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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy
    DM..there are too great stories out there by some fantastic authors for me to just pick's not right...I can't choose..they all have their own special catch that attracts me to them...the one that I love right now..and can read over and over again is the one from Expandable Crewman....I hope this writer continous to write more....but again...I just love them all! anything J/T is for long as is thought provoking and has depth and's all good to me...even when the writing doesn't perfectly reflect what I think is the character, if it's written well and fits the plot of the story, is all good to me!
    I have to agree with that Camy... even if the character's are slightly screwered... its okay so long as it fits the plot and draws us in. Basically the only reason its different is two perspectives on the same thing.
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      *Camy runs around around dancing merrily*

      I LOVE that know that already...I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty to post it in the Teylafan LJ....I think you should post it in the other places that I emailed you about...

      DM is here and she's like...MRS. DM....she is just too popular and too hot! she's like FAMOUS! so, DM...I mentioned to EC that you might be able to help him post the fic in other groups around the net...

      but, you have to promise us to write more...Pretty please...and just if you missed it....

      Darn it....I knew this would happen...I should have just kept it like Bella did for the Galleria..just plain..WELCOME TO OUR THREAD!

      Oh, well..back to the drawing board...LOL

      Where's Witchy and her tick tock countdown!?


        Hey, Everyone..where's Annie...?

        And where's Camerine?

        so many people missing.....

        To keep this OT....

        How about a challenge..A missing scene for NML...

        Write a short story...missing scene...
        where Teyla mourns John...after she thinks that he's either dead or missing in thoughts are going through her head as she has a couple of minutes to herself in the privacy of either her quarters or the balcony or even in Weir's office...your can choose to have her mourn him or have some hope left that they will find him...



          Originally posted by Camy
          Where's Witchy and her tick tock countdown!?
          See it's downright freaky when i come in right when you ask about me.... what's this about the countdown?...are we counting down something????

 the welcome pics....pwetty....

          Originally posted by Black Panther
          This is mainly an action team ep, but there are a few good shippy moments.

          No Man's Land Shippy Moments

          I would like to mention that there is some great Elizabeth and Teyla interaction. So those who have been craving it should be pleased.
          Oh i'll be great to see them expand on that..

          Steven arrives back to inform Elizabeth of what happened. Teyla is anxious and quickly steps forward. Elizabeth meets him. Steven informs them that they lost some people. Teyla immediately looks down her breathing increased. Elizabeth, after saying she is sorry too that they lost people, starts to make plans. Steven and her argue slightly about what they should do. Teyla looks up and watches them. Teyla mainly watches but steps in once or twice with a few suggestions. Elizabeth talks Steven into using the Orion. Steven mentions that they will need to do some repairs first. He looks at Teyla. Teyla takes a deep breath and looks down. It is interesting to note that when Steven does look at Teyla, through out the scene, his expression seems to soften. Like he feels sympathy for her. Elizabeth orders it to be done. Steven leaves. Teyla looks away her eyes darting and her breathing heavy. Elizabeth turns and looks at her. Teyla looks up and meets her gaze.
          I hadn't noticed
          that Steven kept looking at teyla..but while rewatching he did look to Teyla almost everytime Weir said something, as if asking for her input. I was just so caught up in how Teyla seemed as though she was about to break down crying, and actually had to take deep breathes to hold it off...

          Atlantis has contacted the SGC to report to Elizabeth. Elizabeth asks for Teyla. Who she has left in charge in her absence. Teyla immediately steps forward seeming eager to do something. Elizabeth tells her to tell Steven to go ahead with their plan. Teyla looks down. Which makes me suspect she held out hope that John, Ronon, and Rodney are still alive and could be saved. If they destroy the hive ships they, if they are alive, would be killed. Teyla complies though less enthusiastic.
          I'll have to look at that again...

          Ronon confronts John about his dislike of working with Michael. John: I get it. You hate wraith. Ronon: Him in particular. Which gains him a sharp look from John. Rodney starts to help Michael. John watches Rodney then turns and stares at Ronon. His expression is similar to the one he had in Trinity when he found Teyla sparring with Ronon because he was late.
          Missed that too....hmmm...I missed alot...I'll definitely have to rewatch....

          R.I.P Wraithlord

          Awesome sig by SciFan


            HAHAHAHAHA! Witchy.... maybe I should be called Witchy! LOL

            DUH, I'm counting the countdown for Misbegotten..I wanna see John with Teyla..
            I mean really the woman thinks he's dead!
            That's just torture!

            okay...I have pics for this....

            I'll be back..


              Okay..since Annie is not here....*sniff* I will see if I can come as half as good as she is posting these pics for you guys....Darn it..let me see if I can do a spoiler within a spoiler..jeepers..this is too darn complicated...

              Originally posted by Black Panther
              This is mainly an action team ep, but there are a few good shippy moments.

              No Man's Land Shippy Moments

              I would like to mention that there is some great Elizabeth and Teyla interaction. So those who have been craving it should be pleased.

              Steven arrives back to inform Elizabeth of what happened. Teyla is anxious and quickly steps forward. Elizabeth meets him. Steven informs them that they lost some people. Teyla immediately looks down her breathing increased.

              Elizabeth, after saying she is sorry too that they lost people, starts to make plans. Steven and her argue slightly about what they should do. Teyla looks up and watches them. Teyla mainly watches but steps in once or twice with a few suggestions. Elizabeth talks Steven into using the Orion. Steven mentions that they will need to do some repairs first. He looks at Teyla. Teyla takes a deep breath and looks down.

              It is interesting to note that when Steven does look at Teyla, through out the scene, his expression seems to soften. Like he feels sympathy for her. Elizabeth orders it to be done. Steven leaves. Teyla looks away her eyes darting and her breathing heavy. Elizabeth turns and looks at her. Teyla looks up and meets her gaze.

              Atlantis has contacted the SGC to report to Elizabeth. Elizabeth asks for Teyla. Who she has left in charge in her absence. Teyla immediately steps forward seeming eager to do something. Elizabeth tells her to tell Steven to go ahead with their plan. Teyla looks down. Which makes me suspect she held out hope that John, Ronon, and Rodney are still alive and could be saved. If they destroy the hive ships they, if they are alive, would be killed. Teyla complies though less enthusiastic.

              Ronon confronts John about his dislike of working with Michael. John: I get it. You hate wraith. Ronon: Him in particular. Which gains him a sharp look from John. Rodney starts to help Michael. John watches Rodney then turns and stares at Ronon. His expression is similar to the one he had in Trinity when he found Teyla sparring with Ronon because he was late.

              Okay, if this worked...there should be pics to go along with BP's posting of NML!


                Originally posted by Camy
                HAHAHAHAHA! Witchy.... maybe I should be called Witchy! LOL

                DUH, I'm counting the countdown for Misbegotten..I wanna see John with Teyla..
                I mean really the woman thinks he's dead!
                That's just torture!

                okay...I have pics for this....

                I'll be back..
                DUH!!!...OMG...I can't believe I forgot that...Reunion Scene...

                *bows to the greatness that is Camy*.....

                here's the ticker....

                R.I.P Wraithlord

                Awesome sig by SciFan


                  Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                  DUH!!!...OMG...I can't believe I forgot that...Reunion Scene...

                  *bows to the greatness that is Camy*.....

                  here's the ticker....

                  LOL...Witchy...that's the second time that you praise in less than a week! AH!
                  better be careful, cause there's no one stopping me once I'm up there! LOL

                  thanks for the ticker.....can't wait!

                  Oh, probably going to write more J/T......another one for my archives....

                  John and Teyla...AH!


                    Originally posted by Camy
                    DM is here and she's like...MRS. DM....she is just too popular and too hot! she's like FAMOUS! so, DM...I mentioned to EC that you might be able to help him post the fic in other groups around the net...

                    LOL, Camy. I do plan to read this story. The prologue rocked. I just don't have time to invest in a long fic this week. Maybe next.

                    Doxymom--who's so swamped she may not visit much this week.


                      OH, hon..I;ll miss you...but you will take a peek and come to discuss Teyla and John in Misbegotten, right?


                        I made sig inspired by 3x01 (not spoilerish) and a couple of songs I love......

                        Last edited by HyperCaz; 18 July 2006, 06:24 PM.


                          Camy, I'll try to get here as often as I can. Hubby took over some things today so I could drop by quick now.

                          Hypercaz, cool banner! Love the coloring.



                            Muy bonito...HC...

                            Very pretty!

                            Oh, DM...I finally did that Hot Zone challenge wall...go and check it out in the Galleria...

                            Oh, how many days till Friday...? ...HEY, I thought Sateda was the third episode but GW is announcing it as the fourth with Irresistible the third..?


                              Yeah, I thought the same. Looks like I have to endure Irresistable before getting to see Sateda.


                                Originally posted by Camy
                                Muy bonito...HC...

                                Very pretty!

                                Oh, DM...I finally did that Hot Zone challenge wall...go and check it out in the Galleria...

                                Oh, how many days till Friday...? ...HEY, I thought Sateda was the third episode but GW is announcing it as the fourth with Irresistible the third..?
                                You're kidding!...I also thought 'Sateda' was going to be next week. So unfair...Hmmm...may miss it because of the rehearsal dinner...

                                So it's two days until 'Misbegotten'...anything anyone is looking forward to in this episode?...other than a reunion scene?...

                                R.I.P Wraithlord

                                Awesome sig by SciFan

