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Team Flyboy (thunking, shipping, discussion) - Lorne/Mitchell/Sheppard/O'Neill

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    Bay--that "20 hours!" pic of Cam almost had me fall off my chair. I thought that was a long time, too, Sha, but you make a valid point about the writing. If all I put in was an average of three hours a week, ITB would stand at over 120 hours already & it's only about 2/3 done. But I gotta say again--AWESOME! Love the music--never heard that song before, just like the song in "First Flight".

    Hi lg! Looks like I've got lots of posts to catch up on. I was exhausted from up at 5:30, up til 11 or 12, work all in between all week, so I took a wee nap that turned into three hours. Feeling much refreshed now!

    Hi FG & Brn!

    No pics ATM as lunch is ready. Gonna catch up the post reading after lunch, then probably some pics!

    Ciao for now, all!
    Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
    Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


      Heads up, thunkers. I need a good pic of a Wraith queen and Todd.


        *WAVES* Hey, lg! What's up, girl?


          Originally posted by FlyBoyFanGirl View Post
          *waves* Not much. Doing some image searching for a new TWS wallie.

          How are you?


            Originally posted by FlyBoyFanGirl View Post
            Heads up, thunkers. I need a good pic of a Wraith queen and Todd.


              Not wanting to go back to work after lunch...

              Have I mentioned that I don't like my job?


                No, Bay. They don't have to be in the same pic. Though it would be cool if they were!



                  So... I don't collect Wraith pictures. I may have a very select few of Todd, but only because he is in a pic with John or Ronon.

                  But... you can google and I found a lot when I plugged in Wraith Todd or Wraith Queen

                  I know there are a few Wraith threads here on GW too where you might find people who have just the pics your looking for. Sorry


                    Originally posted by ShaViva View Post
                    It's the kind of show you need to watch a few times to really get - so many things going across multiple episodes it's hard to remember it all ... looking at individual scenes it does look a little 'crazy' but it's not a show you can look at in isolation.

                    I'm going okay lg - already after 1am here so not sure how long I'll stay awake for - be good if you guys could prod me somehow, through the computer, and say 'wake up!' ... Mr Sha took a pic of me the other day where I am literally asleep at my computer sitting up on the couch ... quite mean of him really (he laughed himself silly over it ) How are you?
                    Mr WW has done that to me before, too. He used to laugh himself silly when I'd be asleep at the keyboard or wake myself up by almost falling out of the chair. I used to have it happen more often than I do now. Unfortunately, that was because my muse would just not leave me alone & now she gets me to bed by midnight most of the time.

                    Mr. WW also bugs me when I'm writing or capping, then gets annoyed when he has to pause his "Ultimate Fighting" or "Top Gear".

                    Now lunch is over, more work is here (literally at my door), and I'm sleepy again--rainy/overcast day in Central Florida. Will have to spend much of the afternoon & into the evening working. I've just weaned myself off of caffeine, so I don't want to have a coffee or anything. Guess I'll just have to grin & bear it.

                    I got smart this time--I wrote down some of my ideas for where I want ITB to go, but I'm also dying to write some more of my Robin Hood BBC story that my muse finally saw fit to give me some info about a couple weeks ago. That story's been on the back burner for months and I feel just awful for the readers. I've got a couple other Lorne story ideas that I'll have to write a quick synopsis of before they fly away (you like that? away? Yup, I'm feeling dopey. )

                    P.S. Sha, going to PB reminded me--i've been feeling like I need new caps, too. I am using and looking at the same ones in my PB all the time. Maybe we'll get time to cap this weekend?
                    Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
                    Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)




                        Hi Bay! Is it just me or is there something really HOT about a guy with a bazooka??


                          Evenin' Cam!


                            He does look good holding that canon.



                              They all look good well armed! Sigh!

                              And then there's the thigh holster *wipes away drool*



