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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    hey dudes.....small update for comic con for sga and sg-1 stuff

    pretty lame


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      hey dudes.....small update for comic con for sga and sg-1 stuff

      pretty lame
      Thanks for link Mrs B! At least is was something!
      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        Elf: Here's part 3-8. All in one shot. I hope that is ok.


        Later, Teyla wakes up to find herself in a cell. An Asuran woman is there with some food and drink. A guard stands by to make sure Teyla doesn’t try anything.
        “Please, don’t resist what we give you. We have no need for food, but I insisted that we should feed you. I do not want any harm to come to you. I am Lidil,” says the woman quietly.
        Teyla looks at her with suspicion, “Why are you helping me?” Teyla looks around confused, “How long have I been here? The last thing I remember was being on Atlantis.”
        “You’ve been out for several days and not all of us believe in this war against the children of the Ancients,” replies Lidil as she looks around cautiously.
        “My friends will be looking for me. You need to help me,” pleads Teyla.
        “I don’t know what I can do. You’re friends will not be able to find you. They are stuck where they are and will surely die with out provisions,” answers Ladil. The guard motions her to leave. Teyla curls up in a corner and begins to cry.


        Rodney has found a way for them to modify one of the puddle-jumper with a hyper drive, and with Elizabeth amazing recovery she agrees to join Rodney, John and Ronon to try to get to the midway gate station.
        “Why can’t we just use the jumper to get Teyla from those monsters,” barks John.
        Rodney roles his eyes and Weir crosses her arms and gives John and stern look. “John, you know that we can’t do anything to help Teyla right now. If we can’t get a hold of SGC then we all die. What use are we to Teyla then? I’m sorry John, but this comes first,” orders Weir. She continues after seeing his dissatisfied face, “John, I understand, but you know that I’m right.
        John’s face turn from anger to disappointment and he walks away with out a word, but not before he knocks off some paper off of Weir’s desk. Ronon starts to go after him, but Weir stops him.
        “Why is he so mad Ronon? I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this way?” she asks.
        “He’s afraid that she’s being tortured. He afraid that we won’t save her in time and I feel the same way,” replies Ronon and he walks away.
        Hours later John, Ronon, Elizabeth and Rodney are ready to leave in the puddle jumper. Rodney is still nervous that it might not work. Before they leave, John apologizes to Elizabeth for his behavior for the past week. She tells him that she understands and once they get a hold of SGC they will try to attempt to get Teyla. He stares out in front of him not looking at anyone, but Elizabeth can see the glaze over his eyes and wonders if his feelings for Teyla are deeper than he leads on.
        The jumper remains in hyper-speed for some time and when they have to drop out, they end up close to Atlantis’ home planet. Sensors indicate that a ship was close by and they begin to get nervous, but soon they found out that it was the Daedalus.
        When the Apollo left Atlantis, Colonel Ellis contacted the SGC about Atlantis’ plan and their dire needs. As soon Colonel Carter was able to join Colonel Caldwell they headed to the Pegasus Galaxy as fast as possible. John came in and landed the jumper in the Daedalus’ bay area.

        Asuran City:

        Teyla is in her cell and she starts to hear a faint voice call her name, “Teyla. Teyla! Where are you?” She recognizes the voice and it’s John. “John! I’m in here!” Teyla yells with excitement. John runs in and pushes buttons on a pad and the cell door open. Teyla looks around and doesn’t see anyone else. “Where is everyone else?” she asks with concern.
        “They’re in the jumper waiting for you. Rodney was able to shut them down,” answers John. He stops for a moment and grabs her by the shoulders, “I’m sorry it took so long for us to get here.” He looks deep in her eyes, draws closer to kiss her passionately and then gives her a big hug. “Let’s not do this again?” he says half smiling and slightly choked up.
        They start running towards the jumper and Teyla has trouble keeping up with John. She trips and soon feels a hand on her shoulder. John is getting further and further away. “John! JOHN! Don’t leave me! Wait!” she yells while she’s crying. The hand grips her harder and Teyla turns…
        She wakes up. She sees that it was Ladil that has her hand on her shoulder. “Teyla? Are you alright?” Ladil asks.
        Teyla looks confused as she looks around. She realizes that it was just a dream. She looks at Ladil, “I just have a really bad headache.” Ladil looks concern and leaves to get Teyla something to eat and drink.

        After debriefing with Sam; John, Rodney, Ronon, Elizabeth, Sam and a few marines take the jumper and decide to try and find Teyla. They figured that the best place to start was the Asuran’s home world. They would go in cloaked and try to quickly retrieve Teyla. Rodney also had and idea of trying to get one or two of the ZPM’s. Elizabeth agrees to help Rodney. Elizabeth and Rodney would take a couple of marines with them and John would everyone else with him. Sam also brought extra ARG’s with them, but warns them to use them sparingly so that the Asurans do not adapt to quickly.
        They finally get to the Asuran’s home world and are able land fairly easily. Rodney and Elizabeth run into some trouble, but are only able to get two of the ZPM’s before they were discovered. They start running to the jumper.
        John and Sam get to where Teyla is being held. Ronon and the marine stand guard. Teyla is lying on the floor curled up. Sam is able to open the door. John reaches down to wake up Teyla. She looks up and sorrow fills her eyes and she retreats from him, “You are not real! You are just a dream! Stop torturing me!” She buries her face in her hand as she begins to sob.
        John’s face was filled with deep concern for her, but he didn’t have the time to convince her that it wasn’t a dream. He scoops her up in his arms and whispers in her ear, “This is not a dream. We’re taking you home.” As John runs out of the room Ronon looks at Teyla and then to John. John tells him he’ll tell him later. Teyla is still crying.
        Rodney, Elizabeth and the marines rush to the jumper and were able to fire on some of the Asurans. They were almost at the jumper when one of the marines gets hit. Elizabeth orders the other marine to stay with Rodney and goes to get the other marines. She is captured and the young marine was dead. The second marine radios the Colonels and informs them of the situation. John passes Teyla to Ronon as he grabs his P-90 that was clipped to his side.
        John runs around the corner with his gun ready to fire. He motions Rodney to continue to the jumper. Soon Elizabeth and her capture come in plain view. The Asuran gives John a menacing look, phases his hand into her head and she drops to the floor. John is about to run after her, but Ronon stops him.
        “It’s too late John. We have to get out of here,” consoles Ronon.
        They were barely able to get away, but the finally did. John was terrible upset about Elizabeth as well as the others, but he also wanted to see how Teyla was doing. Once they got into a safe distant he had Rodney take the controls. He goes to the back to check on her.
        John looks at Sam, “How is she?”
        “I think she’s pretty traumatized by whatever they may have done. Other than that I can’t say,” Sam replies.
        John takes her into his arms and brushes her hair from her eyes, “Teyla, look at me.” She looks up. “We’re going home.”
        She shakes her head in disbelief at first, but then she saw Sam and looks confused. “Colonel Carter? Why are you here?” She looks around, sees two marines she has never seen before, Ronon and Rodney. She slowly starts to crack a weak smile and looks at John. He returns a deeper grin. “I am not dreaming? I am really going home. I thought that you would never come for me.” With all of her excitement she grabs John and hugs him.
        “We would never leave a man behind,” John says with a wink.

        Dr. Keller gives Teyla a clean bill of health and Teyla agrees to have daily session with Dr. Heightmeyer. Dr. Heightmeyer is trying to help her deal with any trauma she went through while with the Asurans, and Heightmeyer is also concern with Teyla’s memory loss. Teyla tells her that Ladil had said that she slept a lot, but she doesn’t believe what Ladil had said, even though she was acting nice. She also recalled all the headaches she experienced. Heightmeyer is wondering if they were trying to extract any information they could get from her, which could be the reason for the headaches and fatigue. Teyla agrees that it is highly possible. Teyla is also afraid to mention her nightmares and that John was the only one in them. She is worried that she would have to tell John or Colonel Carter. So for now she decides to deal with herself.
        Since they rescued Teyla, which has been a few weeks now, John has started a nightly ritual. He would stop by Teyla’s quarters to see if she wanted to have supper with him. It was something she looked forward to everyday. She was beginning to enjoy how attentive he was slowly becoming.
        Another thing that she noticed, since her return, was the exchange of glances between Ronon and John. Many times when she was with Ronon, John would happen to come by. Ronon would give John a mischievous grin and look before he would leave her and John alone together. John would give him a little smile and pretended to Teyla that nothing happened. She even caught Ronon lip the words, “Tell her”, but John just smiled and gave her some lame reason.

        A month later:
        John, Ronon, Rodney and Teyla go off world and start exploring a cave that they found. Rodney noticed a strange energy reading and they go in to investigate. They didn’t find anything except for an odd crystal, which ended up being the source of the energy reading.
        When they return to Atlantis they give the crystal to the science team to examine it. Teyla and John have supper together and talk about many different things. They both had asked Ronon to join, but he’s still upset with loss of friends that he once thought as family. At the end he knew who is true friends and family were.
        Teyla is feeling tired and asks John if he’d mind if she went to bed early. He looks concern, “Are you ok?”
        “Yes, I am fine,” replies Teyla with a smile and she turns away.
        While Teyla is sleeping, she has a dream of John calling her. She finally finds him, but then he disappears. Her dream jumps to her being back in the Asuran city, stuck in the cell. She hears John again, but now it’s like the dream that she use to have. She wakes up in a cold sweat and gets up to go to John’s quarters.
        When she gets there, she rings the chimes on his door. The door opens and a groggy John stands before. “Teyla? What’s the matter?” asks John. She begins to cry and he motions her to come in. She sits down on his couch and he sits next to her. “Teyla?”
        She looks up at him sobbing and she explains the dream she just had and the ones she use to have when she was a prisoner. “I’m sorry. I guess I could not contain it any more. I was afraid of what you would say.”
        John looks her in her eyes and wipes away her tears, “I’m sorry Teyla. I wish that it never happened, but I would and will not ever leave you.” He puts a finger under her chin to lift if up slightly as he slowly comes in to give her a small, soft kiss.
        She gives him a glowing smile, “John, I don’t’ want to be alone tonight.”
        John is surprised, “Are you sure Teyla?” She nods to him yes.
        OMG!!! Scifan! Bravo! I love this!!!
        Please let him find out.. Update this soon! Now, you've got me dying to see and read what happens next!!!!
        sig by Sci!

        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


          Evening guests! Do not be shy! It's okay! I will make sure no one reaches out
          and grabs at you!

          We're friendly folks in here! C'mon it'll be fun if you delurk!
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            hmmm it confuses me that there is no "Teyla Whumping" thread or the like here, sure I see one for Shep but I'm just rambling here as my own forum has one(in fact it has a whumpage thread for each character(even what's-his-face that everybody hates)) anyhow just rambling like I said.

            delurk? have you been drinking my catnip again Elf?

            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


              Originally posted by prion View Post
              Joe Mallozzi put up a post on the con

              you can see JOe F's nose in one shot (crowd)

              This is too funny. But, it's true you can see his nose and his hair!!
              sig by Sci!

              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                *is confused now*

                This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                  Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                  hmmm it confuses me that there is no "Teyla Whumping" thread or the like here, sure I see one for Shep but I'm just rambling here as my own forum has one(in fact it has a whumpage thread for each character(even what's-his-face that everybody hates)) anyhow just rambling like I said.

                  delurk? have you been drinking my catnip again Elf?
                  Well I felt like Shep when was suffering from abandonment issues. Very lonely.

                  *Elfie does not like to be alone in the world of JT*
                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                    OMG!!! Scifan! Bravo! I love this!!!
                    Please let him find out.. Update this soon! Now, you've got me dying to see and read what happens next!!!!
                    I'm planning on going to bed soon, but I'll try maybe tomorrow night.

                    Guys, Camy has more challenges for us on the galleria. Check it out and let's keep busy. I've started already, but I hope to have some help tomorrow, since I'll be gone most of the day, if not all day. Thanks guys.

                    Thanks MrsB for the link. Maybe someone will have clips later.


                      scifan is thgere a possiblity that you can PM me (if you have a account) at Autumnstarr on that whole story(the one that Elf just requested more for that is) I'm assuming that there is more BEFORE the part that I read, what Elf quoted I mean. I'd klike to read it in full if I can, rather then dig through this huge thread

                      oh and where do I post my "Challenge accepted" really short fic at? I'll have it on later before I go to bed.

                      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        I'm planning on going to bed soon, but I'll try maybe tomorrow night.

                        Guys, Camy has more challenges for us on the galleria. Check it out and let's keep busy. I've started already, but I hope to have some help tomorrow, since I'll be gone most of the day, if not all day. Thanks guys.

                        Thanks MrsB for the link. Maybe someone will have clips later.
                        Isn't Saturday your church day?
                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          Here it is Teylilia!

                          Here is the first part:


                          Here is the second part:
                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                            scifan is thgere a possiblity that you can PM me (if you have a account) at Autumnstarr on that whole story(the one that Elf just requested more for that is) I'm assuming that there is more BEFORE the part that I read, what Elf quoted I mean. I'd klike to read it in full if I can, rather then dig through this huge thread

                            oh and where do I post my "Challenge accepted" really short fic at? I'll have it on later before I go to bed.

                            Teyilia: I was wondering about no Teyla whump page either, but I bet there will be one that starts after season four starts.

                            I sent the fic to you to you PM in FF.
                            You can post you challenge fics here. Most of the fics in here started from a challenge. I can't wait to read it.


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Yeah!!!! How did your app. go? Is all ok?
                              Yes! Today I had to go where they custom make prosthetics such as artificial limbs (legs,arms,etc.) to get impressions of feet made to get custom diabetic shoes made so,I will be able to get back to the gym!!! I only have 3 more mos. of med. supervised diet to get surgery so it looks like November....or early December....DVR is going to be set to record S4 of course!! Got equipment for vac wound care for foot. I have to do or home health has to help me to do that for at least a month or until it heals. I have to carry unit with me even when I drive and stuff. I have never had to do anything like this before so, it very weird to me. So, it is all working out!
                              sig by Sci!

                              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                                Need your guys' quick opinion....Sheppard's five o'clock shadow. Sexy and rustic or nasty and should shave???
                                Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain

