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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire

    2. We did see him show plenty of aggression toward Elizabeth this ep. First he punched through a window when she refused to let him leave Atlantis (would he have punched her instead?). And later he choked her (forget why, was it because she wouldn't put him under more security measures?). Both times of violence were caused by her disagreeing with him, which may point to his underlying frustration with her and their disagreements.
    Shep did attack Teyla as well, but there were sexual undertones in it, whereas there was nothing of the sort with Elizabeth. Does that mean he has no sexual feelings for Elizabeth? Or does it mean that he was so infected that he was beyond that? Not sure.
    So many things like that are never really clear and since we never hear of them again it's hard to draw sound conclusions. I think that at
    the point where he smashed the window he wasn't that far in the de-evolution and still chose to act in an agressive and non-sexual way towards Liz. It really wasn't too much after kissing Teyla so it seems that maybe he really just isn't physically attracted to her that much. But who knows...

    I don't think I ever got over the point in Hot Zone last season when he disobeyed her quarantine order and barely got a slap on the wrist- hell, they didn't even really talk about it! Then, by Intruder it's all good, and even part of her defense for why he should be promoted. Perhaps the weak minded behavior Liz seems to exhibit in Sheppard's favor goes back farther than I originally thought. So then when Rodney messes up in Trinity he gets a major chewing this because she cares more for him and thus he makes her lose her cool more easily? Or does Weir let things slide more with Sheppard, and if so, why? S/W ship set-up by TPTB? But I just want to say, if they are, what a sucktastic relationship is that going to be? And how dismal for us to watch that sort of behavior from Liz...and Sheppard or anybody in any relationship for that matter. Wait, was that too harsh?

    So why the difference in chastisement? If Shep did something as catastrophic as blowing up part of a solar system would she scream her head off at him too?

    Ah, ok, enough of that. The whole thing is rather confusing to me so ignore the jumbled thoughts if you want. I'll probably flip my theories tomorrow anyways

    Actually I can see her saying "Look Col., I have no concerns that Rodney is a security hazard, plus I've been keeping an eye on him. Look, recent video indicates he's in my quarters."
    Oh! Now I have bawdy thoughts of Weir watching Rodney on her laptop by security camera all day (and night ) long! "Sometimes I have to protect him from himself" takes on a whole new meaning!!!
    Last edited by Gate Trippin'; 11 September 2005, 08:50 PM.
    Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
    :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


      Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
      I don't think I ever got over the point in Hot Zone last season when he disobeyed her quarantine order and barely got a slap on the wrist- hell, they didn't even really talk about it! Then, by Intruder it's all good, and even part of her defense for why he should be promoted. Perhaps the weak minded behavior Liz seems to exhibit in Sheppard's favor goes back farther than I originally thought. So then when Rodney messes up in Trinity he gets a major chewing this because she cares more for him and thus he makes her lose her cool more easily? Or does Weir let things slide more with Sheppard, and if so, why? S/W ship set-up by TPTB? But I just want to say, if they are, what a sucktastic relationship is that going to be? And how dismal for us to watch that sort of behavior from Liz...and Sheppard or anybody in any relationship for that matter. Wait, was that too harsh?

      So why the difference in chastisement? If Shep did something as catastrophic as blowing up part of a solar system would she scream her head off at him too?
      Oh my, you managed to touch on all the rest of my concerns/peeves about Shep and Elizabeth's relationship!
      -Shep deliberately and publically disobeys Elizabeth in Hot Zone, forcing a standoff between the science/diplomatic side and the military side. Later he talks to her and when she refuses to answer, calls her by her first name for the first time on the show in a chastizing manner. His only excuse in the end was that he "saved her ass", which apparently was a good enough excuse for her because she used it against the SGC to defend him, of all things, in Intruder. Plus she's apparently okay enough with him to force SGC to give him a promotion. There was no major backlash after Hot Zone (unless you see Shep's gift as an apology from him) and after Intruder everything seems peachy, no evidence of lack of trust, hints that she listens to him above others, etc.

      -Rodney never went behind Elizabeth's back in Trinity, nor did he deliberately disobey her commands. She agreed to his plan in the end, and when it failed she gave him a thorough, on-screen lashing that became loud enough to be public. Like with Hot Zone, there is no evidence so far that there's been any backlash, unless you count Rodney possibly avoiding her or staying quiet around her. No indication so far that their trust has been repaired, but there's really been no indication of where their relationship/friendship is period so far this season. If anything, it seems to be backing off while there are more and more scenes with her and Shep. Worrisome.

      In the end, I think the different treatments of Shep and Rodney come down to either the end result of the conflict, her personal feelings toward the men or toward herself, or how she thought the men would best take her criticism.

      -The end result with Shep was that he (with Rodney's help, mind you) saved Atlantis, so he could use that as his defense. The end result with Rodney was that he failed miserably and on a solar-system destroying level, and had no defense. Shep came out mostly clean, Rodney looked like crap. Since Rodney destroyed something and salvaged nothing, Elizabeth had more of a right to chew him out.

      -Elizabeth may have personal feelings for one or both men, be it friendship or more. She may have gone easy on Shep because she felt somewhat close to him (oh gods please no) or because she felt little attachment to him (easier just to let it go). Likewise, she may have smacked around Rodney because she felt somewhat close to him (worried about him translating to yelling) or because she felt little attachment to him (easier to lash out at him).

      -Elizabeth was influenced by her own feelings of guilt or self-anger. Shep was easier to forgive because she couldn't have stopped him anyway. Rodney was harder because she had claimed that she knew him well, that she was his protector, yet she failed. She ultimately said yes and was the catalyst for his failure. Such guilt and anger toward herself could have manifested toward Rodney during their discussion later.

      -Elizabeth may have been more visibly upset with Rodney than with Shep because that's how she thought she would best reach him. Perhaps Shep just needed a quite conversation to steer him back on track (we never saw it though). Perhaps she thought Rodney needed a bit more yelling to reach him, to show him just how upset and angry she was (it didn't seem like she was reaching him in the short clip we saw though).



        Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
        -Elizabeth was influenced by her own feelings of guilt or self-anger. Shep was easier to forgive because she couldn't have stopped him anyway. Rodney was harder because she had claimed that she knew him well, that she was his protector, yet she failed. She ultimately said yes and was the catalyst for his failure. Such guilt and anger toward herself could have manifested toward Rodney during their discussion later.
        To me, that nails it. I mean apart from then have we ever seen her truely lose it at someone? Shout at them in frustration? She's usually so in control that for her to let go like that is interesting. It didn't hit me until a little while afterwards but her saying
        "I know Rodney McKay and sometimes I have to protect him from himself" is a huge thing for her to say aloud. She may think it, but to admit it? And to Caldwell of all people? She has set herself up as his protector of sorts. She looks after him. Has the knack of handling him. And because of his past successes, she over trusted him. She nearly lost him (and Sheppard) because she said 'yes'. I think her chewing him out is a mixture of anger at his stupidity, anger at her own misjudgement and relief that he's alright. I also think it shows that she is personally more comfortable with Rodney - with Sheppard she was talking on a professional level and acted accordingly. With Rodney it was a much more personal issue.

        Of course that's the view of someone who, from the first ep, thought 'omg! She has a thing for McKay!' and was astounded when I found out people were shipping S/W.
        by Kaaatie


          Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
          Going back a ways...

          He does seem awfully quiet this ep, doesn't he? I don't know if TPTB are deliberately doing that to show his change post-Trinity or if they really just wanted to focus on Shep. I still would like to see some interaction between Elizabeth and Rodney though, they seem to border on ignoring each other right now (and maybe that's the point).

          You know, sometimes I wonder about the PTB and how much they think about fallout and stuff. They seem to have this tendency to just let things drop ala Hot Zone. His quietness might be from David who decided to play it like that as his way of trying to show some fallout.

          And in response to all the S/W talk, it's kind of starting to annoy me how much they are pushing the teases in our faces. Season 1 didn't bother me, I don't have anything against S/W, my favorite vid is Mr. Brightside which is a Rodney/Elizabeth/Sheppard vid. But this season, they just keep pushing and pushing and I'm choking on it! I wish they would give it a rest! (ok, end rant, taking deep breaths and going to try and listen for Sheyla vid songs)
          It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


            Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
            I don't think I ever got over the point in Hot Zone last season when he disobeyed her quarantine order and barely got a slap on the wrist- hell, they didn't even really talk about it! Then, by Intruder it's all good, and even part of her defense for why he should be promoted. Perhaps the weak minded behavior Liz seems to exhibit in Sheppard's favor goes back farther than I originally thought. So then when Rodney messes up in Trinity he gets a major chewing this because she cares more for him and thus he makes her lose her cool more easily? Or does Weir let things slide more with Sheppard, and if so, why? S/W ship set-up by TPTB? But I just want to say, if they are, what a sucktastic relationship is that going to be? And how dismal for us to watch that sort of behavior from Liz...and Sheppard or anybody in any relationship for that matter. Wait, was that too harsh?
            This actually brings up to the surface something that has been stewing in my subconscious for a while now. I think you just revealed to me the reason why the idea of Shep/Weir is so alien to me.

            It's because there definitely seems to be a subservience thing going on. Weir is meant to be the boss, but Shep ignores her orders whenever he feels like it, and always gets away with it. This is our heroic military man undermining the female diplomat's position. So if any relationship develops, can the two of them really be looked at as equals? Say what you will about McKay and his arrogance, but he and Weir certainly are equals. They're both intellectuals in their own ways. But Weir and Shep just stinks of a woman knowing her place, and standing by her man. Am I wrong on this? Have my neurons misfired and my thoughts been scattered amongst completely different matters?

            EDIT: Oh my God, have I turned into one of the haters?


              Originally posted by NotANumber
              This actually brings up to the surface something that has been stewing in my subconscious for a while now. I think you just revealed to me the reason why the idea of Shep/Weir is so alien to me.

              It's because there definitely seems to be a subservience thing going on. Weir is meant to be the boss, but Shep ignores her orders whenever he feels like it, and always gets away with it. This is our heroic military man undermining the female diplomat's position. So if any relationship develops, can the two of them really be looked at as equals? Say what you will about McKay and his arrogance, but he and Weir certainly are equals. They're both intellectuals in their own ways. But Weir and Shep just stinks of a woman knowing her place, and standing by her man. Am I wrong on this? Have my neurons misfired and my thoughts been scattered amongst completely different matters?

              EDIT: Oh my God, have I turned into one of the haters?
              Lol! I don't think you're a hater, no. I don't like the idea of S/W romance because I don't see anything believable of that nature between them. Although I fully support their friendship and I think they make a fab professional team. I've liked the moments of conflict between them, especially because Shep isn't a particularly confrontational type character and so it's not all blatantly screaming and shouting between them.

              I can understand what you mean though. If they got into that type of relationship it would be seen as compromise of Elizabeth's position. It just feels different with M/W. They seem to compliment each other more, have more respect for each other's abilities. And there's no apparent compromise of her status on Atlantis. Of course, I am very biased!
              by Kaaatie


                Originally posted by NotANumber
                This actually brings up to the surface something that has been stewing in my subconscious for a while now. I think you just revealed to me the reason why the idea of Shep/Weir is so alien to me.

                It's because there definitely seems to be a subservience thing going on. Weir is meant to be the boss, but Shep ignores her orders whenever he feels like it, and always gets away with it. This is our heroic military man undermining the female diplomat's position. So if any relationship develops, can the two of them really be looked at as equals? Say what you will about McKay and his arrogance, but he and Weir certainly are equals. They're both intellectuals in their own ways. But Weir and Shep just stinks of a woman knowing her place, and standing by her man. Am I wrong on this? Have my neurons misfired and my thoughts been scattered amongst completely different matters?
                This is my concern as well. Shep does seem to respect Elizabeth, but I think if the chips were down then he'd disobey her again and do what he wants. Whereas in Trinity, well
                if Rodney really wanted to he could have taken a PJ and gone to retry the experiment himself, without even waiting for Elizabeth.
                That he didn't would seem to indicates that he respects authority, namely Elizabeth's authority, more than Shep.
                And I do get the feeling that Rodney and Elizabeth are more equals that her and Shep, largely because Rodney seems to respect her authority, which is ultimately respecting her. That's not to say that Shep has no respect for Elizabeth, rather he seems to feel at odds with her sometimes because she's his leader and his natural tendencies seem to be going against the leader when he feels the need. I think Caldwell is the key piece keeping Elizabeth and Shep together, otherwise I think they'd be at odds a lot more.

                EDIT: Oh my God, have I turned into one of the haters?
                I don't think so. There's a difference between disliking a ship and becoming a "hater". Haters use every opportunity to bash a ship in almost any thread they go in, with comments more like "x/y sucks!" rather than thoughtful discussion about why they dislike it. Plus if you were a hater you'd spend plenty of time bashing Shep, because he's "competition". No worries.

                Originally posted by doylefan22
                I can understand what you mean though. If they got into that type of relationship it would be seen as compromise of Elizabeth's position. It just feels different with M/W. They seem to compliment each other more, have more respect for each other's abilities. And there's no apparent compromise of her status on Atlantis.

                Off to read some quality smutfic.


                  Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                  That's not to say that Shep has no respect for Elizabeth, rather he seems to feel at odds with her sometimes because she's his leader and his natural tendencies seem to be going against the leader when he feels the need.
                  You know, I forgot about that but you're entirely right! One of the big things against Shep as far as the military are concerned is his willingness to disobey the orders of his superior.....and he's apparently no different with Elizabeth!

                  I don't think so. There's a difference between disliking a ship and becoming a "hater". Haters use every opportunity to bash a ship in almost any thread they go in, with comments more like "x/y sucks!" rather than thoughtful discussion about why they dislike it. Plus if you were a hater you'd spend plenty of time bashing Shep, because he's "competition". No worries.
                  Yeah that's why the 'anti-ship' thing makes me a little uncomfortable. I suppose I'm anti-ship for S/W but that always seems to imply that you're a hater. But I love Shep! He's so adorable And I think he and Elizabeth make an interesting professional team - it's good to see their differing povs. I just happen to think they have as much sexual chemistry between them as a pair of damp dishcloths would!

                  Off to read some quality smutfic.
                  Well I've got four pieces of coursework to mark (being a teacher sometimes sucks and I've only just finished my first year of it!) and then I'm going to write some (hopefully quality) smut fic
                  by Kaaatie


                    Going back several posts again. And I'm bringing some stuff out of spoilers because I don't think it's spoiling anything in particular.

                    Originally posted by doylefan22
                    If Elizabeth says 'no' and they have to convince her otherwise then it certainly adds conflict. And it's a cheap way of getting her more involved in the ep. I don't think they've considered though the effect that has on our perception of her character. So I don't think it's a deliberate reflection on her, but rather a lazy plot technique.
                    Indeed, I never saw it as a problem with Elizabeth's character per say, more how TPTB were writing her. I still get a feeling like they don't know exactly what to do with Elizabeth and where she's going. It's hard for them because she's not a main offworld team member and since the show is largely about the team and exploration it may be difficult to incorporate her well. I'm still waiting for a good ep where Elizabeth alone saves the day thanks to either her ideas or her actions.

                    Caldwell is there to cause conflict. He's made it clear from the start that he's not impressed with Sheppard being in charge of Atlantis' military and he's using this opportunity to try and prove he can do things better. Of course Elizabeth is naturally worried about Shep and when she sees Caldwell pretty much jumping in his grave before he's cold it makes her angry. If it was my friend he was doing that too I'd be really angry too!
                    That's a good point and I can see why she'd be mad. For that matter, lots of people tend to see Caldwell as the bad guy who's just out for the job and will do whatever it takes to get it (S/W shippers in particular seem to loathe him). In this ep I actually thought his offer for help was genuine and his changes weren't meant to be mean to Shep or anyone grieving over him. He's a military guy, and he probably assumed that Shep was going to die and someone needed to take over. Keep in mind the wraith, Genii, etc are still out there and could target Atlantis at any time.

                    It's probably frustrating for Caldwell to have to watch things going on at Atlantis that he thinks he could improve on but not be able to implement the ideas. Granted he hasn't really made Shep or Elizabeth an ally, but it seems like recently he really wants to help but gets turned down. I think both parties are at fault here.

                    Still curious what Rodney really thinks of Caldwell. He did help get Elizabeth's permission in Trinity, so maybe Rodney respects him a bit more than Elizabeth or Shep? I wonder whose side Rodney would have taken in the Caldwell/Elizabeth security debate in Conversion. Would he side with Elizabeth because it's Elizabeth or because he also has personal feelings for Shep? Or would he be more rational, realize that Shep is likely going to die, and side with Caldwell? That's an interesting AU/missing scene that could either bring Elizabeth and Rodney together or further their current divide.

                    [spoiler]For most of that I'll just point to my post above where I rattle on about how I interpreted the S/W interaction. But her
                    decision to enter his room was not an emotional one, more a trust one. She trusts Sheppard (most of the time!) he's proven himself to her and they've built up a good working relationship with a growing friendship. I don't think she honestly thought she was in any danger from him. Also, as leader of Atlantis it was kind of her duty to tell him herself. It was more a misjudgement than clouded judgement.
                    That's a possibility. I find myself asking if she would do exactly the same thing if it was Rodney in there instead of Shep. Not sure of the answer.


                      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                      Off to read some quality smutfic.
                      Oooo, where?

                      Anyway, since conversion, Ive had a few bunnies that decided to hop to me that I'm throwin out there for yall.
                      I was thinking of something when shep was in the infirmary for a few weeks, like before he got out I was thinkin of a missing scene where Rodney goes to see Liz and they tralk about things like what happened after Trinity (Rodney saying in his own way he was sorry and they should be talking agian) and their concerns about shep and Liz actually apolagizin, just stuff that had come to me recently, sounds a little on the corny side I bet.

                      Also I had a weird one that I got the idea for from the weir/torri thread, someone was explaining why they thought weir was bitter towards calwell, cuz they did it after the chess scene. So, what was in my mind was that liz felt bad about that and didn't want to tell rodney and he finds out (somehow, idk) and is a little hurt, so like an agnst type of thing.

                      There yall go, some fic ideas that I'm throwing out there for you and i think I'm gonna go try to write a RMM, maybe one about coffee.

                      So, later for now, have to deal with English, biology, and geography homework, have fun and talk to yall later.
                      McKay: I'm invulnerable!
                      Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
                      McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

                      McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

                      First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
                      My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


                        Originally posted by MurdocsAngel
                        Well, I took several of those screencaps that were posted earlier and have been playing around with them...

                        Here's what I've come up with
                        Oh, that's great! Always fun to smush them a little closer together, isn't it?
                        And thanks again for that blending/mask tutorial link, I'm having a great time playing with it!

                        It's funny because my writer's muse doesn't want to write M/W, but my icon/graphic muse really loves them right now.
                        Yeah, my writer's muse has apparently been suffocated by my icon muse because I don't have a real desire to write now, only to produce more and more icons. That's fine with me, icons are far easier to make while writing is just agonizing for me. Maybe I should try some more drabbles...

                        (And btw, sgaships community has a new icon challenge this week making a S/W icon out of a particular screencap. Hope you guys give it a try, I was all alone last week! *Eyes certain people in particular* )

                        Originally posted by aaobuttons
                        And in response to all the S/W talk, it's kind of starting to annoy me how much they are pushing the teases in our faces. Season 1 didn't bother me, I don't have anything against S/W, my favorite vid is Mr. Brightside which is a Rodney/Elizabeth/Sheppard vid. But this season, they just keep pushing and pushing and I'm choking on it! I wish they would give it a rest!
                        Interesting, I was reading that and thinking what a diverse bunch of shippers we have in here. We have:

                        -people who don't ship M/W but pop in here because of the additives in the water.
                        -people who would ship M/W but currently have a competing, preferred ship (mainly S/W).
                        -people who ship for both M/W and S/W equally (or ship S/M/W).
                        -people who prefer M/W but wouldn't mind S/W if it was done well.
                        -people who only like M/W.

                        I must admit, I fall in the latter category. But it's interesting to read all these different views about both M/W and S/W in here and see what people like and what they'd like to see happen with both relationships, whether they're friendships or more.

                        Originally posted by doylefan22
                        Yeah that's why the 'anti-ship' thing makes me a little uncomfortable. I suppose I'm anti-ship for S/W but that always seems to imply that you're a hater.
                        I think the term "anti" in this forum tends to get associated too tightly with "hater", and that's too bad. You can dislike something and not hate it. Hate is such a powerful emotion and I just can't use it on a fictional show. You can discuss the problems that you have with something and how you'd like it changed without resorting to ranting. Most people on all of these anti threads would not be classified as haters and they present their opinions in a well-thought out manner, but there are always those who rant and rave and tend to get noticed more than the rational ones. Ah well.

                        (And on that topic, is anyone uncomfortable about the anti-S/T and anti-S/W threads?)


                          Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                          Oh, that's great! Always fun to smush them a little closer together, isn't it?
                          And thanks again for that blending/mask tutorial link, I'm having a great time playing with it!
                          I'm still stuck on it, tried to use on an icon and managed to fuddle it... despite me thinking I was following instructions exactly.
                          Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                          Yeah, my writer's muse has apparently been suffocated by my icon muse because I don't have a real desire to write now, only to produce more and more icons. That's fine with me, icons are far easier to make while writing is just agonizing for me. Maybe I should try some more drabbles...
                          Yes, write more drabbles, the additives in the water command you to
                          Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                          (And btw, sgaships community has a new icon challenge this week making a S/W icon out of a particular screencap. Hope you guys give it a try, I was all alone last week! *Eyes certain people in particular* )
                          *looks innocent and then pokes* You didn't tell us you won mod's choice with your M/W icon, did you?

                          I might have a go at this week's but I'm not sure what to do apart from maybe finding a friendship angle... I'm not really wanting to make a S/W ship icon. Though maybe I should think of it like a challenge, or make it subversively OT3 somehow . Because there are never enough M/W/S icons around.
                          Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                          (And on that topic, is anyone uncomfortable about the anti-S/T and anti-S/W threads?)
                          Nope. I think most people on them are reasonable rather than anything else and have a right to opinions. Equally if an anti-M/W thread appeared I'd be fine with it, just might avoid it completely because I wouldn't have anything to contribute to it, just like the anti-M/Wers wouldn't have much to add here.


                            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                            Going back several posts again. And I'm bringing some stuff out of spoilers because I don't think it's spoiling anything in particular.

                            Indeed, I never saw it as a problem with Elizabeth's character per say, more how TPTB were writing her. I still get a feeling like they don't know exactly what to do with Elizabeth and where she's going. It's hard for them because she's not a main offworld team member and since the show is largely about the team and exploration it may be difficult to incorporate her well. I'm still waiting for a good ep where Elizabeth alone saves the day thanks to either her ideas or her actions.
                            I think we saw a little of that in Condemned when Elizabeth
                            went off world to try and find her missing team. She was very strong there and knew how to use her back up. It was nice to see her verbally kicking arse!


                            Still curious what Rodney really thinks of Caldwell. He did help get Elizabeth's permission in Trinity, so maybe Rodney respects him a bit more than Elizabeth or Shep? I wonder whose side Rodney would have taken in the Caldwell/Elizabeth security debate in Conversion. Would he side with Elizabeth because it's Elizabeth or because he also has personal feelings for Shep? Or would he be more rational, realize that Shep is likely going to die, and side with Caldwell? That's an interesting AU/missing scene that could either bring Elizabeth and Rodney together or further their current divide.
                            I don't think Rodney necessarily likes the military, but he knows how to play their game to get what he wants. He's very good at seeing where the best opportunities are to allow him to continue in his work. In Conversion, since
                            whoever is running the security arrangements
                            makes no difference to him, he's likely to side with the person he is closer to - Elizabeth. Although I wouldn't be surprised to see him try and rationalise it to her e.g. "Caldwell is only doing this because he wants what's best/thinks he can do better." He's certainly the type to call a spade, a spade.

                            That's a possibility. I find myself asking if she would do exactly the same thing if it was Rodney in there instead of Shep. Not sure of the answer.
                            I think she would. Definitely. But for slightly different reasons. She trusts Rodney on a personal level, whereas her trust for Shep is professional. I think she would have a stronger need to comfort Rodney because she knows he'd likely need it more than Shep, she worries about his mental well being more than Shep (she knows his issues and how badly he can cope with things) and she finds him easier to talk to on that personal level.

                            I think she goes to see Shep partly because he's her friend and colleague, and partly because she sees it as her duty to tell him herself. Especially considering he's her 2IC. She'd go to see Rodney due the way she has kind of set herself up as his protector.

                            Interestingly that brings up another thing that's just struck me from an earlier conversation. We were saying about Rodney and Elizabeth being more equals than Shep and Weir, which strikes me as extremely odd because techincally Elizabeth outranks Rodney and is on a pretty much equal standing with Shep. And yet in their important discussions it seems she's always talking to Rodney on and equal and respectful footing, whereas with Shep, one or other of them seems to dominate....I don't know why that is, it's just the vibe I get.

                            Thoughts anyone?
                            by Kaaatie


                              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                              (And btw, sgaships community has a new icon challenge this week making a S/W icon out of a particular screencap. Hope you guys give it a try, I was all alone last week! *Eyes certain people in particular* )
                              *looks ashamed...*

                              I'm sorry....I was going to make one but my stupid coursework marking got in the way ....Bloody kids doing work...

                              I promise I'll do one next time an appropriate M/W pops up!

                              (And on that topic, is anyone uncomfortable about the anti-S/T and anti-S/W threads?)
                              A little, but only because the association they seem to have unfortunately picked up with ship haters. I think I need a 'anti-S/W (but I think they make a great team otherwise and I love them both!)' thread.
                              by Kaaatie


                                Well, I finally saw Conversion.
                                I was disappointed by the lack of any McKay/Weir moments, but then what's to be expected? It does seem, as someone suggested above, that The People To Blame are going to test the waters by basically starting a S/W-S/T war. It's been two episodes since the events of Trinity, and seeing as it hasn't been mentioned yet it doesn't seem like it's going to be discussed at all.

                                Still, I liked the scene when the team went on their second mission to retrieve the bug stem cells, when Liz nodded to Rodney - even if she did spend all of episode acting all doe-eyed over Shep. (I swear, if there's an episode where Weir gets kidnapped and locked in a castle, and Shep has to save his damsel in distress, I'm going to stop watching. This image TPTB are apparently promoting, of women going all weak at the knees for their man, is really annoying me.) I don't know how many time I actually rolled my eyes during the episode, especially at Teyla's breathlessness at the very end.

                                Anyway, there could have been room there for more McKay/Weir scenes. He had no place going offworld on this mission, and that could have afforded him a chance to talk to Weir. There was a lot they could have talked about, even from this episode, like Shep's condition or what Caldwell had been doing since becoming head of military on Atlantis. That would have had relevance to Rodney as the base's chief scientist. There was an issue of Caldwell wanting to change the way the off-world teams operated, I suppose the issue could have come up of the need for an astrophysicist on recon missions.

                                Oh well, there's always next week. Though I'm not getting my hopes up.

