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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Well, you are entitled to you opinion of course, but I for one never liked that sweirs could come into our thread, disagree with us, tell us not to be excited about something, then when we objected, WE got in trouble. And we got called haters, and the starters of ship wars. In those instances we need to stand up for ourselves and it takes vocal people to do it. The last time I walked away from the thread it was because of that very issue. No one wanted to tell them to get lost and mind their own business. (no I'm not talking about either Saz or BG) Yes, myself and a few others get very vocal and very igdignant at times, but never without good reason.
    That I can recall, that hasn't happened in a long time. And it has happened to me and I never left. So, everyone respods differently. And one shouldn't be considered right over the other simply different approach.

    I'm not intimidated by anyone. But just because I don't stand up and shout back...and I"m in no way implying that you or VB does this, that doesn't mean that I"m not doing anything about it. The thread speaks for itself. The Galleria speaks for itself. The JT sites and LJ JT sites speak of the things that this ship has done around the WWW and that is a reality and those are facts and JM has recognized it so in his blog and in interviews. He knows we are out there. He knows that there are a great number of supporters out there for this ship. And that's all I care about. If I need to speak up and defend someone that is being bashed by others, I will. But foolishness and stupidities I will not support not even with my presence in the thread. Which is why I don't lurk.

    Hey, not long ago, I was told my name was used to point out that I was parading around GW a drawing of Joe and Rachel in wedding attire and that I was really insulting or degrading both Joe and Rachel and their families by it! Or something to that nature cause I actually never read the comment. I was so freaking furious...but what the hell could I do? go to the JM blog and state the obvious, OH, helloooooo that was John and Teyla not Joe and Rachel....and believe me I thought about it, but I chose to just vent here and there and everywhere cause in the end, I think I would have simply made an ass of myself in JM"s blog. And what did he do, he ignored it if I"m not mistaken.

    What anyone does here is their individual decision. And I'm no one to tell anyone here what is best and what is not.

    We like it here as it is. If there should ever be the need to stand together as shippers, call me, if there is a place where they are bashing Joe/John Rachel/Teyla you let me know..I"ll be there....I just don't want it here.

    Does that make better sense? but I think we should end this. I think we all have made excellent points. I think you will find that when and if we know that Teyla is being bashed somewhere, we will be there to defend her, and we will win!

    I like your idea of en-masses...How about we send a large banner of something. The fantastic four is old news...We need something new!
    Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 11 June 2007, 12:25 PM.


      Originally posted by vaberella View Post
      No problem. I sent it through msn messenger. You can add me HappyAtlantis as your bud and I can send it through pm. I think it's easier for everyone that way. I'm [email protected]. It's too large by email.

      You're already on my bud list, and thanks I already found a way of seeing it.
      I loved how DH went mad cause he'd won and how the team fought over the award. I noticed JF used his fist then jump on Jason.
      It was VERY funny.

      =the will
      =the diplomat
      =the warrior
      =the voice of reason and leadership
      =the smartie pants who won best tv character!!!

      Thanks scifan for this bootyful siggie!!!


        Who would we be sending this too....the writers or the actors themselves?

        How about something sweet. They like food. How about some John and Teyla cookies! LOL


          Actually if you look closely he does the pretend punch to Rachel first, I think and she screams out and then he moves to Jason.

          I thought it was hilarious.


            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            That I can recall, that hasn't happened in a long time. And it has happened to me and I never left. So, everyone respods differently. And one shouldn't be considered right over the other simply different approach.
            That was my whole point. I don't want to be frowned upon by you or anyone else because I choose to fight battles the way I choose. This thread is made up of a lot of different people and we don't all think or act the same. I don't fault you for the way you chose to be, but please afford me the same courtesy.

            Just because you chose to stay when you were being harrassed doesn't mean that most people will. I've never been anyone's whipping boy and that will never change. Yes the times when we were harrassed in our own thread are a while ago, but the bitter taste of it is still with me. Sorry, somethings are harder to let go than others. Not responding when you get insulted doesn't make you any better or more noble than those of us who do respond. And the last time I checked this thread was for all JT shippers, the ones who respond and the ones who don't.

            I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, I don't mean for it to. I just want the tolerance you extend to the people who offend you to extend to the ones you are supposed to agree with.


              Originally posted by happyatlantis View Post

              =the will
              =the diplomat
              =the warrior
              =the voice of reason and leadership
              =the smartie pants who won best tv character!!!
              This part was sooo cute. Very funny.


                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                Who would we be sending this too....the writers or the actors themselves?

                How about something sweet. They like food. How about some John and Teyla cookies! LOL
                I still like the FF idea and don't think it's old at all. VB and I were talking about having people e-mail JM the drawing she's trying to get done for us. Then she or I or someone else could send him some homemade candy or treat with the original drawing. I suggested pralines cause I make them from scratch all the time.


                  Originally posted by Camy View Post
                  Actually if you look closely he does the pretend punch to Rachel first, I think and she screams out and then he moves to Jason.

                  I thought it was hilarious.
                  This may just be the unashamed shipper in me, but I just couldn't get over how even as themselves playing around, what terrific chemistry there is between Joe and Rachel on the screen. I was glued when they were standing there and she was holding the award. It was just awesome. And the group of them are just as cute as they can be. I was very amused.


                    Hi Everyone!

                    I haven't been around for the last couple of days mainly because i've been working on my very first J/T vid!!!. This will only be my second vid i've ever done but my first being J/T.

                    I have only had time to skim through the last loads of pages that have been posted in the last couple of days so i know i have a lot to catch up on. But one thing i did notice is that it has gotten a little heated at the moment. I love this group, i'm happy that Steph introduced me to all of you wonderful people and i would hate it if this got worse. I know a lot of us have experienced fighting in forums before and i'm one to just go away when things get nasty just like in the MX threads. Steph knows this about me, i hate even going to look at other ship threads here because i hate the mean things people say and unfortunately they do get to me.

                    i hope this isn't a bad time to show my vid and i hope instead this vid helps bring smiles to all of least thats my hope! . I even dedicated this vid to all of you here at the J/T forums for encouraging me to do a J/T vid, so i hope you all enjoy it!.

                    Steph is such a sweetheart, she posted my vid at her site.


                    Check it out, and i hope you all enjoy it!

                    It's called In My Dreams and the song is Here without you by 3 Doors Down

                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by happyatlantis View Post
                      You're already on my bud list, and thanks I already found a way of seeing it.
                      I loved how DH went mad cause he'd won and how the team fought over the award. I noticed JF used his fist then jump on Jason.
                      It was VERY funny.

                      =the will
                      =the diplomat
                      =the warrior
                      =the voice of reason and leadership
                      =the smartie pants who won best tv character!!!
                      Huh? I don't have you on my list? PM me. If you don't pm me I can't see you.
                      Click statement above to read article.


                        Originally posted by Black Panther View Post
                        Love the season 4 spoilers! Squeeee! That
                        is so sweet!

                        VB love you back! I am doing great! Especially after seeing that vid!

                        Sunday Shipper Report Part 1
                        Teyla and Dr. Hewston are walking through the hallways of Atlantis. They are talking about a crush Teyla has on an unnamed man. Teyla: I could never just say that to him! Hewston: Why not? You like him, don't you? Teyla (sternly): That is not the point. Hewston: Uh, I think that is exactly the point, actually. Teyla: The ways of my people are... different. I would never... Hewston: Eh, he's not gonna make the first move. Teyla (assuredly): Ah, we shall see. Hewston: Look, you know him better than I do. Teyla: I would hope so. Hewston (knowingly): But I wouldn't be surprised if he was oblivious to the whole situation. Teyla: It bares no further discussion. Hewston: All right. I'm just sayin' if you want me to have somebody drop some hints... Teyla then changes the subject. They talk about why so many people have the day off. Hewston then asks if Teyla would like to get lunch with her. Teyla agrees then remembers she has left her bantos rods in the gym. So she turns around and heads back toward the gym. As she walks off an explosion occurs behind her and she is thrown. Teyla raises her head and sees a man who is on fire. When she tries to get up to help she notices she has a huge chunk of metal sticking out of her abdomen. She passes out.

                        Here is the link to my interpretation of that discussion:

                        The clock rolls back to three hours earlier that day, and we get to experience that day from Elizabeth's point of view. She ends up cancelling a dinner date with Teyla to go on a "not a date" with the attractive Mike Branton. Their "not a date" gets interrupted when Elizabeth is called to the control room to be informed of the explosion. Through out this we learn that Elizabeth believes she can't get involved romantically with those beneath her.

                        The clock rolls back again now to five hours earlier. This time we get to experience the day from John and Ronon's point of view. Teyla is walking down a corridor when John and Ronon walks in. John looks up and sees her. John: Oh! Hey! John jogs to catch up with her. There y’are. Ronon in the background still walking motions with his hand for her to run. Been lookin’ all over for you. John stops jogging when he reaches her. Teyla smiles up at John while glancing behind at Ronon. Teyla: Oh? John: What? Did you forget? Teyla glances at Ronon who has finally caught up with them. Teyla: Uh, no. She gives John a don't be silly look. John (shocked and disappointed): You forgot! She looks at Ronon who is making a weird scrunched up face then he smiles at her. Teyla looks at John. Teyla: You were going to teach Ronon and myself how to play She looks down at the golf club in John's hand. golf. John (pleased): That’s the plan. He smiles at her. Teyla: I am afraid I have made other plans. As she says this she glances between Ronon and John. Then she smile regretfully up at John. John (sternly): What other plans? Teyla: Having lunch with Elizabeth. John looks down at his watch. John: Well, you’ve still got time. Teyla's mouth opens, and she pauses for a minute searching for an excuse. Teyla: Yes, true. However, I am afraid I have been... quite delinquent in filing my mission reports. I had hoped to get caught up before I met with Elizabeth. As she says this she smiles brightly yet regretfully at John. John exchanges a look with Ronon then smiles cynically at her. It is quite obvious he doesn't believe her. John: Okay. Teyla's response is immediate. Teyla: If you would like, I could cancel ... John (interrupting): No, no, no, no. She could use a little time out of the office. Some other time. John gives her another smile that clearly says he is letting her off the hook for now. Teyla gives him a huge smile. Teyla: Some other time. She turns a victorious smile on Ronon. Teyla pats him on the arm as she passes. When she is gone Ronon tries to use the same excuse Teyla used. John refuses to let him off the hook as well. John tries to get Ronon into the sport, but it is clear Ronon would rather be anywhere else. Ronon gets John to stop golfing and go to the gym with him. He teaches John a sport he used to play on Sateda. Which is hilarious to watch. John gets tired of getting his butt kicked so he takes Ronon to his room. There they listen to music, drink beer, eat popcorn, and talk while John reads a magazine. John: You ever hang out with anyone else besides me and Teyla? Ronon shakes his head. I’m not saying we’re sick of you or anything. I dunno. Are you datin’ anyone? Ronon informs John he left behind a special someone back on Sateda and isn't ready to start dating yet. Ronon: What about you? John: Yeah, what about me? Ronon: When are you getting married? Ronon grins at him. John laughs ruefully. John: Already done that. Not very good at it. Besides, there really isn’t anyone here that... well you know. I find the smile that appears on John's face as he says "there really isn’t anyone here that..." interesting. Not to mention the way he looks up at the ceiling and doesn't make eye contact with Ronon. Love the look Ronon gives him. Ronon: I always thought you and Teyla would, uh... you know. Ronon gives him a cheeky grin. John stares at Ronon with a smile on his face and a blush on his cheeks. John: Really? Ronon continues to smile at him. Ronon (amused): Yeah. Why not? John looks away and makes an "eh" sound trying to come up with an answer. The explosions occurs and John and Ronon hurry to check it out. As Carson explains what he knows a person calls for him. They look down the hall. John's brows knit and he immediately hurries there, with Ronon and Carson behind him, when he sees Teyla on the stretcher. Some how Carson reaches her first. John goes to the other side, grabs the stretcher, and walks along with it. John (staring at Teyla): She gonna be OK, Doc? John looks her over. Carson: She’s lost a great deal of blood. We’re gonna need to get her to the Infirmary stat. John (not liking what he is hearing): Is she gonna be alright!? Carson just gives him a look then looks down at Teyla. Let’s go! Let’s move! John stops in his tracks and watches in horror as they take Teyla away. Then he looks back at the scene with the same expression on his face. Seeing Radek he immediatly starts to question him about what happened. All he knows is that for some unexplained reason Hewston exploded, and it wasn't a bomb.
                        Thank you BP! i just loved seeing all the different colors indicating how much J/T moments we got!. I loved your summary! you always spot moment that i didn't even noticed the first time around! Awesome!

                        Sig by Camy


                          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                          John and Teyla wallie.... contains season four spoilers...

                          Beautiful wallie Blue!!!!. It's nice to have another great moment between them to make wallies!. Love it!

                          Sig by Camy


                            For those who couldn't get to the Rapid Share link, I've just downloaded the Spacey clip to JTC. The link is in my sig. Enjoy!


                              Originally posted by happyatlantis View Post
                              Hi J/T shippers!! I too watched the vid and yeah, there's a slight bump or it could just be the angle or light or whatever, but yeah they both look sad.
                              The hug is much better than the Weir one. That one was very....reserved. John was hestitant but in this one he almost automatically where to put his hands.

                              Welcome Happyatlantis!!!

                              I agree, the J/T hug is definitely better than the J/W hug...heck, a handshake is better than the J/W hug LOL!

                              Sig by Camy


                                Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                                i hope this isn't a bad time to show my vid and i hope instead this vid helps bring smiles to all of least thats my hope! . I even dedicated this vid to all of you here at the J/T forums for encouraging me to do a J/T vid, so i hope you all enjoy it!.

                                Steph is such a sweetheart, she posted my vid at her site.


                                Check it out, and i hope you all enjoy it!

                                It's called In My Dreams and the song is Here without you by 3 Doors Down
                                It's never a bad time for good JT stuff! I'm downloading now! Is it alright to post to JTC as well? I'm really behind on vids, but I'll get it up eventually.

                                Speaking of which. Steph, might you be interested in maintaining the Vid's portion of JTC? Its gotten to be too much for me to keep up with and I know you're in the thick of the Vidders community. We'd even host your own private page for free if you'll help us out. You can e-mail me or IM me.

