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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy View Post
    Blue, Nina...I"m glad you liked them....I will see if I can do more of this in the Galleria...I just don't want to attract any negative attention if you know what I mean..I tend to do that a lot without even knowing it....

    and yes...if one thing I loved about these two is those looks that scream so much! it's powerful and I've never seen anything so subtle and yet so hot and meaningful....

    other shows you see the look of tension and the look of desire very prominent because its just that obvious...these two have this subtle way about them that just screams the desire, affection and the connection while at the same time maintaining that professional respect and distance from one another...of coarse, in Conversion...that wasn't the case! LOL

    I agree Camy....that's one of the thing I love so much about them...just how they can show all that but yet have it be subtle...
    Well Conversion...I guess there it came more in a way of that he knew what he wanted,,,he's look there sure told one that... and he went for it... even if that part came out... that took what he wanted he did think of her like when he asked her is she was okay... he lost a bit of control there like I know he really doesn't like,,, but he was still John who cared about her feelings...

    No don't worry when it comes to the pics Camy...I visit the galleria too so no worries there... no need for tons of pics in here,,, it was just great to get some pics for all the posts that pretty much writes it down what those pics show us...
    Sigs by Scifan


      Thanks for posting those Camy - I know we are ment to post pictures in the Gallleria but hopeufully a few here won't upset anyone.

      I love the looks they share, they are subtle but yet hold so much meaning. I love how they seem so genuine around each other. I would hate if John flirted or Teyla batted her eyes at him in such an obvious manner,

      Thats why I think these two could have a relationship and still remain professional when it comes to work. They have always had such a deep connection and as you say Nina don't always need to verbalise their thoughts.
      They seem to know exactly what the other is thinking and we could just see from the looks they gave each other in The Return part 1 how delighted they were to see each other again. Colonel Smirkypants couldn't keep his eyes off Teyla when he saw her for the first time and her smile to him just lit up her whole face.
      Last edited by bluealien; 27 November 2006, 12:50 PM.


        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
        Thanks for posting those Camy - I know we are ment to post pictures in the Gallleria but hopeufully a few here won't upset anyone.

        I love the looks they share, they are sutble but yet hold so much meaning. I love how they seem so genuine around each other. I would hate if John flirted or Teyla batted her eyes at him in such an obvious manner,

        Thats why I think these two could have a relationship and still remain professional when it comes to work. They have always had such a deep connection and as you say Nina don't always need to verbalise their thoughts.
        They seem to know exactly what the other is thinking and we could just see from the looks they gave each other in The Return part 1 how delighted they were to see each other again. Colonel Smirkypants couldn't keep his eyes off Teyla when he saw her for the first time and her smile to him just lit up her whole face.

        Oh you crack me up Blue....

        Yes I do think smirkypants did a very good job there showing just what he felt at that moment,,,and her face well it lit up the whole settlement with that smile... oh they sure missed eachother and was so glad to see eachother again.... and just the way she said John.... his look was like he had been given his best Christmas or birthday present ever....

        And yes just as you said I do believe they could have a relationship and yet work together...they are that professional that they can keep work seperate from the off duty.... they might give eachother looks when they are in a relaxed manner off world... but when it comes down to it ,,, and most times it actually is useful..that instead of saying what needs to be done they communicate with their eyes and if there is an enemy they wouldn't even know anything of their plans since they haven't spoken it out load...just with a silent communication...
        Shep might be able in a small sense to pull that off with Ronan,,that he can tell what John wants to have done...with Rodney however well he had to be hit over the head to get the message through... no I think John and Teyla are the ones to understand eachother so much of the whole team...
        Sigs by Scifan


          We saw in Phantoms..
          Even when John was under the influence of the Wraith device Teyla still got through to him. Its interesting that he saw her as a friend and not the enemy either. During his hallucinations he saw both Ronan and Rodney as the enemy but not Teyla - and spent the whole ep trying to protect her. So even subconciously he could never harm her.

          We saw this same trait in Conversion. He takes out the marines but yet restrains himself when it comes to Teyla. As much as some insist that the kiss was an assault - I saw it as John doing what he had wanted to do for so long - grab the woman he was desparately attracted to and kiss her. His inhibitions had been lowered and he was acting out on something he had always wanted to do.
          Teyla was obviously taken back by his actions and a bit stunned but she didn't push him off. This is a woman who is the leader of her people, a warrior who has gone up against the Wraith, kicked John's ass on many occasions = so if she thought she was being assaulted she would have had John on his ass in a second.

          The connection between John and Teyla has always been strong- but I think that John has opened up a lot more in season three and it has always been to Teyla. This is not the same John from season one - where he didn't give too much thought to his own safety. Now he seems to feel that he has a family, and that he has a home and a life.

          In Common ground
          He was quite adament that he wanted to get back to his life. Now that he has experienced being separated from Teyla in the Return, I think that he is also now quite aware of just who he wants in that life - and from his reaction to seeing Teyla it seems clearly that it is Teyla.


            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
            We saw in Phantoms..
            Even when John was under the influence of the Wraith device Teyla still got through to him. Its interesting that he saw her as a friend and not the enemy either. During his hallucinations he saw both Ronan and Rodney as the enemy but not Teyla - and spent the whole ep trying to protect her. So even subconciously he could never harm her.

            We saw this same trait in Conversion. He takes out the marines but yet restrains himself when it comes to Teyla. As much as some insist that the kiss was an assault - I saw it as John doing what he had wanted to do for so long - grab the woman he was desparately attracted to and kiss her. His inhibitions had been lowered and he was acting out on something he had always wanted to do.
            Teyla was obviously taken back by his actions and a bit stunned but she didn't push him off. This is a woman who is the leader of her people, a warrior who has gone up against the Wraith, kicked John's ass on many occasions = so if she thought she was being assaulted she would have had John on his ass in a second.
            very well said....I missed he exhibits the same type of behavior by continually seeing Teyla as a friend, or to the point of not hurting her but others that he deems a threat that are around her.

            I also agree with the 'kiss'...I mean it wasn't perfect, but it just showed you another part of Sheppard, i served it's purpose by showing his control slipping, and his mental deteriation.

            The connection between John and Teyla has always been strong- but I think that John has opened up a lot more in season three and it has always been to Teyla. This is not the same John from season one - where he didn't give too much thought to his own safety. Now he seems to feel that he has a family, and that he has a home and a life.
            Exactly, the scene that comes to mind was
            the cafe scene in Sateda....I don't think we got something that emotional, or personal with anyone else and sheppard, where they could tell exactly what he was trying to say

            In Common ground
            He was quite adament that he wanted to get back to his life. Now that he has experienced being separated from Teyla in the Return, I think that he is also now quite aware of just who he wants in that life - and from his reaction to seeing Teyla it seems clearly that it is Teyla.
            Two eye opening events....perfect material for fanfics...and for expansion of their characters by TPTB

            R.I.P Wraithlord

            Awesome sig by SciFan


              Very well said Blue and WB.... agree what you both just said...
              Sigs by Scifan


                im posting some of my favourite john and teyla looks i am so tired that i made them in to a slide show now im off to bed i accidently posted the same pic twice
                Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                  Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                  im posting some of my favourite john and teyla looks i am so tired that i made them in to a slide show now im off to bed i accidently posted the same pic twice
                  Cool....great pics...
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    before i go to bed just wandering if there is any jt moments in tonights episode will anybody be posting spoilers tommorow anyway off to bed cant wait to read if there is any
                    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                      Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                      before i go to bed just wandering if there is any jt moments in tonights episode will anybody be posting spoilers tommorow anyway off to bed cant wait to read if there is any
                      I'm sure if there are any moments between them...the spoilers will end up here... behind spoiler tags of course with written above it so people can know it's about the episode that has just aired... think that would be most simple... I think we are doing that in one of the Sheppard threads just so those who don't want to know anything about the epi can see what the spoiler tag is they don't accidently see something they don't want to...

                      For me I wont be able to see the epi until thusday evening... but if I see any J/T moments I'll comment on them to some degree...
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                        im posting some of my favourite john and teyla looks i am so tired that i made them in to a slide show now im off to bed i accidently posted the same pic twice
                        Thanks for the pics Donna - they are great.


                          just been on gateworld and they have revealed another new cast member he will appear in the episode first strike at the end of season 3 mitch pileggis character colonol caldwell will be reduced as he is busy working on his new show the the new cast members name has been revealed as micheal beach im posting the article link here
                          Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                            Yeah I've read about that too Donna... just wondering how they will manage all of them....
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              I've just seen Echoes, and...

                              I liked this episode. I laughed out loud several times, and although Ronon and Teyla were together a lot, she didn't respond to him in a way that indicates a two-way romantic interest. Also, some people might make noise over a scene in which Sheppard carries Weir to the infirmary after she collapses, but in that same scene, he leaves her gurney and goes to see Teyla, so...*shrugs*

                              One thing that irks me though, is there's no mention of the events from The Return, and it's business as usual in the city. I feel like they should've had some kind of closure on getting the city back, and the lengths they went to in order to remain there. At the very least, I would've liked to have seen Sheppard get reamed for disobeying another direct order, or at least a warning, even though it all worked out in the end.

                              The Sheppard/McKay snark was in top form in this episode for those who enjoy that, and Teyla got way more screen time than she did in the last episode. Yay!

                              I'll have a complete summary soon.
                              Sig by Camy


                                Just watched Echoes!

                                Well, I'm a bit torn on this one. From a J/T perspective, a rather boring ep for them! But from a plot perspective, it was nice. It takes place in the city and has a great balance of all the team, so I really enjoyed that. It kind of reminded me of Critical Mass in the way that John, Rodney, and Zalenka were busy working with the whales, while Teyla had much of the B story, going through her own bit of emotional trauma. This ep was very paired off, Teyla and Ronon and John/Rodney/Zalenka. Elizabeth then had her scenes equally split with mostly Teyla in the first half and then the others in the second half.

                                So first the disappointing part from the J/T perspective. They had no scenes together, other than one quick flash towards the end. With that comment out of the way, here is a plot summary from memory and on very little sleep, so bear with me!

                                At the beginning, John is picking up Zalenka from an overnight observation trip on the mainland. Ronon is in a bad mood because he had gone with Zalenka in hopes of doing some hunting, but was unable to do so due to the noise of his testing machines. John tells Ronon that "you might want to take Teyla up on her offer of meditation lessons. It looks like you could use a little unwinding." Sure enough, next scene Teyla attempts to teach Ronon to meditate. He is sitting behind her and she is prompting him along with meditation when she is interrupted by the sounds of his snoring. LOL! Very cute moment! So that begins most of Teyla and Ronon's scenes together. They are walking down the hallway and she suddenly sees a vision of an Ancient and then that of a burned man. Soon after, she and Ronon are sparring and she again sees more visions. At first she is the only one so she thinks perhaps it is the ghosts of the murdered Ancients trying to communicate with her. Kate suggests that maybe she is just tired. Then Elizabeth sees a vision and soon Caron and others. Kate at first thinks they're all just tired and it's the power of suggestion, but they soon realize it's more.
                                Meanwhile John and Rodney are off working with the whales. After he returns from the mainland, John is called by Rodney to a balcony. He has John look through binoculars to see that the same whale that saved his life is hovering around the city. Rodney calls him "Sam" for obvious reasons. They see another giant whale on the sensors and realize Sam is a baby and momma is the size of a "Canadian football field." John and Rodney take a jumper out to explore, while Zalenka monitors and directs them. They soon realize there are hundreds of whales moving upon Atlantis. Underwater and up close, John and Rodney start getting severe headaches. They realize it's the pressure from the whales sonar echoes. Rodney gets a bloody nose and then passes out. John manages to fly the jumper back home as both his and Rodney's eardrums are perforated. In the infirmary, Carson tells them and Elizabeth that they'll be fine eventually. A humorous moment when Rodney and John talk very loud from being temporarily hard of hearing.

                                The scenes continue on much in this fashion. Teyla's symptoms get more severe, more headaches, etc until she ends up in the infirmary just after John and Rodney escape against Carson's wishes to go check out a new lab Rodney found on the sensors that was previously underwater and had been recently fixed by the Asurans. The pressure from all the whales is giving everyone massive headaches and causing them to pass out, etc. More and more are sick. The Daedalus arrives to help.

                                Brief moment with John walking down the hall with Elizabeth and he asks her how Teyla is doing. Then back to business of trying to figure out what the whales are doing there. They eventually figure out the whales are trying to help them, not hurt them. Every 15,000 years, there is a massive blast from the sun and will hit the planet very soon. The visions are images projected by the whales using an attempted communication method the ancients had established with them in an old experiment that Rodney discovers in the new lab. The whales are trying to warn them of this impending blast and are seeking shelter under the city. With only one ZPM (two were given away to Earth and the Odyssey), they can protect the city, but not the rest of the planet and the entire eco-system will be destroyed. No mention of the Athosians though, so I assume they are still back on the planet the Ancients moved them to in Return Part One.

                                Lots of nice Teyla/Ronon scenes in this ep, from the meditation, to the sparring, and then to the infirmary. He stays with her and when she gets dangerously ill, he holds her hand, cups her chin, and tells her she still has to teach him more meditation. It was a beautiful scene between them! And yes, of course the Teyla/Ronon shippers will love it, but that ship doesn't bother me in the least so I don't begrudge them their joy. It really was a nice scene with Ronon watching over her with brotherly love and concern. We know they are brotherly because they have all said so, and you can see it in their language as well. Having spent the past few weeks in the hospital with my severely injured friend and watching how her brother hovered over her, this scene was very touching in that same way for me. It actually brought tears to my eyes, not from the scene, but from the memories of my friend's brother also holding her hand and trying to make her smile through the pain. Beautiful I thought.

                                As they are discussing what to do, Elizabeth is the next to faint. John and the others don't quite catch her in time and she hits the floor. Nice quick shot of John then carrying Elizabeth through the infirmary doors and laying her on the bed. So of course the J/W shippers will love this moment as the Teyla/Ronon shippers will love those other scenes, lol. But again, they don't bother me. They were nice I thought!
                                Carson comes quickly over. John looks around and sees a man being covered in a sheet and Carson tells him it's the first fatality. John makes that gorgeous "this is getting serious and I need a plan" expression with his creased forehead, determined eyes, and licking of lips. He sees Teyla and walks over to her bedside for the, oh so very brief and only J/T scene together! She is unconscious. John asks Ronon, "How is she?" Ronon replies, "Out of time." John makes that expression again as he keeps his eyes on her and throws back, "We all are," as he abruptly turns and leaves for the door. Ronon calls back to him, "Shepherd, you got a plan?" John turns back around, eyes again going to Teyla as he answers, "Sure," makes that face again and leaves in determination. So wayyyyy to short for us J/T shippers this week, LOL! You can see the practicality in the way the writers wrote up the pairings for this episode, but I still would have changed things a little bit if I had any say in the matter, hehe. As I mentioned before, this one really reminded me of Critical Mass in that regard. Practical and understandable, but a bit disappointing from the possibilities that could have been from a J/T perspective. Hence, fanfiction. I hope we see some ep tags from this one!

                                John then comes up with a plan to take the ZPM to extend the Daedalus' shields and get close to the sun, using the ship as a giant umbrella to block the rays from the planet, or some such techno babble that went over my head on only two hours of sleep. Rodney tells him it's an awful plan, but as it's their only one and the event is seconds from occurring, they do it. It of course works, and they are all safe in the end. The ship has some damage, but is repairable. The whales happily swim off.

                                Final scenes are Teyla again attempting to teach Ronon to meditate, warning him he better not fall asleep again. He hands her a bantos stick (or some other one, looked a little different?) and tells she can hit him with it if he does. They grin. Very cute. My only annoyance is I like to think of the sparring room as John and Teyla's special place, but I know that is not the case in reality since Teyla has sparred with others before in there. But I'm still disappointed that we finally get more scenes in there and John isn't in sight. But alas, nice moments in there still. I love the moments in that room!
                                Final scene is then of Rodney back out on the balcony, watching the last lingering whale, Sam. John joins him briefly, quick talk about how Sam is saying goodbye and how Rodney and "Sam" have now saved each other's lives, so are even. John claps Rodney on the shoulder and leaves, Rodney looks thoughtfully out to sea, fade to black. LOL, ok, the ending is a bit cheesy with Rodney looking longingly after his whale, but still nice.

                                So that's about it. No real J/T scenes this week unfortunately, so that is disappointing, but I know as much as we'd like them, we can't get them every week. Overall, a nice ep. Nice mix of characterization (which I love!) and action/tension and nice balance of screen time between all the characters! Not one of my favorites because of the lack of J/T, but a nice one that made me smile and reminded me of some beautiful love that I witnessed between family these past few weeks.

                                From a more shallow standpoint, I loved seeing Teyla in some new outfits! We had a new meditation outfit, some pajamas, and the return of her beautiful sparring outfit. In his separate scenes, black t-shirt clad John looked as hot as ever.

                                Last edited by LoveConquers; 28 November 2006, 07:42 AM.
                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

