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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Just_breathing View Post
    You know, I've always wanted to live in Canada and the lack of hiatus just makes me want to live there just that little bit more. hehe.
    Yay for spoilers is all I can say!
    Thanks for the info.

    The name of the ep airing on Monday is Echoes, then Irresponsible and then Sunday.


      Thanks to everyone for the caps and spoilers! Next up ECHOES, IRRESPONSIBLE and then SUNDAY, yeah!!


        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
        The name of the ep airing on Monday is Echoes, then Irresponsible and then Sunday.
        No real idea what Echoes is about,,,but I'm sure am looking forward to Irresponisble and sunday...

        The return of Kolya in Irresponsible and then hopefully some real good stuff on J/T in Sunday.... I hope....
        Sigs by Scifan


          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
          No real idea what Echoes is about,,,but I'm sure am looking forward to Irresponisble and sunday...

          The return of Kolya in Irresponsible and then hopefully some real good stuff on J/T in Sunday.... I hope....
          They all sound pretty good.

          Though I'm not really looking forward to seeing Lucius again. Lol. I really detested his character. Can't believe that TPTB are bringing him back again. Can't wait to see Koylaa though and Sheps reaction. I wonder if there will be a big showdown between them. Sunday is definitely an ep to look foward to. I hope we get some good J/T interaction. Not expecting anything majorly shippy as I don't trust the PTB to go down that route, but I will be happy if we get some good moments between them. And if Teyla is hurt I want to see Shep showing some concern.


            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
            They all sound pretty good.

            Though I'm not really looking forward to seeing Lucius again. Lol. I really detested his character. Can't believe that TPTB are bringing him back again. Can't wait to see Koylaa though and Sheps reaction. I wonder if there will be a big showdown between them. Sunday is definitely an ep to look foward to. I hope we get some good J/T interaction. Not expecting anything majorly shippy as I don't trust the PTB to go down that route, but I will be happy if we get some good moments between them. And if Teyla is hurt I want to see Shep showing some concern.
            Yes I'm looking forward to all of course too...

            No I'm not looking forward to see Lucius again...such a creep... glad John put him in place...
            Yeah it's going to be intresting to see John's reaction to meeting Kolya again...he can't be happy facing him again...
            No I really don't expect there to be any major shippy thing in Sunday since just as you I don't really trust the PTB to go down that route...but I hope for some good moments between them,,and to show once and for all where his feelings lie...not that we have to be told we already know that...
            Maybe she will be hurt in the explosion of being close to it and John showing concern for her that case then I guess he will show that 2 times in later epi...if it might be in Sunday then again in The Ark I believe...since the sound to that is that she will be hurt in that one... but not 100% sure...
            Sigs by Scifan


              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
              Yes I'm looking forward to all of course too...

              No I'm not looking forward to see Lucius again...such a creep... glad John put him in place...
              Yeah it's going to be intresting to see John's reaction to meeting Kolya again...he can't be happy facing him again...
              No I really don't expect there to be any major shippy thing in Sunday since just as you I don't really trust the PTB to go down that route...but I hope for some good moments between them,,and to show once and for all where his feelings lie...not that we have to be told we already know that...
              Maybe she will be hurt in the explosion of being close to it and John showing concern for her that case then I guess he will show that 2 times in later epi...if it might be in Sunday then again in The Ark I believe...since the sound to that is that she will be hurt in that one... but not 100% sure...

              Sunday and the Ark definitely have potential for some good J/T moments so I am really looking forward to them. They both have the possibilities of some J/T angst. Joe also seems so enthusiastic about season three that I guess I am too. It would be nice if the writers could make it clear as to where John's feelings lie (I know we know where they lie) but it would be nice to get something a bit more concrete. So far this season they really have being giving us more intimate moments between them, while John and Weir have become more distant and the Return part 1 showed that they really have nothing in commom besides the running of Atlantis, so I hope that this is the PTB's way of showing us exactly the different kind of relationship John has with both women.


                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                Sunday and the Ark definitely have potential for some good J/T moments so I am really looking forward to them. They both have the possibilities of some J/T angst. Joe also seems so enthusiastic about season three that I guess I am too. It would be nice if the writers could make it clear as to where John's feelings lie (I know we know where they lie) but it would be nice to get something a bit more concrete. So far this season they really have being giving us more intimate moments between them, while John and Weir have become more distant and the Return part 1 showed that they really have nothing in commom besides the running of Atlantis, so I hope that this is the PTB's way of showing us exactly the different kind of relationship John has with both women.
                Yeah I agree with you on that Blue....

                I would also like that they would once and for all just stop this that you can't really grasp it ,,,but just give us something concrete as to where his feeling lie...even if we know other seems to have to see it as well .........
                Yeah Joe is really enthusiastic about the season that so am I... can't help not to be *lol*
                I truly hope for some great moments between J/T for the rest of the season... and hopefully in the future episodes as well when they drive on into season 4...
                I agree The return 1 sure showed his different relationships with both of the women... he seemed so close to Teyla.. you could just tell on the way he acted and the way he spoke to her and the fact that he showed emotion infront of everyone in the gateroom,.,.,just how much she means to him...and then his realtionship with Weir is of two co-workers that have respect for eachother and are friends,,but it just showed that other then Atlantis they don't seem to have anything in common since he didn't even bother checking up on her when they got back to earth and there was nothing stopping them...but he just moved on,,took the whole deal and didn't act like his life had ended..even if he was unhappy he went on with his life...and he had far more to loose then her from the way that his life and career has been before he came to Atlantis... so no I really don't see anything but respect and friendship between those two... but a more strong and deep bond between John & Teyla since he had her in his mind the minute he had the chance to get back... then the looks and smiles he gave her... he didn't even hardly look at anyone else..he only had eyes for her... it was like the rest wasn't even there... so no I think you can clearly see where his true feelings lie... it just have to be told so it will be concrete once and for all...
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                  Yeah I agree with you on that Blue....

                  I would also like that they would once and for all just stop this that you can't really grasp it ,,,but just give us something concrete as to where his feeling lie...even if we know other seems to have to see it as well .........
                  Yeah Joe is really enthusiastic about the season that so am I... can't help not to be *lol*
                  I truly hope for some great moments between J/T for the rest of the season... and hopefully in the future episodes as well when they drive on into season 4...
                  I agree The return 1 sure showed his different relationships with both of the women... he seemed so close to Teyla.. you could just tell on the way he acted and the way he spoke to her and the fact that he showed emotion infront of everyone in the gateroom,.,.,just how much she means to him...and then his realtionship with Weir is of two co-workers that have respect for eachother and are friends,,but it just showed that other then Atlantis they don't seem to have anything in common since he didn't even bother checking up on her when they got back to earth and there was nothing stopping them...but he just moved on,,took the whole deal and didn't act like his life had ended..even if he was unhappy he went on with his life...and he had far more to loose then her from the way that his life and career has been before he came to Atlantis... so no I really don't see anything but respect and friendship between those two... but a more strong and deep bond between John & Teyla since he had her in his mind the minute he had the chance to get back... then the looks and smiles he gave her... he didn't even hardly look at anyone else..he only had eyes for her... it was like the rest wasn't even there... so no I think you can clearly see where his true feelings lie... it just have to be told so it will be concrete once and for all...
                  I agree 100% Nina,

                  But the writers can still mess us around though. I don't know why they are so afraid to go with a relationship. I really don't think that viewers like the "will they, won't they" scenario. In season two the writers really did mess around with both ships and that is really annoying but at least now they seem to be trying to show us more clearly exactly what kind of relationship John has with both women. There has always been a deeper more emotional bond between John and Teyla, but whether the writers will actually ever manifest this into anything is anyones guess. They seem to think that as soon as feelings are made known, or if a relationship is manifested then we lose interest. That doesn't really say much for their writing abilities.

                  I would never expect a relationship to dominate a sci fi show - if done well like in Farscape it can be a huge benefit to the show. John and Teyla are perfect in so far as I could see them having a relationship in the background but it never interfering with their jobs. It would give us more insight into the emotional side of both of them. We have seen John open up more around Teyla than anyone else on Atlantis. Its nice that he is beginning to feel so comfortable around her so ...

                  if she is injured in Sunday or the Ark I'm sure this will have an effect on him.


                    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                    I agree 100% Nina,

                    But the writers can still mess us around though. I don't know why they are so afraid to go with a relationship. I really don't think that viewers like the "will they, won't they" scenario. In season two the writers really did mess around with both ships and that is really annoying but at least now they seem to be trying to show us more clearly exactly what kind of relationship John has with both women. There has always been a deeper more emotional bond between John and Teyla, but whether the writers will actually ever manifest this into anything is anyones guess. They seem to think that as soon as feelings are made known, or if a relationship is manifested then we lose interest. That doesn't really say much for their writing abilities.

                    I would never expect a relationship to dominate a sci fi show - if done well like in Farscape it can be a huge benefit to the show. John and Teyla are perfect in so far as I could see them having a relationship in the background but it never interfering with their jobs. It would give us more insight into the emotional side of both of them. We have seen John open up more around Teyla than anyone else on Atlantis. Its nice that he is beginning to feel so comfortable around her so ...

                    if she is injured in Sunday or the Ark I'm sure this will have an effect on him.

                    I agree with you on that Blue....
                    I really don't have that much trust in a bunch of *McKay's* writing anything remotely romantic... *lol* the show doesn't have to be bad because there is a relationship established,,if it's done in the right way...I've never asked them to make it something that will pull away from the show and what it's about...but just so we know atleast and see maybe something small at the end of an episode ,,I mean how many times is the ending nothing more then a simple talk between two people or standing on the balcony looking out...just such a small moment could work... or when they have the very very few off duty epis... like they had on this season,, just that they might be off somewhere alone,,or walking the mainland or the balcony..or just standing on the balcony looking out over the ocean with her in his arms or something...I mean those small small things... I don't need the graphic kind shoved in my face in every episode like I keep hearing is done most of times on BSG for example...
                    I mean yes the whole deal about them flirting can be fun to watch,,,IF it's going anywhere in the end...just that chasing part can get boring too at the end... I mean I've seen shows before that has had this will the wont they scenario and in the end it's gone so far that you actually don't even care at all when they do pair them up in the end...because it's just gone to far that you lose intrest over that as well... no if it's done right it can work...if it worked on Farscape it can work...but then again it must have writers that can write about it in a good way...
                    They must be good at some for or other wise we wouldn't have gotten any of those more close and emotional scenes between John and Teyla... now just to take it one step furthur...
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      Well hopefully they will take it a step futher

                      I think that John and Teyla are so natural together that it never really comes across as ship being shoved in your face. I know a lot of non shippers who aren't bothered by the interaction between John and Teyla because it is never forced and obvious.

                      Thats why I am quite happy in how TPTB have been taking their relationship this season. It has been a slow build up so its not something that is going to come out of nowhere.
                      I just have very little faith in TPTB at the moment though after all these terrible decisions they have made for season four.
                      And expecting a bunch of little McKays to come up with some good romantic scenes in also a worry. But even if their relationship doesn't get to the next stage I am still looking forward to lots of J/T interaction for the rest of the season.


                        I know what you mean....I don't feel either that their relationship is forced or anything,,since they are so natural together... they just click together... they don't even have to talk for us to know the strong bond between them,..all it takes is just a look between them...they seem so comfortable together now...
                        I love seeing their interaction together... even if we don't get a full blown knowledge that there is a romance there,,, I want real good interaction between them... seeing them getting closer together..,share things about their lives that no one else gets to know... because I just feel that what they have is the real deal... they can just be themselves around eachother,,,they know eachother,, sometimes I get the feeling they know eachother more then they might even know themselves at times...

                        No the trust in TPTB for season 4 isn't high...let's just hope it turns out better then we think... or if it goes downhill they will realize it and change it back to what works... hopefully Joe will fight for his job and for his castmates that he works closely with... I'm trying to stay positive as shep would say,,,or I would go nuts and be afraid I'm not going to enjoy the rest of the season for dreading what's coming up...
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                          I know what you mean....I don't feel either that their relationship is forced or anything,,since they are so natural together... they just click together... they don't even have to talk for us to know the strong bond between them,..all it takes is just a look between them...they seem so comfortable together now...
                          I love seeing their interaction together... even if we don't get a full blown knowledge that there is a romance there,,, I want real good interaction between them... seeing them getting closer together..,share things about their lives that no one else gets to know... because I just feel that what they have is the real deal... they can just be themselves around eachother,,,they know eachother,, sometimes I get the feeling they know eachother more then they might even know themselves at times...

                          No the trust in TPTB for season 4 isn't high...let's just hope it turns out better then we think... or if it goes downhill they will realize it and change it back to what works... hopefully Joe will fight for his job and for his castmates that he works closely with... I'm trying to stay positive as shep would say,,,or I would go nuts and be afraid I'm not going to enjoy the rest of the season for dreading what's coming up...
                          Yes, that is the best attitude to take - We have to just wait and see. I'm trying to remain optimistic about season four, and once John is still the main focus of SGA and Teyla gets some decent screentime I guess I can live with that.


                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            Yes, that is the best attitude to take - We have to just wait and see. I'm trying to remain optimistic about season four, and once John is still the main focus of SGA and Teyla gets some decent screentime I guess I can live with that.
                            I agree with you one long as it's going to be like that I think I can live with it.... so like Shep says..... Stay positive now......
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Quick hello guys, esp. Camy - missed you 8-). Been out of keeps getting in the way. My sister had her surgery, but we had some bad results - her cancer had spread, so we will be back to MDAnderson for surgery on Wednesday.

                              To Steph - hope all remains well w/your friend and will think of her and keep her in my prayers.

                              Did a quick catch up on some of the discussions and from what I've seen of the spoilers R2 looks good even w/out JT goodness. Thanks for all the wonderful caps, they have been a treat for the times I have been able to get online.

                              Devine - hope those chapters are for Growth for it is in great need of an update - LOL.

                              Keep everything going - you guys are great and I'm hoping to be able to get back to the fun myself soon.

                              Care to all and enjoy your long weekends,



                                Oh Cyn I'm sorry to hear about you sister....
                                Hoping for the best...
                                Take care...
                                Sigs by Scifan

