed that night!


              Originally posted by Linzi
              He will be coming. He might not know it, and Wolf might not know it, but I'm sure we won't be disappointed. Positive thoughts...

              I have a rather comical white witch spell book and was looking to see if there was one that I can use to make Wolf Events bring Joe to P2....I havent found one so far I will keep looking !!!


                P2 Attendees: We want reports, pictures, video footage, and bottled scent of Joe. (Of course he will attend-we have everything crossed too, so we can live vicariously through you.) And I must insist, now that it has been confirmed, on bottled scent of David. MX, you're just going to have to stand up tall and take one for the team, honey! Bottle that scent!

                And when it is over, come back here and SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
                My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                  Originally posted by Linzi
                  Valium for me, I think. I don't think I'll go to bed that night!

                  We should all have an online sleepover!!! Where we dont go to sleep!


                    Originally posted by Linzi
                    I can't wait to see it. I love action in SGA. I've always like Ronon, but I agree he deserved some decent character stuff as there has been quite a bit of negativity towards him from some quarters. Roll on Monday!!

                    I'm on dial up now, by the way, as I'm at my parents. So I'll probably be really slow posting!
                    Welcome to my world.

                    Ali I've pm'd you with a solution to the av problem.

                    SLC I shall be sure to have the Diazepam on stand-by.


                      Originally posted by SLC
                      I think I may need a tranquillizer the day of CG!!!!
                      Nope. no tranquilizers. You're going to have to squee, die, and thunk your way through just like the rest of us.

                      These really goods S3 eps is making the wait for CG not to terribly long anymore.


                        Originally posted by anaM
                        i can't say i'm not jealous of you all going to P2, but i hope you'll be worthy reporters!!
                        Don't worry ana, we'll report everything! *note to self : don't forget a notebook and lots of pens*


                        *and a camera to take pics*


                        *and cookies*
                        Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                          Originally posted by SLC
                          I have a rather comical white witch spell book and was looking to see if there was one that I can use to make Wolf Events bring Joe to P2....I havent found one so far I will keep looking !!!
                          Surely there is a spell to bring your desired whumpee to a con!? I would have thought that was the first spell they would include..
                          My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                            Originally posted by florence
                            Don't worry ana, we'll report everything! *note to self : don't forget a notebook and lots of pens*


                            *and a camera to take pics*


                            *and cookies*

                            Oh we need Revels too!


                              Originally posted by Lauriel
                              Surely there is a spell to bring your desired whumpee to a con!? I would have thought that was the first spell they would include..

                              Well you would have thought so!!!!

                              Will have to take a closer look and see if there is one that we can adapt!!!


                                Originally posted by SLC
                                Oh we need Revels too!

                                I think I'm going to have to give you guys my mobile number so you can text updates.

