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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    OK, a few things.

    DH is 37, so I would assume Rodney is in his mid-late thirties. For some reason, I just can't see him as 40. JF is 38, so I would assume John and Rodney are about the same age, give or take a few years. Mind you, they added five years onto MS's age (Daniel is so not forty!) so that's not set in stone.

    I'd say if someone, somewhere can't come up with the correct age, they probably haven't made direct reference to it. To the best of my knowledge, they only ever made one reference to Daniel's age, late in season two, which has since become set in fanon stone. Details like that, SOMEONE knows, so if someone doesn't then it's probably not out there.

    And there's been some debate about the superman quote that Rodney supposedly said the The Storm/Eye that he actually said in Home. There's something from S/E that might have caused the disagreement. I'm not going to put spoiler tags on because it's quite vauge (I don't even know the direct quote myself!) but he's trying to get something to work for Koyla and Koyla's all 'you said you could do this' and Rodney says something like 'I'm a very arrogant man, I say I can do a lot of things'.

    Is this what we're talking about? Can someone get the actual scene/quote?


      Originally posted by doylefan22
      Oh no, I wasn't talking about their actual ages. I am totally aware there's no real difference between them. It's just more the differences in their physical appearance that I find jarring. Weir looks like a mature, graceful women, Shep has a real babyface, bless him . Just when someone mentioned it elsewhere it made me realise that it was one of the reasons why I can't see them as a couple, whereas she just seems to fit better with Rodney in my mind.
      I agree. I want to say that John acts immature sometimes - only without the negative connotation of the word. Shep jokes around and is flippant a lot, whereas Rodney is not. Anyway, you worded it a lot better than I ever could.

      Originally posted by aaobuttons
      Would you all believe I actually finished the last part of The Birthday Gift?!?!?! It must of been the pressure to get my ficathon fic started! Anyways, I can't remember who said they would beta for me so if any of you feel up to the challenge, even if it's just for this one fic I'd appreciate it so I can get it out there finally!
      I'd be happy to beta for you! Would get it back to you by Tuesday or Wednesday after I finish a few that are sitting in my inbox right now

      Originally posted by paulacole
      And there's been some debate about the superman quote that Rodney supposedly said the The Storm/Eye that he actually said in Home. There's something from S/E that might have caused the disagreement. I'm not going to put spoiler tags on because it's quite vauge (I don't even know the direct quote myself!) but he's trying to get something to work for Koyla and Koyla's all 'you said you could do this' and Rodney says something like 'I'm a very arrogant man, I say I can do a lot of things'.

      Is this what we're talking about? Can someone get the actual scene/quote?
      Here is the quote:
      Sheppard: McKay will come up with something.
      McKay: I will try, but despite what you all may think, I am not Superman.
      (Silence. Ford starts to smile.)
      Sheppard: Was anyone seriously thinking that?
      (Weir and Teyla give McKay weird looks. A scientist shakes his head.)
      Ford: No, sir.
      Zelenka: Never.
      McKay: Fine.

      And for some not-quite M/W related things... Picked up a copy of a new magazine called Inside TV today, and they had a countdown of the top ten T.V. presidents. William Devane, who played President Henry Hayes in Season 7 (and 8? Not sure) won 5th! Mary McDonnel, who plays Laura Roslin in Battlestar Galactica won seventh. Also, there's word about a Stargate: Atlantis soundtrack. Anybody know anything about that?


        Originally posted by LittleKnux2008
        I'd be happy to beta for you! Would get it back to you by Tuesday or Wednesday after I finish a few that are sitting in my inbox right now

        Also, there's word about a Stargate: Atlantis soundtrack. Anybody know anything about that?

        Great! The great dunce I am, I left it in my computer at work so I'll have to send it over to you tomorrow.

        And the Atlantis soundtrack comes out on November 15th , here's the gateworld article!
        It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


          Well some of you have been asking for it, I've been promising it and now I have finally finished it! The last part of 'The Challenge of Rodney McKay' aka the really smutty bit it now up here.

          Do enjoy!

          Now I'm off to start the ficathon fic now and wonder how I'm ever going to finish it in time!

          Is there anywhere in particular the finished fics must be posted or is that up to our discretion?
          by Kaaatie


            Originally posted by aaobuttons
            Would you all believe I actually finished the last part of The Birthday Gift?!?!?!
            Originally posted by Doylefan22
            Well some of you have been asking for it, I've been promising it and now I have finally finished it! The last part of 'The Challenge of Rodney McKay' aka the really smutty bit it now up here
            Yay! I can't wait to read them both! Only I'm stuck here at work for 4 more hours. I think I'll have to be a bad girl and read it when my boss leaves

            All this talk of the subtle McKay/Weir touches has me thinking. If they entered into a relationship, do you think that would change? They are both too professional to be schmoopy in public, but would the subtlety of a hand on the back, a gentle squeeze of the arm, etc still happen?

            Think Rodney would pull Elizabeth into a transporter for a quickie?
            Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
            :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


              Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
              Yay! I can't wait to read them both! Only I'm stuck here at work for 4 more hours. I think I'll have to be a bad girl and read it when my boss leaves
              See now I would never do that.....*shifty eyes*

              All this talk of the subtle McKay/Weir touches has me thinking. If they entered into a relationship, do you think that would change? They are both too professional to be schmoopy in public, but would the subtlety of a hand on the back, a gentle squeeze of the arm, etc still happen?
              Yeah, I think it would. That's what I like about their relationship so much. There is a beautiful subtly to it, but at the same time they are not afraid to show affection to one another. In public they would still be most business-like but I think there'd be plenty of lovely little private moments and asides between them when they managed to snatch a few moments to themselves.

              Think Rodney would pull Elizabeth into a transporter for a quickie?
              Absolutely! Rodney strikes me as the hesitant type at first who's gonna take a while to be quite convinced and gain his confidence - just look at his adorable reaction in The Gift! Once he's certain however I'm sure he'd be just as confident and passionate as he is about his science

              So, who's going to write that scenario into a fic then?
              by Kaaatie


                On the subject of the subtle touches, they're sure to happen if only to keep the realtionship between Rodney and Elizabeth at least "close". Kind of a comfort thing.

                It kind of reminds me of how SG-1 subtly got in the whole DanJan (a Michael Shanks and Teryl Rothery ad lib I might add! ^_^) business which really turned out to be a fan favorite didn't it?!
                For a copy of "Have A Little Faith in Me", My Kate Heightmeyer Appreciation Vid Click Here

                McWeir Central by PurpleYin (who deserves much appreciation for it) | aka: the reason why the McKay/Weir Thread on GW is Quiet


                  Oh and before I forget again (it was bothering me while reading through the thread)... this is regarding something everybody was discussing about 20-40 pages back regarding fallout from "Hotzone" between Weir and Shep. IMO, it was pretty much resolved by the end of season 1 considering in "The Seige Part III" ...
                  Shep pretty much stands up to Everette, while belaying an order, about how Weir has pretty much earn everyone's respect as a leader including his.

                  So yea, I think the TPTB are taking fallout into consideration. In terms of "Trinity" I think they got it right when they made Rodney more detached. Although even I have to admit that "Aurora" caught me off guard a little bit. It sure seemed like someone hit the reset button as someone pointed out earlier.
                  For a copy of "Have A Little Faith in Me", My Kate Heightmeyer Appreciation Vid Click Here

                  McWeir Central by PurpleYin (who deserves much appreciation for it) | aka: the reason why the McKay/Weir Thread on GW is Quiet


                    Originally posted by doylefan22
                    No, he doesn't seem nervous or uncomfortable about it at all. The naturalistic way they act together has stood out to me from the start and is one of the reasons why I started shipping them. Rodney is not really very good with people at all, and is certainly not a touchy feely person, yet he is quite comfortable with his closeness with Weir and shows far more consideration to her and her feelings than most others. It certainly speaks of a deep, friendship and respect - although of course I see it as more
                    You said it much better than I could have! Elizabeth has touched Rodney in four episodes IIRC:
                    She's all over him in the end of Hide and Seek, she grabs his arm in Storm, she supports him after Koyla nearly throws him over the balcony and after Koyla punches him in Eye, and she touches his back after he saves Shep in Intruder.
                    And everytime they have some sort of physical contact there's no shippy music, no "OMG they're touching!!!" blatentness. I like that.

                    I think for Elizabeth it may not be a big deal to touch Rodney (not yet anyway!), but deep down I bet it really affects Rodney. But of course he buries it under his shell, whether because he's not ready to show those feelings or whether he thinks she won't reciprocate. Sooner or later, I imagine all those feelings are going to bubble to the surface and something's going to happen. Or maybe he lets off the feelings by turning it into arrogance and snark toward others?

                    And I'd just like to say 'yay! everyone on the Shep/Weir thread seems to like us'. We really are the easy-going ship!
                    Well of course! What's not to like?

                    Well some of you have been asking for it, I've been promising it and now I have finally finished it! The last part of 'The Challenge of Rodney McKay' aka the really smutty bit it now up here.
                    Oh my!

                    *fans self*

                    *falls over*


                    As for the ages, I figured that Rodney, Shep, and Weir were roughly the same ages. I really can't picture Shep being that much older than Weir though. And I'm not so sure about Rodney either. Both of them do have their immature periods, but with Shep I always saw it as his attempt to be charming, while when Rodney does it he's just...being Rodney. So for some reason I find immature Rodney much cuter than immature Shep. Make any sense?

                    Originally posted by paulacole
                    Is this what we're talking about? Can someone get the actual scene/quote?
                    The superman quote is indeed in Storm. LittleKnux beat me to the quote, yay!

                    The arrogant man quote is at the end of Eye:
                    KOLYA: You said this would work
                    MCKAY: I don't know if you noticed or not but I'm an extremely arrogant man who tends to think all of his plans will work.


                      Originally posted by doylefan22
                      Well some of you have been asking for it, I've been promising it and now I have finally finished it! The last part of 'The Challenge of Rodney McKay' aka the really smutty bit it now up here.

                      Do enjoy!

                      Now I'm off to start the ficathon fic now and wonder how I'm ever going to finish it in time!

                      Is there anywhere in particular the finished fics must be posted or is that up to our discretion?
                      Oh man, I love your fic, that was really good, not only with smut in it, but a story and it was pretty funny, thanks for writing such a nice fic. I really can't wait to see your ficathon fic, speaking of which, I have to actually work on mine, so later for now yall.

                      EDIT: Don't yall just love 'Quick Reply' ?
                      McKay: I'm invulnerable!
                      Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
                      McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

                      McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

                      First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
                      My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


                        After reading the "superman" quote lol, I was reminded of the "Sometimes I have to protect him form himself" line. Does anyone think Elizabeth was refering to more than we have seen? I never really thought about it before until someone brought up the exchange from "The Eye"--I think. Anyway, Rodney keeps saying "if this doesn't work I--" and Elizabeth keeps cutting him off. Does anyone elese remember this? Makes me think there is more Liz has to protect him from. If anyone could provide me with the exact quote I'd be much obliged.

                        Just noticed in "Intruder" when
                        Shep asks "ever played chess?" and Rodney answers, "I was never able to find challenging opponents"--Elizabeth should be his challenging opponent! That's going in the fic...

                        Thanks all,


                        Signature By Amber Moon


                          Just noticed in "Intruder" when
                          Shep asks "ever played chess?" and Rodney answers, "I was never able to find challenging opponents"--Elizabeth should be his challenging opponent! That's going in the fic...
                          I think that little connection is fascinating, yes. Either it is done on purpose by the writers to foreshadow something to come or it's giving us a subtle hint that these two are very close even if they don't quite realise it yet!
                          by Kaaatie


                            Going back a ways again...

                            Originally posted by Purpleyin
                            As for OT3... (I like M/W/S when they all get equal amounts of attention (hate it when people go mainly for S/W and M/S and leave out the M/W ), but I love the idea of McKay/Weir/Carter, and quite like McKay/Weir/Zelenka or McKay/Weir/Beckett. But my favourite and unrealised one is McKay/Weir/Grodin!!! ;D)
                            Yeah, I think I feel the same way when it comes to M/W/S. Most of the stories I've seen have been heavy on McShep (hee!) and Shep/Weir but it seems like Rodney is just a third wheel when it comes to M/W. No thanks.
                            I could go for Weir/two geeks as you mentioned above. Funny how no one really mentioned McKay/Weir/Teyla. Is anyone down with that?

                            Originally posted by alyssa
                            That's Torri more than anything. She just has class. The way she speaks, the way she walks. She just screams 'Upper class' if you know what I mean.
                            True. I like to think that she has a wild/playful side underneath her leader shell though. Notice how she knew right away what BASE jumping was? Yeah, I can see her doing those extreme sports for some reason. Maybe she should take Teyla out for a PJ jump? I bet Teyla would love it too. Rodney though, he'd be scared witless.

                            Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
                            All this talk of the subtle McKay/Weir touches has me thinking. If they entered into a relationship, do you think that would change? They are both too professional to be schmoopy in public, but would the subtlety of a hand on the back, a gentle squeeze of the arm, etc still happen?
                            Oh yeah. I think Elizabeth has been touching Rodney casually all this time so that when they do get together then no one else will be the wiser when she rubs up against him. And I think Rodney just needs a bit of confidence and assurance from Elizabeth before he starts dragging her into the PJ for a "test flight."

                            Originally posted by dahan
                            Oh and before I forget again (it was bothering me while reading through the thread)... this is regarding something everybody was discussing about 20-40 pages back regarding fallout from "Hotzone" between Weir and Shep. IMO, it was pretty much resolved by the end of season 1 considering in "The Seige Part III" ...
                            Shep pretty much stands up to Everette, while belaying an order, about how Weir has pretty much earn everyone's respect as a leader including his.
                            See, I'm still not entirely convinced that Shep will obey Elizabeth if he was put in a situation like Hot Zone again. I think the addition of Caldwell has forced Shep and Elizabeth to put up a strong front, but if he leaves I'm not sure all of that solidarity will remain...

                            So yea, I think the TPTB are taking fallout into consideration. In terms of "Trinity" I think they got it right when they made Rodney more detached. Although even I have to admit that "Aurora" caught me off guard a little bit. It sure seemed like someone hit the reset button as someone pointed out earlier.
                            I guess one could assume that the
                            fallout was shown by Rodney being more quiet, possibly avoiding Elizabeth, and having Shep be more cranky with him than normal in the later eps. And he did mention in Aurora that he had to save Shep since Shep was always saving him. Still, I'd still like some reconciliation scene between Rodney and Elizabeth, but as time goes on I find it less and less likely.

                            Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                            After reading the "superman" quote lol, I was reminded of the "Sometimes I have to protect him form himself" line. Does anyone think Elizabeth was refering to more than we have seen? I never really thought about it before until someone brought up the exchange from "The Eye"--I think. Anyway, Rodney keeps saying "if this doesn't work I--" and Elizabeth keeps cutting him off. Does anyone elese remember this? Makes me think there is more Liz has to protect him from. If anyone could provide me with the exact quote I'd be much obliged.
                            This one?

                            MCKAY: If this doesn't work
                            WEIR: It will
                            MCKAY: I'm just saying if it doesn't work…
                            WEIR: It will!
                            MCKAY: I'm sure it will! But in the unlikely event that it doesn't I- --
                            WEIR: Rodney! Please.

                            Great little scene there. I like to think he was going to say something shippy, or at least something like how much he's enjoyed getting to know her. Others think he was going to detail some possible escape plan or maybe tell her that he was going to sacrifice himself to save her or something. I can see why Elizabeth would have cut him off; anything remotely shippy or grim would have been extremely difficult to hear at that time.

                            Incidentally, "Never Did Run Smooth" is a wonderful follow-up fic to that episode and what Rodney might have been trying to say...

                            Just noticed in "Intruder" when
                            Shep asks "ever played chess?" and Rodney answers, "I was never able to find challenging opponents"--Elizabeth should be his challenging opponent! That's going in the fic...
                            I've also noticed all the subtle mentionings of chess in various episodes and how they always include either Rodney or Elizabeth. Is this a s2 McKay/Weir conspiracy?


                              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                              Going back a ways again...

                              Yeah, I think I feel the same way when it comes to M/W/S. Most of the stories I've seen have been heavy on McShep (hee!) and Shep/Weir but it seems like Rodney is just a third wheel when it comes to M/W. No thanks.
                              I could go for Weir/two geeks as you mentioned above. Funny how no one really mentioned McKay/Weir/Teyla. Is anyone down with that?
                              I think someone over on the OT3 thread went for that and it's quite possible Hollyshannensangel might go for that? (It does have Weir/Teyla! ). I also noticed a few people, but not many, like the idea of Shep/Weir/Teyla OT3... interesting, and I've not seen anything for that yet.
                              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                              True. I like to think that she has a wild/playful side underneath her leader shell though. Notice how she knew right away what BASE jumping was? Yeah, I can see her doing those extreme sports for some reason. Maybe she should take Teyla out for a PJ jump? I bet Teyla would love it too. Rodney though, he'd be scared witless.
                              Just a good reason for them to jump together (I suppose it'd have to be a rig for two or just holding hands or something...) and him to hold onto her tight or something
                              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                              I've also noticed all the subtle mentionings of chess in various episodes and how they always include either Rodney or Elizabeth. Is this a s2 McKay/Weir conspiracy?
                              The chess mention gave me an idea, do you think they play chess at the Mensa club. I could so see a fic where Elizabeth turns up one day... She's not science smart so much, but it wouldn't stop her from being smart enough to be in Mensa. If she plays chess and is good at languages then she may well be able to join even if she wasn't in it before... Plus if she's linguistically talented as we saw in The Gift maybe there could be a cute fic where Rodney tries to teach her a programming language, or maths like a language of sorts?

                              EDIT: And since it was mentioned on a mailing list I'm on, we should have Halloween M/W fics! Would fit nicely with the ghostfic challenge... and yet another excuse for them being close, when scared...
                              Last edited by Purpleyin; 04 October 2005, 02:40 PM.


                                Originally posted by Purpleyin
                                And since it was mentioned on a mailing list I'm on, we should have Halloween M/W fics! Would fit nicely with the ghostfic challenge... and yet another excuse for them being close, when scared...
                                Ooo, yes could we have a Halloween Challenge? Either a theme or a list of words/scenarios and we have to get a set number of them in. Anyone have any suggestions?

                                It fits in perfectly with the timing of the ficathon as well (which I've just started tonight as is turning out surprisingly episode-like )

                                The thing I love about this forum is how many things people mention that could be turned into wonderful plot bunnies. I must make sure I write them down!
                                by Kaaatie

