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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
    Alright, I better get back to work now. And see if I can get these five Fridays off. LOL!

    Have a great night/morning everyone!!!!
    Goodnight LC.
    When is your Birthday?


      Originally posted by maffieg View Post

      Apparently, the time is similar. Of course I KNOW pirates....Only they tend to smell terribly of fish...
      Don't believe everything you see none looks like Johnny D or Orlando
      LLOL They must be in Davey Jones' locker, dude.


        Congrats on 3700 Scifan


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          OK, quick post and then I have to catch up on thread. LOL
          Don't forget tomorrow is MP day.

          Sacrifice. Part 4:



          John, Rodney, Ronon and a couple squads of Marines are getting ready to take off in two jumpers. Sam is in the control room waiting for them to enter the gate room.
          The wormhole activates and the technician announces that its an off world activation and that it’s Teyla’s IDC. Sam quickly informs John and the rest of the teams. John immediately leaves the jumper room and runs to the gate room. Ronon, Keller and Rodney follow right behind him.
          By the time John gets to the gate room the wormhole closes. What site he had in front of him was not what he was expecting. The lost Athosians were now standing in front of him. He scans the crowd looking for Teyla, but instead he sees a tall familiar face. It was Halling.
          Halling walks through the crowd to reach John. John smiles at him and tells him how glad that they are back safely. As John talks to Halling, he looks around him continuing to look for Teyla and his men.
          “Where’s Teyla?” Ronon asks.
          John sees the somber look on Halling face, “And where are my men?”
          John is about to continue when he begins to hear a baby cry. Halling lowers his eyes as a woman steps forward with a newborn baby. Sam covers her mouth as she gasps in disbelief. Rodney’s eyes open wide in fear. Ronon yells in frustration and Keller runs up to take the baby from the Athosian woman. She tells Sam that she’ll bring it the infirmary and Sam nods in silence. John stands quietly as he fights to suppress all of his feeling. He feels sick. He also feels that his legs are going to collapse from under him.
          He is startled back to reality when Halling places his hand on John’s shoulder. He looks straight into John’s eyes, “Teyla lives, but I’m afraid that your men may not be. We were held hostage by one who is not fully Wraith...”
          “Michael,” Rodney interjects.
          Halling continues, “That is correct.” John turns to get ready to leave, but Halling stops him. “Please Colonel Sheppard. I have a message that Teyla has asked me to tell only you. Is there a place we can talk in private?” John nods at him with worried eyes and leads him to the conference room.
          When they get there, Halling sits down and asks John to do the same, but he stays standing and begins to pace. “Colonel, this is going to be complicated. I need you to listen.”
          “I’m listening Halling. Go ahead,” John responds and he stops his pacing.
          “First, I would like express my sadness over Dr. Weir’s absent.” John nods. He lets out a deep sigh. “Teyla has told me that not that long ago the people of Atlantis got sick and some of you lost some of your memories, including you.” John nods and shows a confused look on his face. Halling pause briefly, “Teyla told me how upset you were when you found out that she was pregnant. And with us being missing she did not know how to tell you.”
          “Tell me what Halling?” John asks with a slight angry tone.
          “The child that we brought back to Atlantis is indeed Teyla’s, but it is also yours,” Halling pauses for John’s reaction.
          Confusion fills his face and he finally sits down in front of Halling. “When. When did… Did she say?” asks John.
          “There was a night when all had gone wrong, before we were taken away. It was the day you lost Dr. Weir. Teyla said it was a night that you comforted each other,” Halling stops
          More confused than before John looks up at Halling, “The baby. It’s mine?”
          Halling nods his head, “Yes John. He is your son. Teyla named him, Tagan Jonathan Sheppard.
          A tear rolls down his face, “I have a son.” He gets up and is about ready to leave the room.
          “Where are you going?” asks Halling.
          “I’m going to get Teyla,” answers John.
          Halling stands up and walks to John, “But I have told you this because Teyla does not want her son not to have a father. She sacrificed herself so that we could all be saved.”
          John’s eyes squinted in anger, “What do you mean she sacrificed herself?”
          “She agreed to do whatever Michael wanted with her in order to save us. She did not want you to go after her.” John starts to head towards the door again. “John. She does not want her child to be without a father!” Halling yells as John walks away.
          John stops briefly, “My son should not be without his mother and I’m not going to let that monster do anything to her. I will bring her back!”

          Sci, this so good. I have to read part 1 -3. I haven't read any fic for a few days now. I am so behind with the thread. Is this on fan fic?


            Hey Elf!

            Just got a chance to check your LJ!'s looking good!...your a definite Shep Whumper if i ever saw one!...Awesome!. i left a comment on your LJ but just wanted to say, your such a Wonderful, Strong and Awesome person!.

            Sig by Camy


              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
              *waits, which is hard to do for this cat* Scifan:....
              that's.. that's... thatthatthat... is so amazing! I like how you wrote John in that! it is JUST HOW HE WOULD ACT, I would LOVE to see this on the show!!!!!!
              LOL. I got you studdering. I'm glad you're liking it. I bet you'll like next chapter. LOL I'm not sure how I'm gonna write it yet.
              And me too. I wish alot of these fics were on the show
              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              Sci - AHHH!! Awesome!!!
              I was wondering what you were gonna do with the babys father! May Tabula Rasa bring on the angst lol This is so great! Go get her Shep!!

              And Congrats on 3700!!
              Thanks MrsB.
              I told my hubby about the convo with John and Halling. He thinks I'm so mad to manip the baby thing my way. LOL

              Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
              AMAZING UPDATE SCI!! Keep writing, we're an impatient bunch.

              Hm, MP day tomorrow? I'd better get the creative juices flowing, haven't had a good idea all week. No worries, I can just marvel at the cleverness of all you other ladies.
              Thanks WP.

              Originally posted by maffieg View Post
              This just keeps getting better and better! I'm hooked scifan

              Good then I'll check it out.

              I guess that means your my neighbour!

              Apparently, the time is similar. Of course I KNOW pirates....Only they tend to smell terribly of fish...
              Don't believe everything you see none looks like Johnny D or Orlando

              Thanks Maff.


                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                LLOL They must be in Davey Jones' locker, dude.
                Either that
                or those (insert bad word here) were lying to me and are really only fishermen just as I suspected. Although they were quite convincing! One of them had a considerable amount of gold teeth and a wiry beard. hmmm!!!
                Last edited by maffieg; 12 September 2007, 07:06 PM. Reason: censoring


                  CONGRATS SCIFAN ON 3700 POSTS!

                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                    Congrats on 3700 Scifan
                    Thanks Maff.

                    Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
                    Sci, this so good. I have to read part 1 -3. I haven't read any fic for a few days now. I am so behind with the thread. Is this on fan fic?
                    I'll post 1-3 for you in one sec. OK?


                      Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                      Hey Elf!

                      Just got a chance to check your LJ!'s looking good!...your a definite Shep Whumper if i ever saw one!...Awesome!. i left a comment on your LJ but just wanted to say, your such a Wonderful, Strong and Awesome person!.
                      Thank you Mayra! I am whumper! I have to balance it with my love for JT though!...

                      Blue made the kickin' wallie for me! It so wonderful. I try to rotate all of the things y'all have made for me. I just did a MS too. But, that is only because my church is on there. And, I used artwork by all of you too! I always to make sure it alright to use it first and make sure I give props to the artist..
                      sig by Sci!

                      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        Thanks Maff.

                        I'll post 1-3 for you in one sec. OK?
                        Oh goodie! I think I read pt. 3 but not sure. I read pt 4 and it KICK some major booty! IT ROCKS! I love it!
                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                          CONGRATS SCIFAN ON 3700 POSTS!

                          Woohooo!!! I love those caps.
                          Thanks Elf.


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            Woohooo!!! I love those caps.
                            Thanks Elf.
                            I always forget that I have a ton of the clips in my PB acct. So, I have to remember to use them. These are some of my favorites..
                            sig by Sci!

                            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                              Sacrifice part 1:



                              Sam is walking down the corridor when she notices Teyla waddling towards the mess hall. Sam calls out Teyla’s name, Teyla turns around and greets her with a smile.
                              Sam catches looks down at Teyla’s enlarged belly. She smiles, “How are you doing Teyla? It looks like you’re due any minute.”
                              Teyla giggles, “Not quite yet. Dr. Keller said that I have a couple more weeks to go.” She places her hands on the small of her back and winces a little bit. “I cannot wait for this to be over.” Both Sam and Teyla smile at the same time. Sam gestures for them to continue their walk and they both go to the mess hall for breakfast.
                              An expression of sadness crosses Teyla’s face. “Do you know how John is doing? I too know how it is to lose a parent,” asks Teyla.
                              Sam frowns, “No, I don’t know. Sorry. I told him to take as long as he needed to spend time with his family. I’m also glad that Ronon and Rodney went with him.” Teyla nods in agreement.

                              The next morning, John is at the cemetery. He stares at his father’s coffin while remorse fills his face. John had told Rodney to go visit his sister and Ronon stands next to in brief silence.
                              “Were you and your father close?” asks Ronon.
                              John was about to interrupt, but a small voice from behind answers, “No, they weren’t.”
                              John rolls his eyes and sighs at his sister, “Sarah. I thought you left all ready.”
                              “No. I thought I’d wait with you. I wanted to make sure you were ok Johnny,” she answers.
                              Ronon grins and John gives him a dirty look. “Sarah. You know how I feel about that.”
                              She smiles, “Look little brother, you’re with family and you know we are all going to call you Johnny while you’re home. So get use to it.” She winks at Ronon and he turns his head, trying not to laugh. “Look… John. I know you and dad didn’t get along and I don’t blame you. He was a little upset when you joined the service…”
                              “A little upset? He stopped speaking to me!” John interrupts.
                              Sarah lowers her eyes, “He regrets doing that. He would never admit to it, but I know. He was also upset that you got divorced to…”
                              John stops her, “Ok, let’s not bring that up. We were way too young.” He looks at Ronon. He smiles at his friend. “And I’m glad that I joined.”
                              John’s cell phone rings. It’s Rodney, “John. I’m sorry, but you need to come back to SGC.”
                              John sounds irritated, “Rodney. I’m burying my father. Can’t this wait?”
                              Rodney pauses, “It’s Teyla. I can’t explain over the phone. Please John.” John tells him that he and Ronon are on their way. He gives his sister a small hug and begins to leave.
                              Sarah looks upset, “Johnny, is this more important than your family?”
                              John turns back, he looks at Ronon and then to her, “It is to us.”

                              Rodney is waiting for John and Rodney in the gate room. Both Ronon and Rodney look confused.
                              “What’s going on Rodney? Is something wrong with Teyla and her baby?” asks John.
                              A grim look comes across Rodney’s face, “She’s missing. She got some Intel about a possible location of her people. She hasn’t reported in and we can’t dial out to the planet….”
                              “What do you meant you can’t dial to the planet and when did this all happen?” snaps John.
                              Rodney continues, “Teyla and a small group of Marines left yesterday afternoon and for whatever reason we can’t get a connection to the planet. The Daedalus won’t be able to get there until sometime tomorrow. Sam is worried, since Teyla is due anytime now and she thought we would want to know.”
                              John begins to pace, “Why did Sam send her in the first place?”
                              “It was a group of people that Teyla knew and she wanted to be the one to get the info,” answers Rodney. John sighs and motions Walter to dial the gate.

                              Part 2:


                              Twenty hours earlier:

                              Sergeant Miles and his team are back from being off world. He eagerly runs to Sam’s office to inform her that they may have a lead on Teyla’s people. He continues to report that the villagers have heard rumors of their disappearance, but they were only willing to talk to Teyla. They remember her from past trades, but they were unfamiliar with Sergeant Miles’ team.
                              Sam calls Teyla to her office and gives her the news. Teyla is excited and is ready to leave as soon as possible, but Sam is unwilling to let her go in her current condition. Teyla assures her that the people on that world are timid, kind people and she saw no threat that would come to her or the Sergeant’s team. Sam reluctantly agrees and within the hour Teyla, Sergeant Miles and his team leave. Teyla reports in an hour later to tell that they were going to stay the night. The walk to the village was long and Teyla was extremely tired. The villagers offered to have them stay the night and they would talk more at that time.
                              The next day:
                              Sam begins to get nervous; Teyla was supposed to report in and was long over due. Sam asks the technician to dial to the planet so she can radio them. Her worry grows when they are not able to establish a wormhole. She tell the technician to keep trying and after a half and hour she contacts Colonel Caldwell. He regrettably informs her that he is a day away from that location. Sam finally contacts SGC and General Landry agrees to contact John, Ronon and Rodney to send them back.
                              When John, Ronon and Rodney arrive Sam is there to meet with them. She gives them all the information about Teyla that she knows. John asks for Dr. Keller to join her incase there is a problem, especially with Teyla and her pregnancy. Dr. Keller agrees. Within a half an hour John, Ronon, Keller, Rodney and a few Marines are ready to leave.
                              The day before:
                              The walk to the village was longer than Teyla had remembered. She silently laughs to herself as she looks down at her belly and rubs it. When they get to the village the villagers are overjoyed to see her and are surprised to see her in her current condition. They quickly bring her in to one of the villager’s home and offer her and the team food and drink.
                              The leader of the village, Malin, asks Teyla to first explain what has happen first. Teyla explains about what happened to her people and that they have been looking vigilantly for them. Teyla begins to yawn and Malin asks Teyla to stay the night. Teyla was eager to get the information and go home, but she didn’t think she could do that walk again as tired as she was. She agrees. She asks one of the soldiers to open the wormhole so she can contact Sam.
                              A half an hour later, Teyla hears the sound of gunfire. She is about to get up, but the Sergeant encourages her to stay in the house. It was something she did not like to do, but now she had another life to think of. As Sergeant Miles walks out the front door a stun gun hits him. Malin stand in front of Teyla to protect her.
                              A figure comes in from the darkness and smiles, “Hello Teyla. We meet again.”
                              Teyla is surprise, but angry, “Michael.”


                                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                                Calm day for Hope. Got it.

                                Nope, no new fic just little ficlets. Nothing major since I still have to finish up Nightmares and seem to be having a lack of brain power to write anything worthwhile.

                                Now will you get a chance to write s'more this weekend coming or what?
                                Mrs. B, it was a relatively calm day today. Yeah, thanks!!!

                                Originally posted by scifan View Post

                                Hey. Good thank you. My youngest,4, want to try to write a letter to his grandma. LOL. They are talking about it on Sesame Street. LOL. He wants to big like his big brother.

                                Not much else going on except me doing a project for my friend at church. She needs it before next Friday. Oh and trying to find time to do another part of fic.
                                That's about it.
                                Thanks for asking.
                                Did your youngest write the letter to his grandma?

                                How is the project go?

                                The sig you made for me I can't up load it. I am getting a message that the size is too large.

                                Congrats on your milestone!!

