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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Ok, I have a crazy or hard question. I have some of season 3 on Itune,but how can I go from there to movie maker? I've done other vids with stills, but not with clips and not shippy stuff. I always have trouble with finding a good song. This is why I've never tempted, plus all you guys that do it are awesome. Something I was hoping to do it the far future. Thanks


      Originally posted by Quania2007 View Post
      New Vid but beware it contains Simone/Peter as well. The Sheyla part doesn't begin until 1:09
      Just saw it and you did an awesome job!. I love the show Heroes and love Peter and Simone!. Nice job combining the two ships!

      Sig by Camy


        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
        Mayra - Trust me I know all about getting tired of the song I'm working on when I'm doing a video...I think I hear the song so many times even on little segments only for getting everything right...I'm going nuts... but I usually ends up liking the song after a while again... *lol*

        I promise I'll check out the video soon and let you know...I have it on my harddrive so I don't have to search for it later here..
        LOL!!! sooo true!. I'm the same way, i'm very picky trying to get everything right and there is still some parts i wish would have come out better but because of that, i'm constantly playing that little piece over and over again LOL!. So yeah, going nuts is definitely the best term! LOL!. But yeah, i love this song sooo much i'm sure in no time i'll be able to hear it again but for now, i'll probably change the station if i were to hear it LOL!.

        I hope you like it when you do get to see it!

        Sig by Camy


          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
          Mayra, that video was AMAZING! I seriously loved it - the song was absolutely beautiful and the clips you used were lovely. I loved the effect of the 'dream' sequences... I'm going to go and download the song right now!
          Thank you Ruby!!!. Wow, a lot of people seem to like the dream sequence and i was worried it wouldn't come accross right so i'm glad it did, Thank you!

          Sig by Camy


            Originally posted by sanssong View Post
            Coolness! I just watched it and wow, it's really a beautiful vid. Loved the way you put everything together and it just fit the song so well. Nice job!
            Thank you Suz! i actually responded at your yahoo group but wanted to thank you again!. I'm soooo happy you liked it and that the clip fit the song well. Thanks!

            Sig by Camy


              Oh Mayra what a fantastic vid!!! i especially liked the beginning...i had never thought about what the initial thoughts of john and teyla would have been when they said 48 hours...
              -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

              Thanks Camy!!


                i realise this is probably long past its due by date...but watching Mayra's vid just made me think....

                dont think i need spoilers for this

                For the kiss in conversion...although teyla is obviously surprised and at the end is kind of preventing it going further by putting her hand up to stop the kiss..she initially i fully into it as well if you ask me...i just LOVE how her hand comes up to his chest...she is into it there!!
                hehe...anyway...just a random thought!
                -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                Thanks Camy!!


                  Originally posted by spirited Chihiro View Post
                  i realise this is probably long past its due by date...but watching Mayra's vid just made me think....

                  dont think i need spoilers for this

                  For the kiss in conversion...although teyla is obviously surprised and at the end is kind of preventing it going further by putting her hand up to stop the kiss..she initially i fully into it as well if you ask me...i just LOVE how her hand comes up to his chest...she is into it there!!
                  hehe...anyway...just a random thought!
                  I agree. For some one who can kick his butt, she didn't fight that hard.
                  Does any one have the DVD and listen to the commentary. It was funny.
                  Joe F. said that during the taping of that scene, Rachel's parents came to visit(I believe it was the first time), it was her first on screen kiss and her parents were about 10 feet away. Joe said that she was nervous.


                    Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                    That was my whole point. I don't want to be frowned upon by you or anyone else because I choose to fight battles the way I choose. This thread is made up of a lot of different people and we don't all think or act the same. I don't fault you for the way you chose to be, but please afford me the same courtesy.

                    Just because you chose to stay when you were being harrassed doesn't mean that most people will. I've never been anyone's whipping boy and that will never change. Yes the times when we were harrassed in our own thread are a while ago, but the bitter taste of it is still with me. Sorry, somethings are harder to let go than others. Not responding when you get insulted doesn't make you any better or more noble than those of us who do respond. And the last time I checked this thread was for all JT shippers, the ones who respond and the ones who don't.

                    I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, I don't mean for it to. I just want the tolerance you extend to the people who offend you to extend to the ones you are supposed to agree with.
                    Suz...I think you misunderstood my posting. I clearly stated that I'm not directing things at you directly or even indirectly. You and VB....I mean please, you guys have a wonderful site where JT shippers can go and archive their stuff.

                    I am in no way shape or form saying that your methods or mines for that matter are right and wrong. I understood your point and I do appreciate all the things that you and VB for that matter do around the world wide web.
                    I don't think I"m making my point clear and the last thing I want you to do is leave upset because my words weren't understood correctly. Bottom line, the shepweirs that came here came because they've done it before. It was my understanding that this thread is for anything shippy between JT and even for those who see friendship between them. Are we still in agreement with that? I don't mind that others come here and post good things about John and Teyla whether they see it as friendship or not. I know a few Shippers that beleive that John and Teyla aren't in love yet, but are in the process. So, does that make them any more or less of a shipper than me who thinks they are secretly and madly in love with each other? I"m addressing this question to everyone here.

                    It was my understanding that we have this thead open for anyone that wants to write anything positive about John and Teyla and the possibility of something more. Has that changed?

                    Suz, you and VB are part of this thread and I hope that you continue to be. The three of us are very ....hmmm....what's the word....strong and very opinionated. I don't want to be the cause of separation in this thread. I've worked too damn hard in this thread.

                    I commend what you and VB and everyone does for JT. And although I may not agree with it, or may but choose to do things differently, that shouldn't stand in our way and our love and appreciation for this ship.

                    And I hope that at least that I have made clear.


                      Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                      I still like the FF idea and don't think it's old at all. VB and I were talking about having people e-mail JM the drawing she's trying to get done for us. Then she or I or someone else could send him some homemade candy or treat with the original drawing. I suggested pralines cause I make them from scratch all the time.
                      That sounds really can I help?


                        Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                        This may just be the unashamed shipper in me, but I just couldn't get over how even as themselves playing around, what terrific chemistry there is between Joe and Rachel on the screen. I was glued when they were standing there and she was holding the award. It was just awesome. And the group of them are just as cute as they can be. I was very amused.
                        A part of me thinks that while they are in the set and with their uniform, they still have those characters in them. If you notice Ronon and McKay, I think he was there...and Zelenka are in the background and you know that when they are onscreen and when Teyla is with John, the camera is all about them and the others are behind. So it's almost like they are still playing the role, indirectly. I also think of what David Hewlett always comments on...he writes that his fiancee give hims 15 minutes to get rid of McKay when he comes home. She allows him to whine and complain just like Mckay does and I just get a kick out of that one everytime. So, I imagine that even while on screen you see a bit of their characters there...even in the other parts of the vid, you see Joe have very similar characteristics as John. And I think like you wrote, that shows even while they are fooling around. Can you imagine being around them in a set while they do that? no wonder Joe once commented that some of the guest stars have a hard time concentrating because of their constant badgering...and even Rachel comments how they are always poking fun of her and they just have a great chemistry together. I hope these guys last together for a very long time because I"m sure that they aren't going to find another working set like this, maybe not ever in their careers.

                        I just think they are awesome...all of them!


                          Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                          Hi Everyone!

                          I haven't been around for the last couple of days mainly because i've been working on my very first J/T vid!!!. This will only be my second vid i've ever done but my first being J/T.

                          I have only had time to skim through the last loads of pages that have been posted in the last couple of days so i know i have a lot to catch up on. But one thing i did notice is that it has gotten a little heated at the moment. I love this group, i'm happy that Steph introduced me to all of you wonderful people and i would hate it if this got worse. I know a lot of us have experienced fighting in forums before and i'm one to just go away when things get nasty just like in the MX threads. Steph knows this about me, i hate even going to look at other ship threads here because i hate the mean things people say and unfortunately they do get to me.

                          i hope this isn't a bad time to show my vid and i hope instead this vid helps bring smiles to all of least thats my hope! . I even dedicated this vid to all of you here at the J/T forums for encouraging me to do a J/T vid, so i hope you all enjoy it!.

                          Steph is such a sweetheart, she posted my vid at her site.


                          Check it out, and i hope you all enjoy it!

                          It's called In My Dreams and the song is Here without you by 3 Doors Down

                          AWESOME! It was Beautiful and some great caps there...and I really love that song! THANKS..I did need that!


                            Originally posted by Quania2007 View Post
                            New Vid but beware it contains Simone/Peter as well. The Sheyla part doesn't begin until 1:09
                            Beautiful....I got to see your others as well.. I hope you continue to do more. They are all wonderful.


                              Originally posted by spirited Chihiro View Post
                              i realise this is probably long past its due by date...but watching Mayra's vid just made me think....

                              dont think i need spoilers for this

                              For the kiss in conversion...although teyla is obviously surprised and at the end is kind of preventing it going further by putting her hand up to stop the kiss..she initially i fully into it as well if you ask me...i just LOVE how her hand comes up to his chest...she is into it there!!
                              hehe...anyway...just a random thought!
                              nope, nope...never too late to chat about the oldies and goodies....I agree with you totally. Not only that, she puckered up to receive that kiss!


                                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                                nope, nope...never too late to chat about the oldies and goodies....I agree with you totally. Not only that, she puckered up to receive that kiss!
                                indeed she did....therefore i can only come to the one conclusion...she knew exactly what he was going to do and went along with it cause she couldnt help it, till she realised that it wasn't an appropriate time, so she acted shocked...little did she know that us viewers were watching....
                                -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                                Thanks Camy!!

