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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
    I'm not a big fan of Martin Gero - to me he is one of the little McKay writers and seems to love writing for him.

    Its difficult to know just how much leeway the writers have or if they have to work under certain guide lines provided by higher ups.

    We had this discussion in the Sheppard thread that fanfic writers have a better grasp on the characters then the writers on the show. I think the PTB have a very tunnelled vision on how they want the characters written and maybe the writters are restricted as to where they can take the characters.

    I do hope though that they keep to their original plan of going with John and Teyla and don't stray from that path too much. Its nice to know that Joe supports this relationship and has acknowedged that there is sexual tension between Shep and Teyla and that nothing will ever manifest between Shep and Weir. So I guess this has never changed from what we were told in season one - so I hope the writers are busy planning the next step in John and Teyla's relationship.
    I agree,,,and I hope so too...
    I hate that they seems to be keeping just stringing everyone along.... just go down one route... even though we seem to see just where the emotion is and the strong bond and the strong feelings lie... others I feel they only have to say hi or look in their direction and that is shippy...(weird) *lol*

    But one thing is consistent and that is what Joe has been saying from the beginning... and the fact that he says don't expect anything to happen between Shep/Weir... makes just the fact that he doesn't want it... since he said you could have that angle with others but not with HER...why say it like that,,,and why be so specific if he didn't wanna make that clear..even if he knows they just wont listen... I'm wondering just how sick he is of that question....

    I do hope they keep up the emotional and strong bonding between John and Teyla... it's been a natural thing ever since Rising and I hope they continue after such a great start of showing just how close they are getting now in season 3...
    Sigs by Scifan


      me too hope they don,t stray too far from the original plan i say sack the writers and hire the fans still waiting patiently for sunday to air hope it lives up to expectations as i will be glued to gateworld after it airs to check ou the spoilers but like many of u im holding on to my squee
      Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


        Its getting late so must be off -

        Nite Nina and Donna,


          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
          Its getting late so must be off -

          Nite Nina and Donna,
          Night Blue...take care...see ya
          Sigs by Scifan


            They are just too dang cute together....they look HOT!

            Hey, I have several fics that have been written in the past couple of weeks....there was a ficathon...*remember* and there has been a lot of posting of them in, I will link those as soon as I have time...

            Donna..I PM'd my friend to see if she can make that pic clearer and larger....

            DANG it, I Know nothing about Echoes...what is it about...spoilers please!

            Joe is certainly a JT Fan...and so is, here's hoping!

            and I agree with Joe, something romantic between Weir and Sheppard will kill the show only because of the portrayal of their characters....In Farscape, those two characters were very different and the entire show was based on their relationship so it worked..but SGA is not like that at all...the relationship with John has to be subtle in order for it to work and continue the idea of the show...which isn't character development....


              Originally posted by Camy View Post
              They are just too dang cute together....they look HOT!

              Hey, I have several fics that have been written in the past couple of weeks....there was a ficathon...*remember* and there has been a lot of posting of them in, I will link those as soon as I have time...

              Donna..I PM'd my friend to see if she can make that pic clearer and larger....

              DANG it, I Know nothing about Echoes...what is it about...spoilers please!

              Joe is certainly a JT Fan...and so is, here's hoping!

              and I agree with Joe, something romantic between Weir and Sheppard will kill the show only because of the portrayal of their characters....In Farscape, those two characters were very different and the entire show was based on their relationship so it worked..but SGA is not like that at all...the relationship with John has to be subtle in order for it to work and continue the idea of the show...which isn't character development....
              I agree with you one that Camy about John it must be... it has to subtle,,,

              Okay what I've heard of Echoes

              Something about Carson seeing a medical team working on someone injured but suddenly they just dissapear...and then Rodney working on something that he can translate whale speech and they speak a very known language..,,,

              That's all I know and I'm not even sure it that is even correct,,,it just sound totally weird to me... well I'll see on Thusday what it's about *lol*
              Sigs by Scifan


                Is it a team episode or more a Character centric episode?


                yeah, I like it that J/T are subtle...I want them to be canon...but I don't want them to be soapy! you know what I of the things that I love about these two is their understanding and how they make it work....

                even against all odds! I love it! I wish they have a secret thing going on first and that only the viewers knew of it and not the other characters and then have them slowly figure it out...for some reason most all fics that I've read go in this direction...and I love it!


                  I forgot! Thanks NINA!


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    Is it a team episode or more a Character centric episode?


                    yeah, I like it that J/T are subtle...I want them to be canon...but I don't want them to be soapy! you know what I of the things that I love about these two is their understanding and how they make it work....

                    even against all odds! I love it! I wish they have a secret thing going on first and that only the viewers knew of it and not the other characters and then have them slowly figure it out...for some reason most all fics that I've read go in this direction...and I love it!
                    I don't even know if it's a team epi...don't even know what John might be up too...

                    yeah I don't want them to be soapy either... I love just how close they are and that they actually don't even have to say anything,,,only give eachother a look and they know what they are's a amzing like that...
                    yeah most fics I've read goes like that,,it's a secret at first before someone finds out... even though I'm wondering if Ronan actaully might suspect if there is something going on between them in the show... just a feeling I got in a moment in The Return 1.... *lol* but then that might just be me....heheh
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      I think if they had a strong secret relationship, John might have tried harder to stay or something. But I do agree some sort of secret thing could be going on.


                        Well maybe not that they have a secret thing now... but who know...but I doubt it,,yes I think he would have tried harder to stay...
                        Don't know if you answered to the part of what I said of Ronan suspecting anything... guess what I meant there was that I just felt he either seen the bond between them and suspect that there might be feelings between them or something..or that they might be heading towards something stronger between them.... the whole thing of secret relationship...well it's something that I've read in several of fics at how things start..and who know that might be a route to take in the show as well or something..that no one really knows on Atlantis what has been going on between them...just the viewers know or something...
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          I think it would be an interesting angle for TPTB to take, seeings as they've never done something like that. Now all we need is John to stop kirking and we'll have the perfect set up. When was the last time he did that anyway?


                            What kirking you mean...uhm can't remember feels like a while ago now...
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              precisely my point...


                                Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
                                precisely my point...
                                heheh... wondering if there might be a reason for that *lol*
                                Like say they have a secret thing going on at the moment that not even the viewers know about,,,and then they let us in but the rest of the characters is left out of that for the moment...and then they might be thinking it's odd that suddenly John isn't that much affected by other women anymore... can just see the other looking oddly at him at that...mostly Rodney I guess *lol* that would be cool angle to play the whole thing down...
                                Sigs by Scifan

