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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
    Elf: could you please cut back on my coffee? I need some to drink while writing! (note the chapter near the end in going to be VERY JT filled!)
    I'm not drinking that much! I am looking forward to that chapter very much!!
    sig by Sci!

    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


      Y'all must be working on fics!

      I'm headed to my comfy bed now! No one's talkin'!
      I will catch up with everyone tomorrow!

      I will be more awake tomorrow! IF I have the countdown to S4 correct

      tomorrow(Monday) will 60 days until S4 premieres!! WOOOT!!!!

      But, ya know Elfie and math go together...

      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
        OASIS - PART 1
        Colonel Sheppard, Ronon, Teyla, and Rodney stepped through the wormhole and onto uncharted planet M33-49. A seemingly endless desert lay before them, an obvious portent that a long walk lie ahead. The bright sweltering sun immediately began to affect them and Colonel Sheppard instinctively pulled his dark sunglasses from his vest pocket and placed them on his face. “Anyone remember to bring sunblock?” he remarked.

        The four began walking single file through the sand, Colonel Sheppard leading the way following the direction of a strong energy reading from their handheld remote. The heat was unrelenting and appeared to be getting stronger with each passing minute. Not even a secretive whisper of wind would comfort them this day. Ronon removed his long jacket and tied it tightly around his waist, while Teyla placed her weapon in its holster momentarily to place an elastic in her hair and wipe her neck of beading sweat.

        They had only been walking for fifteen minutes when Rodney began complaining. “Oh for the love of…….You know, you would think with all the money the government has they could equip us properly with like team tank tops or something. This is completely intolerable! How can they expect anybody to work in conditions like this? I swear I think my brain is starting to fry and my eyes are getting all fuzzy. Do you have any idea how badly my skin is going to chafe with all this gear on?”

        No one responded to his complaints and his voice seemed to drone on as they continued their blistering hike towards the energy reading, all of them hoping desperately to find shelter from the sun when they arrived.

        After over an hour of steady walking, Rodney almost passing out twice, and Ronon finally untying his jacket from his waist and throwing it carelessly into the sand, they made out a blurred shape on the horizon. “Oh thank God!” Rodney exclaimed dramatically and the others heartily agreed. Their pace quickened and all thoughts lie on the quickly approaching outline ahead.

        When they reached their destination, they had come upon a large metallic building shaped almost like a silo, with no windows and only one apparent entrance. Its presence seemed extremely out of place in the middle of an empty desert. After a quick perimeter sweep, they all stood anxious at the entrance. “I hope someone’s home,” Colonel Sheppard said as he rapped loudly on the door with his P-90, a loud clanging echoing.


        Colonel Sheppard began to rap on the door again but it began to swing outwardly very slowly, creaking loudly on its rusty hinges. Teyla and Ronon raised their weapons and the four of them stared curiously into the opening doorway.
        As John would say "That was interesting".... can't wait to read more.
        Thanks for the sig Scifan


          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
          Hey Kingdom! Elf here!

          Just wanted to make sure that you had our hotline number!


          It's Toll Free 24 hrs...Remember it can never be to much!!

          If you forget look under my sig I have posted there!

          Here's some goodies for You!n Conversion is one of my fave episodes! Enjoy!


 guys really know how to make a person feel really welcome. I'm glad I join.
          Thanks for the sig Scifan


            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
            I love your favorite clips Scifan!!
            Thanks Elf. I love anything with JT.


              Originally posted by kingdom View Post
     guys really know how to make a person feel really welcome. I'm glad I join.
              One big JT family.

              Kingdom I sent you a message in your Private Messages. Let me know if there another cap you would like us to use.


                I just want to do this quick fly by post and will be back later to check the pages, say my hello's to the newbies and congrats to the milestoners. A little something I picked up at the store. The latest issue of the TV guide:

                Here you go:


                TV Guide SciFi Preview Issue - SGA article
                Picked up the newest issue of TV guide, but only because it was the SciFi preview issue and I was curious about what it had to say about SGA. I will try to transcribe the article as best as I can w/as few errors as possible, so be patient.

                The article is featured on page 30 of the July 23-Aug5, 2007 addition w/a picture of Teyla and Keller from the ep Missing.

                BEWARE SEASON 4 SPOILERS:

                In the upcoming fourth season, Lt. Col. Samantha Carter(Amanda Tapping) joins the cast from Stargate SG-1 as the new chief of the Atlantis expedition. Although Rachel Luttrell's pregnancy has been written into the show, executive producer Joseph Mallozzi says warrior woman Teyla still "gets to kick some major butt" as her character takes a dark turn. Expect a "Thelma & Louise" episode, in which she and new team member Dr. Jennifer Keller(Firefly's Jewel Straite) visit Teyla's home world. Ronon Dex(Jason Momoa) has his loyalty testes whe he reunites w/friends he thought were dead, and cocky Dr. McKay(David Hewlett) could find romance. We'll discover what makes the villianous Replicators and Wraith tick as well, and there's a new race in the mix: the Travelers, a ragtag assembly of nomads looking to trade and scavenge. Mallozzi says, "There will be a lot of shifting alliances this season."

                Quoted from the TV Guide by - IR .

                So, it seems we have lots to look forward to. Can we maybe do a time jump or something...jeez!



                  Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                  I just want to do this quick fly by post and will be back later to check the pages, say my hello's to the newbies and congrats to the milestoners. A little something I picked up at the store. The latest issue of the TV guide:

                  Here you go:


                  TV Guide SciFi Preview Issue - SGA article
                  Picked up the newest issue of TV guide, but only because it was the SciFi preview issue and I was curious about what it had to say about SGA. I will try to transcribe the article as best as I can w/as few errors as possible, so be patient.

                  The article is featured on page 30 of the July 23-Aug5, 2007 addition w/a picture of Teyla and Keller from the ep Missing.

                  BEWARE SEASON 4 SPOILERS:

                  In the upcoming fourth season, Lt. Col. Samantha Carter(Amanda Tapping) joins the cast from Stargate SG-1 as the new chief of the Atlantis expedition. Although Rachel Luttrell's pregnancy has been written into the show, executive producer Joseph Mallozzi says warrior woman Teyla still "gets to kick some major butt" as her character takes a dark turn. Expect a "Thelma & Louise" episode, in which she and new team member Dr. Jennifer Keller(Firefly's Jewel Straite) visit Teyla's home world. Ronon Dex(Jason Momoa) has his loyalty testes whe he reunites w/friends he thought were dead, and cocky Dr. McKay(David Hewlett) could find romance. We'll discover what makes the villianous Replicators and Wraith tick as well, and there's a new race in the mix: the Travelers, a ragtag assembly of nomads looking to trade and scavenge. Mallozzi says, "There will be a lot of shifting alliances this season."

                  Quoted from the TV Guide by - IR .

                  So, it seems we have lots to look forward to. Can we maybe do a time jump or something...jeez!

                  Ooh. Definitely sounding interesting!

                  Anyone got a deLorean? Time Turner? Handy miniature Stargate and some Solar Flares? One of Janus' spare time 'Jumpers?




                    Seldear: I used to have a Time Jumper only thing is my owner took it with Sheppard somewheres(where I've no idea.... waitaminute I do I wrote that mission report! see the fanfiction area of the forums!) anyhow I too look forwards to S4 only thing is, I might only be seeing it on DVD *sad face here* reason cable costs too much for a family of three that don't watch much tv, the number of hours is around I think 20- per week.

                    anyhow I go to bed and this place goes NUTS... in fact I wont be able to post until 12 hours pass as I am about to go to sleep and Teyla wants me to shut down so she can sleep(screen glare goes right at her face at this angle)

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      tsk, tsk....Found this on the second page


                        Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                        I just want to do this quick fly by post and will be back later to check the pages, say my hello's to the newbies and congrats to the milestoners. A little something I picked up at the store. The latest issue of the TV guide:

                        Here you go:


                        TV Guide SciFi Preview Issue - SGA article
                        Picked up the newest issue of TV guide, but only because it was the SciFi preview issue and I was curious about what it had to say about SGA. I will try to transcribe the article as best as I can w/as few errors as possible, so be patient.

                        The article is featured on page 30 of the July 23-Aug5, 2007 addition w/a picture of Teyla and Keller from the ep Missing.

                        BEWARE SEASON 4 SPOILERS:

                        In the upcoming fourth season, Lt. Col. Samantha Carter(Amanda Tapping) joins the cast from Stargate SG-1 as the new chief of the Atlantis expedition. Although Rachel Luttrell's pregnancy has been written into the show, executive producer Joseph Mallozzi says warrior woman Teyla still "gets to kick some major butt" as her character takes a dark turn. Expect a "Thelma & Louise" episode, in which she and new team member Dr. Jennifer Keller(Firefly's Jewel Straite) visit Teyla's home world. Ronon Dex(Jason Momoa) has his loyalty testes whe he reunites w/friends he thought were dead, and cocky Dr. McKay(David Hewlett) could find romance. We'll discover what makes the villianous Replicators and Wraith tick as well, and there's a new race in the mix: the Travelers, a ragtag assembly of nomads looking to trade and scavenge. Mallozzi says, "There will be a lot of shifting alliances this season."

                        Quoted from the TV Guide by - IR .

                        So, it seems we have lots to look forward to. Can we maybe do a time jump or something...jeez!

                        Thanks you so much Cyn for that. I'm sooo excited. Two more months before show time!!!!!


                          OASIS - PART 2

                          They peered inside squinting as the bright sunlight shone strong from behind them. Unable to see much, John signaled the others that he was about to enter. They all stood prepared as he stealthily crept in, immediately clinging to the shadows. The other followed suit, weapons extended, and they cleared the wide room in under a minute.

                          There were crates of canned food scattered carelessly about, a few rusted lockers each with a silver clamp keeping them closed, and a brown, filthy, stained mattress all shoved into one corner of the structure, almost as if to make a room. In the center of the room was a metal desk with only two deep drawers and directly centered on its top, was a tattered brown leather book.

                          John approached it and flipped it open with the end of his gun. “Looks like some sort of diary,” he said after gazing at it for a moment. Teyla and Rodney turned to him curiously and slowly approached to examine the journal with him.

                          Rodney picked up the diary, flipped to the middle, and slowly began reading aloud. “Entry 452: I finally convinced Balthazar to go for help today. I didn’t really want him to leave me here alone, but I knew if no one came for us, soon we’d be dead. So I wore my bravest face and smiled as he left heading east towards the portal. I never thought I could be more terrified then I already was, but being here alone…….I’m not sure I’m gonna make it.”

                          They all jumped wildly as Ronon had begun cracking at one of the silver clamps holding the locker shut with the butt of his gun. “Jesus, Ronon! Thanks for scaring the crap out of us! I’m only trying to find out what happened here, ya big oaf!” Rodney yelled, obviously startled.

                          Ronon gave him a dirty look and continued fiddling with the lock. Rodney looked at John and Teyla and knew they wanted him to continue reading.

                          He cleared his throat loudly and went on. “Entry 457: Balthazar hasn’t come back yet. I guess I shouldn’t be worried, but hearing that scratching in the dark, lying in my bed, just knowing what’s out there, I can’t help but wonder if I shall die here alone, waiting. This isn’t what we expected to find here. All I want is to leave and destroy the portal behind me so that no man can ever return to this horrible place. No one should have to die like that. When I try to sleep, I can still hear their screams. I can’t help but wonder if I will die, screaming like that.”

                          A loud clang erupted and all eyes turned towards Ronon, who had finally managed to break open one of the lockers. As it creaked open, a rotting corpse fell out and landed roughly on the floor in front of him. The others stared and Ronon grunted, stating, “I guess Balthazar never came back.”
                          Last edited by MrsB108; 30 July 2007, 10:54 AM.


                            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post

                            Welcome KINGDOME!! We're Happy you joined The JT family!!
                            Did I miss the welcome party?
                            Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                              I leave and go out to eat and the thread light up like a firecracker!!

                              What's up with that!


                              Y'all didn't all run away did ya?

                              Congrats to you NINA on 5100 POSTS! WOW!


                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              OASIS - PART 1
                              Colonel Sheppard, Ronon, Teyla, and Rodney stepped through the wormhole and onto uncharted planet M33-49. A seemingly endless desert lay before them, an obvious portent that a long walk lie ahead. The bright sweltering sun immediately began to affect them and Colonel Sheppard instinctively pulled his dark sunglasses from his vest pocket and placed them on his face. “Anyone remember to bring sunblock?” he remarked.

                              The four began walking single file through the sand, Colonel Sheppard leading the way following the direction of a strong energy reading from their handheld remote. The heat was unrelenting and appeared to be getting stronger with each passing minute. Not even a secretive whisper of wind would comfort them this day. Ronon removed his long jacket and tied it tightly around his waist, while Teyla placed her weapon in its holster momentarily to place an elastic in her hair and wipe her neck of beading sweat.

                              They had only been walking for fifteen minutes when Rodney began complaining. “Oh for the love of…….You know, you would think with all the money the government has they could equip us properly with like team tank tops or something. This is completely intolerable! How can they expect anybody to work in conditions like this? I swear I think my brain is starting to fry and my eyes are getting all fuzzy. Do you have any idea how badly my skin is going to chafe with all this gear on?”

                              No one responded to his complaints and his voice seemed to drone on as they continued their blistering hike towards the energy reading, all of them hoping desperately to find shelter from the sun when they arrived.

                              After over an hour of steady walking, Rodney almost passing out twice, and Ronon finally untying his jacket from his waist and throwing it carelessly into the sand, they made out a blurred shape on the horizon. “Oh thank God!” Rodney exclaimed dramatically and the others heartily agreed. Their pace quickened and all thoughts lie on the quickly approaching outline ahead.

                              When they reached their destination, they had come upon a large metallic building shaped almost like a silo, with no windows and only one apparent entrance. Its presence seemed extremely out of place in the middle of an empty desert. After a quick perimeter sweep, they all stood anxious at the entrance. “I hope someone’s home,” Colonel Sheppard said as he rapped loudly on the door with his P-90, a loud clanging echoing.


                              Colonel Sheppard began to rap on the door again but it began to swing outwardly very slowly, creaking loudly on its rusty hinges. Teyla and Ronon raised their weapons and the four of them stared curiously into the opening doorway.
                              Oh sounds intresting...wonder what they will find....

                              Originally posted by 1DanielForMe View Post
                              Sweet, MrsB108! I'm looking forward to the rest!

                              Nina, as for your posting achievement, I totally forgot! Sorry.
                              Congratulations to Nina on 5,100 posts!
                              That totally rocks!
                              Thank you kindly

                              Originally posted by Camy View Post

                              CONGRATS NINA!

                              you know, at this rate you will catch me in posts! LOL

                              Night everyone! I"m exhausted!
                              Ah yes there is the Kermit again
                              Catching up to you in are kidding right

                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              CONGRATS NINA!

                              Thanks guys~
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Another quick fly-by before I head off to bed. A fic rec as yet untitled found here:


                                Enjoy! And I'll play catch after my nap...promise

