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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    WitchBlade007]waaaaawaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!.... ok so i was around for the second coming...I would have you know I danced the macarena religiously for two years *mumbles 'stupid gym class'*
    Great..mine was the hokey pokey and the square dance!

    'Sunday' could be changed to include a sparring scene...
    but not with John....

    secret rendevous....
    OH, that reminds me of an oldie song...Secret Lovers...never really like the song itself but the words..hmmmmmm

    love at touch?....
    Oh, sweetie that is the best kind!

    that's an after date....that's 'I'm taking her home, gotta see if she likes my apt so we can get married'....
    OH, CLASSIC hon...Classic!
    with that apartment he had her!

    rofl.....trapped in a cell...Bondage date...kinky....
    Yeah, I loved when he was trapped in a separate cell and both of them once they woke up asked for each other and the others of coarse...

    Teyla: Popcorn?...How can you be thinking about popcorn at a time like this. My clothing John, that is what is important...(lol)
    John: Yes yes. I think you look great...*mumbles 'without anything'*....
    But, of coarse, how could I forget that part! Thanks...we make a great duo!

    oh forgive me....

    OMG...that was great......... ...I have nothing else to add....*bows to the master*
    Thanks..that's what happens when all you think about is...Umm...moving on...

    oh that is too cute....if only we can get a scene like that.....
    We have to...something Casablacaish! Or Dirty Dancing..or in between! LOL

    hmmmm...indeed..think she might have been expecting someone else...
    Don't you remember that scene..she was like not surprised that the door opened...meaning she's had other visitors in there before..and who else could it be..Rodney?

    Teyla, do you have any lemonless juice?

    or Weir,
    Teyla, Kate and I are getting our nails done, wanna come?

    or Carson...
    Teyla, do you want to see pics of my mom?

    or Caldwell...
    Teyla, let's discuss your future in Atlantis once I become the New Military Commander in Chief

    or John...
    Teyla, let's sneak out in the Puddlejumper and I'll just tell Elizabeth we are going to check out where the Wraith Hive Ships are? Crap, wait, we can see that from our about we are going to get you a new sparring outfit? With this new guy around, I don't feel comfortable with you wearing that skimpy need a variety of outfits to fit your needs....

    Personally, I think she was waiting for John....
    and then when she saw it was Ronon, she stood up and straighten herself quickly!

    I'm all for a gift...but ummm...i think a VS nightie is a little to much?...maybe another necklace, or bracelet...just think about when he has to put it on for
    The nightie?'s definitely his turn for a touch now......teh true, no one could resist. and she did look a little perplexed when he got up in LBs...
    That scene was classic....

    Okay, I'm done for today...have fun!


      put the nightie on her?....would he be putting in on or...ummm...ok never mind.....

      hahahaha...I give

      Truly, all i'd like to see is the attraction between them continued...

      R.I.P Wraithlord

      Awesome sig by SciFan


        Originally posted by WitchBlade007
        4 months? seemed much longer...

        ONE MORE DAY!!!

        It's a few the very it may be the same way again.

        There's a vid or two for Everything I do...It's one of the first Shipper vids i'd seen...I'll get you the link..urgh...well it was on Unique Bond...but it's not there anymore....

        Haven't seen one yet for Have you ever really loved a woman.....

        I have that vid saved on my computer... I could upload it for you guys...
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          Originally posted by TameFarrar
          Hi All ...Nothing Bad

          Just a reminder for everyone is going out...

          Be Kind and remember to use your spoiler space tonight....

          I am so HAPPY to be saying that WOO HOO
          Time to celebrate guys!!! The goddess of hug says nothing bad!!!
          Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


            Originally posted by Camy
            Teyla: John...are you sure this new bullet proof vest does not make me look fat?
            John: NO, Teyla..for the last time....can we just go...I do want to get front seats in the Deadelous. I want to see that Wraith ATTACK show! I never get to see any of it cause I'm always stuck common...
            Teyla: Well, I am just making sure that I do not attract attention from others.
            John: Teyla, that is impossible to always attract predators!
            Why don't you put on that blouse that you wore when I was in the infirmary after my first horrendous experience with those bugs!?
            Teyla: But, John...everyone hated that shirt!
            John: EXACTLY! Hey, Teyla, where did you stash the last bag of popcorn that I gave you?
            Ohhhh hilarious!!

            Originally posted by Camy
            Teyla: Colonel...I cannot go on the mission today. I am going to go with Zelenka to, what did he called it again, GEEKS ATLANTIS CLUB...apparantely he has to be accompanied by a female from the Pegasus Galaxy in order to discuss the challenges of being faced with the threat of the Wraith during their entire life. It is supposed to be a study.
            John: A study? what is he going to study? Your curves on that red dress?
            Teyla: COLONEL! Dr. Zelenka gave me this dress and he assures me it is all part of their study of females on the Pegasus Galaxy.
            John: Sure. Then tell him to take another Athosian girl, just not you.
            Teyla: Colonel, one of the scientist already came on a previous night with one of the Athosian girls from the mainland. But they each have to bring one to further their understanding. He believes I will provide more insight to their chat.
            John: I'm sure he does. Does he know that you are telling me this?
            Teyla: Actually, he did mention to avoid you, but that is just not possible and so he explained his reasons more clearly.

            John was A bit annoyed....

            John: Teyla..don't you see what they are doing?
            Teyla: COLONEL Sheppard! Why does this upset you so? do you not think I am capable of providing some scientist with pertinent information about the challenges women face in the Pegasus Galaxy with the constant threat of the Wraith?
            John: TEYLA, of coarse I think you're capable. But they type of information they want is the kind that I only want for myself.
            *SILENCE for a SECOND*
            John: Did I just say that outloud?
            Teyla moves closer to him and lightly kisses him on the lips.

            Teyla: You do not need to worry. Dr. McKay has agreed to accompany me. He already has several hundred pages of notes on his findings that he will share with the scientists. He wants it to be a surprise. They are not aware of this. It should be an all nighter for both of us. If that is not enough, I have in my possession the Athosian Chronicles listing all of our Ancestors lineage in which I will sing with great joy. It is at least two hours worth of singing.

            She grins as she moves in closer and whispers in his ear...
            Teyla: Rest assure Colonel, I am saving the best of me only for you!
            Teyla smiles and leaves as John's jaw drops!
            Oh dear lord... that's hilarious

            I've got big hopes... Teyla's gonna save the day... I know it.
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              already posted on the gallery thread and SO...

              now here...

              enjoy and open for snurchin too


                OK, first thing I noticed about "No Man's Land":
                When Caldwell and Weir were talking about Sheppard's "death," Teyla looked like she was about to cry!

                Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                  This is mainly an action team ep, but there are a few good shippy moments.

                  No Man's Land Shippy Moments

                  I would like to mention that there is some great Elizabeth and Teyla interaction. So those who have been craving it should be pleased.

                  Steven arrives back to inform Elizabeth of what happened. Teyla is anxious and quickly steps forward. Elizabeth meets him. Steven informs them that they lost some people. Teyla immediately looks down her breathing increased. Elizabeth, after saying she is sorry too that they lost people, starts to make plans. Steven and her argue slightly about what they should do. Teyla looks up and watches them. Teyla mainly watches but steps in once or twice with a few suggestions. Elizabeth talks Steven into using the Orion. Steven mentions that they will need to do some repairs first. He looks at Teyla. Teyla takes a deep breath and looks down. It is interesting to note that when Steven does look at Teyla, through out the scene, his expression seems to soften. Like he feels sympathy for her. Elizabeth orders it to be done. Steven leaves. Teyla looks away her eyes darting and her breathing heavy. Elizabeth turns and looks at her. Teyla looks up and meets her gaze.

                  Atlantis has contacted the SGC to report to Elizabeth. Elizabeth asks for Teyla. Who she has left in charge in her absence. Teyla immediately steps forward seeming eager to do something. Elizabeth tells her to tell Steven to go ahead with their plan. Teyla looks down. Which makes me suspect she held out hope that John, Ronon, and Rodney are still alive and could be saved. If they destroy the hive ships they, if they are alive, would be killed. Teyla complies though less enthusiastic.

                  Ronon confronts John about his dislike of working with Michael. John: I get it. You hate wraith. Ronon: Him in particular. Which gains him a sharp look from John. Rodney starts to help Michael. John watches Rodney then turns and stares at Ronon. His expression is similar to the one he had in Trinity when he found Teyla sparring with Ronon because he was late.
                  Last edited by Black Panther; 15 July 2006, 11:03 AM.


                    Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
                    OK, first thing I noticed about "No Man's Land":
                    When Caldwell and Weir were talking about Sheppard's "death," Teyla looked like she was about to cry!

                    Both CK and Black Panther stated the only real JT moment for me...I actually was getting a Weir/Caldwell moment more but anyway...I'm thinking fanfic for what was going on through Teyla's mind at that particular moment...

                    And who wanted to see Teyla on board the Orion...I would have liked to have had the woman who could sense the wraith by my side during a battle with the wraith and no doubt as Shep was beaming aboard the wraith ship at the end of the episode he would have like to have had Teyla with him also...

                    I know poor Maj. Lorne would have liked to have had Teyla on the team so she could have warned them that Wraith Queen was still infact a Wraith before he nearly got strangled...

                    It would have been nice to see Shep turn to Teyla and ask if she sensed any wraith aboard the ship...

                    Missed opportunity!


                      Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                      And who wanted to see Teyla on board the Orion...
                      Not me. Besides, how well would that go over? "Hey, the rest of the team is presumed dead and we're sending our ships on a suicide run! Teyla, wanna go?"
                      Last edited by Gigajules; 15 July 2006, 07:29 AM.


                        Originally posted by Black Panther
                        This is mainly an action team ep, but there are a few good shippy moments.

                        No Man's Land Shippy Moments

                        I would like to mention that there is some great Elizabeth and Teyla interaction. So those who have been craving it should be pleased.

                        Steven arrives back to inform Elizabeth of what happened. Teyla is anxious and quickly steps forward. Elizabeth meets him. Steven informs them that they lost some people. Teyla immediately looks down her breathing increased. Elizabeth, after saying she is sorry too that they lost people, starts to make plans. Steven and her argue slightly about what they should do. Teyla looks up and watches them. Teyla mainly watches but steps in once or twice with a few suggestions. Elizabeth talks Steven into using the Orion. Steven mentions that they will need to do some repairs first. He looks at Teyla. Teyla takes a deep breath and looks down. It is interesting to note that when Steven does look at Teyla, through out the scene, his expression seems to soften. Like he feels sympathy for her. Elizabeth orders it to be done. Steven leaves. Teyla looks away her eyes darting and her breathing heavy. Elizabeth turns and looks at her. Teyla looks up and meets her gaze.

                        Atlantis has contacted the SGC to report to Elizabeth. Elizabeth asks for Teyla. Who she has left in charge in her absence. Teyla immediately steps forward seeming eager to do something. Elizabeth tells her to tell Steven to go ahead with their plan. Teyla looks down. Which makes me suspect she held out hope that John, Ronon, and Rodney are still alive and could be saved. If they destroy the hive ships they, if they are alive, would be killed. Teyla complies though less enthusiastic.

                        Ronon confronts John about his dislike of working with Michael. John: I get it. You hate wraith. Ronon: Him in particular. Which gains him a sharp look from John. Rodney starts to help Michael. John watches Rodney then turns and stares at Ronon. His expression in similar to the one he had in Trinity when he found Teyla sparring with Ronon because he was late.
                        BP... so glad your back and your right about everything you said... I didn't even notice that last part.
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                          season three shepmagan wallie behind the spoiler tag
                          hope u all like.
                          part of:
                          Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                          wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                            Since season 3 has started here's a siggy to celebrate!

                            And as for BP rundown on moments for 'No man's land'....I'm going to have to rewatch the last part of the episode to catch it...I might have left the room...


                              Well, here are my thoughts on this episode...or at least the J/T moments....

                              BP...I"m so glad you are here...I saw those first moments but I compleletly missed the John moment...LOL...I wanted to see Teyla in the Orion before I saw the episode..I want Teyla to be there when the good stuff happens....possibility for angst stuff...however, when I saw that Weir was sending Caldwell on a suicide mission, that pretty much did it for me....and I was glad that neither one of them nor Teyla volunteered to go! clearly, both of them knowing John would kick their arses if he ever found out! ...but overall....great moments between Weir and Teyla...and she finally called Elizabeth by her first name...can you tell the writers are so catering to us...LOL...and I love that Teyla was left in charge...and I loved that Ronon speaks so openly his mind, and is teaching John a few lessons on being open and frank about things...but most of all, I loved the Rodney and Ronon parts...that was classic..I know not for this thread..but this is pretty much the only place I come..overall, we should see something next episode..I can't wait to see Teyla's reaction when she finds out that they are alive..I bet you she will be more open with her response to Ronon than with John, which will only show just how much she cares for him...


                                BP, thanks for the rundown! Excellent and very helpful.

                                Sheylafan, beautiful wp.

                                Camy, that short fic was really funny. Geeks Club. LOL.

                                I liked the ep and loved the
                                Han Solo reference John made about hiding his ship on the back of the Hive ship. "where'd you learn that?" "Saw it in a movie once." So many people have compared him to Han that the reference fitst there. There's also this hip thing John does that reminds me of Han, but I digress.
                                It was a fun ep.


