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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
    that looks nice Scifan!
    Thanks Teyilia. Once I read yours I'll get some ideas what to do. It might not be as good as Camy's though.


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      I'm so glad you like it.


        Originally posted by Camy View Post remind me when I first started in this fandom in here. I was like a maniac everytime I saw this thread in the bottom of the page and many times it was in the second page...that's what got me to delurk finally. I just couldn't understand how such a great dynamic pairing was not seen by so many! Now, look at us! LOL

        I"m so proud of you guys!


        GROUP HUG! where's the group hug smiliey?
        No kissing the kitty! otherwise you guiys'll get a hairball like kiro has been getting for the past oh.... twenty-six hours now, the poor woman is almost constantly in the bathroom *embarrassed smile here*

        *Joins in the group hug*

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          Thanks Teyilia. Once I read yours I'll get some ideas what to do. It might not be as good as Camy's though.
          Hey, you can give it your best shot, and I'm happy if you are happy and my owner is also happy beause over here in Pegasus we have..... twins?.... wait a minute *scampers over to the baby's room* OK only one kid so far, whew, *starts dreading the tail pulling and ear biting* Mental note, keep the kid away from the kitties (me and Fluffy)

          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


            Originally posted by Mayra View Post
            Another masterpiece Camy!!!...i love the yellow!!!. Really makes the pic and the wallie stand out!. Kinda adding to the action the was happening at that moment!.. Awesome!
            Thanks Mayra...and everyone else in here for commenting on my latest artwork. I"m glad you like it Padme!

            On the latest news...well, it maybe good and it may not be good. That late timeslot is meant for more adult theme shows. Does that mean that Atlantis will get darker? They've mentioned that Season 4 is to be their darkest so far. So, that might be a good thing. The other thing is that people that get home late, this is good. They don't have to Tivo it. I know that Stephie I think Tivo's it because of that.

            What I don't like is the shows that are airing before it. I'm not sure that Flash Gordon and Dr. Who are the best series to join this Friday line up but Flash is still to early to tell and Dr. Who I think has a gathering.

            I wish we still had the original three...that was the best!

            Scifan...can we reschedule or simply you start posting things that you want to include and just remember what page it's on so that I can gather it all up....remember what we were looking for.

            I'm off to watch 300 with hubby and the boys...they have been expecting this movie..they didn't go to the movies with me and dad. I have control of the remote so that we can fast forward the not so appropriate moments for the 16 year old.

            Anywho, hubby thinks I like the movie for the brawns, six packs *they actually have more but he doesn't need to know that I noticed it*, and for their tights. See that's what's wrong with men. They think that we woman are visuals just like they are. I can appreciate and admire a good looking man when I see one, but I don't need to drool or loose my breath or sweat or jog my memory at the sight of one to appreciate a good handsome...

            OOOOPPPSS......Gotta go!

            It's starting!!!!!!!


              Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
              Greeting everyone!

              I have been reviewing some of the forums on gateworld for the last couple of months and I have to say, I like your thread the best.

              Here is a little gift. On youtube there is a video posted by stuntwomen. I believe it is call Anatomy of a Stunt with the stunt coordinator for Atlantis. RL is in it. I believe the epic is Missing. I am sorry I don't have the link. I am new to this.

              I think you guys are great!

              I Love the positiveness.
              Hi Hope,

              I'm new also and you are right about the this thread. Everyone here is friendly and willing to help us newbie out, welcome.
              Thanks for the sig Scifan


                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                Oh Sydney that was lovely!! Absolutely lovely!

                May I say:


                I love all of JT caps you used!!! Great JOB! Thank you so much for posting this!!!
                Hi Elflinn,

                I love your new sig. Scifan did a wonderful looks great!
                Thanks for the sig Scifan


                  You're so sweet Kingdom.

                  The Ties That Bind: Another part.


                  The next morning Teyla and Dr. Keller are ready to leave to visit Teyla’s people. John is waiting in the gate room. John notices that Teyla looks a little pale, “Are you ok Teyla?”
                  She forces a little smile, “I believe I am just anxious to see everyone. I been away far too long. I was not able to eat this morning, but once I get to the village I will eat something there.”
                  John looks around as if he was expecting something. “Aren’t you going to have anyone else go with you?” he says in a concern tone.
                  “John, I will be fine and I brought my staff. I have gone many times with just Carson and myself. Do not worry. If any trouble comes along I will contact Atlantis,” she replies. She and Keller walk through the gate.
                  Keller and Teyla are talking while walking through the woods. “We are almost there, just over this hill,” Teyla announces. “I am sure that they will be more than happy to meet you Dr. Keller.”
                  Keller smiles at Teyla, “Please call me Jen.”
                  “Alright, Jen it is,” smiles back Teyla. “I am surprised that I have not smelt any food cooking by now. Usually I can smell it from what seems like miles away.”
                  As they clear the woods and approach the village Teyla is devastated by the scene she sees. The village was empty, barren and the dwellings were all burnt down. Teyla ran through the village hoping to find any clues of her people and what happened. Eventually she drops to her knees and weeps.
                  Keller puts her hand on Teyla’s shoulder, “Teyla, we need to let Atlantis know what’s going on. We have been here for over an hour searching and found nothing. They will be worried about us.”
                  Teyla just sits there in total shock. She does not believe that this was the work of the Wraith. It didn’t look like something they would do. Anger starts to fill her heart at the thought of someone destroying her family and her friends. She gets up, takes her staff and gestures Keller to follow her. As they head back to the gate Teyla and Keller are attacked by savage looking men. There were about three of them. Teyla tells Keller to stay out of the way. She listens to Teyla and hides behind a tree. While Teyla is fighting the men, Atlantis radios to ask about their progress. Keller is all to happy to here from them and quickly tells them that they were being attacked and Teyla people were all missing. Teyla gave no mercy to the men during her fight, but they were very strong and she was quickly wearing down.
                  Back in Atlantis, Carter quickly orders Ronon, Lorne and a few marines to help Teyla and Keller. John is ordered to stay and is extremely upset and within minutes help was on its way.
                  Teyla was able to subdue two of the men and the third ran away before anyone showed up. When Teyla was done fighting she leaned over by the nearest tree and got sick. Keller hurried to her to see if she was ok. “I am fine. I am just a little dizzy that’s all and I am sure that it is only because I did not eat today, plus everything else that has just happened,” Teyla reassures Keller.
                  Keller gives a slight smile, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were pregnant.” She lets out a little laugh.
                  Teyla was shocked by her remark, “Why would you say such a thing?”
                  “I’m sorry Teyla. I didn’t mean to offend you, but you being dizzy and sick are common signs, at least for Earth women, that they are pregnant.”
                  Teyla’s thoughts flashed back to the night that she dismissed as a dream. “Could it have been real?” she thought. Just when she was about to talk to Keller more about it, Ronon and Lorne show up. The two savages must have snuck away before they got there because they were gone.
                  When Teyla got back to Atlantis she could feel the sad eyes gazing upon her. John walks up to her, but she tries to kindly dismiss him, “I am sorry John, but may I be alone for just a little while.” Tears flowed down her face and as she starts walking up the stair of the gate room, she faints. Luckily John is close enough to catch her.


                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    This is what the creatures in my story look like
                    You are definitely working this story. I was lurking when I read Secrets but you had me on the edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter. It appears history might repeat its self.
                    Thanks for the sig Scifan


                      Guys, please pray. A mjaor four lane bridge has collasped into the Mississippi River here in Minneapolis. They are estimating between 50-100 cars in the water and several construction crew that were working on the bridge at the time and have unknown whereabouts. Some cars and workers have been crushed. The casualties are not known yet, nor is the cause, but they believe it was structural.
                      I am okay, but several of my co-workers were driving home from work and may have been on the bridge when it collasped. We work nearby and several leave between 5:30-6pm and drive that route home. We can't get ahold of all of them. Two have called me so far to let me know they are okay. My manager three levels up was actually on the bridge when it collasped, but managed to crawl out of his car and his car is now in the water. We don't know any other details yet, but are all sitting here at the office in shock.
                      I wanted to post because we're getting calls and emails galore from family and friends across the country. Cell phones are pretty much jammed right now, so email and land lines seem to be the best means of communication at the moment. For those trying to contact me, I'm okay and will get back to you as soon as I can. I'm still at work and am on the phone with our Business Continuation Plan community trying to plan for tomorrow. This is just all so unbelievable!
                      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                        Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                        Guys, please pray. A mjaor four lane bridge has collasped into the Mississippi River here in Minneapolis. They are estimating between 50-100 cars in the water and several construction crew that were working on the bridge at the time and have unknown whereabouts. Some cars and workers have been crushed. The casualties are not known yet, nor is the cause, but they believe it was structural.
                        I am okay, but several of my co-workers were driving home from work and may have been on the bridge when it collasped. We work nearby and several leave between 5:30-6pm and drive that route home. We can't get ahold of all of them. Two have called me so far to let me know they are okay. My manager three levels up was actually on the bridge when it collasped, but managed to crawl out of his car and his car is now in the water. We don't know any other details yet, but are all sitting here at the office in shock.
                        I wanted to post because we're getting calls and emails galore from family and friends across the country. Cell phones are pretty much jammed right now, so email and land lines seem to be the best means of communication at the moment. For those trying to contact me, I'm okay and will get back to you as soon as I can. I'm still at work and am on the phone with our Business Continuation Plan community trying to plan for tomorrow. This is just all so unbelievable!
                        Oh God Steph. I am so glad you're ok. Tears are welling up just thinking about all those poor people and family of them. I will definately keep everyone in my prayers tonight. Thanks God you and some of your co-worker are fine. I have no other words to express. It's so shocking.

                        YahooNews has reported 6 deaths. That is so sad.


                          Man that is sad! my sister Sharn used to work right near there thankfully she now lives in Michigan on you planet!

                          also my nrew story I'm about to post up is actually a tag for two episodes(I know rather odd but they go together actually) the two episodes are "The Gift" and "Siege III" mostly my idea of what woke up Teyla and why she looked the way she did(some scenes are taken from the scripts of both episodes but only very little.)

                          Here is a sneak preview

                          Teyla was in the Gym, waiting for John, after lunch and and before John's leaving for the Alpha Site Teyla had manged to get him to meet her in the gym when he returned, ready to sparr, and indeed she was ready to sparr, only thing was, she also wanted to tell of the most recent nightmare she had after speaking with Dr. Hightmyer. She had seen her father.

                          John arrived about ten ,minutes after Teyla got to the Gym, he though was not exactly ready to spar per se, but he was surprised to find Teyla ready to do so, only he said, "what's up? You look worried about something." John said taking off his tac vest and setting it on a bench along with his jacket.

                          "I am worried, I'm also... Scared" Teyla said, making John rais an eyebrow in plain confusion, with a hint of worry, making him take her into a hug seeing that she seemed ready to go into a nervous breakdown right then

                          what do you guys think? it will be up hopefully later tonight on my list of fanfics on

                          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                            Man that is sad! my sister Sharn used to work right near there thankfully she now lives in Michigan on you planet!

                            also my nrew story I'm about to post up is actually a tag for two episodes(I know rather odd but they go together actually) the two episodes are "The Gift" and "Siege III" mostly my idea of what woke up Teyla and why she looked the way she did(some scenes are taken from the scripts of both episodes but only very little.)

                            Here is a sneak preview

                            Teyla was in the Gym, waiting for John, after lunch and and before John's leaving for the Alpha Site Teyla had manged to get him to meet her in the gym when he returned, ready to sparr, and indeed she was ready to sparr, only thing was, she also wanted to tell of the most recent nightmare she had after speaking with Dr. Hightmyer. She had seen her father.

                            John arrived about ten ,minutes after Teyla got to the Gym, he though was not exactly ready to spar per se, but he was surprised to find Teyla ready to do so, only he said, "what's up? You look worried about something." John said taking off his tac vest and setting it on a bench along with his jacket.

                            "I am worried, I'm also... Scared" Teyla said, making John rais an eyebrow in plain confusion, with a hint of worry, making him take her into a hug seeing that she seemed ready to go into a nervous breakdown right then

                            what do you guys think? it will be up hopefully later tonight on my list of fanfics on
                            I like it Teyilia. Keep writing.


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              You're so sweet Kingdom.

                              The Ties That Bind: Another part.


                              The next morning Teyla and Dr. Keller are ready to leave to visit Teyla’s people. John is waiting in the gate room. John notices that Teyla looks a little pale, “Are you ok Teyla?”
                              She forces a little smile, “I believe I am just anxious to see everyone. I been away far too long. I was not able to eat this morning, but once I get to the village I will eat something there.”
                              John looks around as if he was expecting something. “Aren’t you going to have anyone else go with you?” he says in a concern tone.
                              “John, I will be fine and I brought my staff. I have gone many times with just Carson and myself. Do not worry. If any trouble comes along I will contact Atlantis,” she replies. She and Keller walk through the gate.
                              Keller and Teyla are talking while walking through the woods. “We are almost there, just over this hill,” Teyla announces. “I am sure that they will be more than happy to meet you Dr. Keller.”
                              Keller smiles at Teyla, “Please call me Jen.”
                              “Alright, Jen it is,” smiles back Teyla. “I am surprised that I have not smelt any food cooking by now. Usually I can smell it from what seems like miles away.”
                              As they clear the woods and approach the village Teyla is devastated by the scene she sees. The village was empty, barren and the dwellings were all burnt down. Teyla ran through the village hoping to find any clues of her people and what happened. Eventually she drops to her knees and weeps.
                              Keller puts her hand on Teyla’s shoulder, “Teyla, we need to let Atlantis know what’s going on. We have been here for over an hour searching and found nothing. They will be worried about us.”
                              Teyla just sits there in total shock. She does not believe that this was the work of the Wraith. It didn’t look like something they would do. Anger starts to fill her heart at the thought of someone destroying her family and her friends. She gets up, takes her staff and gestures Keller to follow her. As they head back to the gate Teyla and Keller are attacked by savage looking men. There were about three of them. Teyla tells Keller to stay out of the way. She listens to Teyla and hides behind a tree. While Teyla is fighting the men, Atlantis radios to ask about their progress. Keller is all to happy to here from them and quickly tells them that they were being attacked and Teyla people were all missing. Teyla gave no mercy to the men during her fight, but they were very strong and she was quickly wearing down.
                              Back in Atlantis, Carter quickly orders Ronon, Lorne and a few marines to help Teyla and Keller. John is ordered to stay and is extremely upset and within minutes help was on its way.
                              Teyla was able to subdue two of the men and the third ran away before anyone showed up. When Teyla was done fighting she leaned over by the nearest tree and got sick. Keller hurried to her to see if she was ok. “I am fine. I am just a little dizzy that’s all and I am sure that it is only because I did not eat today, plus everything else that has just happened,” Teyla reassures Keller.
                              Keller gives a slight smile, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were pregnant.” She lets out a little laugh.
                              Teyla was shocked by her remark, “Why would you say such a thing?”
                              “I’m sorry Teyla. I didn’t mean to offend you, but you being dizzy and sick are common signs, at least for Earth women, that they are pregnant.”
                              Teyla’s thoughts flashed back to the night that she dismissed as a dream. “Could it have been real?” she thought. Just when she was about to talk to Keller more about it, Ronon and Lorne show up. The two savages must have snuck away before they got there because they were gone.
                              When Teyla got back to Atlantis she could feel the sad eyes gazing upon her. John walks up to her, but she tries to kindly dismiss him, “I am sorry John, but may I be alone for just a little while.” Tears flowed down her face and as she starts walking up the stair of the gate room, she faints. Luckily John is close enough to catch her.
                              This is very good...jam packed with emotions....poor Teyla. I almost cried.
                              Thanks for the sig Scifan


                                Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                                Congrats Teyilia on 500 Posts!!!

                                Congrats to Scifin on 1600 Posts!!!

                                Congrats to Elflinn on 1800 Posts!!!

                                Wow, you guy's are fast!!!'ll make it to 2000 in no time!

                                I also wanted to say Welcome to the J/T Thread Hope24!!!
                                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                       remind me when I first started in this fandom in here. I was like a maniac everytime I saw this thread in the bottom of the page and many times it was in the second page...that's what got me to delurk finally. I just couldn't understand how such a great dynamic pairing was not seen by so many! Now, look at us! LOL

                                I"m so proud of you guys!


                                GROUP HUG! where's the group hug smiliey?
                                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                                JM BLOG UPDATE
                                Miles writes: "Do you have any feelings on Atlantis being put back in the 10pm timeslot on SciFi? Is it going to be a good thing in the long run?"

                                Answer: I think it will be a very good thing.

                                CONGRATS ELF ON YOUR MILESTONE!!

                                THANKS MAYRA!!
                                Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                                Guys, please pray. A mjaor four lane bridge has collasped into the Mississippi River here in Minneapolis. They are estimating between 50-100 cars in the water and several construction crew that were working on the bridge at the time and have unknown whereabouts. Some cars and workers have been crushed. The casualties are not known yet, nor is the cause, but they believe it was structural.
                                I am okay, but several of my co-workers were driving home from work and may have been on the bridge when it collasped. We work nearby and several leave between 5:30-6pm and drive that route home. We can't get ahold of all of them. Two have called me so far to let me know they are okay. My manager three levels up was actually on the bridge when it collasped, but managed to crawl out of his car and his car is now in the water. We don't know any other details yet, but are all sitting here at the office in shock.
                                I wanted to post because we're getting calls and emails galore from family and friends across the country. Cell phones are pretty much jammed right now, so email and land lines seem to be the best means of communication at the moment. For those trying to contact me, I'm okay and will get back to you as soon as I can. I'm still at work and am on the phone with our Business Continuation Plan community trying to plan for tomorrow. This is just all so unbelievable!
                                Thanks everyone for the congrats!

                                Mayra congrats on your milestone too!

                                Steph- Of course. Consider it done!!

                                Camy- Here's the Group hug!
                                sig by Sci!

                                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..

