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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Angel007 View Post
    I can't wait to see the rest of season 3. I really want to watch Sunday, and if it weren't for dial-up, I'd be over on YouTube watching it there. But I was on reading about the EP, and part of the trivia is this: This episode (Sunday) is the first one to openly suggest Teyla and Sheppard as a couple. ... is that real? Or not?

    Also, thanks for the comments on my story, guys. I'm going back through my old stuff and editing. It's taking a lot of time, but I hope to write something for April Fool's day. I've been working on it for about a week now, but I really want to finish before tonight.
    Sunday was a really great epi...sad but great... I loved the J/T bits... loved the emotional sides to them...
    Sigs by Scifan


      Originally posted by outta-orbit View Post
      Hi guys …dropping by to share with you my second JT vid.

      downloading it...can you repost your first one since I missed it and I am too lazy to go hunt it down...who was the other person that posted another video, was it Nina...can you post it too? Please.


        Originally posted by outta-orbit View Post
        Hi guys …dropping by to share with you my second JT vid.

        Another great vid, Outta-orbit!!! Thank you soooo much!!!!! I needed a J/T fix today!
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
          Watching Rising always reconfirms for me why I like John and Teyla. Though I have to say I never saw any moments between S/W - I just saw those moments as John being John. John pretty much hid behind that flirty fly boy image in the beginning and I think he even used that flirty little grin of his on Sumner.
          I think John was smitten with Teyla the very first moment he laid eyes on her. Sure he used his charm to ease the tension that Sumner had created but he was genuinally facinated by this beautiful exotic woman. But as time went on John and Teyla have gotten closer and it is Teyla that John confides in and has opened up to. It is through Teyla we are getting to see more and more of the real John Sheppard - and seeing what is behind that mask of his. He has never opened up to any other woman the way he opens up to Teyla and to me this proves that he is not only comfortable in her presence but that she is more to him than a mere colleague.

          Totally agree, Blue!!! Oh, and in case I forgot to say it, I love your latest wallie!!!

          , love your fic, thank you so much!!! Another much needed J/T fix today! Thank you!!! Oh, and just a reminder, discussion about downloading/utubing episodes is not allowed. But that is AWESOME about that comment you saw in Wikipedia!!! Love it! LOL! Goes along nicely with that quiz that was in the last Stargate Magazine and is yet more "official" confirmation to what we already know.
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            [QUOTE=Jodi518;6515095]Hey i just wanted to let you know i just read this over at joe's blog...

            Craig MacD writes: “The Athosians (Teyla aside of course) haven't really played a big part in Atlantis since season 1, and I'm curious as to how well they've been faring on the mainland.”

            Answer: Actually, the Athosians are no longer on the mainland but have since been moved off-world to a place we’ll call New Athosia. More on the Athosians in season four.

            Anonymous #6 writes: “I was wondering if you'll be continuing showing the progression of Sheppard's and Teyla's relationship as you have been from season 3 into season 4?”

            Answer: Oh, we’ll be continuing to show the progression of everyone’s relationship.
            LOL, gotta love the man. Thanks Jodi!!! And nice to see confirmation on "New Athos" or Athosia as he called it. I wonder if that's official and they changed it a bit or if he forgot the name of Teyla's planet was actually Athos not Athosia, LOL!
            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


              Saw the video Orbit, and I Loved IT! The caps you have...some I don't think I've ever seen....and they are beautiful and crispy clear and nice and big...the caps you chose, the way you put it together was truly beautiful...NICE JOB! keep it coming!

              Angel...nice to have you back...Sweet Fic...thank you for sharing...and you will love the latter half of Season 3


                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                Saw the video Orbit, and I Loved IT! The caps you have...some I don't think I've ever seen....and they are beautiful and crispy clear and nice and big...the caps you chose, the way you put it together was truly beautiful...NICE JOB! keep it coming!

                Angel...nice to have you back...Sweet Fic...thank you for sharing...and you will love the latter half of Season 3
                Make sure you watch her first one too! She has gorgeous caps!!!!
                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  Hi All,

                  Great convo’s happening thanks, you guys have pretty much covered my feelings on most topics (which is why I keep coming here) …

                  Donna Booth – Just wanted to say hi, just read your comment on UTube… I loved your new vid “The Best of John and Teyla”… Thanks so much for sharing.

                  4prettierships – quote: “I must say that this hiatus is killing me and making me forget all the things I love about JT, but I'm trying really really hard! I can't wait til season 3 starts again here in the US! Then I can get back in the groove of things!”
                  I know what you mean, I am "hanging" for season 4… I am glad you are taking up the viding (you'll get hooked!). I cant wait to see your creation when complete.

                  Bluealien – Really love the wallies (Thanks heaps). How do you do them so quickly… ? I have tried photoshop (gave up its too hard). Kept meaning to give it another try… but umm... 6 months later… Im still avoiding it… ! and its ditto from me on your comment that their actions speak louder then words (love that!)

                  Nina – Cheers for the updates re: Con report

                  LoveConquers – Man, the episode recommendations… Wow! I could never whip up something like that from thin air… (Good’o)… Just wanted to say “WOW” as I was reading the summaries, it was like… oh yeah!... If I had the time I would watch them again. Cheers!!!

                  Outtaorbit – Great video… thanks for sharing.

                  Jodi518 – Thanks for Joe’s blog update, now I really cant wait for season 4 (sounds very promising)….

                  I haven’t had a chance to read any fics, hoping to get thru them sometime this week.

                  Have a great day guys!!!


                    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                    Watching Rising always reconfirms for me why I like John and Teyla. Though I have to say I never saw any moments between S/W - I just saw those moments as John being John. John pretty much hid behind that flirty fly boy image in the beginning and I think he even used that flirty little grin of his on Sumner.
                    I think John was smitten with Teyla the very first moment he laid eyes on her. Sure he used his charm to ease the tension that Sumner had created but he was genuinally facinated by this beautiful exotic woman. But as time went on John and Teyla have gotten closer and it is Teyla that John confides in and has opened up to. It is through Teyla we are getting to see more and more of the real John Sheppard - and seeing what is behind that mask of his. He has never opened up to any other woman the way he opens up to Teyla and to me this proves that he is not only comfortable in her presence but that she is more to him than a mere colleague.

                    Perfectly said Bluealien!. For me, yes it's always been John and Teyla all the way, there chemistry is undeniable but, at the very beginning of the show i could see how people at times saw something between John and Weir all though i didn't see it as shippy. I think you hit it right in the nail with mentioning John's charm because he does use it a lot and too me, some people see his charm as flirting with Weir but i don't see it that way. You just have to look at the difference in which he treats Weir as appose to Teyla. There is a difference with being his usual charming self but when it come to Teyla, it's not just charm it's this fire you see in his eye's when he looks at her!. For me though, the one thing that separates his relationship with Teyla among all the others is his ability to open up with her and show what's in him deep inside. She is the only person to date that can get him to open up without constantly cracking a joke. With Weir it's all about avoiding personal subjects, he is uncomfortable with sharing feelings with others except Teyla and that too me is very telling. I for one got annoyed with the TPTB for a while constantly ending a scene with John and Weir at the end because to me, it was just dead. He would either crack a joke or end it with nothing really meaningful. The total opposite when they ended it with him and Teyla like in Phantoms, heck it didn't even have to end with them, just look at the scene's in Sunday, Sateda, The Ark the list could go on and on.

                    Sig by Camy


                      Your welcome and Thanks much you guys for your wonderful words.

                      Camy I’ll keep ‘em coming as often as I can.
                      And as per your request…here’s the link to the other vid…


                      Whenever, Where ever, Whatever, I'll risk life and limb when it comes to you.
                      Pretty Sig by Annie Shep.


                        Originally posted by hakea View Post
                        Hi All,

                        Great convo’s happening thanks, you guys have pretty much covered my feelings on most topics (which is why I keep coming here) …

                        Donna Booth – Just wanted to say hi, just read your comment on UTube… I loved your new vid “The Best of John and Teyla”… Thanks so much for sharing.

                        4prettierships – quote: “I must say that this hiatus is killing me and making me forget all the things I love about JT, but I'm trying really really hard! I can't wait til season 3 starts again here in the US! Then I can get back in the groove of things!”
                        I know what you mean, I am "hanging" for season 4… I am glad you are taking up the viding (you'll get hooked!). I cant wait to see your creation when complete.

                        Bluealien – Really love the wallies (Thanks heaps). How do you do them so quickly… ? I have tried photoshop (gave up its too hard). Kept meaning to give it another try… but umm... 6 months later… Im still avoiding it… ! and its ditto from me on your comment that their actions speak louder then words (love that!)

                        Nina – Cheers for the updates re: Con report

                        LoveConquers – Man, the episode recommendations… Wow! I could never whip up something like that from thin air… (Good’o)… Just wanted to say “WOW” as I was reading the summaries, it was like… oh yeah!... If I had the time I would watch them again. Cheers!!!

                        Outtaorbit – Great video… thanks for sharing.

                        Jodi518 – Thanks for Joe’s blog update, now I really cant wait for season 4 (sounds very promising)….

                        I haven’t had a chance to read any fics, hoping to get thru them sometime this week.

                        Have a great day guys!!!
                        No problem!!! Happy to help!!
                        I just excited about the new season, sucks that we have to wait for fall because that was my summer show!!! But luckly i have Eureka!!! I think with season 4 starting in the fall more people will tune in more because in the summer people are often running around and enjoying the weather and when fall comes people start to going to go into hibernation....I hope they advertise alot because i don't want another show of my cancelling.


                          Well, I got my April Fool's story up. Took me a bit. It's short, but I hope you like!


                          (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


                            Hi All,

                            FYI... New video...Hope you like it.

                            **WARNING** - - Whole clip is based on "Season 3".


                              Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                              Perfectly said Bluealien!. For me, yes it's always been John and Teyla all the way, there chemistry is undeniable but, at the very beginning of the show i could see how people at times saw something between John and Weir all though i didn't see it as shippy. I think you hit it right in the nail with mentioning John's charm because he does use it a lot and too me, some people see his charm as flirting with Weir but i don't see it that way. You just have to look at the difference in which he treats Weir as appose to Teyla. There is a difference with being his usual charming self but when it come to Teyla, it's not just charm it's this fire you see in his eye's when he looks at her!. For me though, the one thing that separates his relationship with Teyla among all the others is his ability to open up with her and show what's in him deep inside. She is the only person to date that can get him to open up without constantly cracking a joke. With Weir it's all about avoiding personal subjects, he is uncomfortable with sharing feelings with others except Teyla and that too me is very telling. I for one got annoyed with the TPTB for a while constantly ending a scene with John and Weir at the end because to me, it was just dead. He would either crack a joke or end it with nothing really meaningful. The total opposite when they ended it with him and Teyla like in Phantoms, heck it didn't even have to end with them, just look at the scene's in Sunday, Sateda, The Ark the list could go on and on.

                              Yes I agree - and I love how you describe the fire in his eyes - this is exactly the difference I see when he is with Teyla as opposed to any other woman. With other woman John is just being friendly and charming and he never ever goes near any emotional stuff. That why I have never seen anything but friendship moments between him and Weir. He has never had one intimate moment with her other than work related issues. The balcony scenes were always the same - John would crack a joke but there was never anything meaningful. When the opportunity to say something meaningful came up John never went there because that is not the type of relationship he has with her.

                              In the Return.
                              You can clearly see the difference in how John is with Teyla - the emotion he shows when they say good bye. His voice, body language all scream that he has feelings for this woman - he is like a fish out of water back at the SGC and only comes to life when he gets the opportunity to go back to the PG and see Teyla. Speaking of fire in his eyes - his eyes were pretty smoldering when he first laid eyes on Teyla and her smile was breathing - have either of them EVER reacted to anyone else like this. John comes alive around Teyla - we can see the passion in him spill over in her company and vice versa.
                              Last edited by bluealien; 02 April 2007, 08:08 AM.


                                Originally posted by hakea View Post
                                Hi All,

                                FYI... New video...Hope you like it.

                                **WARNING** - - Whole clip is based on "Season 3".

                                Great video hakea.

                                I just love watching all those fanfastic moments they shared in season three. Thanks for sharing.

