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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by vaberella View Post
    Hahaha..and that's when the wraith swoop in and attack. No, I like it BA. Actually you know we never got to explore the sister city-ship on Athos---do you think that some of the Athosians have the ATA gene? Not only that, maybe there's a possibility of ressurrecting it? <--side note

    Place of proposal? In bed, after a tickle-fest (he's tickled her until she started crying in laughter).

    Hehe I like that - in bed - maybe - I could see John just blurting it out.

    Do you think it would be something planned, and down on bended knee - or just a particular unplanned moment that John just felt he had to ask this beautiful woman - the love of his life - to marry him. Awww!!


      Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
      VB, you been missing me haven't you!...*lol*..

      But I swear i had a laughing fit with you hijabified comment. But I know what you're talking about, my cousin had that style, it's very arabian. I'm inclined to say, that since you once pointed out her sparring top was like the choli top, I have thought of the athosians as having inclination to the indian culture.

      But as for their wedding, I think it's have to go with a melding of indian (athosian)and european (earth) like, don't know how you could every have that kind of wedding, with both cultures represented, but, that's what I think it would have to be like. Cause I can't see Shep in traditional men's indian wear, or even some version of it(he'd look good, but I still think a bit weird). I think even the dupatta for the cholis and lehengas would seem a bit weird on Teyla, I can't really see her draping it anywhere. Maybe a sari would be better for her, with it draping to the back not the front.

      Anyway, I did a manip of a sari, I'll give the green gown a go when i get home...

      Loving this look on the manip...great job.

      Also loving the banner


        Originally posted by jtjaforever
        April 13 signals the end of very long hiatus of SGA in the US.

        Ratings for the eps were based on first run viewing- not Tivo or video taping, but actual viewer activity. This is important to remember esp. for those of us that could not remain spoiler free. We may had certain eps that just didn't *cut* if for us, however supporting all by first run viewship does two things:
        OKay in all honesty, I doubt that is true.

        I have been heavily spoiled, lol. But that's not going to stop me from watching the show in first run.

        Why is TiVoing bad for ratings? Is it commericals? So watch the live show for the commericals? Because that is where it all comes down to, the commericals, the advertising, that is where the money is? Well that is old school and it is slowy getting fazed out.

        I have TiVo and I do watch my shows live because it is recorded LIVE so where does your reasoning about actual viewer activity come from?

        If it airs on April 13 live at whatever time it is scheduled TiVo will record it live. TiVo doesn't hinder ratings in the way you've described. All Scifi needs to do is pay the Tivo researching company in addition to the Nelson research Marketing group(for those without DVRs or TiVo).

        Your reasoning doesn't necessarily apply unless, they do certain things like put deleted scenes of SGA or previews of the next episode on and while the show is on air they air the passcode to login in and watch the previews on the website and that is a way to gauge live viewership that I've seen done. Otherwise, it doesn't matter if you TiVo or not.

        Valent: Renee Elise Goldsberry/Evangeline Williamson Fansite
        by Sheylafan87


          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
          Hehe I like that - in bed - maybe - I could see John just blurting it out.

          Do you think it would be something planned, and down on bended knee - or just a particular unplanned moment that John just felt he had to ask this beautiful woman - the love of his life - to marry him. Awww!!
          I can't handle too much cheddar so I stand by totally unplanned and when the moment calls for it.
          Top Ten (I felt it was fitting!) :

          10) John on the toilet seat and Teyla in the shower (whereever that is).

          9) In bed after a tickle-fest.

          8) After making out behind a puddle-jumper.

          7) During relaying some orders to take on the wraith, he mentions, "If we make it out of this... I think it's time you made an honest man out of me!"

          6)When he wins his first sparring match without bug juice.

          5) While Teyla is in a hospital bed semi-concious.

          4) Standing behind her while he teaches her golf.

          3)As she’s helping him after he’s been whumped in some way shape or form.

          2)When he would see this face:

          It’s a great subject changer!!

          1) He wouldn’t propose…Teyla would!
          Click statement above to read article.


            Nice manips everyone
            Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


              Originally posted by NubianQueen View Post
              OKay in all honesty, I doubt that is true.

              I have been heavily spoiled, lol. But that's not going to stop me from watching the show in first run.

              Why is TiVoing bad for ratings? Is it commericals? So watch the live show for the commericals? Because that is where it all comes down to, the commericals, the advertising, that is where the money is? Well that is old school and it is slowy getting fazed out.

              I have TiVo and I do watch my shows live because it is recorded LIVE so where does your reasoning about actual viewer activity come from?

              If it airs on April 13 live at whatever time it is scheduled TiVo will record it live. TiVo doesn't hinder ratings in the way you've described. All Scifi needs to do is pay the Tivo researching company in addition to the Nelson research Marketing group(for those without DVRs or TiVo).

              Your reasoning doesn't necessarily apply unless, they do certain things like put deleted scenes of SGA or previews of the next episode on and while the show is on air they air the passcode to login in and watch the previews on the website and that is a way to gauge live viewership that I've seen done. Otherwise, it doesn't matter if you TiVo or not.


              This was information bought out during last years ratings ruckus here on GW. If I can locate the direct numbers from last year and the articles I will do so, but have no idea of how to search though this mess to do it and to be honest after working all night...I really don't feel like it...*sigh*

              And yes, last year you did have to watch the ep to get the code for a special preview or some such, but I may be wrong.

              However, should RL allow I will try to find the info, if not disregard the post.
              Last edited by jtjaforever; 05 April 2007, 07:28 AM.


                talking of wedding gowns i think these will be more teylas style
                Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                  Originally posted by NubianQueen View Post
                  OKay in all honesty, I doubt that is true.

                  I have been heavily spoiled, lol. But that's not going to stop me from watching the show in first run.

                  Why is TiVoing bad for ratings? Is it commericals? So watch the live show for the commericals? Because that is where it all comes down to, the commericals, the advertising, that is where the money is? Well that is old school and it is slowy getting fazed out.

                  I have TiVo and I do watch my shows live because it is recorded LIVE so where does your reasoning about actual viewer activity come from?

                  If it airs on April 13 live at whatever time it is scheduled TiVo will record it live. TiVo doesn't hinder ratings in the way you've described. All Scifi needs to do is pay the Tivo researching company in addition to the Nelson research Marketing group(for those without DVRs or TiVo).

                  Your reasoning doesn't necessarily apply unless, they do certain things like put deleted scenes of SGA or previews of the next episode on and while the show is on air they air the passcode to login in and watch the previews on the website and that is a way to gauge live viewership that I've seen done. Otherwise, it doesn't matter if you TiVo or not.

                  NQ, Cyn is correct. This information came from Martin Gero last year and then again recently from JM's blog. Can we say with absolute certainty that they are correct? No. But we are quoting from as official of sources as we have access to. As Cyn said, this is not something either of us are familiar with, so we're just relying on information that was passed onto us by TPTB, more than once. In fact, JM said recently that live viewership and the ratings of the back half of season three will have direct impact on whether or not there is a season five. I believe Cyn's message is extremely important!

                  I'm afraid I'm in the same boat as you though. I'm at work still when SGA airs, so I have no choice but to record with my DVR. Which also records live, but supposedly does not show up in the ratings. (Although I've never understood how the ratings work anyway since I thought it was only the nelson boxes that determine ratings? No idea, LOL!) But anyway, she was just quoting information given to us by TPTB! So either they're wrong as well, or we trust they know which research markets affect their product.
                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    Wow those are alot of pages to go through.

                    Since Rising it is obvious that Teyla and John belong together.

                    Quote from Bluealien: I love how John and Teyla can show so much emotion in their expressions. They just have to glance at each other and it says a thousand things.
                    I totally agree with you on that one. At the end of Conversion I thought that I saw disappointment in Teylas eyes when they agreed to go back to normal.


                      Quick flyby...and I"m not even supposed to be here....

                      VB..I have to say, I LOVE THESE! especially the first one, don't care for the little blue flowers but the brown, I Love.....also, loooooove that peach one....don't really care too much for the sleeves...but I have to contact my seamstress.....LOL

                      I don't see Teyla wearing any of those, though....I agree that the drawing I posted is very western...but hey, if Teyla and John somehow end on Earth, this would be my choice....LOL

                      Also, loooooove all the manips....but I dont' see Teyla with any of those either.....I agree that Teyla would wear something simple and certainly Athosian style..I think that I can agree on...or maybe a can't really say she won't wear anything of ours, when lately that seems to be all she's wearing....she's gotten to wear a lot of our clothing, however, when it comes to formal things...

                      like in Carson's death, we saw her wearing her traditional Athosian leather pants with her brown top...I was a bit taken back and I wonder if this was put a lot of thought into since Teyla was wearing that exact same outfit when she was talking with John and Elizabeth on the day of Carson's death.

                      So, I wondered if that scene was just recorded on the same shooting day and she just didn't change or vice versa....LOL

                      So, blue there...but I think it was significant that she didn't wear her uniform but instead opted to wear something of her culture.

                      Very significant, I think...

                      so, I would think that for a wedding or a ceremony, she would wear something of her culture.

                      I think it's interesting that Blue brought up the idea of John wearing something Athosian...I wouldn't mind it, but I think the beauty of these two, and the thing that attracted me from them, which I won an award for, *winks at Bella* is the whole cap of Earth John meeting Athosian princess.....he's wearing his uniform, she's wearing her Athosian me that is significant within itself and although that is not what defines their relationship, in the eyes of the Athosians and the Atlantians and the PG, it is two different world leaders colliding, uniting and merging as again, we saw John wearing traditional clothes similar to Teyla's in I don't think he would be opposed to it....but for me, it would be so much more significant that he wear his blue and she wear her Athosian attire.....

                      I also love whoever brought this point...I can't remember , that her dress have some exposed are so right....this is something that is Teyla's style...which is why I mentioned sleeveless dress...but what about something similar to her sparring skirt...her slit skirt with her bodice top showing her belly.....hmmm......I wonder......or a one piece with the leather do you think her dress would have leather somewhere...all of her tops seem to have it that's another thing to consider.....

                      And I say off white...but maybe something dark peach...and she seems to love browns.....most of her tops are maybe something in that color but lighter would really be subtle but bring out her beautiful golden tan skin.

                      I think she should show skin...her color is breathtaking and her body is beautiful within itself...the less adornment the better, and I do like the idea of her hair up. It gives character and elegance.

                      Although I do like the idea of a mainland ceremony....again...unless it's in the mainland in the planet where Atlantis was before, or unless they go back to Athos, I don't see how New Athos would be any more significant to them than Atlantis.....I think the balconies in Atlantis are breathtakingly beautiful....
                      and it would look very nice....

                      What about the gym.....where they first kissed? LOL

                      The necklace...I don't want it to be something flashy or big....again.....small and simple....Teyla's first necklace was something simple....and correct me if I"m wrong...but she's not wearing any, I"m not sure...and have you noticed that she doesn't wear earrings too...I love that...she's a very simple girl.....I don't think Weir or Carter wear rings or earrings either....

                      But I have seen Carter and Weir with necklaces....

                      Alright.....loving all of this discussion....

                      Proposals...I don't see Teyla proposing to John especially after her confession in Sunday.....

                      I do see John as a hopeless romantic....and I do see John as proposing.....I think if John and Teyla ever do get won't take him long to take that leap of faith...he's such a committed and a one woman man when it comes to finally doing it, that I wonder if that fact alone is stopping him from getting together with Teyla....

                      remember that we mentioned that John was soooo lying in Sunday to even his comment about
                      shouldn't be taken too seriously.....Ken C. commented that guys tend to hide behind their words when in reality they mean the opposite...and I beleive John was testing the waters with Ronon in Sunday....

                      So, I do see him proposing and trying to make it as perfect and as romantic as possible to Teyla..however, the interesting part would be that something does happen where he has to do it in the most unusual of circumstances....and I so see John going up to Halling and asking him how the Athosians would do this so that he can do it her way...and perhaps even mixing it two ways.....and I do see John giving Teyla a ring or a necklace....I like both ideas.....he will give her something....


                      alright, not sure if I voiced anything new....but have a good one guys!
                      Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 05 April 2007, 09:27 AM.


                        Originally posted by vaberella View Post
                        No problem sweets. I'm gonna hook you up with a few pictures of what I think you might be thinking of and mixing it up with a bit of Camy's ideas. I have a lot of dress styles in my list, mainly Asian, but I like very unusual and dynamic western dresses and I had a few that would work perfectly but in different colors, I'm really against white, but I'm sure I can live with these choices since the designs are fantastic.

                        So I have sleeveless, some with no back, but still reminiscint of the dresses from CM. I again don't know if it's true Athos, they seem to be very mutated toned or earth toned wearing people---Teyla surprising us with a bit of pinkish/brown or purple colors. But I thinK I got what you might be looking for---all styles could be understated and if people want to manip I'm sure it would be entertaining to see which would work. I'm still hooked on the sari Witchy did---but again I love Sari's.

                        WITCHY---Don't I know you can get flashy, but I'm not too far behind. You've heard my squeeling and gushing over your sari's and lehenga's.


                        I love them all, but this is very interesting to me. Normally I wouldn't go for it, but it's understated with a chicness to it. Plus I can see it in really amazing colors and the back is very Teyla-esque.


                        I'm really not a huge supporter of manips, but I am adding fuel to the fire, so MANIP yourselves out.
                        Originally posted by vaberella View Post
                        No problem sweets. I'm gonna hook you up with a few pictures of what I think you might be thinking of and mixing it up with a bit of Camy's ideas. I have a lot of dress styles in my list, mainly Asian, but I like very unusual and dynamic western dresses and I had a few that would work perfectly but in different colors, I'm really against white, but I'm sure I can live with these choices since the designs are fantastic.

                        So I have sleeveless, some with no back, but still reminiscint of the dresses from CM. I again don't know if it's true Athos, they seem to be very mutated toned or earth toned wearing people---Teyla surprising us with a bit of pinkish/brown or purple colors. But I thinK I got what you might be looking for---all styles could be understated and if people want to manip I'm sure it would be entertaining to see which would work. I'm still hooked on the sari Witchy did---but again I love Sari's.

                        WITCHY---Don't I know you can get flashy, but I'm not too far behind. You've heard my squeeling and gushing over your sari's and lehenga's.


                        I love them all, but this is very interesting to me. Normally I wouldn't go for it, but it's understated with a chicness to it. Plus I can see it in really amazing colors and the back is very Teyla-esque.


                        I'm really not a huge supporter of manips, but I am adding fuel to the fire, so MANIP yourselves out.
                        Those are some nice dresses Vaberella and the brown one is actually really nice except for the color on the flowers but it's definitely close to what i have in mind. AthosianGirl's Manip is also close too but showing more skin, not so covered. Now that i think about it, i have to agree with you about the white. It sucks that they haven't really shown more traditional ceremonies among the Anthosians to really have a better picture of how they dress during say weddings or special events. The only glimpse we have gotten is in Critical Mass in which she wore the green dress. I think like you mentioned, she would probably wear more earth tone colors or light colors like in Critical Mass. That color looked good on her....i just didn't like the dress too much (sorry for anybody who liked it). I just don't see her wearing colors that are a deep red, green or purple but softer, maybe not pastel like i mentioned before but softer like the green she wore in CM.

                        Sig by Camy


                          Oops! i posted Varberella's post twice and i have no idea how i did that, sorry guys!

                          Sig by Camy


                            Welcome SierraGolf-OneNiner

                            Nice to see another new J/T shipper here .... I'm sure you will have a lot of fun here...we are a very friendly bunch in here...and feel free to join in on our discussions... we love to hear what attracted you to J/T...

                            Again a huge welcome...
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Teyla tends to wear earthy colours all the time but maybe on special occasions she would wear something more colourfull. I think pale colours will look great on her. Actually most colours would look great on her. I'm beginning to think that John may wear his dress blues. As Camy said - it would be a meeting of earth and athosian - both of them representing their own customs and culture.

                              Welcome SierraGolf -OneNiner.

                              Always great to see new J/T fans and would love to hear your thoughts on our lovely duo.


                                Originally posted by SierraGolf-OneNiner View Post
                                Wow those are alot of pages to go through.

                                Since Rising it is obvious that Teyla and John belong together.

                                I totally agree with you on that one. At the end of Conversion I thought that I saw disappointment in Teylas eyes when they agreed to go back to normal.
                                Welcome to the thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I also think J/T have been obvious since Rising. Very well put!
                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

