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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
    Great wallie....she really looks good in that dress
    The dress and especially the style of the arms,,,are a lot like the one she had on in CM
    Thanks Nina..

    Yes it is like the dress in CM - I love the shape of it.

    A slightly different version..



      Beautiful dress i would pick the purple for teyla and the blue for me!!


        Oh, please don't let VB be the wedding coordinator....I"d die!

        Don't get me wrong. You got a good idea here since her dress in CM was very similar to what you chose, but I hope that the designers come up with something different and more sophisticated and elegant. That dress was not Teyla's best outfit, in my opinion. She's too tiny and that dress sort of drowned her. It was a similar style to that shirt that she wore at the end of 38 minutes....YUCK!

        Again, just my opinion.

        VB..Blue with Blue....No.....

        Personally, I think she would keep it simple. Her dress in CM was blue...but I would think that Blue, if it's indeed something of a meaningful thing, she wouldn't use it for her wedding as well as a death ceremony.

        Also, I'd guess that it would have to be a mix of cultures. For Earth to recognize Teyla as John's wife, they have to have a formal ceremony with a least a person who can legally marry them and make it legal in the eyes of our customs.

        I'd like it to be in Athos...since that is where they first met. But right now, the mainland is no longer an option for them and the Athosians are clearly not going back for me, it would be in Atlantis, in a balcony right at sunset...well we don't know if there is any sun but you get my point. And I would imagine that Ronon and Rodney would both serve as best man...they both mean a lot to John and Teyla...

        John would definetely wear his blue....but for me Teyla would wear something close but not white, although I wouldn't mind it. Maybe off white....or something close to that....there are so many variations of off-white now, that they aren't even called that anymore....but that would be my guess. I see something sleeveless since she loves to wear sleeveless shirts....I also see her hair up nicely and neatly place in a upper bun with curls flowing gently around her neck. I don't know that she would use a veil. That one I think I"m with you. But I"m sorry, I don't see her with a tiara, at all. Teyla is simple, and I'd like to keep her that way. Not that a tiara is bad, I wore a tiara similar to the one you posted. But for me, it wouldn't be Teyla's style...I could be wrong..but I think her hair would have some sort of broach, with flowers and baby's breath type of adornment. Again, simple.

        I see them both shining and beautifully matching one another...elegant....nothing extravagant and I do see a ring. I see John following that tradition as a must to recognize his wife in public in the Pegasus and on Earth....but again, something simple. I see him giving her a necklace as a gift for their wedding, too.

        Just my opinion.

        This is a very close version of their wedding day for me!

        Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 03 April 2007, 05:28 PM.


          Is there someone who could do a music video to this song, I think it's one of the ultimate / songs. It's number 53 on my list of / songs that I've posted here and will keep adding to.

          It's called Only a Woman Like You (this link lyrics) by Michael Bolton.

          The one used in this non-stargate music video.

          If I had to pick a song that they would dance to at a wedding, birthday or whatever then this would be it.

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            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            Oh, please don't let VB be the wedding coordinator....I"d die!
            You're just jealous, I have a detailed plan first.

            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            Don't get me wrong. You got a good idea here since her dress in CM was very similar to what you chose, but I hope that the designers come up with something different and more sophisticated and elegant. That dress was not Teyla's best outfit, in my opinion. She's too tiny and that dress sort of drowned her. It was a similar style to that shirt that she wore at the end of 38 minutes....YUCK!

            Again, just my opinion.
            She's from the pegasus galaxy AND her people live in tents, what do you mean you want her to wear something more sophisticated. I need a visual of what you mean, of a dress. Because if it looks anything like the poofy or even sleak satin dresses, I'll have something to say. Shoot even Seldear thought the dress I chose was far too formal, which I agreed with. They're natives---her dress from CM was very understated for the ring ceremony which would be considered formal. Not only that, I wouldn't want her to take in too much Earth characteristics. Plus I doubt she would, since this is a bonding ceremony of sorts. She'd go back to her people and I can see her being very adamant on following Athosian rituals, although she may allow John to have his traditions.

            I will admit I was debating on whether she would have an Atlantis wedding with Earth traditions. But I decided against it. Atlantis may be her home and she may have some friends the Athosians are her people and she would be with her people and follow their traditions. Further more, I have the feeling that she would prefer it to be as intimate as possible. She's a very reserved person. So I saw her being amongst her people with her closest friends from the Ex.

            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            VB..Blue with Blue....No.....

            Personally, I think she would keep it simple. Her dress in CM was blue...but I would think that Blue, if it's indeed something of a meaningful thing, she wouldn't use it for her wedding as well as a death ceremony.
            Technically it was more of an aqua and white. I saw the ring ceremony more as a representation of the circle of life. Hence the ring the people made. She died and she will be reborn. So rather than mourn the person they celebrate the rebirth of the person and their transition to that other plane. I don't see anything wrong with her wearing blue in both places. To us WE may have some views on death where we wear black to a funeral and most people wear white on their wedding day. I don't think Teyla or her people need to necessarily conform to those bonds. Actually, I doubt they do---their bonds are something far different.
            That being said, I think it's okay and I like the blue, but hey I liked the red too, and as I've said before that's a color of happiness for most cultures during a wedding day. While in some American traditions red is avoided and considered bad luck. Depends on her, so she could go for anything. I also don't think her going for blue, red, purple, or whatever color means that it may not be simple, if that's what you mean by her 'keeping it simple'.

            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            Also, I'd guess that it would have to be a mix of cultures. For Earth to recognize Teyla as John's wife, they have to have a formal ceremony with a least a person who can legally marry them and make it legal in the eyes of our customs.
            That's not necessarily true. In Connecticut, or I'm sure it is, you can have a common law marriage that is based on word of mouth. If you have a wedding on an island and take vows there, depending on the state they are supposed to recognize that as a marriage even if it's not made by "legal representatives". So they could just say a few vows for each other and claim marriage and John and put her name down---that is if the military allows. But we're in the PG---their laws really in essence mean nothing in the long run. Based on eps like Allies and the Return I/II I don't think John is really gonna move back to Earth. In any event that he does, and since Teyla is pretty much a diplomat, she could enforce that they recognize her traditions as a form of law and they would have to respect that. If that's the case, they wouldn't necessarily need a formal Earth ceremony, which I don't even think is necessary. As I said I find them too showy for Teyla, I see her as keeping it as private and intimate as possible, although she'd love to display her husband.

            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            I'd like it to be in Athos...since that is where they first met. But right now, the mainland is no longer an option for them and the Athosians are clearly not going back for me, it would be in Atlantis, in a balcony right at sunset...well we don't know if there is any sun but you get my point. And I would imagine that Ronon and Rodney would both serve as best man...they both mean a lot to John and Teyla...
            They know where her people are, they are on New Athos. And JM said
            we'll be seeing them again
            . Yes, they can have the people come to Atlantis, it's unfortunate the ring ceremony took place on Atlantis, I was hoping it was on the main land. But there was that case of Atlantis sinking---so I think if she could she would have it on the mainland or whatever land their on. I'd prefer it personally. I find Atlantis too cold at times---and I'm sorry but the architecture isn't appealing to me as a photo op.
            The best man thing was for John's Earth values, but I don't even think those titles are necessary. It would be them two exchanging intimate vows in front of their friends and family. Nothing more, nothing less.

            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            John would definetely wear his blue....but for me Teyla would wear something close but not white, although I wouldn't mind it. Maybe off white....or something close to that....there are so many variations of off-white now, that they aren't even called that anymore....but that would be my guess. I see something sleeveless since she loves to wear sleeveless shirts....I also see her hair up nicely and neatly place in a upper bun with curls flowing gently around her neck. I don't know that she would use a veil. That one I think I"m with you. But I"m sorry, I don't see her with a tiara, at all. Teyla is simple, and I'd like to keep her that way. Not that a tiara is bad, I wore a tiara similar to the one you posted. But for me, it wouldn't be Teyla's style...I could be wrong..but I think her hair would have some sort of broach, with flowers and baby's breath type of adornment. Again, simple.
            The diadem was an example. I hate and abhor veils. I don't picture diamonds and pearls, which i should have made clear, mentally mine was a bit different, but yes I do see her wearing something similar atop her head. As I've said in the past I see Teyla's people reminiscint of Indian culture, I wanted to maintain that---and add something similar to a Tikka. Unfortunately I found the gold to be too blaring and I don't see her wearing gold. But I do see her wearing something in adornment of that nature. Hair pulled back and something similar to a tikka/diadem on her head. I don't like Tiara's because they look too princessy, I'm not looking for that effect.

            As for white, I don't like anything white or it's cousins. And based on Teyla's fashion sense, I don't see white (or it's cousins) playing a major role in her dress. White is too austere and it's cousins actually will wash her out or just look dirty----off-white always looks like it needs to be washed in colorox.

            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            I see them both shining and beautifully matching one another...elegant....nothing extravagant and I do see a ring. I see John following that tradition as a must to recognize his wife in public in the Pegasus and on Earth....but again, something simple. I see him giving her a necklace as a gift for their wedding, too.

            Just my opinion.

            This is a very close version of their wedding day for me!

            Yeah, I'm against rings. I just don't like them in any way shape or form. They're cumbersome and since I don't see Teyla wearing on or ever wearing them---I'd figure she'd feel a bit uncomfortable with it. That doesn't mean she wouldn't wear it or John wouldn't get her one. I just don't see her wearing one. I prefer the necklace better. Further more, her last name will be enough for him to 'recognize his wife in public in the Pegasus and on Earth'---.

            Yeah it's a nice picture but I see a veil in that (ick) and why doesn't John have his military decorations... Anyway, I don't really like her hair in curls like that. Seems too much to me. But I like it when the brides wear buns and call it quits.
            Last edited by vaberella; 03 April 2007, 07:52 PM.
            Click statement above to read article.


              I think the purple one looks good but in my opinion if teyla was to choose a dress it would probably be something in athosion design as when shes off duty she still tends to wear athosion type tops so i think personally it would be some sort of an athosion culture style dress although i cant think quite of an image at the moment ill get back to you on that one
              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                im continueing my post about the dress this what i have come up with this sort of style dress but probably with longer arm cuffs like the one she wore in the episode CM

                and now for a necklace this is all i could come up with
                Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                  I also see Teyla wearing something more Athosian style and I like the purple/green dress and could easily see her wear something like that.

                  Camy I don't see her wearing anything white or even off white, as VB said she is an Athosian and her culture is quite different to earths. Your wedding photo of them is much too western for me - I want to see her in something more traditionally Athosian. I did like the blue dress she wore in CM though I do see what you mean when you say she was lost in it - but I still love the style and I think VB's dress's are a better version of that dress.

                  I still see an informal wedding - no fancy ceremonies, but something simple and outdoors. Teyla has been brought up with nature and living off the land - I don't even know if John would wear his dress blues. Have to think somemore on that one.


                    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                    I think the purple one looks good but in my opinion if teyla was to choose a dress it would probably be something in athosion design as when shes off duty she still tends to wear athosion type tops so i think personally it would be some sort of an athosion culture style dress although i cant think quite of an image at the moment ill get back to you on that one
                    I like purple too, I used to think it was her fave color. That would be cool. Normally and as I said in my first post---Witchy is aware of this. I just associate her culture to Indian culture. I saw all of Teyla's tops and those of her people similar to choli's and some of the women would wear long skirts or just fitted pants, like a modified Salwar Kameez (since they'd wear choli tops). Plus she's always in bright colors and the burial format for Charin---just one after the other, so I look to that as my base. I dotend to relate some African traditions to the Athos people as well.
                    But I just make assumptions on my knowledge of some tribal societies (within Africa) and work from there. I'm a bit upset that we don't have more on the Athos people and especially bonding/mating traditions---it would just be helpful in learning about the society. I'm only glad about it, because I can work in some imaginative outlines of my own to them.
                    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                    im continueing my post about the dress this what i have come up with this sort of style dress but probably with longer arm cuffs like the one she wore in the episode CM
                    I dunno, it matches the aqua color of the original dress of CM (minus the white). But I can't see her in a poof at the bottom. It's too prommy, that's why I hate those poofy wedding dresses.
                    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                    and now for a necklace this is all i could come up with
                    What's it mean? Does it have an origin or is it a basic design? What does it represent for you that you chose it? I'm just asking, since I'm not a fan of the design. Just wanted to know what grabbed you.
                    Last edited by vaberella; 04 April 2007, 12:08 AM. Reason: clarification
                    Click statement above to read article.


                      its celtic and it means spritiual and the design stands for culture thats wht made me choose it as teyla believes in her peoples culture and her people are also very spiritual so i thought it would be the perfect thing for teyla
                      Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                        Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                        its celtic and it means spritiual and the design stands for culture thats wht made me choose it as teyla believes in her peoples culture and her people are also very spiritual so i thought it would be the perfect thing for teyla
                        Not so keen on the dress but love the necklace - I Could see Teyla wearing something like that.


                          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                          I still see an informal wedding - no fancy ceremonies, but something simple and outdoors. Teyla has been brought up with nature and living off the land - I don't even know if John would wear his dress blues. Have to think somemore on that one.
                          Oh thanks for bringing this up BA. Oh my gosh, I was unsure on whether to touch those waters. I was battling on whether he would wear his dress blues. My laziness in trying to find him an out fit just had me settle him in his blues, but I couldn't picture John wearing his shiny black oxfords let alone a blue uniform to an outdoor wedding, which I definitely see happening. It would just look bad. I could hear my mum now, "brand new shows ruined for life". Don't get me wrong I do see them kneeling under a mandap...similar to a jewish chuppah (canopy). But just doesn't look right in my mind.

                          From what I can gather, a traditional hindu ceremony takes place outdoors on the earth under a mandap, a canopy, in the center of which is the sacred fire. Which is what I envision.<---See why I always relate Athosians to Indian...just something I see. (I didn't even know that until I did a search tonight on it, and I was looking for a Mandap.)

                          Here's a pic of a mandap:

                          Unfortunately, the ones I found seem a bit facetious but this is the idea. They get married under a canopy very simple maybe at night with pillars of fire lighting it.

                          The chuppah's I've seen are far more simple:



                          Just to clarify, I've seen a few chuppah's and mandaps. From my experience both can run from the very ornate to the very minimal---I just find that the chuppah's tend to be simple more often than not in comparison to the mandaps.
                          That still leaves us with not knowing what John would wear? I keep remembering the outfit that guy was wearing in Rising---the one who was taken first and I just naturally assumed was Teyla's intended, since he was everywhere she was. Maybe he'd wear some kind of traditional Athosian outfit, like that?! Or he could wear that [insert deity] awful beach-wear. You know the one characterized with a white shirt and either tan or white dockers! Ugh! Or he could wear blue with tan dockers----brings out his eyes like in Conversion---but still I'd be ugh!! I really can't fathom what John would wear.
                          But I agree that I can't really see the dress blues, I just went with it, though!
                          Click statement above to read article.


                            Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                            its celtic and it means spritiual and the design stands for culture thats wht made me choose it as teyla believes in her peoples culture and her people are also very spiritual so i thought it would be the perfect thing for teyla
                            Good choice then, now that I know where you're coming from. It's not too eye catching for me, but I see the meaning behind it and respect that. It is something I can see John getting. I figured John was Irish/German descent, and isn't Joe Flanigan of Irish lineage?! I only bring up JF because I know he likes product placement()---figured he'd do that if he was John to give to Teyla which would work as a great Earth/Athos fusion. Great choice!
                            Click statement above to read article.


                              thanks vaberella glad you got where i was coming from im trying to mix both and 's culture together in one out fit
                              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                                Are we planning john/teyla's wedding

