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Team Flyboy (thunking, shipping, discussion) - Lorne/Mitchell/Sheppard/O'Neill

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    Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
    We need to be able to send audible emails or IM's... Sometimes IM is audible... would have to send several messages so it dings a lot. :LOL:

    I have fallen asleep well before midnight all this week. I'm hoping that means I'll be well rested for some good writing and gimping this weekend. I haven't done a stitch of either all week. Keep falling asleep on the couch and then sneaking into bed at 3am when I wake up and find myself there.

    Will have to add Farscape to our rewatch list, Sha -- that and Firefly/Serenity.
    Yeah, I wish I was asleep early this week! Didn't get home until 10PM on Wednesday, last night was home early but awake until midnight. But, I don't have to set an alarm tomorrow at all, so I'll be able to just sleep!


      We have lots of birthdays in October as well... I think six, must have been a cold winter...


      I think we have drag racing this weekend as well, Sha. Usually a good time for gimping while I watch with hubby.



        Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
        We have lots of birthdays in October as well... I think six, must have been a cold winter...


        I think we have drag racing this weekend as well, Sha. Usually a good time for gimping while I watch with hubby.
        We have a racetrack near our home, but it's not honestly our thing. Both Mr. LG and I are readers.


          Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
          We need to be able to send audible emails or IM's... Sometimes IM is audible... would have to send several messages so it dings a lot. :LOL:

          I have fallen asleep well before midnight all this week. I'm hoping that means I'll be well rested for some good writing and gimping this weekend. I haven't done a stitch of either all week. Keep falling asleep on the couch and then sneaking into bed at 3am when I wake up and find myself there.

          Will have to add Farscape to our rewatch list, Sha -- that and Firefly/Serenity.

          More sleep is good ... and probably needed. I've been terrible this week, aided and abetted by Mr Sha who's stayed up almost as late as me playing Portal 2. (Yes he is up now as well!!) - of course he sleeps in while I am dragged from bed groaning and half asleep by three little alarm clocks who NEVER want to wake him up

          On rewatch, yes, Farscape AND Firefly - had that on my list for a long time.

          Good luck finding that information you need lg - have you tried finding it on Google Maps and then seeing if there are any links from there (in satellite view sometimes you get links to local things that might spur further links).



            Originally posted by ShaViva View Post
            More sleep is good ... and probably needed. I've been terrible this week, aided and abetted by Mr Sha who's stayed up almost as late as me playing Portal 2. (Yes he is up now as well!!) - of course he sleeps in while I am dragged from bed groaning and half asleep by three little alarm clocks who NEVER want to wake him up

            On rewatch, yes, Farscape AND Firefly - had that on my list for a long time.

            Good luck finding that information you need lg - have you tried finding it on Google Maps and then seeing if there are any links from there (in satellite view sometimes you get links to local things that might spur further links).

            I have. Right now, I just want to know if there's fishing at this time of year on a specific loch. Not going so well. I can find accomodations and such, but not that information. And you know how I like my stories to be as real as possible.

            Oh, well. It'll all work out.


              Ahhh, nice that he is keeping you company kind-of





                  Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                  I have. Right now, I just want to know if there's fishing at this time of year on a specific loch. Not going so well. I can find accomodations and such, but not that information. And you know how I like my stories to be as real as possible.

                  Oh, well. It'll all work out.
                  On the plus side, if you can't find anything to confirm or deny then no one else will be able to either AND how likely is it that someone from there will read the story and go "excuse me Ms lg but I have to tell you there is no fishing on Loch X at this time of year"? It will work out

                  Yes, kind of keeping me company Bay ... I have my headphones on and he keeps talking and I keep removing one of them too late to hear what he's saying Probably bad we both like to stay up late because there is no one here to tell us to go to bed!



                    Originally posted by ShaViva View Post
                    On the plus side, if you can't find anything to confirm or deny then no one else will be able to either AND how likely is it that someone from there will read the story and go "excuse me Ms lg but I have to tell you there is no fishing on Loch X at this time of year"? It will work out

                    Yes, kind of keeping me company Bay ... I have my headphones on and he keeps talking and I keep removing one of them too late to hear what he's saying Probably bad we both like to stay up late because there is no one here to tell us to go to bed!

                    My thoughts, too!

                    The other night, I was listening to SGA and working on Gimp with my headphones on. My husband was sitting next to me and kept talking to me. It was irritating at times because he gets upset when I do the same thing to him!


                      That's hubbies for you!!

                      On that note I really should start making my way to bed ... it's been fun catching up for a bit

                      Good luck with that research lg .... Keep enjoying your Friday Bay

                      Laters, thunkers

                      SHOUT out to Brn - hope your voice is all better!!



                        'Night, Sha! Dream well.


                          Unless it plays a vital roll in your story, ~lg, I'm thinking most of the readers won't notice... but I understand the need to find out.

                          Originally posted by ShaViva View Post
                          On rewatch, yes, Farscape AND Firefly - had that on my list for a long time.
                          I figure at this rate at least I know what I'll be watching for the next 20 years. :LOL:


                            Night Sha... sweet flyboy dreams.

                            snurched from Sha.


                              Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                              Unless it plays a vital roll in your story, ~lg, I'm thinking most of the readers won't notice... but I understand the need to find out.

                              I figure at this rate at least I know what I'll be watching for the next 20 years. :LOL:
                              It does kind of play a vital role.

                              It's the chapter or two where the relationship between Carson and Sarah changes from them trying to ignore what they've got between them to them realizing that they can't ignore it. It'll take a little more time for them to admit it to one another, but it's the turning point for their relationship.

                              And it's time for me to head out, too. I'll be back later. Hopefully with pics to thunk that time.


                                Catch you later ~lg


