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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by YappiChick View Post

    Yup, two girls. One is almost 4 and the other is 18 months. We are such a Disney family. Babe and I had our first date at Disneyland.
    OT ¤ ¤

    Cute So the oldest one will be going to school soon?

    Aww, sweet!!
    *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

    “Because you can.”



      Originally posted by gater101 View Post
      I can't stand Billy Connolly.

      On another note... When I return from work, I will be embarking on an all nighter with Joe Flanigan.

      And the rest of the Stargate crew.

      Any recs on what to watch?
      Greatest comedian ever!

      I'll end up listing every ep!

      What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


        Did the RR start for this month yet?
        Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



          Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
          Did the RR start for this month yet?
          Yep, Linda wrote Part 1 - was posted yesterday. Everlovin is up next.
          *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

          “Because you can.”



            Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
            Did the RR start for this month yet?
            Here it is.



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              Camy aka Cielito



              Doxymom's page

              Second site

              Hope24 aka Fox66








              Ruby Caspar

              Ryan C. Charles



              Seldear aka Tielan

              SheylaFreak aka Camerine

              Teal'c206 aka Jack O'Neal2006

              Teyilia aka Autumnstarr



              Winged Pegasus


              Find More JT Fanfics On These Sites:


              JT Convergence

              Unique Bond

              Fanfic Central (Teal'c is looking for Aurthors to help a new site and post fics.)

              Author's Fanfics Daily/Weekly Post Links

              Round Robin Fic Jan., Round Robin Fic Feb., Round Robin Fic Mar., Round Robin Fic April, Round Robin May

              June Round Robin part 1, part 2, part 3

              Forces of Nature

              Primary Target

              Whenever, Wherever
              Spectrum JT Rarepairing fic

              Kissing is Better

              The Other Side

              What is Love

              Wounded, but Loved

              Planet TV:
              DNA Snatchers

              Team Movie Night

              Eurydice Passing

              Stargate Atlantis: An Old Enemy Returns, Part 1

              He Is Mine


              Out of the Loop
              The Other Woman
              Hunger Pains: Home Cookin'

              Fanfic Chapter Updates

              Anlaria Onyx aka Agrabah's Princess:
              Ancient Baby Maker Chapter 19- Girl's Day Out
              The Colonel's Niece Chapter 8

              Carter O'Neill aka Sillyscipia:
              Paintball War Chapter 4

              The Enemy Within Part 2, Chapter 1: Relationships
              The Journal Chapter 5

              Tainted Survival Part 8

              Journey to Bring Them Home Chapter 8
              One Moment In Time Chapter 5 (Mature Reading and Cold Shower Alert for Chapter 4)
              Silent Torture Chapter 3

              Betrayal (Updated and finished. 3.28)

              Dark Planet Chapter 5

              Planet tv:
              Teyla Snatcher
              A Wish Yet to Come

              Ruby: Atlantis Lake Chapter 3, Chapter 4
              I Have Almost Forgotten the Taste of Fears Chapter 6

              Our Time Chapter 19, Chapter 20

              SGA- A Rip In Time Chapter 3
              Mature Readers Only

              Captivity Chapter 5

              Thayne M:
              The Journal Chapter 8(Not to be confused with Devine's story with same title.)
              Stupid Cupid and Other Rhyming Words

              Paternity Chapter 5 Chapter 6
              Cold Shower Alert!!!
              Warning: Mature Readers ONLY!



              The Ascension War part 2 New Birth Chapter 16

              Parting Thoughts

              Non-JT stories and sites:

              Cabouse Fics:
              Find SGA and SG-1 fics @ Heliopolis
              I didn't see any JT, but it might have other good stories.


              Are We There Yet

              Severed Ties

              Doctor Who- The Discovery

              Vierna's Redemption Mature Readers Only
              SGA Lightsaber Story

              Pick Me Up
              That's What Friends Aren't For
              This Must Be Heaven?

              Battle Prompts

              Fics and list

              Rarepairing Fic Battle

              Gator's Bits and Pieces Challenge

              Seldear"s (aka Tielan)John and Teyla Thing-A-Thon
              Possible Teyla Prompt. Let Tielan know.

              June Birthday Gifts:

              Fic Rec:

              CharmedAli: Sorry

              If I missed anything Please PM me. And try to send me your post link to my PM. Click on the number on your post, then copy and paste the web address.
              Last edited by scifan; 02 June 2008, 09:27 AM.


                Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                Yep, Linda wrote Part 1 - was posted yesterday. Everlovin is up next.
                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                Thanks you two.
                Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  Round Robin numero uno
                  It was a quiet day in the Gate room of Atlantis,which was very rare.Chuck and a few other technicians were working away in the control centre,while Colonel Carter was in her office catching up on some paperwork that she had been needing to finish.

                  Suddenly the gate activated,Colonel Carter came out of her office.

                  “We have and incoming wormhole,” Chuck said.

                  “Do we have an IDC?” replied Carter.

                  “Not yet,” Chuck answered.

                  “Wait.....It's Rodney's IDC,” said Chuck.

                  “Open the iris,” Carter ordered,concern showing on her face.Why would they be returning earlier than expected?

                  A few seconds later Sheppard and Teyla came through the gate talking very animatedly,then Ronon and Rodney followed a few seconds later.

                  “Look Teyla,I'm sorry but I thought I was doing the right thing at the time.”

                  Teyla turned to look at John. “I told you not to interfere.”

                  “I couldn't just stand back a...” John didn't get a chance to finish.

                  Teyla at this point was starting to get a little angry. “It wasn't your place Colonel,when it comes to the trade agreements for my people I am in charge.”

                  Uh oh this can't be good...she used my rank, John thought.

                  Now John was starting to raise his voice. “Look you're a member of my team and it's my duty to see that everyone is ok.”

                  “I do not need you or anyone else to take care of me,I can take care of myself.I survived long before you were even in this galaxy.”

                  Carter was about to step in after she made her way down the stairs but one look from Rodney and she changed her mind.

                  Teyla continued “I let you come along to this meeting Colonel,it wasn't one of your missions,you weren't in charge....This was an Athosian matter.”

                  “Well I'll know better the next time then,won't I?” replied John trying to lighten the mood a bit but Teyla was having none of it.

                  “There won't be a next time Colonel because you won't be there,” exclaimed Teyla.

                  John turned to her a little surprised. “Aww come on Teyla,that's a bit...”

                  “NO, JOHN” Teyla shouted “I think it will be better if I leave.”

                  “Fine,leave then,” John huffed not realising she meant leave Atlantis.

                  Teyla looked up at him a little surprised and hurt but quickly hid it before anyone else saw it and with that she walked off towards her quarters,Then John went storming off in the other direction.

                  After they both left Carter turned to Rodney and Ronon and asked them what that was all about.

                  “I have no idea,” replied a confused Rodney. “We weren't there when Teyla was conducting trade negotiations.”

                  Everlovin,your up next
                  Great start. What is the premise of this moths?
                  Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                    Sorry this is totally OT but I know there is some Hiphuggers in here so I thought to share nevertheless

                    Sig by the Great Linda06


                      Round Robin Part 2!!!

                      This months idea is that John and Teyla get into a huge fight and Teyla leaves Atlantis. And without further ado...


                      Colonel Carter looked to Ronon and Rodney. “My office. Now.”

                      With one last look to their feuding friends, Ronon and Rodney made their way up to Sam’s office.

                      Colonel Carter started talking as soon as the door was closed. “I want you two to find out what the hell happened. I don’t need my best team split over something that you should have figured out years ago.”

                      Rodney spoke up first. “I’ll go talk to Teyla. I don’t think that she’ll bite my head off. Conan, here, who knows.”

                      “And I just might be able to show John just how some things in Pegasus works. Things that I thought he was smart enough to figure out by now.” The two of them stood up and headed for their different destinations.

                      Rodney rounded a corner to Teyla’s quarters and heard a clamor from the rooms. Abruptly, he turned around and went for his quarters. He came back with a white pillow case that he flapped a few times inside Teyla’s doorway. “Truce?”

                      “Rodney, what are you doing?” She looked at the cloth he was still flapping around.

                      “You mean, you haven’t seen some of those awful movies where one army calls a truce with the enemy one and there is always a white flag?” Teyla raised an eyebrow. “And of course I just admitted to watching those awful movies as well.”

                      Teyla continued to sort through her things and packed some of the more personal things in her tote. “If you would please aid Halling when he comes for the rest of my things, I would greatly appreciate it. I will be going to New Athos within the day.”

                      “No, no I don’t think that I will. Not without some sort of explanation. Why are you leaving? I thought that for the most part we worked well as a team.”

                      “I had thought that after all these years, Colonel Sheppard would trust me. And trust that I am capable of looking out for the best interests of Atlantis and for New Athos. Either he never truly thought that, or recently he has come to believe so. If you would excuse me, I have a great deal of packing to do.”

                      Ronon finally tracked John down in one of the gyms. He was hitting the heavy bag with more anger than he usually displayed. “That was stupid. What you said earlier.”

                      John continued to beat the bag. “I know. But in all fairness, I had no idea she meant to leave Atlantis. All of this spiraled out of control and I don’t exactly know what happened.”

                      Ronon chuckled. “You know, I once made the mistake of interfering with Teyla’s negotiations. One of the few times she was ever truly angry with me. I would have thought you figured that out before I got here.”

                      “Ronon, I don’t know how to make this right.”


                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        As I was gone for two days, and I'm 15 or so pages behind, what did I miss? Saw that Linda put up her part, so I put up mine of the rr. Great premise. I might have to write the rest of it some day.

                        Anyways, See you all later! Gotta catch up in other places too!

                        Click here daily to give free mammograms

                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                          Round Robin Part 2!!!

                          This months idea is that John and Teyla get into a huge fight and Teyla leaves Atlantis. And without further ado...


                          Colonel Carter looked to Ronon and Rodney. “My office. Now.”

                          With one last look to their feuding friends, Ronon and Rodney made their way up to Sam’s office.

                          Colonel Carter started talking as soon as the door was closed. “I want you two to find out what the hell happened. I don’t need my best team split over something that you should have figured out years ago.”

                          Rodney spoke up first. “I’ll go talk to Teyla. I don’t think that she’ll bite my head off. Conan, here, who knows.”

                          “And I just might be able to show John just how some things in Pegasus works. Things that I thought he was smart enough to figure out by now.” The two of them stood up and headed for their different destinations.

                          Rodney rounded a corner to Teyla’s quarters and heard a clamor from the rooms. Abruptly, he turned around and went for his quarters. He came back with a white pillow case that he flapped a few times inside Teyla’s doorway. “Truce?”

                          “Rodney, what are you doing?” She looked at the cloth he was still flapping around.

                          “You mean, you haven’t seen some of those awful movies where one army calls a truce with the enemy one and there is always a white flag?” Teyla raised an eyebrow. “And of course I just admitted to watching those awful movies as well.”

                          Teyla continued to sort through her things and packed some of the more personal things in her tote. “If you would please aid Halling when he comes for the rest of my things, I would greatly appreciate it. I will be going to New Athos within the day.”

                          “No, no I don’t think that I will. Not without some sort of explanation. Why are you leaving? I thought that for the most part we worked well as a team.”

                          “I had thought that after all these years, Colonel Sheppard would trust me. And trust that I am capable of looking out for the best interests of Atlantis and for New Athos. Either he never truly thought that, or recently he has come to believe so. If you would excuse me, I have a great deal of packing to do.”

                          Ronon finally tracked John down in one of the gyms. He was hitting the heavy bag with more anger than he usually displayed. “That was stupid. What you said earlier.”

                          John continued to beat the bag. “I know. But in all fairness, I had no idea she meant to leave Atlantis. All of this spiraled out of control and I don’t exactly know what happened.”

                          Ronon chuckled. “You know, I once made the mistake of interfering with Teyla’s negotiations. One of the few times she was ever truly angry with me. I would have thought you figured that out before I got here.”

                          “Ronon, I don’t know how to make this right.”

                          Woohoo! Love it Ev

                          What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                            Round Robin Part 2!!!

                            This months idea is that John and Teyla get into a huge fight and Teyla leaves Atlantis. And without further ado...


                            Colonel Carter looked to Ronon and Rodney. “My office. Now.”

                            With one last look to their feuding friends, Ronon and Rodney made their way up to Sam’s office.

                            Colonel Carter started talking as soon as the door was closed. “I want you two to find out what the hell happened. I don’t need my best team split over something that you should have figured out years ago.”

                            Rodney spoke up first. “I’ll go talk to Teyla. I don’t think that she’ll bite my head off. Conan, here, who knows.”

                            “And I just might be able to show John just how some things in Pegasus works. Things that I thought he was smart enough to figure out by now.” The two of them stood up and headed for their different destinations.

                            Rodney rounded a corner to Teyla’s quarters and heard a clamor from the rooms. Abruptly, he turned around and went for his quarters. He came back with a white pillow case that he flapped a few times inside Teyla’s doorway. “Truce?”

                            “Rodney, what are you doing?” She looked at the cloth he was still flapping around.

                            “You mean, you haven’t seen some of those awful movies where one army calls a truce with the enemy one and there is always a white flag?” Teyla raised an eyebrow. “And of course I just admitted to watching those awful movies as well.”

                            Teyla continued to sort through her things and packed some of the more personal things in her tote. “If you would please aid Halling when he comes for the rest of my things, I would greatly appreciate it. I will be going to New Athos within the day.”

                            “No, no I don’t think that I will. Not without some sort of explanation. Why are you leaving? I thought that for the most part we worked well as a team.”

                            “I had thought that after all these years, Colonel Sheppard would trust me. And trust that I am capable of looking out for the best interests of Atlantis and for New Athos. Either he never truly thought that, or recently he has come to believe so. If you would excuse me, I have a great deal of packing to do.”

                            Ronon finally tracked John down in one of the gyms. He was hitting the heavy bag with more anger than he usually displayed. “That was stupid. What you said earlier.”

                            John continued to beat the bag. “I know. But in all fairness, I had no idea she meant to leave Atlantis. All of this spiraled out of control and I don’t exactly know what happened.”

                            Ronon chuckled. “You know, I once made the mistake of interfering with Teyla’s negotiations. One of the few times she was ever truly angry with me. I would have thought you figured that out before I got here.”

                            “Ronon, I don’t know how to make this right.”

                            Great update...

                            Poor John now he feels lousy knowing Teyla is leaving Atlantis and it's all his fault...
                            Haha for Rodney flapping a white pillowcase .. I come in peace
                            I hope John can work it out.. or should I say he needs to work it out
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post

                              Ugh, I'm like dying of heat here! It's over 95 degrees . . .

                              How's the weather for you guys?
                              You are so lucky It makes two months that it rains for me
                              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post

                              LOL, I'm just kidding!!

                              I don't care the temp...just as long as I can see the sun. Too many gloomy days makes me sad But, out here, I don't have to worry about that too much. See, I'm out in the dessert-- hot means dry, burning heat, LOL
                              Think of what you say lol
                              I said this because I'm in a Mediterranean region so you see it's really really rare that it rains and that temp is down. Generally at the core of winter we never down under 10° I freeze if it down most. Or this is 2 months that it rains. When it rains in my home there is inondations because it rains one day like 2 months and it didn't rain anymore. Now there is 2 months that it rains and there is inondations too because there is too much water earth isn't accustomed neither our agriculture and believe me I live in a desert of some sort. There isn't people only wine plants (?), olive tree and wheat (?)

                              Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                              Your welcome sci.

                              You are?

                              Alright it's not warm here but it's not cold ether.

                              Well I'm make some artwork be back in a little while.
                              No I don't became like him,... I always was Have fun see you later
                              Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                              Round Robin Part 2!!!

                              This months idea is that John and Teyla get into a huge fight and Teyla leaves Atlantis. And without further ado...


                              Colonel Carter looked to Ronon and Rodney. “My office. Now.”

                              With one last look to their feuding friends, Ronon and Rodney made their way up to Sam’s office.

                              Colonel Carter started talking as soon as the door was closed. “I want you two to find out what the hell happened. I don’t need my best team split over something that you should have figured out years ago.”

                              Rodney spoke up first. “I’ll go talk to Teyla. I don’t think that she’ll bite my head off. Conan, here, who knows.”

                              “And I just might be able to show John just how some things in Pegasus works. Things that I thought he was smart enough to figure out by now.” The two of them stood up and headed for their different destinations.

                              Rodney rounded a corner to Teyla’s quarters and heard a clamor from the rooms. Abruptly, he turned around and went for his quarters. He came back with a white pillow case that he flapped a few times inside Teyla’s doorway. “Truce?”

                              “Rodney, what are you doing?” She looked at the cloth he was still flapping around.

                              “You mean, you haven’t seen some of those awful movies where one army calls a truce with the enemy one and there is always a white flag?” Teyla raised an eyebrow. “And of course I just admitted to watching those awful movies as well.”

                              Teyla continued to sort through her things and packed some of the more personal things in her tote. “If you would please aid Halling when he comes for the rest of my things, I would greatly appreciate it. I will be going to New Athos within the day.”

                              “No, no I don’t think that I will. Not without some sort of explanation. Why are you leaving? I thought that for the most part we worked well as a team.”

                              “I had thought that after all these years, Colonel Sheppard would trust me. And trust that I am capable of looking out for the best interests of Atlantis and for New Athos. Either he never truly thought that, or recently he has come to believe so. If you would excuse me, I have a great deal of packing to do.”

                              Ronon finally tracked John down in one of the gyms. He was hitting the heavy bag with more anger than he usually displayed. “That was stupid. What you said earlier.”

                              John continued to beat the bag. “I know. But in all fairness, I had no idea she meant to leave Atlantis. All of this spiraled out of control and I don’t exactly know what happened.”

                              Ronon chuckled. “You know, I once made the mistake of interfering with Teyla’s negotiations. One of the few times she was ever truly angry with me. I would have thought you figured that out before I got here.”

                              “Ronon, I don’t know how to make this right.”

                              Awesome it was so great. Youhou I love it great work
                              Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                              As I was gone for two days, and I'm 15 or so pages behind, what did I miss? Saw that Linda put up her part, so I put up mine of the rr. Great premise. I might have to write the rest of it some day.

                              Anyways, See you all later! Gotta catch up in other places too!
                              See you later
                              Sig by the Great Linda06


                                Great RR update EL

