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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Hello some caps I found from Duet I think some of yall will hopefully like.
    Duet one of my favorite parts
    Duet,loved Liz's reaction in that scene

    Alright that's what I've got for now, all of them Duet caps and from stargatecaps.
    Last edited by weirfan517; 23 September 2005, 03:02 PM.
    McKay: I'm invulnerable!
    Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
    McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

    McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

    First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
    My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      "The Lost Boys"

      [...]I'm thinking Ford drugged Rodney with the enzyme to make the team compliant, but others have thought that maybe Rodney is taking something to keep from being stressed/depressed/etc.
      I think that it's more likely
      going to be withdrawal from the Wraith enzyme (or maybe he hadn't had a cup of coffee in a few days ) because the idea of Rodney developing a dependence to "prescription pain medicine" (I believe that's the Hollywood parlance) would at this point be out of the blue - though there could be something in the first part - and honestly too deep an issue for TPTB to want to tackle.

      Regardless, looks like Rodney's getting some more whumping. Poor guy, I don't know how much more he can take, or how much longer Elizabeth can watch him in pain. Looking forward to seeing the cliffhanger; do you think Rodney's going to have to step in front of a gun again?
      I was watching The Eye again tonight, and part of me kept thinking
      wouldn't it have been great if the Genii actually had taken McKay and Weir to their homeworld to work for them? But that's just evil, and been developed well in some fanfic.


        I just thought I'd throw in a vid recommendation, it's not McWeir, but it is a really really good McKay vid. It has spoilers through Trinity and I think it really highlights alot of his defining moments. Title: Hallelujah Song by: Rufus Wainwright,
        It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


          Wow, two new episodes tonight! Could you ask for anything more? Well, of course! A new edition of

          McKay/Weir Fanfiction Friday!!

          Up to part 3 of “Morwath” by McRaider. “Part Two to Railure, Stargate Atlantis Generation Chronicles, can a little girl save their lives?”

          “It’s Just There” by Hananian. “For those who see it...”

          Up to part 3 of “Miscommunication” by Porthos. “A series of miscommunications leads to some confusing developments.”

          Up to part 25 of “Saving Graces” by McRaider. “He was just a boy, left along in this wide world alone, now he must learn to live with another family that he isn’t sure he should trust, even though they seem to be willing to love him with open hearts and open arms.”

          Up to part 3 of “After the Storm” by paulacole. “PostStormEye. McWeir fic. Kinda dark, rape scene.”

          Up to part 8 of “What Can Be Said?” by JazzyMcWeir. “As Rodney gets up the courage to tell Elizabeth how he really feels, the team is stranded offworld with the Wraith at their backs. Carson sees her distress and wonders at the truth.”

          Up to part 3 of “And So It Goes” by JazzyMcWeir. “Zelenka's POV on Rodney and Elizabeth.”

          Up to part 3 of “A Moment in Time” by McRaider. “Eighteen years into the future for Atlantis, and things are a little different.”

          Completed “Settling Down” by Maethorwen of Atlantis. “After the 2005 end of What If They Hadn’t Come, Rodney, Elizabeth, Teyla, and John settle down and the new generation is born.”

          Up to part 3 of “Operation Dating Game” by Chance2. “Elizabeth is seeing somebody and John's determined to find out who it is.”

          “Out of Order” by LittleKnux. “post-Trinity fic”

          Part two of “The Challenge of Rodney McKay” by doylefan. “A return journey to Earth finally gives Rodney and Elizabeth an opportunity to test the waters in their slowly flourishing relationship. Of course, Rodney isn’t the type of man who’s about to make things easy for them…”

          “An Unfamiliar Wilderness” by golden starfish. “McKay's life is changed beyond his worst nightmares...”

          “The Chess Game” by weirfan. “Rodney and John play chess and get a little surprise.”

          And a whole bunch of drabbles written for the M/W Yahoo “19 challenge”…

          “Ephiphany” by Purpleyin.

          “Coffee and Beets” by weirfan.

          “Cats” by libra_traveller.

          “Love is a Coin Toss” by Porthos.

          “19 Minutes” by Hananian.


            Quick analysis of Aurora and Lost Boys:

            Like I thought, minimal interaction between Rodney and Elizabeth in both episodes. Elizabeth actually didn't interact with the team at all in TLB; she spent most of the time with Lorne trying to figure out what happened. There was a nice scene with her at the end filing a report. She couldn't make herself say that Shep's team was presumed dead.
            (Completely wrong about Rodney's withdrawl btw, I guess that takes place in Hive. Sorry if I spoiled anyone. )
            One thing I noticed in Aurora - When Rodney contacted Elizabeth in the first scene he calls her "Dr. Weir". Now I know Elizabeth oscillates between "Rodney" and "Dr. McKay", but Rodney has only rarely used her official title. Is this another indication that their relationship is still strained post-Trinity? He also seemed to get up in a hurry to leave her office at the end, another sign?

            Anybody pick up anything else?


              All right, hi, saw the eps and they were cool. Both team eps, but pretty interesting and funny, loved them and we didn't have all that
              Shweir stuff we've been OD'd with, honestly I'm okay with their moments but we've had a lot this season and glad to have team eps, they're fun. Now if you want to talk shippy, I thought I saw small Weir/Dex and Weir/Lorne bits, but that might just be me who's a pretty shippy fan and crazy about Liz. Excuse me, I'll be on the Lorne and Weir threads, later yall.
              McKay: I'm invulnerable!
              Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
              McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

              McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

              First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
              My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


                Another thing from last night's eps.

                I noticed that Rodney immediately lusted after the blonde 2IC in Aurora and made a comment about wanting to go to planets with tall blonde volleyball players in TLB. Looks like the blonde!notblonde! debate is still alive and well.

                And I agree with you, weirfan. If the episode is ship-free across the board, like with Aurora and TLB, I am more accomodating when we don't get any M/W scenes. But if another ship gets scenes, looks, etc then I just start asking myself "Why aren't we seeing this with Rodney and Elizabeth too?" I guess I'm all about equality.



                  Haven't seen the new episodes but just want to say the ficathon is looking good - 23 authors signed up and hopefully a total of 27 fics being written currently (a few people took two assignments). Fics won't be in until October but that's something to look forward to with the long break for the US.


                    Originally posted by Purpleyin

                    Haven't seen the new episodes but just want to say the ficathon is looking good - 23 authors signed up and hopefully a total of 27 fics being written currently (a few people took two assignments). Fics won't be in until October but that's something to look forward to with the long break for the US.
                    Wow, 23!? That's great can't wait for all those stories, love M/W stories, really fun to read. I'm currently writing a total of 3 M/W stories at the moment, 1 for the ficathon and 2 that just came to me, shoot I still need to finish my dreamfic. Have to go for now and start brainstorming, later yall.
                    McKay: I'm invulnerable!
                    Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
                    McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

                    McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

                    First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
                    My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


                      Hello all, not much to go on ship wise in last night's eps--they were a lot of fun though. I do have a question for you guys,

                      In the ep TLB, we see Weir at her computer wiriting and recording a report, she is clealry choked up at the thought of Col. Sheppard's team being presumed "dead". She won't even allow the thought.

                      Now, being a Shep/Weir shipper I interpret that to mean John , but does anyone in here think perhaps she is very choked up about Rodney? Just curious if anyone here thought that. She cares about the whole team, but there is something more going on, obviously.

                      Great eps, I especially like the Lorne/Weir and Mckay/Shep inetractions--very amusing!


                      Signature By Amber Moon


                        Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                        Hello all, not much to go on ship wise in last night's eps--they were a lot of fun though. I do have a question for you guys,

                        In the ep TLB, we see Weir at her computer wiriting and recording a report, she is clealry choked up at the thought of Col. Sheppard's team being presumed "dead". She won't even allow the thought.

                        Now, being a Shep/Weir shipper I interpret that to mean John , but does anyone in here think perhaps she is very choked up about Rodney? Just curious if anyone here thought that. She cares about the whole team, but there is something more going on, obviously.
                        I think that specific part has been discussed in here, and yes I think she might've been choked up about Rodney. I also think she cares about the whole team too and you can understand her being upset about that. I think in the Hive Rodney might come back and have those withdrawl problems we were talking about, hoping for some concern ther, but have to wait for the UK fans to get the ep. Another thing if you want to talk about shippy at all in both these eps, I thought I saw some nice Weir/Dex and Weir/Lorne bits, oh and I think Liz was glad when Rodney commed her in the middle of her discussion with Ronan. She looked pretty embarassed there and was most likely relieved taht she was commed.

                        Great eps, I especially like the Lorne/Weir and Mckay/Shep inetractions--very amusing!

                        Loved those too and the mckay and shep stuff is funny, love their friendship.
                        McKay: I'm invulnerable!
                        Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
                        McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

                        McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

                        First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
                        My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


                          Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                          Hello all, not much to go on ship wise in last night's eps--they were a lot of fun though. I do have a question for you guys,

                          In the ep TLB, we see Weir at her computer wiriting and recording a report, she is clealry choked up at the thought of Col. Sheppard's team being presumed "dead". She won't even allow the thought.

                          Now, being a Shep/Weir shipper I interpret that to mean John , but does anyone in here think perhaps she is very choked up about Rodney? Just curious if anyone here thought that. She cares about the whole team, but there is something more going on, obviously.
                          I think that
                          her worrying was done in a very simple way to leave her thoughts up to the viewer. She could be worrying about Rodney, Shep, Teyla, Dex, even Caldwell () because she has more profound feelings for one of them. Or she could be worrying about the team as a whole, no ship involved whatsoever. Scenes like that are the perfect way to give everyone, shippers and nonshippers, what they want.


                            No word from Joe so far on his thread, so no answer yet as to whether or not Rodney and Elizabeth are going to "get back to normal" this season. Of course, Joe may just answer that he has no idea what the poster is talking about...

                            But I did notice yesterday that NotANumber snuck in and asked Joe about any post-Trinity consequences for Rodney and Elizabeth, so now Joe has two M/W questions to potentially dodge!

                            (And I hope Joe gets a good laugh out of your sig, NotANumber. I do everytime I see it, especially the pic where Rodney is explaining burger size. )


                              Hi everyone, found this nice m/w fic, pretty long but really good a few thing in there, like Rodney taking care of some kid, very sweet. Check it out, Playing Daddy by Dr Ingram. Enjoy, talk to yall later, have to sleep, bye.
                              McKay: I'm invulnerable!
                              Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
                              McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

                              McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

                              First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
                              My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


                                Now that the first half of S2 is over what are you expecting and hoping to see in the second half? So far (and I haven't seen Lost Boys yet but I doubt it makes much difference) we've had only little tiny moments, compared to the much squeeage of s1. There's even the looming thread of what happened post-Trinity and will the writers just drop it or not, but apart from that what do you think will happen and what do you hope might happen - plus how do you wish they would handle post-Trinity on show?

                                I'll just give a recap of the next ten episodes and the known spoilers so that people can get an idea whats going on in the second half.

                                The Hive
                                Main relevant spoilers are that Rodney comes back, but is in some kind of withdrawal and has to be restrained. Not sure if she sees him before that but sure to have some concern. Be interesting to see how she reacts to him making it back but others not. Will she be really relieved but then realise the others are still out there and then be more reserved, or shall we only see her concern that others are out there still? Also with Rodney's condition its possible he might lash out verbally and there might be some mention or allusing to Trinity and their friendship.

                                Sounds like mainly a Shep episode were he gets stuck in The cloister with a load of unascended Ancients. Of course the others have tor escue him and apparently Elizabeth's translating skills come in handy. To me it sounds rather like she'll be for rescuing Shep in a shippy way. I don't like the idea but I just get this feeling they might do that. At least it's a chance for her to use her skills and maybe spend time with Rodney, might be some concerned for Shep bonding...

                                Critical Mass
                                I reckon Weir will have a good role in this along with Caldwell but sounds like a mostly Shep, McKay and Carson episode but with some other recurring characters too. Considering there's a spy I wonder who Elizabeth and/or Caldwell suspect, would they think of rodney and how would he react to that accusation. Also supposedly both guys flirt with a new scientist. Must mean things didn't work out with Katie for McKay...

                                Grace Under Pressure
                                touted as McKay's Grace we have him trapped in a jumper underwater, getting wet and hallucinating Carter. I reckon it has great potential and that there might be some heavy reflection going on through his hallucination and also Rodney's post-Trinity feelings of failure might come to ahead here, possibly why he makes up Carter and she could come up with the solution but he might learn he can do that art too since he was really hallucinating. Either way I'd love for the episode to have some kind of reference to his relationships including Elizabeth and also we hopefully get to see the concerned after he's rescued scene, most likely in the infirmary. This is probably the first time only Rodney has been in trouble (the spoilers seem to indicate it's just him) and it will be interesting to see how shereacts to it.

                                The Tower
                                Well this episodes all political, Weir gets in trouble, mainly through the manipulation of Shep and his canoodling. Not sure there'd be much Weir/McKay here but he'd have to hear about what happens to her, so even if there isn't much in the episode there's fic fodder for episode tags.

                                This is mainly concentrated on the title character and Carson must be around alot as I suspect Elizabeth would be, sure Mckay and Shep would pop up and maybe have to deal with what happens with Michael if anything much does. Details are sketchy but nothing suggests anything major for them, but we might well get unexpected moments. It's that type of episode where it sure could happen.

                                The Long Goodbye
                                Weir kicks Sheppard's arse. Not sure why, but an alien influence oroffworld mission gone wrong (maybe they are put in an arean?) would be a good bet. No clue what happens with Rodney here, if he tries to talk her out of it, if he's somehow to blame or if he's even there. Just have to see on this one.

                                Coup D'etat
                                Lorne and team get taken by the Genii, meanwhile Genii Rebel Ladon comes to negotiate a trade with Weir on Atlantis. Lots of Elizabeth I bet and some diplomacy, her doing hr thing. I suppose McKay might be opposed to trusting them and get in the way (would Elizabeth persuade him otherwise or that she knows what she's doing?). Otherwise I'd say we might not get much M/W because she'd be busy, so unless he's there or talknig to her before/between/after negotiations...

                                Not much known for this apart from a difficult to name planet, something to do with thunder and volcanic stuff. might or might not be indicator of the planet. Probably an offworld team episode but can't tell at this point. Though it does occur to me we've yet to learn any more of the Hotzone nanovirus creators and we were meant to be seeing a hint of them, or so a comment was once said.

                                Season finale, definitely a cliffhanger and written by Martin Gero so we can only hope he might give us something as juicy as The Storm. Title makes me think it could be about Genii, some other planet fighting Wraith, the virus creators, Goa'uld alliance even or something crossover like? No clue but I'd hope both Elizabeth and Rodney as well as everyone else gets a fair amount of screen time here, as finale tend to be about everyone and including everyone.

                                So thoughts?

                                EDIT: Had sig idea, you know that old phrase about falling out but the making up is all the sweeter...

