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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    I'll be glad to whip up a shippy synopsis for H&S but I'm off to work in a bit and can't give it my full attention just now. I'll post it around lunch.
    Until then there's a nice transcript here of the show.

    Thanks a bunch,


    Signature By Amber Moon


      Stupidly huge synopsis of H&S (my thoughts and shippy interpretations in parenthesis):

      Rodney is in the medical area with Carson, who gives Rodney a shot and turns him into the first human trial for the Ancient gene viral therapy (one would assume that Rodney wants the gene to be able to do his job, but we've discussed how he really pushed because he's jealous of Shep and maybe worried that Elizabeth will think less of him). Later we see Elizabeth walking with Grodin only to witness Shep pushing Rodney off a balcony (she gapes in shock and looks quite concerned when she thinks Rodney has been injured). All is okay, as Rodney is proudly wearing a fluorescent green broach that appeantly acts as a personal shield. Elizabeth asks him if he should be more careful with Ancient devices, Rodney gloats that he's invulnerable, she tells him to take it off, he snorts that she's just jealous, and she retorts back "Oh yes, green with envy." (CUTE scene and another example of how Elizabeth can give as good as she gets with Rodney.)

      The big problem comes when Rodney discovers that he cannot remove the shield, which means he can't eat or drink coffee (a source of major concern for him! ) He proclaims his doom at later meetings, which everyone seems to brush off. Later, Elizabeth goes and talks to Carson about what to do with Rodney. She's pretty convinced that he's not going to die of starvation, but instead that the device will turn itself off when things get dire. She projects a great deal of confidence here, focusing more on the positive aspects of the Ancient devices rather than worrying (one would imagine that she would also make an effort to appear calm to Rodney, as perhaps she's found that Rodney doesn't panic as much when she doesn't either).

      Later, Shep and the gang are eating popcorn (except for Rodney, who's eyeing the bowl mournfully) and watching Shep's football video when Elizabeth walks in. Rodney immediately looks at her (and she may have looked back at him to make sure things were fine, I'm not sure). They all discuss the pros of football and Rodney mentions cheerleaders with a fond smile (does Elizabeth look at him and laugh? Maybe she's thinking up plans for later...).

      Back in the control room, the mist alien is attempting to seize control of the stargate. Rodney and Grodin shut things down and Rodney speculates that maybe there really are ghosts. Elizabeth notes that he doesn't seem the type to believe in ghosts (implying they've spent some time together for her to have an idea what his type is), and he says that was before he learned about the wraith "that could suck the life out of you with their hands. What the hell is that?" ()

      Halling attempts to contact his son, Jinto, through Atlantis's PA system. Right at the end of his statement to possible ghosts in the city, Rodney suddenly collapses. In the next scene he appears to be fine, with Shep and Carson standing over him. Carson notes that he fainted and Rodney objects to the term, preferring instead that he "passed out from manly hunger" (). Shep reports in to Elizabeth that Rodney is fine, and that he just fainted. This upsets Rodney (presumably because he felt weak in front of Shep and Carson because he fainted, and he's probably more upset now that Elizabeth knows. He doesn't like to appear weak to others, especially her.)

      When Elizabeth, Rodney, and Shep are discussing the plan to catch the mist alien, Shep volunteers to be at the container when the alien approaches. Elizabeth notes that Rodney would be a better choice since he's still wearing the shield, and the shield immediately falls off Rodney. () He immediately starts to eat and appears pleased, until Elizabeth turns away from him muttering "I had a feeling". She apparently meant that she had a feeling that the shield would ultimately deactivate and save him, but Rodney thought she meant that he was being a coward and forcing the shield to deactivate. This infuriates him and he gets right in her face (she doesn't appear shocked by his close proximity...) and insists that he would gladly be at the container but the shield isn't working at all now (interesting how he is only concerned with her opinion while Shep is completely ignored). He leaves to get a drink.

      When everything is getting ready to go in the control room, Elizabeth decides to light some candles, telling Rodney how the Athosians were using candles as protection. Rodney asks her why she's lighting them, she says because it's going to get dark, and he grins and shines a flashlight over his face. (cute scene showing how Rodney can tease Elizabeth and she doesn't seem to mind. The scene also showed Rodney's unimpressed attitude with religious/cultural rituals that aren't scientifically proven, and may indicate a potential clash with his hardcore science views vs. Elizabeth's leniency and possible belief in the unknown.)

      Big finish! The stargate is open but the MALP with the energy source has stalled in the entrance hall. Everything appears dire until Rodney realizes that he still has the personal shield. He steps back (possibly casting a furtive glance at Elizabeth), walks away unnoticed, puts on the shield, and starts walking down the stairway into the mist. Shep sees him and shouts at him, prompting Elizabeth to look at him in shock and call out "Rodney!" (incidentally, the first time she's used his first name this episode). He looks to her before disappearing in the mist and saves the day. The mist vanishes, leaving Rodney unconscious on the floor. Everyone rushes down to him, Shep reaches him first, but Elizabeth is second and Shep steps aside for her. She immediately kneels on the ground beside Rodney, removes the broach, and keeps her hand on his chest (for an excruciating amount of time, the longest she's touched anyone in the first season). She even touches his cheek to verify that he's not burned (major squee moment for me). Rodney wakes up, looks around groggily, and sees her and smiles. General relief and happiness from the team. Elizabeth keeps her hand on him and only moves aside when a medical team arrives (A great shippy scene where we see just how concerned and later relieved Elizabeth is regarding Rodney. Additionally, it shows that she has no problem touching him in front of others to give him and herself some comfort. He'll return the favor later in The Eye). Fade out.

      I got a bit carried away there, didn't I? What can I say? H&S is one of my favorite eps so far.

      Do we need some screencaps to go along with that?


        Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
        Stupidly huge synopsis of H&S (my thoughts and shippy interpretations in parenthesis)
        Brilliant synopsis Toaster. I'm rather fond of that episode myself

        It's reminded me actually that I've been meaning to do a McKay/Weir guide to season 2. It may not be as blatant as season 1 but I'm surprised at all the little things I've picked up on repeat watchings. And watching the episodes again won't be too much of a chore, I'm sure!

        I'll have to get onto that this weekend inbetween finishing my fic. My life is full of such McKay/Weir goodness at the moment
        by Kaaatie


          Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
          Stupidly huge synopsis of H&S (my thoughts and shippy interpretations in parenthesis):
          Oooh two bits you missed (completely understandable considering just how long that was!)
          right after the shield deactivating scene and before Rodney walks in on her lighting the candles she is talking to Grodin about what happened and he reveals Rodney was lying (trying to make himself seem less cowardly to her?) - Rodney'd implied it didn't work any longer by attempting to put it on Sheppard but he'd missed off telling Elizabeth it wouldn't work on anyone else because it imprints of the wear, so only Rodney could use it now. She looks a litte pissed when she realises that rodney didn't reveal that fact but doesn't say any more on the matter or admit to Rodney she knows, so Rodney comes in all cheerful and she doesn't dispel his illusion.

          Also when he wakes up at the end, not only is she touching him and he smiles but she has the biggest grin of relief when he's fine too.
          So cute! I think H&S makes me squee most apart from the LFP 'oh' scene and that cute office bit in The Gift.


            The scene also showed Rodney's unimpressed attitude with religious/cultural rituals that aren't scientifically proven, and may indicate a potential clash with his hardcore science views vs. Elizabeth's leniency and possible belief in the unknown.)

            Excellent snyopsis, thanks! I particularly liked the above quote, nice catch. I think that quality of Rodney's personality certainly needs more exploration. I've got to see that ep when it comes on again. Candles and McKay? Too much fun, potentially romantic setting as well.

            This proves exactly how little I know of Mc/Weir but what id the "Oh" scene Purpleyin? Thanks,


            Signature By Amber Moon


              Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
              This proves exactly how little I know of Mc/Weir but what id the "Oh" scene Purpleyin? Thanks,

              Happy to explain, is in Letters from Pegasus
              Rodney talks to Elizabeth after the others have left the meeting about sending a message back and he tries to causally ask if she has anyone back home she is sending a message to, she says yes and he seems surprised and a little deflated/dissapointed and does a small 'oh' noise and then a sweet little fast 'good good' and makes his exscuses to go off. Meanwhile Elizabeth seems sort of amused at all of this, his question and his response and it's almost like she suspects he cares about it, or possibly knows he has a crush or something like that. It's just a total squee scene for many, Rodney asking her something that personal and actually caring about the answer being that she does have someone, though of course she's not sending the best message to Simon... poor guy. Hope that explains it okay.


                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                Stupidly huge synopsis of H&S (my thoughts and shippy interpretations in parenthesis): <snip>

                Do we need some screencaps to go along with that?
                Very nice, love all of those thanks for pointing them out, I love that ep so much.

                A few screen caps:

                I just noticed something as the crazy weirfan i am, liz wears a watch upside down.

                Okay I said a few, but those are just some of my favorites from the ep. Got a little carried away too.
                McKay: I'm invulnerable!
                Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
                McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

                McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

                First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
                My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


                  Okay, I was just thinking about my favorite mckay/weir scene, so here's part of a transcript and some screencaps from the gift:


                  ELIZABETH’S OFFICE. Rodney and John come in to see Elizabeth.
                  McKAY: Alright. Even with Major Sheppard in the chair we weren’t able to, uh ... (Elizabeth, who is reading a laptop, raises a finger.) What? What is that? (He raises his finger in the same way that she did. Elizabeth gestures to the screen and Rodney walks round the table to stand beside her and look at the screen.)
                  WEIR: Yeah, something you said made me wonder.
                  McKAY: I thought we decided there were more important things than ...
                  WEIR (interrupting): Why did the Wraith scientist stop the experiments?
                  McKAY: What would I have said that would make you think that?
                  WEIR: I don’t remember.
                  McKAY: Well, it’s-it’s-it’s a good point – I’m just wondering what I said. (Elizabeth looks at him.) What’ve you got?
                  WEIR: Well at first, I thought it was because the other Wraith caught him.
                  SHEPPARD: They didn’t?
                  WEIR: No – according to this, he stopped on his own.
                  McKAY: See, now you’ve got me wondering why the rest of the Wraith didn’t want these experiments taking place in the first place.
                  WEIR: Exactly.
                  McKAY: Especially since they were supposed to be intended to improve things for everyone.
                  WEIR: Yes, that’s what I’m saying.
                  McKAY: I just said it.
                  SHEPPARD: Will you stop?!

                  love the look on Rodney's face in that one, it's kinda funny

                  Yeah, that's my favorite scene, anyone else?
                  McKay: I'm invulnerable!
                  Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
                  McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

                  McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

                  First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
                  My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


                    she says yes and he seems surprised and a little deflated/dissapointed and does a small 'oh' noise and then a sweet little fast 'good good' and makes his exscuses to go off.

                    What a great moment...That really makes it seem like Rodney has a crush on Weir. Poor Rodney, I wonder if he knows she
                    lost Simon.

                    Love that scene in the "Gift".

                    I like this cap in particular:


                    Looks like Rodney is telling Shep to leave lol.

                    I have to say, the ships on the show are great!

                    Thanks for the caps all,

                    Last edited by Royal_Nonesuch; 22 September 2005, 04:31 PM.

                    Signature By Amber Moon


                      Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch

                      Love that scene in the "Gift".
                      I like this cap in particular:


                      Looks like Rodney is telling Shep to leave lol.
                      Yes! Love that
                      it's sort of like Shep's spoiling their fun, poor Rodney doesn't look so happy at that - he seems to like the banter, and he's nice and close up to Elizabeth too. Also shows they have discussions about stuff and if she doesn't know what he said to make her think that maybe they talk alot. Certainly makes them seem at least very good friends who spend a fair mount of time together.



                        That cap is great. Rodney is such a punk lol. Good point Purpleyin, I think it is indicated by the show that McKay and Weir do have some history. They know how to work with each other and shar the fact that they are civillians in common. In "Rising", their exchanges in the beginning of the ep are a lot of fun too.

                        I had a quesiton for the shippers here, on the Sheppard/Weir ship thread, we have discussed a number of times how
                        Rodney has noticed the special connection, or influence Shep has over Weir. In "The Defian One" and "Trinity" Rodney asks Shep to speak to Weir because he know she'll listen to him. Has anyone picked up that Rodney resents that conneciton?

                        Just curious, again great caps,


                        Signature By Amber Moon


                          Originally posted by doylefan22
                          It's reminded me actually that I've been meaning to do a McKay/Weir guide to season 2. It may not be as blatant as season 1 but I'm surprised at all the little things I've picked up on repeat watchings. And watching the episodes again won't be too much of a chore, I'm sure!

                          I'll have to get onto that this weekend inbetween finishing my fic. My life is full of such McKay/Weir goodness at the moment
                          Thumbs up to that idea! I imagine that there's plenty of shippy moments in s2 that are waiting to be uncovered with repeat watchings and knowledge of future eps. Should be a good read.

                          Originally posted by Purpleyin
                          Oooh two bits you missed (completely understandable considering just how long that was!)
                          Ah thanks, I was trying to put the thing together with only the transcript so I forgot the Grodin scene and that she was smiling in the end. CUTE!

                          So cute! I think H&S makes me squee most apart from the LFP 'oh' scene and that cute office bit in The Gift.
                          And don't forget Home, plenty to squee about in Home...

                          Originally posted by weirfan517
                          Okay I said a few, but those are just some of my favorites from the ep. Got a little carried away too.
                          Nothing wrong with that! All of those are great caps! I LOVE the flashlight scene.
                          And I think their little scene in Gift is great. Cute, funny, and they act just like they've been married for years. I hope TPTB start putting that kind of stuff in this season...

                          I really do appreciate you asking all these questions Royal, it's quite fun to go back and revisit old episodes and remember all the shippy moments.


                            Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                            I had a quesiton for the shippers here, on the Sheppard/Weir ship thread, we have discussed a number of times how
                            Rodney has noticed the special connection, or influence Shep has over Weir. In "The Defian One" and "Trinity" Rodney asks Shep to speak to Weir because he know she'll listen to him. Has anyone picked up that Rodney resents that conneciton?
                            Ooo...I'll bounce in here and answer this one cos I love the Sheppard/Weir dynamic (even though I don't see anything shippy there )...

                            I think that the reason that
                            Rodney asks Shep to speak to Weir in 'Trinity'
                            is because she knows Rodney on a more personal level than she knows Shep, and Rodney is aware that is slightly to his disadvantage. Her banter and chats with Rodney often show this friendship. Hell, it was in the very first episode what with her teasing of him. But in the situation in 'Trinity' she finds it hard to be objective, knowing what she does about Rodney and his character. Shep on the other hand is her second in command, she relates to him more on a businesslike level than a personal one because that's the forum most of their interaction is in. She
                            takes more heed of Shep's opinion because she thinks its coming from well thought out military reasoning, not scientific enthusiasm or Rodney's overconfidence. Remember, she knows Rodney McKay and sometimes has to protect him from himself! (my favourite squeally ship moment so far!)
                            by Kaaatie


                              People, people! Two new episodes tonight and no rumblings for what might happen with Rodney and Elizabeth?! I'll remedy that by going first:


                              I've actually read the reviews and it appears that the two only share a room twice ( that sounds...bad. ) and it's in the company of others. No mention of Trinity and minimal convo between the two, but I would like to see those scenes to check for any looks, smiles, whatever. I'd like to see if their relationship is still strained and distant or if TPTB are going to reintroduce it later in the season.

                              "The Lost Boys"

                              I know the basic plot and it sounds like a team ep with Elizabeth back on Atlantis. It appears that the team is captured by Ford's group and Elizabeth is made aware of it (cue concerned look). Isn't this the ep where Rodney apparently goes through withdrawl back on Atlantis? He lunges at Carson and has to be strapped down and Elizabeth apparently comes later when he's unconscious? It implies that Rodney is let go at some point to come back to Atlantis, maybe Elizabeth meets him when he arrives to make sure he's okay. I'm thinking Ford drugged Rodney with the enzyme to make the team compliant, but others have thought that maybe Rodney is taking something to keep from being stressed/depressed/etc. Regardless, looks like Rodney's getting some more whumping. Poor guy, I don't know how much more he can take, or how much longer Elizabeth can watch him in pain. Looking forward to seeing the cliffhanger; do you think Rodney's going to have to step in front of a gun again?


                                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                                People, people! Two new episodes tonight and no rumblings for what might happen with Rodney and Elizabeth?! I'll remedy that by going first:


                                I've actually read the reviews and it appears that the two only share a room twice ( that sounds...bad. ) and it's in the company of others. No mention of Trinity and minimal convo between the two, but I would like to see those scenes to check for any looks, smiles, whatever. I'd like to see if their relationship is still strained and distant or if TPTB are going to reintroduce it later in the season.
                                To me
                                their relationship appears to be on the mend after the events of Conversion. There's a nice jokey scene at the beginning where Elizabeth smiles fondly at Rodney They haven't brushed over the Trinity thing entirely though because Sheppard is still not entirely trusting of him.

                                "The Lost Boys"

                                I know the basic plot and it sounds like a team ep with Elizabeth back on Atlantis. It appears that the team is captured by Ford's group and Elizabeth is made aware of it (cue concerned look). Isn't this the ep where Rodney apparently goes through withdrawl back on Atlantis? He lunges at Carson and has to be strapped down and Elizabeth apparently comes later when he's unconscious? It implies that Rodney is let go at some point to come back to Atlantis, maybe Elizabeth meets him when he arrives to make sure he's okay. I'm thinking Ford drugged Rodney with the enzyme to make the team compliant, but others have thought that maybe Rodney is taking something to keep from being stressed/depressed/etc. Regardless, looks like Rodney's getting some more whumping. Poor guy, I don't know how much more he can take, or how much longer Elizabeth can watch him in pain. Looking forward to seeing the cliffhanger; do you think Rodney's going to have to step in front of a gun again?
                                Unfortunately the
                                strapping to the guerney thing is in the second bit of the two parter so we won't see that for a while yet. I'm still hoping some country will get to The Hive before the US/Canada start reshowing the season so at least we may get it a little early. In the meantime, I haven't heard much about The Lost Boys, but like you I'm hoping for a concerned reaction from Elizabeth and plenty of fanfic fodder.
                                by Kaaatie

