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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
    kinda like over at geek!love. Does that mean you're going to have
    Gallery > Wallpaper > Author and
    Gallery > Other pictures > Author as well?
    The Gallery > Icons > Character/Ship would be much more to script in comparison, and then all the icons would have to be sorted for their category.

    And I saw you were having problems with blocking hotlinking, bummer. Hopefully you can fix it. If not, you can always have a "DON'T HOTLINK DUMMY" disclaimer at the top of the pics page and reprimand anyone here and elsewhere who hotlinks. I'd like to think most people that do it don't realize exactly what they're doing.
    I'm thinking for the launch it'll have to be each category and then by author.
    I'd like something more complex but cant get that up in the time involved - still its good to have ways to improve the site later on.

    As for the hotlinking, there's not much to prevent it without blocking some poor users too so I guess we'll be needing a brief hotlinking explanation on the gallery pages and yes I agree most people don't know what the problem is with it or that its bad netiquette.

    Still there are some people who do know and snaffle graphics with no credit to authors and hotlink. Glad that isn't an issue here, I doubt anyone would want the site graphics for our one. Might just have to carefully monitor bandwidth. What's a concern is should people hotlink and steal bandwidth then if it went over the max for an hour or day then it would get suspended for either 24hrs or til midnight US time (not sure which...)


      There's always adding the code that prevents right clicking.
      Don't say "ka" until you've tried it.


        Originally posted by Fanwoman
        There's always adding the code that prevents right clicking.
        But its not much good showing of the pretty graphics for wallpapers or icons if no one can download them - and I could find a program that does puts in links in the galleries so no right click is needed but then they'd be able to find out the url of the image anyway if they thought to work out the file structure (and I think gallery software tends to use folder names for the album names so weird folder names wouldn't work so well) and still there'd be a possibility of hotlinking... It's alot of effort on my part to find a workable way to discourage people and to be honest I'm better working on getting stuff coded generally and organising content etc than wasting time on it. Just have to hope barely anyone tries it and educate users on what it is to prevent accidental hotlinking.

        This kind of site stuff gives me headaches. I wasted so much time trying to find out about it yesterday afternoon/evening.

        Anyway, endeavouring to put site update up tomorow but if not sorry, after tomorow I'll probably drop off the net mostly for about 4 days due to my moving house.

        Got packing to do and cleaning/tidying, changing details proving difficult and then we get the housewarming on the 2nd and hopefully a relax on the sunday... before the slog of sorting out my stuff and the site and the ficathon all grind together. I am so looking forward to July 15th so that I can watch some shows/read some fics, do fics and vids and maybe even more graphics (I have tons of sigs in my head currently).


          Bah! WHY are we on page two??? Keep the McWeir love flowing, people!
          And on the McKay thunk thread we were talking about Rodney as Superman, so I thought I'd post this here, (because I'm super proud of it!) then make a vague reference to Weir:

          So, do you think Elizabeth could be his Lois Lane? She's got the hair for it!

          Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
          McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
          Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
          McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


            I never really liked Lois Lane.... I think they fit the Spiderman/Mary Jane role better! (but i just happen to LOVE spiderman so I might be biased)
            It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


              Originally posted by aaobuttons
              I never really liked Lois Lane.... I think they fit the Spiderman/Mary Jane role better! (but i just happen to LOVE spiderman so I might be biased)
              Ah, see, then I must be biased as well. I love Spidey, but Superman is the first, and therefore classic and best, superhero. Also, I hate Kirsten Dunst, so she just kind of killed any chance of me liking the character of MJ.

              But could you explain why you think they're more like Spiderman/MJ as opposed to Clark/Lois? Call me odd, but I'd like to get a discussion going on this topic!

              Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
              McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
              Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
              McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                Originally posted by Porthos1013
                Call me odd
                Okay, you're odd


                  Porthos, that is just adorable!

                  This morning, I heard this, thought of our favorite couple and had to share. It's "My Best Friend" by Weezer:

                  When everything is wrong I'll come talk to you
                  You make things alright when I'm feeling blue

                  You are such a blessing and I wont be messing
                  with the one thing that brings light to all of my darkness

                  You are my best friend
                  and I love you, and I love you
                  Yes I do

                  There is no other one that can take your place
                  I feel happy inside when I see your face
                  I hope you believe me
                  Because I speak sincerely
                  and I mean it when I tell you I need you

                  You are my best friend
                  and I love you, and I love you
                  Yes I do

                  I'm here right beside you
                  I will never leave you
                  and I feel the pain you feel when you start crying

                  You are my best friend
                  and I love you, and I love you
                  Yes I do

                  You are my best friend
                  and I love you, and I love you
                  Yes I do
                  Yes I do...
                  Yes I do
                  Last edited by Fanwoman; 29 June 2005, 07:25 AM.
                  Don't say "ka" until you've tried it.


                    Page 2! Well you guys need to keep the thread going well when I go offline tomorow (my desk is geting dismantled tomorow so no more geeking out, will have last minute packing and cleaning to do).

                    I think I too prefer the spiderman/MJ comparision but really I don't see either so well. I can see Weir as Lois Lane best but also Rodney best a Spiderman... odd.

                    Fanwoman - love the lyrics and I could have sworn I've heard the song before but sadly haven't got a copy to listen too; I really wanted to see what it sounds like.


                      Originally posted by Porthos1013
                      Ah, see, then I must be biased as well. I love Spidey, but Superman is the first, and therefore classic and best, superhero. Also, I hate Kirsten Dunst, so she just kind of killed any chance of me liking the character of MJ.

                      But could you explain why you think they're more like Spiderman/MJ as opposed to Clark/Lois? Call me odd, but I'd like to get a discussion going on this topic!
                      I have to agree with the Rodney as Spiderman and Weir as Lois Lane too. Maybe it was Dunst, but MJ just seems too little girl-ish to be Weir, who is much mor mature and independent. Also, superman is always so stoic and Spiderman is so much more angsty and vulnerable which IMO suits Rodney's character much better. Of course, maybe Spiderman should just move to Metropolis and steal Lois from Superman (that is where superman lives, right?) I've read only a few of the comics so my knowledge, or lack thereof, comes mainly from the movies

                      I also like the Weezer song for McWeir....we have come up with so many great songs we should put together a "Best of" album for McWeir shippers
                      Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
                      :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


                        Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
                        I have to agree with the Rodney as Spiderman and Weir as Lois Lane too. Maybe it was Dunst, but MJ just seems too little girl-ish to be Weir, who is much mor mature and independent. Also, superman is always so stoic and Spiderman is so much more angsty and vulnerable which IMO suits Rodney's character much better. Of course, maybe Spiderman should just move to Metropolis and steal Lois from Superman (that is where superman lives, right?) I've read only a few of the comics so my knowledge, or lack thereof, comes mainly from the movies
                        Yeah, that's where my knowledge comes from too. I have to admit, I can see the Spiderman analogy, after all, he's a scientist, they both have a keen wit (although you'd never know it from the movies ) and they're both a little geeky. But apart from my partiality to Superman , I guess I just like the idea that inside McKay, like Clark, is this spectacular guy who saves the world countless times, without anyone really suspecting him, and that's the TRUE Rodney/Clark. (All other superheroes were born normal and became super, so their "real" persona is Peter Parker, Bruce Wayne, etc. But Superman was born as Superman/Kalel, and that's his real persona, and Clark Kent is the fake alias! ...I think I heard that in a Kevin Smith movie...but I digress...) So, I like to think that McKay's snark and arrogance are his "Clark Kent" to keep anyone from finding out the real him, "Superman." (I really hope this makes sense! ) Also, Clark Kent was a little bit of a geek, too! I'm thinking of Christopher Reeves' Superman, of course, not Smallville's, because if someone who looked like Tom Welling went to my highschool, he definitely wouldn't be labeled a geek!

                        I also like the Weezer song for McWeir....we have come up with so many great songs we should put together a "Best of" album for McWeir shippers
                        Is it bad that I have a playlist on my media player labeled "McWeir" and have burned its contents onto a CD, which I listen to before I go to sleep at night? Hmm...that could explain why all my dreams about Rodney somehow involve McWeir...
                        Last edited by Porthos1013; 29 June 2005, 04:06 PM.

                        Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
                        McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
                        Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
                        McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                          Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
                          I have to agree with the Rodney as Spiderman and Weir as Lois Lane too. Maybe it was Dunst, but MJ just seems too little girl-ish to be Weir, who is much mor mature and independent. Also, superman is always so stoic and Spiderman is so much more angsty and vulnerable which IMO suits Rodney's character much better.
                          Originally posted by Porthos1013
                          guess I just like the idea that inside McKay, like Clark, is this spectacular guy who saves the world countless times, without anyone really suspecting him, and that's the TRUE Rodney/Clark. (All other superheroes were born normal and became super, so their "real" persona is Peter Parker, Bruce Wayne, etc. But Superman was born as Superman/Kalel, and that's his real persona, and Clark Kent is the fake alias! ...I think I heard that in a Kevin Smith movie...but I digress...) So, I like to think that McKay's snark and arrogance are his "Clark Kent" to keep anyone from finding out the real him, "Superman."
                          Is it sad that I agree with you both? Spiderman's angst/vulnerability fits Rodney as well as Superman's persona split (O.o Which sounds odd...) fits Rodney. Anyway, I really just popped in to say new story! (and to keep the thread from going to the second page!) Sad, torture-ful songfic! What else did you expect? Got McWeir, though I warn you that it's not completely based on McWeir. Anyway, must go work on the ficathon piece that I keep putting off... -.-'



                            Regarding the whole superman/spiderman discussion, I agree that Rodney is more like spiderman with his self-doubt than superman. Rodney seems to be more of the hero who gets it done when the time comes and doesn't brag about it later. Odd though, I always thought he'd be the type to brag until the cows came home. Wonder why he doesn't.
                            Elizabeth as MJ or Lois? I do see her more as Lois just because the actress in those movies was more mature. However, both MJ and Lois fell in love with both the hero and "geek" personas of spiderman and superman individually, while Elizabeth is able to see Rodney as a hero and geek simultaneously. So she gets to see all of him, no secrets, hidden agendas, or anything. Also, I think Rodney being a geek makes being a hero all the more impressive and vv. Elizabeth's a lucky gal.

                            Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
                            I also like the Weezer song for McWeir....we have come up with so many great songs we should put together a "Best of" album for McWeir shippers
                            Yet another great idea for the McKay/Weir main webpage; a link to songs that are good ones for the ship! That way crazy shippers can make a compilation and burn it to a cd and vid makers could check there if they need a song for their vid.

                            Originally posted by Porthos1013
                            Is it bad that I have a playlist on my media player labeled "McWeir" and have burned its contents onto a CD, which I listen to before I go to sleep at night? Hmm...that could explain why all my dreams about Rodney somehow involve McWeir...
                            Ah, that's your secret! Now I just need to find some Rodney songs so I can have nice dreams.


                              We're creeping to close to the bottom of page one, so I thought I'd post some random thoughts...

                              You all make a lot of good points about the Spiderman/Superman thing, though I agree Weir would never work as an MJ.

                              I also agree that Teyla is as or more serious than Weir.
                              (Yeah, that's from a while back, but there you go.)

                              I have a huge list of potential McWeir songs, so if we ever get around to that on the site, I'll have plenty to post. A McWeir soundtrack, huh? I don't know whether to be impressed or afraid... Seriously, though, it's geekily cool, especially if it inspires McWeir dreams!
                              Don't say "ka" until you've tried it.


                                Originally posted by Porthos1013
                                Is it bad that I have a playlist on my media player labeled "McWeir" and have burned its contents onto a CD, which I listen to before I go to sleep at night? Hmm...that could explain why all my dreams about Rodney somehow involve McWeir...
                                He! I have a playlist dedicated to McWeir too.

                                In order to pop this back to page one, I wanted to share my first McWeir video. Comments and suggestions are very welcome, especially since I may re-edit it before putting it on my up-and-coming web-site. I probably never would have attempted this video if it weren't for this thread and how excited everyone here got me about the couple. . . so I hope you enjoy.
                                McWeir Video

