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John Sheppard Whump

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    Yep, I think WBAW has excellent points, too. Attractiveness all the way around tends to have a large biological base. The strong type promised survival and having progeny that'd be strong. Darwinism at the best.


      Originally posted by obsessed1
      theres also something sexy about how he handles that treatment/whump being angry, violent get to see, i feel, the real shep...what hes capable of.......
      yep! i agree with that totally!! you get a very different side of shep which is nice to see!

      conversion is a great example of how u see shep all im fine "this really isnt necessary" etc at the beginning being his usual defensive self and then u see the gradual fear and worry that he is experiencing (and the fear from his team) at what is happening to him. that scene in his room with weir makes me just wanna hug him!!! this episode has lots of lovely physical and emotional whump, and the teams reactions are spot on....its makes a brilliant episode and remains one of my top favourites... apart from the obvious ones (e.g 38mins awww, common ground and defiant one- which is a good example of shep working through his pain/injuries to save the day!!)

      i just really love a whumped shep...and well any shep to be honest is hot!!



        Darwinism at it's best... I like that.


          Shep is a complex character hiding under the most basic of emotions.
          He cant articulate his feelings very well so he hides .i think shep sees emotion as burden. So when he gets whumped theres the hope that these deeper emotions will bleed through....uh do i make any sense there??

          ANd on the subject of bleeding......why won't he bleed!!!!!!!!!!!!
          You know in the storm and the eye that really annoyed me. I always felt at the end of that ep he should ahve LOOKED like he had been in a fight...instead he didnt have a scratch on him


            Good afternoon, everyone!

            Lissafoss's pic on the top of this page......GAH!!!! I love that picture of Shep Whumpage!!!!

            So, what did I miss? Looks like you've been discussing Why Whumpage? I also think it's the way it brings out the vulnerability of the character, in this case Shep. It's that whole hurt/comfort thing. *sigh*

            Thanks for the answer on the S-2 DVDs. I missed some of the earlier episodes from last season......some of the ones before "Duet" and one or two after. I have seen the oh-so-whumpy! "Conversion". SQUEEEEE! I'd just like to see it without commercials and such.



              *runs and tackles Linzi* No, you haven't missed anything!

              I'm in a suddenly great mood tonight! My hubby got offered a job for when he retires next year, and it's squeeeeee worthy. It's what he'd hoped for. Now we just have to stay sane his last year and a few months!


                So cool, the thread is hopping again! So, you know, I must go and get my picspam groove on!


                  Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                  *runs and tackles Linzi* No, you haven't missed anything!

                  I'm in a suddenly great mood tonight! My hubby got offered a job for when he retires next year, and it's squeeeeee worthy. It's what he'd hoped for. Now we just have to stay sane his last year and a few months!

                  Oh nice one IWTB !


                    Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                    *runs and tackles Linzi* No, you haven't missed anything!

                    I'm in a suddenly great mood tonight! My hubby got offered a job for when he retires next year, and it's squeeeeee worthy. It's what he'd hoped for. Now we just have to stay sane his last year and a few months!
                    Oh excellent news sweetie! Break out the champers. Oh ok, just break Sheppy instead,


                      Let's have some whump!



                        Originally posted by obsessed1

                        ANd on the subject of bleeding......why won't he bleed!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        You know in the storm and the eye that really annoyed me. I always felt at the end of that ep he should ahve LOOKED like he had been in a fight...instead he didnt have a scratch on him
                        BamBam said something about that recently in his thread. Somebody asked about how fake blood tastes and Bam said it comes in three flavors, including mint (gak!) but they don't get to use it much because liberal use of blood plays merry heck with the censors' content rating. Boo! Hiss!! I'd give limbs to see Sheppard spit blood during a good beating. And then get blown across the screen by a good explosion.


                          I was just trying to remember all the things that we had on our want list back when we were discussing season 3 months ago. I know that we said
                          shep being tortured - but I bet we never really expected that!!!! We should have kept a proper note. Maybe TPTB were listening after all...or at least Ken was !!!


                            IWTB i love that first picture of him........yummy....all submissive and out of it and unable to move or speak and.........................DIES!!!!!!


                              Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                              *runs and tackles Linzi* No, you haven't missed anything!

                              I'm in a suddenly great mood tonight! My hubby got offered a job for when he retires next year, and it's squeeeeee worthy. It's what he'd hoped for. Now we just have to stay sane his last year and a few months!
                              That's fantastic news IWTB.

                              Would you or anyone else (looks at Linzi ) be up for reading something through for me? It's not a story as such just something I started writing and kind of isn't actually going anywhere and the tenses are all screwed up and it has no plot but I think there's something in there...somewhere.

                              I desperately need to get my groove back writing wise.


                                *tackles, heck, tackles everyone!*

                                It's great! It's back to work on the UAV Global Hawk, which is what he was doing before we moved here. He loved it, but we won't be going back to Edwards AFB, we'll be going up to Beale AFB which isn't the cold climate I was looking for, but it was the only job I was willing to make the exception for, and the pay is such that we'll be able to make trips to the mountains plenty enough and I can finally get some skiing in!!!!

                                UAV = unmanned aerial vehicle

                                Hubby was working on it when they made the Guinness book of world records!

