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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Oh dear.

    First we had the anti-S/W thread, next an anti-T/D thread, and now Shadow was so kind as to create an anti-S/T thread...
    Odd too, since there is no indication that TPTB are going with any of these ships. No real hints in interviews, no definite moments in eps, it's all in the eyes of the shippers so far. While I am either anti or neutral about those ships, I'm not going to worry about it until there's more evidence.
    And I have no problem with those threads existing either. If there's a pro-ship thread then I think there can be an anti-ship thread as long as the discussion stays on the ship and not on the shippers/antishippers. But I do worry that those threads are going to turn into yet another S/W vs. S/T fiasco...sigh.

    No indication of an anti-M/W thread yet though. This either means that the anti-ship thread starters aren't focusing on M/W or that the ship isn't seen as a "canon threat" yet. Hmm...the good and the bad...
    Oh well, here's to us continuing to fly under the radar. We're quite good at that, aren't we? Fly under the radar and suprise everyone in the end.


      Thanks to the people who enjoyed and reviewed the video. It's so helpful when people tell you what they liked about stuff. I did try and do as much of a mix of season 1 and 2 stuff as I could but s2 is lacking slightly in moments Hopefully that'll get better soon though, there are some episodes with a lot of potential on the way

      And I've been nominated for an award? Yay for me and McWeir shippers everywhere - maybe we'll even get our own category!

      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      No indication of an anti-M/W thread yet though. This either means that the anti-ship thread starters aren't focusing on M/W or that the ship isn't seen as a "canon threat" yet. Hmm...the good and the bad...
      Oh well, here's to us continuing to fly under the radar. We're quite good at that, aren't we? Fly under the radar and suprise everyone in the end.
      I've actually don't think I've heard anything anti-McWeir. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I like to think there's little anti-McWeir feeling out there. People may not support the ship but that doesn't necessarily mean they dislike it. It probably helps that McKay is such a popular character. Either that or they just can't find a good argument against it!

      You know, I so wasn't going to write any smut yet. I was going to write sensible, thoughtful, PG rated fics.....Then I was attacked by a rabid McWeir smut bunny. *sigh* Oh well, suppose I should go write it then....
      by Kaaatie


        My first McWeir vid, only the second vid I've ever made. Do enjoy, and feedback/comments are most welcome.
        Downloading it right now, and I'm so excited to see it!!!
        *nervously appears in thread*

        Eh....newbie and McWeir shipper here.
        Hey! Welcome to the thread!!! Glad more people are stopping in! This is great!
        I've actually don't think I've heard anything anti-McWeir. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I like to think there's little anti-McWeir feeling out there. People may not support the ship but that doesn't necessarily mean they dislike it. It probably helps that McKay is such a popular character. Either that or they just can't find a good argument against it!
        I know I can't!
        I've started my fic!!! Yay!! I will have it up as soon as its done! Must go write! soon as I've seen the video


          Originally posted by HyperCaz
          *nervously appears in thread*

          Eh....newbie and McWeir shipper here.
          Yay! No need to be nervous...I feel like I already know you a bit as well from FF.Net too! Welcome!

          Originally posted by toasteronfire
          I just was digging around a bit on LJ and I found a huge vidding page with all sorts of tutorials for vidders. I also found this post from a mac user (bottom of page) on which programs to use, so I hope that helps a bit.
          Nice! That website looks very helpful, thanks. And it even has a section about getting over vidding 'funk' when you get bad critiques. Haha

          Originally posted by doylefan22
          I've actually don't think I've heard anything anti-McWeir. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I like to think there's little anti-McWeir feeling out there. People may not support the ship but that doesn't necessarily mean they dislike it. It probably helps that McKay is such a popular character. Either that or they just can't find a good argument against it!
          I haven't seen any anti-Mcweir either. Maybe people don't see it as a threat, but I'd like to think that secretly everyone is pro-McWeir even if they outwardly ship for another pairing. I didn't choose to ship McWeir— I'm just drawn to it like a moth to a flame (or any other cheesy over-used simile).

          You know, I so wasn't going to write any smut yet. I was going to write sensible, thoughtful, PG rated fics.....Then I was attacked by a rabid McWeir smut bunny. *sigh* Oh well, suppose I should go write it then....
          I've heard that those smut bunnies have extra sharp teeth— don't try to resist!
          Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
          :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


            Originally posted by Purpleyin
            What formats do you have to have for iMovie, don't suppose it accepts mp3 and divx by any chance? Because that's my vid reasource until the boxset comes out and even after then dealing with multiple vob files and finding chapters sounds fiddly, and I'll still only have mp3's for the music.
            iMovie accepts mp3; I just tried importing one.

            As for divx, I don't know of any Mac video editing program that will accept that (perhaps FinalCut Pro). But, if you have Quicktime Pro and the proper codecs, you can convert divx into a different format that will probably work in most programs.

            And, as a final note, I would like to compliment this thread. A lot of threads get very. . .um. . .tense at times, while this one is always a pleasure to read. So, thanks everyone! Glad to see some newcomers as well.


              Originally posted by Sirnonenath
              iMovie accepts mp3; I just tried importing one.

              As for divx, I don't know of any Mac video editing program that will accept that (perhaps FinalCut Pro). But, if you have Quicktime Pro and the proper codecs, you can convert divx into a different format that will probably work in most programs.
              Thanks for letting me know. Sounds like I'll have the choice of reencoding avi's (not so good for quality) or converting/decrypting DVD's to work with and then making clips - little different from using WMM (which by contrast seems so much simpler, though restricted). But good to have an idea of how to - thanks for the info you guys.
              Originally posted by doylefan22
              And I've been nominated for an award? Yay for me and McWeir shippers everywhere - maybe we'll even get our own category!

              You know, I so wasn't going to write any smut yet. I was going to write sensible, thoughtful, PG rated fics.....Then I was attacked by a rabid McWeir smut bunny. *sigh* Oh well, suppose I should go write it then....
              You bet you have. I realy enjoyed the vid hence the nomination. I think I've probably nominated 3 or 4 M/W vids so far but sad about the not being able to nominate the Wolvergrim one.

              Oh but hey, yay for smut fic! There should so be more. I've only seen about 5 or maybe 6 authors who have done M/W adult rated fics - so yes, people write more, let the bunnies lead you!
              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
              Oh dear.
              First we had the anti-S/W thread, next an anti-T/D thread, and now Shadow was so kind as to create an anti-S/T thread...
              No indication of an anti-M/W thread yet though. This either means that the anti-ship thread starters aren't focusing on M/W or that the ship isn't seen as a "canon threat" yet. Hmm...the good and the bad...
              Oh well, here's to us continuing to fly under the radar. We're quite good at that, aren't we? Fly under the radar and suprise everyone in the end.
              Well it might not be the worst thing to happen, though I bet rather ironically the anti thread will be busier than the pro. Point is some people really don't like this ship in the same way some people don't like Vala or Sam/Jack or any number of things. I suppose if there was an anti-M/W thread I'd feel a little miffed but you can't make people like something and the key to anti threads is them being reasonable discussionof why and not just hatin' on the topic. I reckon it could stay tolerable and I'm sure the mods will see to it that it does.

              As for why no anti-M/W, maybe it's partly that people don't recognise it as big enough or as such a threat but also because the people who don't like seem mostly not to like because they a) See a different contradictory ship, b) don't get the sense of any M/W chemistry or c) they see the brother/sister thing. None of those are too likely to induce rabid dislike (apart from a + rabid fangirl/boyness), maybe an 'eww' for c but I've rarely heard anyone hate on M/W the same way I've see people do for S/T or even occasionally S/W. Can't say why really but it's kind of nice to think it's a ship people can get on with, ignore or enjoy, and as seen here even have some S/W support it as a secondary ship - so less about competition really. M/W: The easy-going ship. LOL.


                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                Hi and welcome! I've been enjoying your M/W moments over on and I always look forward to the next installment! I think it's fun to write little snips of those two, the "everyday moments" of talking, drinking coffee, whatever. There is a complete lack of those on SGA, not just for M/W but for all other ships/friendships as well. That's too bad, because I think they help make the relationship more real, and makes the step from friends to more much more believeable. Keep up the good work!
                I am having trouble writing the next one... heh....I usually write them in an MSN convo with fellow tribble ellymelly, but her computer's stuffed.


                  Originally posted by doylefan22
                  You know, I so wasn't going to write any smut yet. I was going to write sensible, thoughtful, PG rated fics.....Then I was attacked by a rabid McWeir smut bunny. *sigh* Oh well, suppose I should go write it then....
                  I've heard of plot bunnies, rabid plot bunnies, but never smut bunnies*visualizes smut bunnies and gets a bit scared*

                  Originally posted by Purpleyin
                  Can't say why really but it's kind of nice to think it's a ship people can get on with, ignore or enjoy, and as seen here even have some S/W support it as a secondary ship - so less about competition really. M/W: The easy-going ship. LOL.
                  Hee hee hee, the easy-going ship. Needs to be a sig, maybe with screencaps of Rodney and Elizabeth relaxing or something. I'll see what I can do.

                  There are people that are anti-M/W for a variety of reasons. Hans discussed some of them above, and I can understand and accept those reasons. I have noticed that those that dislike M/W tend to not be as vocal or snippy as some who dislike S/W or S/T, but I guess that's just the roll of the dice.

                  I know that there are plenty of fans that are anti-any-ship-period, so of course they would be against McKay/Weir. I think maybe they aren't as loud about it because haven't even considered the ship or maybe they don't see any signs that TPTB are leaning that way. (Or maybe they're secretly okay with the idea. )

                  But, if we do get unlucky/lucky enough to warrant an anti-M/W thread then I probably won't be treading in there. Those fans are welcome to their opinion, just as I'm welcome to my McKay/Weir ship love.

                  And an OT LJ question: I'm trying to put some LJ McKay/Weir bases and icons together to post on the M/W community. (More M/W icons means more exposure for the ship ). BUT, I'm confused about how to post them. Do I make a journal entry with all the icons and then make a post linking to it in the community? If I do that, doesn't it mean that my LJ friends will get two identical posts, one at my journal and then one at the M/W community? Is there a way to get around that? And do I keep the journal entry public, FO, or private?


                    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                    Hee hee hee, the easy-going ship. Needs to be a sig, maybe with screencaps of Rodney and Elizabeth relaxing or something. I'll see what I can do.
                    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                    I've heard of plot bunnies, rabid plot bunnies, but never smut bunnies*visualizes smut bunnies and gets a bit scared*
                    Well they are bunnies and bunnies do, ya know and well ... *ending that thought/discussion there*. There's a point not quite said there anyway, but yes. Maybe you could consider smut bunnies the parents of all the others (explains why so many general plot bunnies! )
                    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                    And an OT LJ question: I'm trying to put some LJ McKay/Weir bases and icons together to post on the M/W community. (More M/W icons means more exposure for the ship ). BUT, I'm confused about how to post them. Do I make a journal entry with all the icons and then make a post linking to it in the community? If I do that, doesn't it mean that my LJ friends will get two identical posts, one at my journal and then one at the M/W community? Is there a way to get around that? And do I keep the journal entry public, FO, or private?
                    It's not OT if it's M/W related. What you can do is a fake LJ cut. Post up one post, say on your own journal, and then make up a post that links to your post - called a fake cut because it acts like a cut (and has text like a cut would) but takes you elsewhere. Pretty much just using normal link to stop bulky posts. You'd probably still need a cut on the original post to stop it being too long but for crossposts fake cuts work best and also all your feedback comments end up wherever you point everyone to look at them, which can be handy. Hope that helps.


                      Thanks Hans, I'll give the LJ stuff a try. I'm completely to blame if the McKay/Weir LJ community catches fire in the next day or so.

                      Originally posted by HyperCaz
                      I am having trouble writing the next one... heh....I usually write them in an MSN convo with fellow tribble ellymelly, but her computer's stuffed.
                      Please let us know if we can help! There tend to be lots of plot bunnies running free here for anyone to snatch.

                      And more insanity from me...

                      Hee! That's sort of how I picture them dealing with others anyway, whether they're running Atlantis or that hamburger stand in the Pegasus Galaxy. Elizabeth is more the soothing, "oh, we'll work it out" type while Rodney would just bite their head off and send them scurrying to her.

                      And that hamburger stand idea is screaming at me to make a manip. Elizabeth cooking up the hamburgers while Rodney makes snarky comments to the customers. Mwahahaha!


                        Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                        Thanks Hans, I'll give the LJ stuff a try. I'm completely to blame if the McKay/Weir LJ community catches fire in the next day or so.

                        Please let us know if we can help! There tend to be lots of plot bunnies running free here for anyone to snatch.
                        I'll keep that in mind. It's just that I can't write them anywhere but MSN. Which is.....weird.

                        Oh no. I said "weird". That word has been ruined by SGA. Although we can say that Rodney is weirD.

                        Eh....the next "Moment" will be from the end of Poisoning the Well.....


                          Everyone should check out the wallpapers here.

                          I asked and I received a M/W one (though there's a S/W one there too). I kind of prfer the S/W aesthetically, wish the M/W one was a bit more like it but anyway, there be the lesson - if you ask nice wallpaper(vid/icon etc) makers then you sometimes get what you want.

                          Oh and hypercaz, I'm happy to join you on MSN to help write a moment. Maybe there could be a M/W MSN chatroom. But have to scuttle off to do major housetidying for housemates return...
                          Last edited by Purpleyin; 06 September 2005, 09:09 AM.


                            I wonder what the Pegasus residents thought of the scene between Rodney and Elizabeth at the end of Trinity:

                            Teyla was shocked that Elizabeth knew about the secret Athosian ritual of selecting a mate.


                              Just heard the novelisation of Rising in coming out sometime soon, can't wait to see how they deal with the M/W interactions...


                                Originally posted by Purpleyin
                                Just heard the novelisation of Rising in coming out sometime soon, can't wait to see how they deal with the M/W interactions...
                                Ooh! Maybe some hints of their backstory? I'll be looking forward to how they write the M/W scenes, especially the chair scene. What's she thinking when she talks to him? What about him? Hopefully a shipper here will snag, read, and post any insights in the book for us!

                                And look what you planted in my head!

