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Team Flyboy (thunking, shipping, discussion) - Lorne/Mitchell/Sheppard/O'Neill

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    Fanfiction is about exploring the characters and taking them places that the show didn't get to take them. I look forward to Lorne doing more and seeing more of him, obviously there are some things that are out of character, but I do know that I have never read anything you wrote that took him so far out that it stopped sounding like Lorne.







          Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
          Fanfiction is about exploring the characters and taking them places that the show didn't get to take them. I look forward to Lorne doing more and seeing more of him, obviously there are some things that are out of character, but I do know that I have never read anything you wrote that took him so far out that it stopped sounding like Lorne.

          Thanks Bay *hugs*

          Oooh, a double! Sweet! And then the tongue shot with bonus earwig ... not sure if you noticed that part in my vid about souvenirs Kavan took from SGA. I laughed myself stupid when he said earwigs - didn't make it into the vid but he said he had like 400 of them lost somewhere in his house because he kept bringing them home ... now thats the kind of thing he could make a mint from if he found and then sold them at cons



            I wouldn't mind having an earwig of his



              Ouch, now 4:30am ... have to go to bed, falling asleep and we don't need any more photographic evidence of that!

              Have a great day thunkers ... Night Bay, night WW

              Another shout out to Brn - hope all is well.



                Night Sha



                  Who's telling you that "Lorne wouldn't do that"? The Lorne Police? Heck, we don't know what each of us is capable of, given different circumstances. And, yes, since he is an artist, he would be capable of great passion. Maybe he's so passionate that he fears it and tamps it down. **runs off to write another story idea down**

                  On a sad note, I was going to cap S2 today (Condemned, Trinity, Instinct & Conversion on the DVD); now I've lost the DVD.

                  Night, Sha!

                  Hiya, Bay! Back from breakfast. It wasn't the best we've had at that place. New cook, new waitress. We got them both. yay
                  Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
                  Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


                    Hello all! I am sooo ready for a nap...

                    lg doesn't know it but I'm writing one more chapter of her b-day present. Sh!


                      hello *waves*


                      so voice is slowly coming back.. we GOT RAIN FRI-SAT-SUN!!!!!.. finally... so needed.. did GS trip with kids friday and Sat shopping in silence and then yesterday the computer died!!! so Mr. Brn worked 2 hours to get it to load into Safe mode.. so I could copy kids pics, vids and then stories and fanfic thunks and thunk pics... I stayed up from 1am when he handed me the reings till 11am to save it all thru countless crashes.. then played with the kids then crashed myself!!! hard... it looks like the computer is fried.. so no telling how long I may have to wait for a new one.. so till then NO VIDS or caps or art. I am just lucky hubby is letting me check GW on his computer.. lol. I have to ck mail on my phone.. thanks for the shout outs. miss you guys tooo SHA and Bay and WW....

                      I really don't like reading on my phone.. but will have to suffer a
                      *horn plays* will miss you my lap top HP.. you've been a good compter while you lasted.. (I will never but another HP again )

                      now to go give Mr. Brn puppy eyes on getting a new computer soon.. I think he knew it was coming since we started looking

                      everyone have a great end to your weekend.. *insert sheppy pics here*


                        *waves* Hi Brn, WW.


                          Hiya, FG!

                          Oh, Brn! Thank goodness you were able to save the family photos, as well as the thunking and fics. It sucks when computers crash (dunno if you remember the same happened to me in June, but we were unable to affect a rescue of anything, including most of my fics). The fun part is shopping for the new one!

                          We got tons of rain the past couple of days, too. Glad to hear TX got it--it was much more needed there than here.

                          So, wanna hear a funny/odd thing? I'm in the middle of an SGA re-watch, trying to catch up to the SG-1/SGA re-watch for here. I was at the beginning of Thirty-eight Minutes on Netflix because oddly enough, I have Rising and S2-S5, but not S1 in my personal library. Netflix was making the watching choppy, even when I closed every other window, so I stopped watching. I've been too tired and head-achy to write today, so I've been watching some silly movies on cable. I started surfing the channels and what should I find? SGA--Thirty-eight Minutes! So, guess what I'm watching now?

                          Gonna order S1 off of Amazon, but just told hubby to go easy on the cash flow, so I'd better wait to order. I still haven't told him that I downloaded Kindle onto the laptop and bought a Kindle version of the SGA books--The Chosen, which retails in paperback for over $100, but I got for only $7.00.
                          Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
                          Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


                            WW, who is Kavan/Lorne hugging in that photo?


                              Wish I knew. I, um, "borrowed" the pic from another thunker. I think it might be Peter DeLuise, but am not sure.

                              Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
                              Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


                                SHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Como estas?

