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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    ::sneaks back in:: I haven't been here in forever!!!! Wow, I've just spent a long time reading up the last like ten pages I missed Have watched The Lost Boys and Aurora...not much in the way of shippy things, but I loved the part when
    Rodney says, "You see, the thing is, Colonel Sheppard and I have sort of gotten into this habit of saving each other's lives, and it's my turn."

    I loved it! I think it definatly shows that their friendship is on the mend, after the events of Trinity.
    So far, I don't have many thoughts on upcoming episodes, though I'm definatly looking forward to The Hive, there looks like potential for lots of shippy stuff!
    I'm also excited for Grace Under Pressure, and Coup D'etat.
    Looking at the title that could mean some very interesting implications for this episode, after all Coup D'etat means basically the over throwing of a government, and seeing as Elizabeth will be negotiating with a rebal Genii...If there is actually a Coup D'etat, then maybe Atlantis could have a careful alliance with the Genii, and maybe we will see Sora return?

    Whoops! I wrote a ton Sorry guys, just got excited

    Oh one last thing:
    I've heard rumours for a couple of days now and someone on the season 2 thread has just posted dates and times of eps 10+11 (21st and 28th Nov) so it looks fairly official

    Comment're going to write a M/W fic??!! *intrigued*
      I don't even care if it's friendship-only either, I like any stories featuring those two.

      I'm going to try to put that together--it would be a lot of fun. I have no idea when I could finally publish it--been swamped lately. When I do though I'll let you guys know.

      As for a scenario where Rodney could be the leader of the pack--not sure. You're right about Lorne being the second in command (at least I think). Maybe in the Tower
      Rodney is the only other available person on-world to pull off a rescue (for the sake of argument everyone else is imprisoned, and the gate is locked). It would be hilarious to see him come charging in and being heroic as he was in "The Storm".

      If Liz will be at knife-point as the psoilers suggest, maybe Rodney will have to shoot around her ala "The Eye". If I were Liz in taht situation though, I might just die of a heart-attack instead lol. McKay is not know for his marksmanship!

      Happy shipping,


      Signature By Amber Moon


        Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch're going to write a M/W fic??!! *intrigued*
        I don't even care if it's friendship-only either, I like any stories featuring those two.

        I'm going to try to put that together--it would be a lot of fun. I have no idea when I could finally publish it--been swamped lately. When I do though I'll let you guys know.

        As for a scenario where Rodney could be the leader of the pack--not sure. You're right about Lorne being the second in command (at least I think). Maybe in the Tower
        Rodney is the only other available person on-world to pull off a rescue (for the sake of argument everyone else is imprisoned, and the gate is locked). It would be hilarious to see him come charging in and being heroic as he was in "The Storm".

        If Liz will be at knife-point as the psoilers suggest, maybe Rodney will have to shoot around her ala "The Eye". If I were Liz in taht situation though, I might just die of a heart-attack instead lol. McKay is not know for his marksmanship!

        Happy shipping,

        Can't wait to see your fic, whenever it's ready.

        And The Tower stuff, that's what I'm hoping for, it makes sense to me and it'd be so fun to see him do that!


          Spoilers for Grace Under Pressure:

          SOrry if I didn't get the tags right, I'll go and fix it if I didn't but sorry if someone read it who didn't want to.

          When I read the synopsis for this episode, the first thing that came to mind was that Rodney finally comes up against a problem he feels he can't solve. Maybe this can be linked back to Trinity, and exaserbated by the fact he's alone in a life-threatening situation. So he convinces himself that Carter's there with him. It's quite common for people who are isolated for long periods of time that their minds manifest people that they think are real. The way I see it, it's quite feasible that his being alone and doubting his ability to solve the problem, he convinces himself that Sam's there. And with her 'help' he gets out, but of course it was always him. (For some reason I seeing a shippy scene with Elizabeth when ge gets back, I don't know why)

          I'd really like to see him interact with her. I mean, it wouldn't be HER, it would be his manifestation of her, but I've always thought the Rodney from SG1 5-8 was light years, so to speak, from the Rodney of Atlantis. I don't think he'd be so infatuated with her or so condesending towards her. I'd like to see the changed dynamics because on SG1 we only ever saw infatuated, condescending Rodney and I'd like to see how older, wiser interacts with Sam.

          Oh, and there was something that was brought up ages ago, about does anyone call Elizabeth 'Liz', and someone said that even Simon calls her Elizabeth, and if anyone was allowed to call her Liz, it would be Simon. Ergo, she is always known as Elizabeth...

          My name's Gabriella (same number of syllables) and while I can't be bothered with such a long name with everyone the way Elizabeth is (anyone who's known me for more then five minutes calls me Gabbie, but I'm sure there are plenty of Gabriellas, Isabellas, Elizabeths etc who insist on being called by the full names in all but the most informal situations) I can't see that she wouldn't permit the people closest to her - ie, Simon, Rodney - call her by a shorter name. My fiancee and closest friends never call me anything shorter then Gabbie, it's just too cumbersome for someone you're close to, especially someone you see a lot of, and I don't see that it would be different for Elizabeth.

          Anyway, that's my two cents...


            Originally posted by paulacole
            Oh, and there was something that was brought up ages ago, about does anyone call Elizabeth 'Liz', and someone said that even Simon calls her Elizabeth, and if anyone was allowed to call her Liz, it would be Simon. Ergo, she is always known as Elizabeth...
            I tend not to have anyone call her 'Liz' or 'Lizzie' or 'Eliza' in fics because she's not called that in canon. She's always been known as Elizabeth and until they start calling her by a shortened name it just doesn't sound right to me...Besides, she looks much more like an Elizabeth than a Liz
            by Kaaatie


              Originally posted by paulacole
              Oh, and there was something that was brought up ages ago, about does anyone call Elizabeth 'Liz', and someone said that even Simon calls her Elizabeth, and if anyone was allowed to call her Liz, it would be Simon. Ergo, she is always known as Elizabeth...
              I've actually been thinking on this because I wrote a fic that had an epxlanation for the Elizabeth thing, actually two fics now... but anyway, I tend to have her called Elizabeth (or 'lizabeth as Rodney sometimes pronounces it) and people only get away with Lizzie playfully in some situations - but I do like Beth and Eliza, only I figured it'd be family members who might call her either.

              She seems very private and professional and I imagine with her being the leader she'd want to squash having a nickname in case it projected the wrong image. After all she is distanced from most people and she couldn't really let even Rodney call her by a nickname, unless in private, or others would hear it. So I go for her nickname being either something of an issue that she won't accept anything less than Elizabeth in any situation or that she would only allow nicknames in very private situations.

              Mind you sometimes I call her Liz on here but it's not really a name I'd use for her in a fic. I prefer the other nicknames, plus I tried to get out of the habit of saying Liz because another shipper I know can't stand the name Liz as it reminds her of Liz Parker from Roswell High.



                I stand by my statement. Maybe not in canon because they haven't gotten that far yet, but I find it hard to believe that she would be known by Elizabeth in every single circumstance by every single person. It's unlikely that someone with a fairly long name to be known only by that name ALL the time. I see her as a Liz by default because I can't see her as a Beth or an Eliza.

                And Purpleyin, I agree with you on the Liz Parker thing. I watched that show for two seasons and gave up the ghost when they wrote out Colin Hanks and Emily DeRavin...


                  Originally posted by Purpleyin
                  I just like the idea that Rodney isn't around when the situation happens, find out but no one in there knows and he manages to save the day. That's how it happens in my shippy fic version, should I ever write it...
                  That works too! And yay for Lilith avatars! Wouldn't be funny if
                  the female wraith in TLB ends up being named Lilith?

                  Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                  If Liz will be at knife-point as the psoilers suggest, maybe Rodney will have to shoot around her ala "The Eye". If I were Liz in taht situation though, I might just die of a heart-attack instead lol. McKay is not know for his marksmanship!
                  Ha, that would be a funny! Poor Elizabeth, seems like everyone this season is taken hostage on a regular basis...
                  Is Rodney that bad of a shot though? Granted, there was that whole scene in Siege 3, but I'm going to chalk that up to him being tired and stressed and maybe the writers wanting to paint him as comic relief. But he did seem to shoot fine in The Defiant One, and he did hit Ford in Runner. Though whether he was aiming for the arm or whether he was aiming to kill is debateable.

                  Originally posted by paulacole
                  When I read the synopsis for this episode, the first thing that came to mind was that Rodney finally comes up against a problem he feels he can't solve. Maybe this can be linked back to Trinity, and exaserbated by the fact he's alone in a life-threatening situation. So he convinces himself that Carter's there with him. It's quite common for people who are isolated for long periods of time that their minds manifest people that they think are real. The way I see it, it's quite feasible that his being alone and doubting his ability to solve the problem, he convinces himself that Sam's there. And with her 'help' he gets out, but of course it was always him. (For some reason I seeing a shippy scene with Elizabeth when ge gets back, I don't know why)
                  Ooh! He comes back and she hugs him! Or he's so happy to be alive and seeing her that he hugs her! Hugs for everyone!
                  Good points on Rodney and his stress causing hallucinations. I still don't know why he would be in that PJ by himself in the first place though...

                  I'd really like to see him interact with her. I mean, it wouldn't be HER, it would be his manifestation of her, but I've always thought the Rodney from SG1 5-8 was light years, so to speak, from the Rodney of Atlantis. I don't think he'd be so infatuated with her or so condesending towards her. I'd like to see the changed dynamics because on SG1 we only ever saw infatuated, condescending Rodney and I'd like to see how older, wiser interacts with Sam.
                  He has certainly matured beyond what we saw on SG1! He's had to make split-second decisions, be almost killed tons of times, hear about himself dying in another timeline, watch several friends die, and screw up royally. I'm very interested in seeing what the real Sam thinks of him now.

                  Regarding Elizabeth and nicknames, I think it's perfectly reasonable to assume that someone at some time has used a nickname with Elizabeth. I'm not sure how she would feel about it though. Privately I imagine it would be fine, but publicly would be a big no-no. Of course, one could spin it as maybe her mom called her Liz, but her mom died tragically, and now she doesn't want anyone else to ever call her Liz etc. etc.

                  I could actually see Rodney call her Liz, and I could even see him doing it even if they were just friends. Maybe that's because they seem so comfortable calling each other by their first names from the start. I could see him saying it if they were in private and she was really concerned about something or really angry or upset and he was calmly trying to get her to focus. The moment would have to be absolutely perfect though, or it would really sound off. And I NEVER want to see anyone use her nickname when they're on duty. Tacky, tacky, tacky.


                    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                    Regarding Elizabeth and nicknames, I think it's perfectly reasonable to assume that someone at some time has used a nickname with Elizabeth. I'm not sure how she would feel about it though. Privately I imagine it would be fine, but publicly would be a big no-no. Of course, one could spin it as maybe her mom called her Liz, but her mom died tragically, and now she doesn't want anyone else to ever call her Liz etc. etc.
                    *looks nervous* It's like you read my mind, or rather the fic I wrote the other day... Okay, so obviously it's a fairly obvious plot but still I wasn't expecting anyone else to think of it. *pouts a little*


                      Originally posted by Purpleyin
                      *looks nervous* It's like you read my mind, or rather the fic I wrote the other day... Okay, so obviously it's a fairly obvious plot but still I wasn't expecting anyone else to think of it. *pouts a little*
                      Oh no! Really? You haven't posted it yet so I couldn't have read it? Maybe I was subconsciously inspired by you asking about Elizabeth's family over in the Weir thread...

                      Too funny.

                      I didn't think it was that obvious of a plot though. Shhh...I won't tell anyone else. *clams up and runs off to assemble the fff*


                        Toaster--I was thinking that too--about Rodney's weapon handling. Sometimes, as in "The Defiant One" and "Aurora" he seems to have some ability with the weapon. However, I think when he gets really nervous he starts to lose it. I think if he encountered Liz in a
                        (this is not really a psoiler more like a potential spoiler) lol, in a hostage situation he would be really nervous--who knows what would happen

                        Maybe Rodney is a bit like Bret Maverick he is not great with the weapon, but can take care of himself if he absolutely has to.

                        Side note, just read a couple interviews with David Hewlett to get some McKay fic inspiration. The guy is great! He is very artistic, articulate, humble and a Sci-fi fan--even of Doctor Who! He seems like a very genuine person, complimenting all of his co-stars and the writers. He gives Rodney that spark that makes him such a sympathetic character, I think. I'll save the rest for the thunk thread lol.

                        Question: I saw some interesting spoilers for Grace Under Pressure
                        what does everyone here make of the whole Sam/Rodney thing? Is it just a one ep type thing, or is there to be more between these two. Also what exactly went on between them in the SG-1 eps?

                        Thanks much for any info,


                        Signature By Amber Moon


                          Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                          Oh no! Really? You haven't posted it yet so I couldn't have read it? Maybe I was subconsciously inspired by you asking about Elizabeth's family over in the Weir thread...

                          Too funny.

                          I didn't think it was that obvious of a plot though. Shhh...I won't tell anyone else. *clams up and runs off to assemble the fff*
                          Yeah, it's not posted, but it's 99% done. Should be up soon. I've got like 4 or 5 Weir fics I've written over the last few days, alot of it dealing with her family, her past, her future. Two of them are McKay/Weir friendship too.


                            It's the start of our fanfic-only diet! Thank goodness we only have to hold out for a couple of months. Today we're serving:

                            McKay/Weir Fanfiction Friday!!


                            “Wishful Thinking” by Purpleyin. “My response to the 5 minute light( )bulb challenge.”

                            “Options” by FreeWrite. ”"Options?" Elizabeth could hear the incredulity in his voice and knew instinctively what the answer would be. (more a gen Elizabeth piece but shippable)”

                            Up to part 5 of “Fettered Love OR Servant for a Day” by kokopelli24. “An attempt at fundraising goes awry on Atlantis, and Elizabeth gets a surprise from the latest Daedalus run.”

                            Up to part 7 of “Elizabeth Weir’s Diary!” by Padfoot-001. It's a new year. Elizabeth's keeping a diary. And things are gonna get ugly. Shweir, McWeir etc. etc. “”

                            “The Morning After” by paulacole. “Set around Season One. Rodney and Liz spend a drunken night together and have to face the consequences in the morning (watch the rating).”

                            Up to part 2 of “Paper Moon” by Amaunetx. ““…andhung a paper one…” Elizabeth mulls over Rodney and has thoughts. Angsty, pointless mullings and ideas, Post Trinity”

                            Up to part 2 of “The Solar Flare Saga II: The Syphon Wars” by The faerie enchantress. “The Wraith weren't the Ancients first enemies, there was something more deadly and they weren't all killed...”

                            Up to part 3 of “Forsaken Future” by LittleKnux. “John, Teyla and Aiden finally rescue Rodney from Genii imprisonment...but has what he's gone through changed him to the point of no return?”

                            Up to part 5 of “A Moment in Time” by McRaider. “Eighteen years into the future for Atlantis, and things are a little different. This is a crossover between Stargate and Stargate Atlantis. But it starts out on Atlantis.”

                            Up to part 4 of “Morwath” by McRaider. “Part Two to Railure, Stargate Atlantis Generation Chronicles, can a little girl save their lives?”

                            Up to part 27 of “Saving Graces” by McRaider. “He was just a boy, who needed a home, and they were a family who longed for one more member.”

                            Up to part 4 of “And So It Goes” by JazzyMcWeir. “Zelenka's POV on Rodney and Elizabeth.”

                            Completed “Journal of a Genius’s Daughter” by Teenangel. “The words of a certain scientist’s daughter about her life on Atlantis.”

                            Up to part 6 of “The 19 Series” by Hananian. “A series of drabbles for 38 Minutes and beyond.”

                            “Hypostasis” by kokopelli24. “McKay and Weir are back on earth for leave and when Rodney fails to meet her for a date, she comes to find him. She probably should have stayed away.”

                            “Rodney McKay Killed Himself” by peja. “(Not what you think! BYOS)”


                              Oh this is great, FFF! I needed it, been busy all day and thanks for finding all the cool stories, I always look forward to your FFF posts.
                              McKay: I'm invulnerable!
                              Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
                              McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

                              McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

                              First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
                              My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


                                Yay!!! FFF!! ::hugs!!::

