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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    There is a prettiest women contest where you can post a pic once a day. The first to reach 50 pics wins. Go and support Teyla.


      Hi everyone!!
      Long time no see. RL has been... crazy. Everything seemed to go wrong at the same time but everything has been sorted out now thankfully. *phew*
      I'm almost at the end of my uni year (three exams then I'm free) so I have a lot of spare time on my hands so now I can come on here and annoy all of you loverly folks!

      I've been missing from the SGA fandom since I last came on here so I'm very behind but I have just read the Doopelganger spoilers and
      it sounds very promising indeed! I wonder what Teyla will dream about...? Any ideas about that one guys? I personally have no idea though I'm pretty sure it's going to have some lovely shippy bits in... I'd love to hear your thoughts about it all.

      *sits back and reclines in SGA fandom bliss* Aaah, good to be back!

      Someone notices you. Someone somewhere notices you the second you walk into a room. Find them. Because they’re waiting for you. Waiting for you to turn your head, say hello, and make their day the way you’ve made every single one of theirs. Find them.


        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
        Me too .... its always been about the team for me - I love all of them. They are the reason I watch. I never had any interest in Weir and also couldnt really care less who is charge though I think they will be able to use Carter in a better way than they could with Weir.

        Season four sounds fantastic and I'm really looking forward to the team being the focus and seeing each of them get more development.


        will really test the relationships they have with one another and with John. How are they going to react to him being evil and whumping them. Its got to cause some angst. Will they confront the real Sheppard when they wake up - will they be able to distinguish the nightmares from reality - oh the possibilities are endless.
        I just read the spoiler for Doppelganger and i must say, i was thinking the same thing Blue!

        This episode has a lot of potential to deal with the characters relationship with each other and especially with John. It will definitely be a test for them because imagine John who they trust at first, don't know what's going on, if its a dream, reality but having John be well...evil is going to put some strain on them. The possibilities are definitely endless lol. But best of all, i'm really curious as to what dream Teyla will be having before evil John enters her dream or will he try flirt with her or make her admit she has feelings for him....never know LOL!!.

        These spoilers are just getting me more and more excited for season 4 and i agree with everybody that this might be the best season ever because from the spoilers, they are really focusing on the Team dynamic and with all the changes they have been making, that is the one thing i hoped they wouldn't mess with and focus more on which it looks like they are .

        Sig by Camy


          I'm curious to see just how much this will have an impact on them...

          I mean think about this entity going to be something like Thalen, that it can also tap onto the mind of the real Sheppard and therefore know exactly which buttons to press for each character. If so, the differences between reality and dream will be very difficult for them if this entity is able to not only look like John but act like John...just a bit I'm wondering if that is the direction that they are going to go for..cause I would imagine that if he's totally off and completely dark, then it would seem more obvious for the others to know that something is not right with him. Next, I wonder if John himself will also have dreams.....or if it will be just John the evil twin in the minds and dreams of his team.....should be interesting...

          in the end, there won't be anything that will affect them if it's not "john" but if it somehow can be tied to this entity and reflecting some of the "real" John's characteristics....the side effects could be interesting....

          Oh, my could you imagine if Teyla confesses to an evil John! AH!


            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
            Do you have a link to the SGA fan awards -thanks..

            Hey, here you go:

            Last edited by jtjaforever; 19 April 2007, 10:09 PM.


              Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post

              Thank you


                John/Teyla wallie...



                  Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                  Now, since I'm of the opinion that the ex left him because he wasn't an ambitious military man, I don't see his past realationship factoring into this much. And I can't think of any good reason why he wouldn't stay and fight along side and for Teyla. That is at the heart of who John Sheppard is.
                  I think I missed this earlier. I don't see John as one to walk away either (he considers Teyla to be very special), but I do think that he would have to take a hard look at his actions and decide where to go from there. I also have a feeling that he won’t be able to help, but compare his past mistakes/actions to his current ones. (Or possibly his choice in women or their character.)

                  Originally posted by Camy View Post
                  Oy, I"m going to miss her! Who's going to read my rantings while she's gone!?


                  Vacations are over rated anyways!

                  Originally posted by Jodi518 View Post
                  Ill tell you what w/ the week i have been having i could use a vacation 2.

                  first, my computer crashes
                  second, my grandmother was in the hospital, everything is ok though
                  third, I get the stomach flu
                  fourth, I had some friends who were shot in the Virginia Tech shooting
                  fifth, I lost my job, and have to find a new one!!

                  And its only tuesday!!!

                  I SO need a Vac.
                  Glad to hear your friends are okay. Cheer up, things will get better soon.

                  Return 2: I loved it. I didn't get as much JT as I would have liked, but RDA is always funny. Good story, nice twist, but could have most definately lived without the Liz/Jack hug. What is she? The Hugging Bandit?

                  Oh, have funny Steph! Be safe...

                  Blue: Nice wallie!


                    This was passed on to me, and I"m sharing with you guys..

                    Fic recommendation....very funny!



                      Originally posted by Camy View Post
                      This was passed on to me, and I"m sharing with you guys..

                      Fic recommendation....very funny!

                      Oh thanks Camy..


                        You're welcome!

                        Thoughts on S4 episodes.....
                        you know I've been thinking...if John asks at the end if he was like Freddy Kreuger, and he asks Teyla if he had a gotte, then most likely John was not having his own dreams.....he was probably knocked out....or maybe John stays conscious while the team is dreaming he is desperately finding a way to save them.....I wonder what Teyla will dream about and I wonder how much of it she will share with John in real life! I'm excited about that episode...and did you guys read the new episode title...I think it will be a two parter, probably the cliffie mid season episode and it seems that it will be heavily, I don't think the Weir fans should complain at all....Weir isn't going to dissappear....


                          Hey guys,

                          Thanks for all your concerns and prayers!!! I doing fine and so are my friends they were both released from the hospital...and are resting at home!!!

                          Its friday and Atlantis is on tonight!!!!


                            Originally posted by Jodi518 View Post
                            Hey guys,

                            Thanks for all your concerns and prayers!!! I doing fine and so are my friends they were both released from the hospital...and are resting at home!!!
                            Thats great news Jodi -

                            yay !! Echoes on tonight - I loved that ep - can't wait to hear everyone's thougths on it.

                            Don't forget to go and support Teyla in the prettiest woman in Stargate thread.


                              Originally posted by Jodi518 View Post
                              Hey guys,

                              Thanks for all your concerns and prayers!!! I doing fine and so are my friends they were both released from the hospital...and are resting at home!!!

                              Its friday and Atlantis is on tonight!!!!
                              That is really good news...
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Doppleganger speculation...

                                I was wondering if Shep will be unconsious for most of the ep, and that is how the entity can use his unconsious mind to enter the minds of his team mates. The entity is using the image of Sheppard to whump his team. If Shep wasn't unconsious wouldn't his team confront him straight away as soon as they wake up. But if Shep is unconsious and they cannot wake him then they have no way of stoping whatever is invading their dreams while they sleep. So as well as coping with an evil Shep while they sleep they will have to figure out out to get the entity out of Sheppard and wake him up. Any thoughts!!

