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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Hey everyone, I'm back. (pretty sure noone noticed I was gone) but I was, for about a week, been busy busy. So, just caught up on this thread (finally and still have to finish my biology homework) have to say a few stuff I've seen here.

    Let's see someone mentioned something about mcweir smut bunnies, please, please take mine, got a few small one and am not quite ready to write smut yet.
    very small detail i remeber for one, lab table, thats it just stuff cant go into detail here on a lab table. *coughs*

    Originally posted by Camy
    You really are persistent...gotta handed to you...
    I think you are really giving me to much credit...I didn't know that you are following me...Wow! I must have made a really great impression on you...
    Go look back in the Teyla Thread and you will see that someone mentioned this to me...
    or you can continue...I do like the attention....WOW>>>>
    Should I post my own thread so that you can speak your mind to me all you want and not have the others have to listen to you?
    OH Yeah....If it makes you happy, I am CAMYPAM!!!!!

    Sorry for this interruption, Mckay/Weir Fans...
    I just have a magnetic personality
    as you can see...I have a secret admirer!!!!STALKER!
    Okay, sorry a tad lost here, whats all this about stalking and stuff? Let's see how can Hans be stalking you here on this thread if she's been posting here since it started. I mean come on, everyone here know's (at least I think they do or they should) that Hans is the system lord of the thread and this might as well be her's mostly seeing she does alot for this ship and thread (fic, vids, fic challenges, starts good topics when it's slow, things like that) and you can't call her a stalker (well technically you can, but that's not my point) it's actually not true and you could've said all that stuff in PM, shooot, I think I shopuld've done that too.

    Okay, sorry yall, those were thoughts that were on my mind at the moment and I'll try not to talk so much about those type of things, it was just buggin me.

    So, forgive the OT stuff found an awesome mcweir pic like the one Toaster posted, in fact I believe it's the same scene, loved it and they're so wonderful together.

    Later for now, have to finish biology homework and be nice yall.
    McKay: I'm invulnerable!
    Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
    McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

    McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

    First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
    My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


      A few more pics to go up

      This one is from The Rising, I love it!

      Back off! I have not yet had coffee this morning!

      How much does it look like Rodney has done something wrong, and is pleased with himself for doing it Like a cat who just at the canary!


        Originally posted by NotANumber
        I just did. Now to wait for the reaction...
        ...None! Not a single comment in that thread! Gah!

        But plenty of people over on the Weir thread loved it, hee!

        Originally posted by doylefan22
        That moment when Elizabeth says 'I know Rodney McKay and sometimes I have to protect him from himself' is huge! I've been so interested in the argument at the end that I've kind of brushed over that moment with little more than a large squee. But now I've been really thinking about it, it's a huge thing for her to admit. When else have we heard her say something so personal about another team member? Who else has she so openly admitted that she thinks of in those terms? It's such a huge flag waving moment for our ship!
        Oh yes, such a great comment.
        It's even better because it's two squees in one! First she talks about how she knows Rodney, which is a big deal because he tends to not let anyone close to him, nor let anyone truly get to know him. It implies that she's gotten close to him, whether he's consciously letting her in or whether she decide to take the time and get to know him better. That's a big deal. And second she talks about how she sees herself as his protector at times. Like she knows what he is and isn't capable of (see squee one). And how she feels like she needs to be there for him, to make sure he's okay. She watches him, and I think deep down she wants to watch him. She's so busy with Atlantis that I can't see her taking on that task if she didn't want to.

        Break in spoilers to say, we can see how much she watches him anyway:

        And she says it in front of Shep and Caldwell! Now I could see her admit that to Shep, but to Caldwell? The guy apparently competing for her job? Who she may feel like she can show no weakness toward? She either felt that her comment wasn't a weakness (shows that she knows her people, that she has a bond with them) or maybe this was something she just had to say, consequences be damned. Big deal indeed.


          Originally posted by weirfan517
          "Good, she hasn't noticed yet. A little closer, little closer..."

          Originally posted by fatesfortune
          " 'Lizabeth, don't make me come over there."


            Originally posted by doylefan22
            See, now I have had that happen to me. It was a Doctor/Rose story, that was mainly in the action/adventure genre but clearly labelled as having them in an established relationship. I got a review which was basically someone saying my writing was good but that it was 'wrong' that I had written about them in shippy terms. That's the only problem with writing ship - not everyone agrees with it. Although why they chose to read something they didn't agree with and then winge about it in a review I'll never know!
            Personally, I would have put it in its ship group (I'm thinking here on where you can put your fic in character groups) but that's just me, I like to avoid opposing shippers. I've only written one anti-JackSam fic (well, anti-ish) and I put a two-paragraph warning on it, so I think people got the hint because I never got a reveiw complaining about the ship side of it.

            <<As for reviews as an author. I like honest reviews probably more than the squeeful because it helps, but if someone has nothing to criticise then a squee is truly nice. I've been told a few times by several people that usually when they like a story they might have forgotten all the little points of what exactly by the time they get to review, so all they have to say is that's cute - and there's nothing wrong with that, any feedback at all is nice for the ego or for improvement.>> By Purpleyin.

            (Sorry, couldn't work out how to do the blue box thing a second time.)

            Yeah, there's nothing wrong with squee reviews, although a couple of really contructive pieces of criticism made me rethink a few plot details - those kinds of reviews are my favorite. I've also had writers who I've pointed out things that really bothered me and they now get me to look over their stuff before they publish it - I like those kinds of writers.


              *stares at pictures*

              mmm... snark, so sexy... oh wait, this is not a thunk thread lmao.

              eh, MCWEIR! btw i love that, "i'm loving it" it's so cool to see a visualisation of the golden arches of tribbledom! well done!

              elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

              HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

              NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

              HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

              Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


                Originally posted by weirfan517
                Hey everyone, I'm back. (pretty sure noone noticed I was gone) but I was, for about a week, been busy busy. So, just caught up on this thread (finally and still have to finish my biology homework) have to say a few stuff I've seen here.
                I thought you'd been conspicuously absent from the Weir threads, did you see the new Weir WOW one?
                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire

                " 'Lizabeth, don't make me come over there."
                You know that caption with that picture just inspires smut bunny leanings...

                Oh and I did my best attempt at captions for others... or at least comments.
                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                Elizabeth breaks the new of the new crew quarter assignments and Rodney is dismayed to find she has the biggest room of all *little does he know it won't matter in the end*
                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                M/W photo time!

                Rodney subtly tries to ask Elizabeth if they could maybe get some you know, urm, food... sometime... together.
                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                Really? You like poker? And you heard about the guys poker night... *Rodney starts to think this can only lead to trouble, while Elizabeth hopes it will*
                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                *Rodney finds himself surprisingly calm underneath all the bluster because a little voice tells him...*About to get enslaved by a meglomaniac? Things could be worse. You're not alone.
                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                He always has a point about everything, and he always has a smile for her.
                Originally posted by fatesfortune
                A few more pics to go up
                *just squees at the tension and body language*
                Originally posted by fatesfortune
                Is that smile because he knows he going to another galaxy (... with her)


                  So many great caps guys. Keep them coming - they are VERY useful when you've suddenly caught the icon bug again

                  I'm particularly fond of this one:

                  I used that scene a vid and boy does it just scream sexual tension. The way he stepped so close to could almost see she was startled by the UST flying between them.

                  Originally posted by paulacole
                  Originally Posted by doylefan22
                  See, now I have had that happen to me. It was a Doctor/Rose story, that was mainly in the action/adventure genre but clearly labelled as having them in an established relationship. I got a review which was basically someone saying my writing was good but that it was 'wrong' that I had written about them in shippy terms. That's the only problem with writing ship - not everyone agrees with it. Although why they chose to read something they didn't agree with and then winge about it in a review I'll never know!

                  Personally, I would have put it in its ship group (I'm thinking here on where you can put your fic in character groups) but that's just me, I like to avoid opposing shippers.
                  Oh I would have done, believe me. But the Doctor Who category didn't have that option

                  Right, only 1hr30mins left at work this week then 2 whole days in which to make icons, wallpaper and write fic. Talking of which:

                  Let's see someone mentioned something about mcweir smut bunnies, please, please take mine, got a few small one and am not quite ready to write smut yet.
                  very small detail i remeber for one, lab table, thats it just stuff cant go into detail here on a lab table. *coughs*
                  Now I do have a current smut fic in the works but that idea sounds very interesting indeed. I may have to hijack it...
                  by Kaaatie


                    Originally posted by Camy
                    You really are persistent...gotta handed to you...
                    I think you are really giving me to much credit...I didn't know that you are following me...Wow! I must have made a really great impression on you...
                    THANKS FOR THE ATTENTION....
                    Go look back in the Teyla Thread and you will see that someone mentioned this to me...
                    STOP HARRASSING ME!!!STALKING ME!!!!
                    or you can continue...I do like the attention....WOW>>>>
                    Should I post my own thread so that you can speak your mind to me all you want and not have the others have to listen to you?
                    OH Yeah....If it makes you happy, I am CAMYPAM!!!!!

                    Sorry for this interruption, Mckay/Weir Fans...
                    I just have a magnetic personality
                    as you can see...I have a secret admirer!!!!STALKER!

                    On this note, I find the IGNORE button works wonders. If I were you, Dear Mckay/Weir shippers I'd use it pronto...


                      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                      M/W photo time!

                      Gods, I love that last one. So damn cute!
                      *Leans back and turns up the downtempo music*
                      Och they are cute aren't they? I think they are lovely together (although not in a romantic sense) but I do like them... *cuddles them*


                        Originally posted by paulacole
                        Personally, I would have put it in its ship group (I'm thinking here on where you can put your fic in character groups) but that's just me, I like to avoid opposing shippers. I've only written one anti-JackSam fic (well, anti-ish) and I put a two-paragraph warning on it, so I think people got the hint because I never got a reveiw complaining about the ship side of it.
                        Heh, I remember reading a review (for "Underneath"?) where the reviewer seemed to be traumatized because the story ended up being M/W and there was no label on the story stating it as that. So I guess the polite thing to do is label shippy stories with the appropriate pairing so those who dislike it can steer clear.

                        (Sorry, couldn't work out how to do the blue box thing a second time.)
                        All you have to do is copy the quoted stuff you want into your reply, and then add the [ quote=poster'sname ] before and [ /quote] after (removing spaces of course). Previewing the reply helps to ensure you've done it correctly. I preview every single on of my posts.

                        Originally posted by doylefan22
                        Right, only 1hr30mins left at work this week then 2 whole days in which to make icons, wallpaper and write fic.
                        Yay for weekends! Sleeping in, making a big breakfast, and creating tons of icons. And I think the new SGAShip challenge is going to be posted on Sunday for those of you who missed the first.

                        Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                        Och they are cute aren't they? I think they are lovely together (although not in a romantic sense) but I do like them... *cuddles them*
                        Do I have to make a new ship thread? McKay/Weir/Astro? Smushed name would be...lemme see..."Astrowekay"? "Mcweirtro"? "Wekaystro?"


                          We have a new ep in 4 hours and we haven't talked about it yet? SHAME!

                          My expectations for Conversion:
                          Shep's getting buggified. Cue visual changes and potentially some changes in strength, sensing, and attraction. He may or may not actually become a threat to the people on Atlantis but it seems like he decides to leave the city on his own. Carson's probably going to spend most of the time looking for a cure. Rodney probably will help (and this may be how the Rodney/Shep friendship gets repaired). Teyla apparently is involved in a smooch. It's likely going to be with Shep, but exact details are unknown. Is the kiss a dream or real? Natural or forced by the conversion? Will it open the door to S/T? It is possible that she doesn't kiss Shep, but instead kisses Ronan or even an unknown Athosian, but I'm pretty sure it's Shep. Elizabeth spends the whole trailer looking worried about Shep, so there's likely going to be lots of Weir scenes this ep.

                          What I'd like to see:

                          -Some indication things are still shaky after Trinity. I was irked that there was no mention of it in Instinct. I imagine we'll see some Rodney/Shep scenes, maybe repairing their friendship, but I'd much rather see how Elizabeth and Rodney are doing. Will Shep's condition bring them back together? Will their mutual concern for him make them find comfort in each other (at least in their glances)?
                          -I'm not sure what I want out of the S/T kiss. I guess it would be nice if the kiss was mutual and not forced, but I don't know where it should go beyond that. We'll see how TPTB does.
                          -Shep/Weir kept to a minimum.


                            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire

                            Do I have to make a new ship thread? McKay/Weir/Astro? Smushed name would be...lemme see..."Astrowekay"? "Mcweirtro"? "Wekaystro?"
                            Astrowekay! I like it.. sounds like a battlecry...

                            And they cried "Astrowekay!" and charged...


                              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                              We have a new ep in 4 hours and we haven't talked about it yet? SHAME!

                              My expectations for Conversion:
                              Shep's getting buggified. Cue visual changes and potentially some changes in strength, sensing, and attraction. He may or may not actually become a threat to the people on Atlantis but it seems like he decides to leave the city on his own. Carson's probably going to spend most of the time looking for a cure. Rodney probably will help (and this may be how the Rodney/Shep friendship gets repaired). Teyla apparently is involved in a smooch. It's likely going to be with Shep, but exact details are unknown. Is the kiss a dream or real? Natural or forced by the conversion? Will it open the door to S/T? It is possible that she doesn't kiss Shep, but instead kisses Ronan or even an unknown Athosian, but I'm pretty sure it's Shep. Elizabeth spends the whole trailer looking worried about Shep, so there's likely going to be lots of Weir scenes this ep.

                              What I'd like to see:

                              -Some indication things are still shaky after Trinity. I was irked that there was no mention of it in Instinct. I imagine we'll see some Rodney/Shep scenes, maybe repairing their friendship, but I'd much rather see how Elizabeth and Rodney are doing. Will Shep's condition bring them back together? Will their mutual concern for him make them find comfort in each other (at least in their glances)?
                              -I'm not sure what I want out of the S/T kiss. I guess it would be nice if the kiss was mutual and not forced, but I don't know where it should go beyond that. We'll see how TPTB does.
                              -Shep/Weir kept to a minimum.
                              Hee! I'll ignore that last comment. I'd like to see some Rodney scenes that have him acting a bit less like the comedic relief and give him more depth. And any scene with Torri in just rocks, she has so much charisma, and it would be good to see their friendship/relationship developed a bit.


                                It's Friday! And...oh frak, I think I'm getting sick. El Sucko. But at least I can put a hot compress on my head, drink some tea, and read the latest fanfic posted here on the

                                McKay/Weir Fanfiction Friday!!

                                “Gratitude” by Melbell (new McWeir writer!). “Episode Addition for Before I Sleep”

                                Up to part 6 of “Moments” by HyperCaz. “The growth of a relationship in short moments. One moment per ep.”

                                Part 1 of “The Solar Flare Saga II: The Syphon Wars” by The faerie enchantress . ”The Wraith weren't the Ancients first enemies, there was something more deadly and they weren't all killed...”

                                “Paper Moon” by Amaunetx (new McWeir writer!). ““…andhung a paper one…” Elizabeth mulls over Rodney and has thoughts. Angsty, pointless mullings and ideas, Post Trinity”

                                “And So It Goes” by JazzyMcWeir. “Zelenka's POV on Rodney and Elizabeth.”

                                Completed “Stuck On You” by Hananian. “Rodney's excited to show his newest discovery to Elizabeth, but you know it's not gonna turn out well.”

                                “The Wager” by Wiily. “A bet between Elizabeth and Rodney has unexpected consequences.”

                                “Possibly” by Purpleyin. “The question he's been dreading has finally been uttered. Rodney and ? Bring Your Own Ship fic.”

                                Up to part 21 of “Saving Grace” by McRaider. “He was just a boy, who needed a home, and they were a family who longed for one more member.”

                                “Movie Night” by EclecticTrekker. “The Atlantis crew decides to wind down after a very long week…and Sheppard’s bringing the popcorn.”

                                Up to part 2 of “Multiply” by Devine27. “John, Teyla, Elizabeth, and Rodney all try to adjust to change. They'll received a few visitors from the past, the furture, and make a few additions to Atlantis' population as they do.”

                                Part one of “Morwath” by McRaider. “Part Two to Railure, Stargate Atlantis Generation Chronicles, can a little girl save their lives?”

