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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by doylefan22
    Well part two of my fic is now finished and if you wish to read it's over at my journal:

    The Challenge of Rodney McKay (part 2)

    Just two minor warnings:

    - There are some Simon related spoilers for season 2.
    - There is some smut-lite here so steer clear if that's not your thing (although what's there is nothing compared to what's going to be in the third part )
    Just have to say nice fic and thanks for the link.
    McKay: I'm invulnerable!
    Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
    McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

    McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

    First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
    My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


      Originally posted by aaobuttons
      I do think it would be funny though if they had kind of a parallel to the LFP scene where he askes about somebody from home and she says she doesn't and he gives another "Oh" and "good good" when she was out of earshot.
      Now THAT is a great idea.

      Originally posted by weirfan517

      -Kinda like the one i just mentioned but Simon is kinda evil, cuz Liz realizes she doesn't want him and she wants Rodney and Simon is always in the way of that, a lot like this fic I was reading. (has anyone checked out gate trippin's fic "fettered love or servent for a day?) So, I'd like tha scenario.

      -or if caldwell (interesting character) has it in for her (which i think is possible) and wants to get her someway, he brings simon on the daedalus and well whatever happens from there.

      -Yes, I was actually thinking about that exact fic when I was thinking about Simon. I wonder what evil!Simon would be like..

      -When you say Caldwell "has it in for her" do you mean that he's trying to undermine her? Because if he's really a snakey guy then I could see him running into Simon on Earth, realizing he dated Elizabeth, thinking this would be a great way to divert her, and convince Simon to come to Atlantis with him. Not something that would ever become canon, mind you, but that could be interesting fanfic.

      And while we're on the subject of Caldwell, what do you think about him?
      Think he's got a crush on Elizabeth or he's just being weasly? Do you think Elizabeth would even return his feelings if he had them? And what on earth would Rodney think about that pairing?!

      Originally posted by doylefan22
      My view on the situation is

      that Elizabeth wasn't angry at first because:

      1. She was so shocked it was over.
      2. She was feeling guilty about leaving Simon like she did in the first place.

      I think as time goes on she'll never exactly be furious with him because she knows it was mostly her fault for leaving him like she did, but still she be very annoyed he didn't try to talk to her about it or tell her sooner. I think she would have liked to have stayed friends with him but now she feels rather betrayed that's not likely.
      I agree with why Elizabeth may not have been as angry when Simon told her the truth on earth. She does seem to be the type that tends to withdraw and internalize her emotions rather than immediately lash out at people (which tends to be the opposite of Rodney, interestingly enough). I think she's angry at him, but she's also angry at herself (she likely also showed this double anger to Rodney at the end of Trinity) and disappointed that the relationship with Simon ended the way it did. With time I think she will be able to let go of all those emotions and be truly ready to pursue another relationship (preferably with that cute geek always standing next to her).
      If Simon did come back into her life, I think she would at least be courteous to him but rather distant. She would have come to terms with the end of the relationship and be able to look at it without anger or depression. And if for some reason he came to Atlantis and worked under her I think she would show him a good deal of professional detachment.

      Eagerly awaiting pt 3, btw...


        Originally posted by weirfan517
        Yep, love it, very interesting piece. There's more, right?
        Yeah, I'm working on the third chapter right now. At the moment I'm working on four fics and I've got a fifth idea in mind so excuse the slowness


          Think I'll answer my own question now.

          I identify more with McKay. Fanfic helps me like Weir more as on show she's good but I like to get a better sense of a character through backstory etc and so far Weir lacks that. Plus I'm geeky. I suppose in reality I'm not that dissimilar to either in various ways but I just tend to identify more with McKay, even though I'm female. Means I tend towards writing McKay in fic too but I'm working on writing Elizabeth more. It's just sometimes weird to identify with Mckay, especially when it comes to smut fic.

          Also been thinking about the Simon questions and
          I wish they'd explored how Simon's admission had affected her. It was only really one scene but i suppose you could take her lack of sleep in Intruder as being linked, that she wanted to get back to Atlantis where she felt in control of her life, where she was sure of her position and didn't have to fight Caldwell etc so much, nor face up to personal issues like Simon.

          I'd like to see the relationship revisited but doubt it'd happen on show. I'm all for fics with the ship in though, even if she chooses to go with Simon. Main trouble with going for the ship on the show was they made so little of it. They never explored it until Home (where it's difficult to know if that was how it would be or how she wanted it to be) and then LFP and then it's over by Intruder ad we don't see any consequences of either rising original decision of hers apart from LFP and even then she still goes back to him in Intruder, yet then he ends it and we see no more of the issue. They never explained why she let go in LFP but then still expected him to be there in Intruder. They just never went deep enough to give any sense of the relationship and her love for him. We're just left to assume all kinds of things. Maybe that's better but maybe it's because the writers just don't have the feeling for actual ship.

          I wouldn't mind seeing a fic where Simon came to Atlantis, rather out of character and it turns out he Goa'ulded. Evil!Simon sort of, but could be interesting if done well. Darkfic bunny there.


            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
            Now THAT is a great idea.
            And while we're on the subject of Caldwell, what do you think about him?
            Think he's got a crush on Elizabeth or he's just being weasly? Do you think Elizabeth would even return his feelings if he had them? And what on earth would Rodney think about that pairing?!
            No way has he got a crush on Elizabeth. He's certainly trying to get into her good books but only because he is very good at playing the game to get what he wants. He's a shrewd enough man to know he'll more likely get what he wants if he works with her rather than against her. I think he is beginning to respect her quite a lot though.

            As to what Rodney would think about that particular pairing - well it might be the first time we see him utterly speechless!

            Eagerly awaiting pt 3, btw...
            Oh good It's in the works right now. As I said, this has been so hard to write and get the characters correct, but I've really enjoyed it.
            by Kaaatie


              Interesting take on the Caldwell/Liz issue. The discussion about Rodney's reaction got me thinking, if Liz ended up with John, would Rodney be extremely hurt? It's hard to tell what his reaction would be. It might sound nuts, but scenes where McKay is abused like when Kolya punched him in "The Eye", I find very difficult to watch. I would hate to see Rodney hung out to dry.

              The events of "Conversion" are very mysterious indeed,
              some interpreted the kiss as a Shep/Teyla ship beginning. While I would really not like to see this happen, does anyone in this thread think "Conversion" might be setting up some kind of triangle, or possibly a "rectangle" (if you will lol) between McKay/Weir/Shep/Teyla? Was there any evidence of a McWeir thing starting in that ep (didn't get to see it yet!)? There was definite evidence of Weir's affection for John. Hopefully this will all become clearer in the near furture.


              Signature By Amber Moon


                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                -When you say Caldwell "has it in for her" do you mean that he's trying to undermine her? Because if he's really a snakey guy then I could see him running into Simon on Earth, realizing he dated Elizabeth, thinking this would be a great way to divert her, and convince Simon to come to Atlantis with him. Not something that would ever become canon, mind you, but that could be interesting fanfic.
                As to whether Caldwell has it in for Weir, I think that he (and other military types at the SGC, based on Intruder) definitely think that the expedition should be headed by a military command. He's been pretty open about how he feels everytime he has appeared, so I don't think he's snakey, and the only real problem is that we only get the idea that he's an a*****e from how the other characters respond to him, not from how he himself is written.

                And while we're on the subject of Caldwell, what do you think about him?
                Think he's got a crush on Elizabeth or he's just being weasly? Do you think Elizabeth would even return his feelings if he had them? And what on earth would Rodney think about that pairing?!
                I remember that after The Siege Part III,
                a few people speculated that McKay and Caldwell had some kind of history, considering the way Caldwell addressed him from the Daedalus before he sent down the ZPM. In Trinity Caldwell backed up Rodney 100% - though that could have been for his own reasons (getting the power source etc.), it'd be interesting if they had bumped into one another before, perhaps butted heads over something. It'd be good if something did start happening between Weir and Caldwell, but Rodney knows the type of guy he is, and gets worried about Liz.
                Last edited by NotANumber; 19 September 2005, 10:40 AM. Reason: Fixing the coding


                  Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                  The events of "Conversion" are very mysterious indeed,
                  some interpreted the kiss as a Shep/Teyla ship beginning. While I would really not like to see this happen, does anyone in this thread think "Conversion" might be setting up some kind of triangle, or possibly a "rectangle" (if you will lol) between McKay/Weir/Shep/Teyla? Was there any evidence of a McWeir thing starting in that ep (didn't get to see it yet!)? There was definite evidence of Weir's affection for John. Hopefully this will all become clearer in the near furture.
                  There were a few small morsels of McWeir in Conversion (though subtle as usual) but at this point in the season, if there's going to be a 'rectangle' then it'll probably be a Weir/Sheppard/Teyla/Ronan thing. It could still be a case of the writers testing the waters with different ships before they actually run with one (or more) though.


                    Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                    Interesting take on the Caldwell/Liz issue. The discussion about Rodney's reaction got me thinking, if Liz ended up with John, would Rodney be extremely hurt? It's hard to tell what his reaction would be. It might sound nuts, but scenes where McKay is abused like when Kolya punched him in "The Eye", I find very difficult to watch. I would hate to see Rodney hung out to dry.

                    The events of "Conversion" are very mysterious indeed,
                    some interpreted the kiss as a Shep/Teyla ship beginning. While I would really not like to see this happen, does anyone in this thread think "Conversion" might be setting up some kind of triangle, or possibly a "rectangle" (if you will lol) between McKay/Weir/Shep/Teyla? Was there any evidence of a McWeir thing starting in that ep (didn't get to see it yet!)? There was definite evidence of Weir's affection for John. Hopefully this will all become clearer in the near furture.

                    The set ups for Rodney and Elizabeth were really there in season 1,
                    from their playful teasing in Rising to their dependency on eachother in Home to the gun/torture/balcony etc in Storm/eye to his sacrifice for her in Before I Sleep to his "Oh" in Letters.

                    Their ship in season 2 has really been stifled by
                    her breakup with Simon and her dealing with that, and then with the events in Trinity putting that barrier between them.

                    Hopefully the second part of season 2 will see that trust being built up again and they can start being more like they were in season 1. It would also probably help if the writers did something for Rodney other than use him for a comic foil.
                    It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                      Originally posted by paulacole
                      Yeah, I'm working on the third chapter right now. At the moment I'm working on four fics and I've got a fifth idea in mind so excuse the slowness
                      I know that feeling, I have like 5 fics in the works and have not even finished a complete first draft for any of them. I'm a really slow writer, and what's worse is I have to go deal with my english right now cuz I got less than 24 hours to finish my assignment, dang I knew I should've done it earlier in the week. See yall later.
                      McKay: I'm invulnerable!
                      Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
                      McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

                      McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

                      First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
                      My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


                        I'm in a similar predicament. I had only started my first Atlantis fic when real life slapped me across the back of the head. And then with going back to university on top of it all, I really need to learn how all that time management stuff works.


                          Want to be slightly spoiled on Grave Under Pressure? Go here.

                          So, Sam's a hallucination to help him cope with being alone and getting out. Interesting. Love to see how he gets on, what he admits about feelings for Sam. You could say him and Elizabeth are still rebuilding and that it makes far more sense for him to see Sam anyway. Already I wonder what it's be like if the episode was a little different on who he'd hallucinate but I'm sure someone will write a fic for that. Anyway, I think him seeing Sam is a way for 'her' to give him solutions he thinks he can't come up with. Maybe she shows artistic use of science, proving he has it in him. Can just imagine a worn out injured Rodney giving credit to Sam, possibly reluctantly as he thinks she's so much better and laments his own lack of talent, and being amazed/confused when they say oh but it was just you Rodney.


                            Originally posted by Purpleyin
                            Want to be slightly spoiled on Grave Under Pressure? Go here.
                            I've seen that picture everywhere today. Certainly looks good!

                            Can just imagine a worn out injured Rodney giving credit to Sam, possibly reluctantly as he thinks she's so much better and laments his own lack of talent, and being amazed/confused when they say oh but it was just you Rodney.
                            I think that'll be really interesting to see if this is where we get some more fallout from Trinity.
                            Is he doubting his abilities? Is that why he hallucinates Sam - because he's not convinced he's capable of getting out on his own? It'll also be great to see the two of them together again - never thought there was much love between them but plenty of lust and spark. Should make for very interesting watching!
                            by Kaaatie


                              Anybody interested in joining the ficathon - today is the absolute LAST day.

                              Go here.


                                Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                                Interesting take on the Caldwell/Liz issue. The discussion about Rodney's reaction got me thinking, if Liz ended up with John, would Rodney be extremely hurt? It's hard to tell what his reaction would be. It might sound nuts, but scenes where McKay is abused like when Kolya punched him in "The Eye", I find very difficult to watch. I would hate to see Rodney hung out to dry.
                                Interesting question. I'm with you, I hate to see Rodney whumping, both physical and mental. IF TPTB decide to pursue Shep/Weir (and that's a big IF, considering all the potential pitfalls there), the I personally wouldn't like to see Rodney jealous or angsty. It would just be too much for me. If there must be S/W, at least keep Rodney out of the picture. Unless of course TPTB are setting up some teasing for S/W and then coming out of right field with M/W...
                                It is hypothetically possible that Rodney would be a bit upset if Shep and Elizabeth got together, if not from the "bummer, there goes my chances with her" aspect then at least from the "bummer, now I'm probably spending less time alone with Elizabeth and/or Shep" or the "bummer, they found each other now who will find me?" angle.
                                *sniff* That last comment is so heartbreaking.

                                The events of "Conversion" are very mysterious indeed,
                                some interpreted the kiss as a Shep/Teyla ship beginning. While I would really not like to see this happen, does anyone in this thread think "Conversion" might be setting up some kind of triangle, or possibly a "rectangle" (if you will lol) between McKay/Weir/Shep/Teyla? Was there any evidence of a McWeir thing starting in that ep (didn't get to see it yet!)? There was definite evidence of Weir's affection for John. Hopefully this will all become clearer in the near furture.
                                Honestly I'm not really sure where TPTB are going with S/T. There were some scenes early in s1 but things seemed to have backed off since then, and now there's this kiss. The ending of Conversion could indicate that they kissed and nothing will come of it, or it could indicate a possible beginning with Shep and Teyla looking at each other in a new light. I really don't care one way or the other, so I'm trying to remain objective.

                                No real evidence that M/W was started in this ep; Rodney and Elizabeth spent little time together here (but they did have some nice looks, especially when he was looking at her while eating). But I think the potential for M/W was started much earlier than this ep anyway, there were hints of it as early as Rising and some definite possibilities in Hide and Seek.

                                And while it is possible that Conversion focused so much on Elizabeth because of her personal feelings for Shep, it's also possible to interpret her concern as simply being good friends with him or concern that she could be losing her chief military officer while Caldwell is breathing down her neck. Plus, most shippy moments so far have been from her, not so much from him. The last thing I was to see is her pining over him, ala Janeway/Chakotay. And I know how well that latter ship turned out...

                                All in all, I really don't care much for canon ship triangles or more. TPTB hasn't really proven itself with a single ship, so I think if they add more to the mix it's just going to get confusing and all ships involved will suffer. I'm not even sure I like the idea of multiple, nonconflicting ships on the show (having both M/W and S/T, for example), as the focus may then be too much on ships and too little on action/scifi. Fanfic is probably the best place for multiple ships and multiships.

