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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    As always, thank you, Toaster, for:
    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
    McKay/Weir Fanfiction Friday!
    Have a good weekend; we'll try to keep from playing with matches while you're away.
    Don't say "ka" until you've tried it.


      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      Well, my carpet is finally in, thank goodness. Unfortunately, now I'm off for the weekend and won't have internet access until Tuesday. Ack, McKay/Weir withdrawl!

      Thanks Hans for postponing the banner contest yet again, now I'll be able to make this latest deadline for sure...maybe.

      So enjoy the FFF, see you all next week, and try not to burn the place down while I'm gone.
      Yay on the carpet and on FFF, there's almost always at least one story I didn't find in it. Sad I haven't been able to finish anytime for it, got about 3 nearly done ones and another I'm keen to work on. Maybe by Monday...
      Also yeah, caption deadline is now Tuesday because I simply haven't had enough for them - keep thinking these ones might have people stumped

      Ah, fire, so if Porthos is the quietly quietly one with fic and your the boisterious and presumably not bloodless one then maybe I'm the one with the fire... would explain my choice of first prime!

      Really want to see the vid but figuring it's just me lacking right codecs for wmv. Only I'm sure that it should be possible on linux, just not knowing what I'm missing - especially odd it plays sound and nothing else (like the song btw) but that stinks of codec issue. Gonna have to boot windows but M/W is worth it.
      Last edited by Purpleyin; 27 May 2005, 01:54 PM.


        I saw the vid. It worked fine for me. Looks great, can't wait to see more.

        Yippee for FFF!!!
        It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


          Wow, a vid, a wallpaper, and tons of great fanfiction! Today has been a good day. I watched the vid, and it's really good! I must admit, I had my doubts about the song (it's a little too country for this rock and roll girl ) but you pulled it off Cory, and with style!

          Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
          McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
          Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
          McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


            Originally posted by Porthos1013
            Wow, a vid, a wallpaper, and tons of great fanfiction! Today has been a good day. I watched the vid, and it's really good! I must admit, I had my doubts about the song (it's a little too country for this rock and roll girl ) but you pulled it off Cory, and with style!

            I would also like to state for the record that I'm a rock'n'roll sort of guy myself. I just heard this on the radio a while back and immediatly thought of my favourite TV 'ships
            Last edited by Cory Holmes; 27 May 2005, 09:29 PM.


              Yay, vid works on windows!

              A little critique if you don't mnid. (apologise in advance because I can be way too critical of vids)
              "I hear the whisper" the clip came in a little too late, and also jack talked a little too long for my liking. Transition on 0.48 was odd, might be a OFW (One Frame wonder - the nightmare for WMM user, the single frame on the end that gets left in, the program is notorious for this and it's so hard to find. I once watched one of my vids 10 times to pick them all out - is easier to find them on higher quality versions too) The main "lets give them to talk about" seemed to not be paced to the clips, would flow better if each lets give was on a new scene or closeup of talking. Other OFW's 1.11, 1.37, 2.26 and 2.51. And now that's over...

              Amazed you did the vid with just Rising, though I wish it could have had clips from Sanctuary too. Very nice vid, not a song I'd usually listen to be good fo the vid. Scuttles off to beta read Porthos' stuff but promises there will be some McKay/Weir out by the end of the day here and will get to work on the OT3.


                Everyone seen the S2 promo pics? They're character spoilish overall but I saw one of the group shots and had to play with it. Is non-spoilery and I've made basically a M/W banner, 200 pixels high and less than 50kb. Also made a scaled down version, though the original happened to be 224pixels anyhow and is there.

                Original (not suitable for GW sigs)

                Alternate (also not suitable for GW sigs)

                GW sig 200 pixel versions of both

                GW sig 150 pixel versions of both (to allow for people to have text or another 50 pixel banner)

                Hope everyone likes. Constructive criticism is welcomed. Oh and does the text make much sense, just realised it might be a bit too open; does it need a finishing quote too?
                And now I'll go back to what I should be doing.


                  I think it's great! I like the second one better, because it keeps the picture from being so dark, so Torri doesn't look like she has raccoon eyes, and it also makes the text stand out better. And I think the text is fine, at least it makes sense to me. :s

                  Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
                  McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
                  Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
                  McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                    Yes, it turns out that my crashpad for the weekend has regained internet access, so here I am! Let the addiction resume!

                    Originally posted by Purpleyin
                    Everyone seen the S2 promo pics? They're character spoilish overall but I saw one of the group shots and had to play with it. Is non-spoilery and I've made basically a M/W banner, 200 pixels high and less than 50kb. Also made a scaled down version, though the original happened to be 224pixels anyhow and is there.

                    Hope everyone likes. Constructive criticism is welcomed. Oh and does the text make much sense, just realised it might be a bit too open; does it need a finishing quote too?
                    And now I'll go back to what I should be doing.
                    Oh yay, that pic is perfect! Actually, all of the season 2 promo pics are great; especially casual Rodney and Carson, plus Elizabeth looks lovely. I don't think the quote is too open-ended, but that's because it's so close to that one caption from a previous banner contest. Other people may be confused, but they can always fill in the end with whatever they want:

                    "Behind every leader..."

                    " a snarky genius."
                    " a perfectly thunkable geek."
                    " the only one who knows what's happening."
                    " someone who secretly wants to ravage her."
                    etc etc

                    And speaking of banner contests, I'm off to work on my contributions for this one.


                      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                      "Behind every leader..."

                      " someone who secretly wants to ravage her."
                      Oh my goodness! Well, yes, we all know its true, but that was just great! You know that every time I see Hans' pic or that banner, I'm going to think about this and blush and snort in the middle of some public library where everyone will think I'm downloading porn. Honestly, the trouble this thread can get me into sometimes!

                      Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
                      McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
                      Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
                      McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                        Originally posted by Porthos1013
                        Oh my goodness! Well, yes, we all know its true, but that was just great! You know that every time I see Hans' pic or that banner, I'm going to think about this and blush and snort in the middle of some public library where everyone will think I'm downloading porn. Honestly, the trouble this thread can get me into sometimes!
                        LOL. But this thread's far less trouble than many I can name round here. *not saying anything too specific* At least there's fun to be had here, well maybe if more people turn up... must be bank holiday thing maybe?

                        Hoping everyone is busy thinking up captions, deadlines Tuesday but so far I've had entries for 3 banners, just 3 with one caption for each. And it's the second extension too...

                        Anyway, off to actually do some betareading today - so that more M/W goodness will be on it's way sooner.


                          ohshocking's mr brightside is a class angst love triangle vid.

                          but i think it proves that john and elizabeth looks at each other are angst because they are both the leaders of the group and that's where the tensons stems from. whereas rodney and elizabeth have a lot of intimate moments and caring looks at each other.
                          McKay: I'm not crazy. I just have another consciousness in my brain.

                          McKay: Yeah Anubis this is your agent. You're playing it WAY over the top. Could you get serious please!!

                          Carter: You know you blow up one sun, and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water.

                          McKay: Come on how offten do you get to travel to an alien planet?
                          Beckett: I was already on an alien planet


                            Originally posted by Dr Ingram
                            ohshocking's mr brightside is a class angst love triangle vid.

                            but i think it proves that john and elizabeth looks at each other are angst because they are both the leaders of the group and that's where the tensons stems from. whereas rodney and elizabeth have a lot of intimate moments and caring looks at each other.
                            I just rewatched it, and I think I agree with you on that. I think that's why I never saw the ship on the show, because Shep and Weir's long looks were always part of some other drama that was going on around them, while McKay and Weir's looks come out of mutual concern or regard for one another, so the emotion is already there, not being infused by something outside of them.

                            Okay, I just reread that, and it makes no sense, but I have no idea how to explain it better. Do you guys at least kinda get what I mean?

                            Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
                            McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
                            Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
                            McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                              Originally posted by Porthos1013
                              I just rewatched it, and I think I agree with you on that. I think that's why I never saw the ship on the show, because Shep and Weir's long looks were always part of some other drama that was going on around them, while McKay and Weir's looks come out of mutual concern or regard for one another, so the emotion is already there, not being infused by something outside of them.

                              Okay, I just reread that, and it makes no sense, but I have no idea how to explain it better. Do you guys at least kinda get what I mean?
                              i understand it and don't worry it makes sense
                              McKay: I'm not crazy. I just have another consciousness in my brain.

                              McKay: Yeah Anubis this is your agent. You're playing it WAY over the top. Could you get serious please!!

                              Carter: You know you blow up one sun, and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water.

                              McKay: Come on how offten do you get to travel to an alien planet?
                              Beckett: I was already on an alien planet


                                Originally posted by Porthos1013
                                I just rewatched it, and I think I agree with you on that. I think that's why I never saw the ship on the show, because Shep and Weir's long looks were always part of some other drama that was going on around them, while McKay and Weir's looks come out of mutual concern or regard for one another, so the emotion is already there, not being infused by something outside of them.

                                Okay, I just reread that, and it makes no sense, but I have no idea how to explain it better. Do you guys at least kinda get what I mean?
                                I think you make sense. The emotion is already there! Weir and McKay have much more back history together (Antarctica, maybe more???) so they don't need to give each other those really long looks that Weir and Sheppard engage in. I used to think they were angsty, but now I think it's more along the line of feeling each other out and getting to know modes of operation. When I see those looks in my head it seems like they are saying "What's he gonna do?" or "Should I or shouldn't I?" With McWeir looks I see a whole dialogue of emotion much deeper than that.

                                Maybe I didn't make sense with this, either....
                                Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
                                :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:

