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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Trippy, do you have the exact link to the comments of what the rumors are in regards to what Rachel said about the hinting of a possible relationship...?

    can you either pm me those links...I have someone that went to the London Con and saw Rachel..but this person is not a shipper and his interpretation on what she said about Ronon and Teyla is a bit different from what you guys are writing here...and he wants to read for himself what others who went to the Con are reporting to see if it jogs his memory and to confirm with his other friends...PHEW! is that coherent?

    That is if this rumors are from that Con...and also the one about a possible relationship with/JOhn!

    Can you do this...or anyone else in here provide those links for me...just think that we should get it straight from the horses mouth! lOl


      Originally posted by Camy

      Trippy, do you have the exact link to the comments of what the rumors are in regards to what Rachel said about the hinting of a possible relationship...?

      can you either pm me those links...I have someone that went to the London Con and saw Rachel..but this person is not a shipper and his interpretation on what she said about Ronon and Teyla is a bit different from what you guys are writing here...and he wants to read for himself what others who went to the Con are reporting to see if it jogs his memory and to confirm with his other friends...PHEW! is that coherent?

      Can you do this...or anyone else in here provide those links for me...just think that we should get it straight from the horses mouth! lOl
      I'll PM you the links.

      And there seems to be some confusion as to the meaning of her statements across the board, lol. This is why I'd like to go to one of these things myself, and hear with my own ears, rather than have to hear it filtered through someone else's ears.
      Sig by Camy


        Exactly...but,'s amazing how the same people go to the same thing but interpret the words differently...that's why when I went, I took my little recorder...too bad the damn thing died on me...but hey...I got to record her singing...I just didn't know how to download it unto the internet! lOl

        In the end, it's no big deal...but he's been nice enough to do this for I thought I'd give it a try..and like you say, in the end, till we see the episodes, anything is into different interpretations...what am I talking about...even that has different interpretations...

        I just find it hard to believe that she would come out and say that..but then the recording that's posted in convergence is so clear..and that is so Rachel's voice for sure....

        thanks hon...

        I've been on the computer all freaking day doing you know what! and I"m so exhausted!

        Yeah, I want to write that letter just perfect! LoL


          Originally posted by Camy

          *scratches her head* hmm...Witchy?....can't seem to recall you hon...let me see are you the one that went to New York for the weekend...? LOL
          OF COARSE I MISSED YOU! afterall am I not your cyber mommy!
          Tell me all

          <-----ah...see they're all angry you forgot me....

 remembered so.....pressie for thread...

          Originally posted by Majortrip
          And YAY! Witchy's home! Just in time for the insanity.
          Had the insanity ever ended?.........

          Anyway, with all the spoilers floating around i'm just going to sit back and wait for the episode....There's just too many possibilities both good and bad....

          R.I.P Wraithlord

          Awesome sig by SciFan


            Camy, regarding Return:

            It says the team returns to the SGC--which is on Earth--after O'Neill and uh, that other guy, are captured and the Ancients are in Atlantis.

            Another spoiler source said the team is forced to retreat or basically "kicked out" of Atlantis, but in part two will fight their way back in. The cliffhanger is possibly the moment when they're kicked out and realize O'Neill is being held captive. Maybe they'll think they can't get back because the Ancients will be watching the Gate, of course. It looks hopeless. ;D I'm assuming (yeah, I know about that) that Teyla is still on Atlantis or maybe the mainland or stuck on a mission and may think John won't return. But it's possible she goes to the SGC too, but no fun "Home" type scenes because they'd all be too tense.



              Hi, Witchy! Great JT wp! Thanks for sharing.



                Originally posted by Doxymom
                Camy, regarding Return:

                It says the team returns to the SGC--which is on Earth--after O'Neill and uh, that other guy, are captured and the Ancients are in Atlantis.

                Another spoiler source said the team is forced to retreat or basically "kicked out" of Atlantis, but in part two will fight their way back in. The cliffhanger is possibly the moment when they're kicked out and realize O'Neill is being held captive. Maybe they'll think they can't get back because the Ancients will be watching the Gate, of course. It looks hopeless. ;D I'm assuming (yeah, I know about that) that Teyla is still on Atlantis or maybe the mainland or stuck on a mission and may think John won't return. But it's possible she goes to the SGC too, but no fun "Home" type scenes because they'd all be too tense.

                oh i so hope she isn't on a mission or on the mainland, cause then we may never get to see her....remember Teyla...

                So i hope she does go to the SGC...we might not get any cutesy scene like 'home' but we'll get some interaction

                Thanx DM...

                R.I.P Wraithlord

                Awesome sig by SciFan


         need to turn that one into a sig and wallpaper for me! I can hardly see it!

                  DM..OH...Witchy's right..they better not pulll a GUP on us again!


                    Hi there
                    I just pop in to show you this site: Drabble-Matic It's so much fun playing around with this thing!


                      Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
                      Hi there
                      I just pop in to show you this site: Drabble-Matic It's so much fun playing around with this thing!
                      Hey Jen!...long time no see..
                      hehehe...the Drabble-Matic is funny...Caz did something awhile came out to be the weirdest thing ever....

                      Camy, I'll see what i can do about a sig...

                      R.I.P Wraithlord

                      Awesome sig by SciFan


                        Okay..everyone stop what you are doing right now! and go and click on this link and go and defend our Teyla... I am going to get myself hot for this one! I can just feel it!




                          *Tackles Witchy and JS* You two are back... Witchy... where's your cybersister... I'll go tackle her over at Galleria. Haven't seen you two in awhile!!!

                          Even though I get into spoilers... I don't know... they never really seem to materialize in my head. I make fanfic out of them... I maybe hope for a scene.. but in the end... I watch the episode... live it, love it, record it, repete.

                          And oh dear... defend Teyla!
                          Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                            Originally posted by Camy
                            Okay..everyone stop what you are doing right now! and go and click on this link and go and defend our Teyla... I am going to get myself hot for this one! I can just feel it!


                            Well as usual I miss out on all the fun, but I posted something anyway.....

                            But Camy gave me an idea. How many Teyla comments or actions (good or bad) can we list that had an insignificant or significant effect on a current or future episode of SGA? Such as:
                            1. Teyla realizing that the Wraith wanted Atlantis to get to Earth
                            2. Teyla using her link to the Wraith to send a false message in Seige 3

                            If you wish to add anything, please keep the number going so we can have a complete count.


                              Well..I do love what you wrote there Devine..jeepers I took half of a page and you guys come and write one paragraph and say things so perfectly!

                              But, if I"m understanding your challenge want us to list things that Teyla has done that are significant to the plot in Atlantis?

                              Now, remember we are in the Teyla/John how can we apply this to John and Teyla should be asked as well....

                              Let's see...One of the things that we learn if I go back to Rising 1 and 2 is the fact that from the very beginning Teyla practically saved them by informing them of the Wraith.

                              She also warned them about the Wraith which promted Sheppards response to Col. Summner.

                              In addition, Teyla's abilities to sense the Wraith gave her and John a head start and John was able to get an idea of what and who the Wraith are because of the information that Teyla gave him about the Wraith before she got capture.

                              If Teyla had not been around, the Ancients didn't leave much information at least not much that would have been helpful to them when they need it..
                              Also, Teyla introduced the Earthlings to different planets so that they can begin to trade and explore the Pegasus Galaxy.

                              Okay, not sure if this is what you meant, but there's my contribution with the first episode..Rising 1


                                *sneaks in*

                                yes Caz has dared to venture back in here...

                                I just thought I'd link to my entire collection of sheyla graphics and to the Sheyla Device series in case people missed it.

