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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Well because I missed out on the first few I thought that I would show that everyone in this room knows that something is going on between John and Teyla....


    Weir and Ronan are doing their best not to shout it out !! .... its almost like they are thinking - oh here they go again ... why don't they just tell one another how they feel..


      Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
      The gallery lists them as
      Where: Terra Nova (I believe that’s somewhere in Canada)
      When: Nov 2006
      Con?: Sci Fi Convention

      Does that help?
      Thanks Devine! .

      Sig by Camy


        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
        Well because I missed out on the first few I thought that I would show that everyone in this room knows that something is going on between John and Teyla....


        Weir and Ronan are doing their best not to shout it out !! .... its almost like they are thinking - oh here they go again ... why don't they just tell one another how they feel..
        I love that pic Blue! it only makes it that much sweeter when it has Weir in it and her face is priceless! LOL!

        By the way, great Wallie once again! i've loved all the one's you've done!.

        Sig by Camy


          Blue, I love that picture too. They're all there to witness J/T's love for each other. Which ep is that from?


            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
            Well because I missed out on the first few I thought that I would show that everyone in this room knows that something is going on between John and Teyla....


            Weir and Ronan are doing their best not to shout it out !! .... its almost like they are thinking - oh here they go again ... why don't they just tell one another how they feel..
            AH, A classic JT cap of WHO KNOWS! I like to call it the Shippers Cap. Multiple ships going on in there! But only one stands above the rest! woohoooo! Mayre that is from the Hive. The very last scene in the infirmary...

            Okay, cause I like to share...remember that cap that they looked identical. I couldn't come up with a good word so I hope this did it justice!



              Originally posted by Camy View Post
              Oh, no...she's leaving us...Are you going to record The Ark? You can't miss it!

              It's the BESTEST episode in Season 3 for me!

              Have a great time in Fla. make sure you pack the sunburn, the sunhat, the sandals, tootbrush, wipes, and blowdryer. *g*

              You will be missed! Have Fun! Give a big squeeze to Goofy for me, will ya? He and I go way back!
              I'll have to wait to see when it comes on Itune. I don't have Scifi.
              I might save my pennies for Sunday though. I know my hubby will like it . He likes it when they have good interaction with the crew. Like when John or Ronon bust on Rodney. He liked TOR alot. I was watching Crossing Jordan last night and he was watching TOR on our laptop. All I hear was him laughing. He sees the same thing with Teyla and John.
              We saw a music vid of Sunday and during the part when John and Ronon are talking to Teyla, you can see that she's was ?shy, nervous? I'm not too sure what it was. It was almost like a shy flirting.I know she was trying to get out of playing golf, but still, something was there.

              If I knew a way to put the eps I bought on dvd so I don't have to watch on my laptop all the time, then I would've bought the whole season from Itune. But I think I'll buy a few eps and wait to get the dvd. So far season 3 is my favorite.


                Camy, I LOVE IT!!!!! It's perfect, the word sums it all. Thumbs up and high fives all around.


                  another season 4 episode has been posted on gateworld it is the second mid season two parter episode to this mortal coil im posting the link
                  Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                    another season 4 episode has been posted on gateworld it is the second mid season two parter episode to this mortal coil im posting the link
                    Thanks for the link Donna ....


                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      Camy, I LOVE IT!!!!! It's perfect, the word sums it all. Thumbs up and high fives all around.
                      Thanks...oh, your hubby must be the romantic type. Mine keeps saying I"m seeing things...LOL

                      He knows nothing! He thinks because he brings home the bacon, that is love enough! LOL


                        HEllooooooo! Where is everybody?

                        Made something else....TOR walls and sig...Up for grabs!





                          The Game Shippy Report Part 1
                          The team is eating together in the cafeteria. John and Ronon is on one side and Rodney and Teyla on the other. Rodney is asking them a theoretical question. Rodney: Let me ask you a question. Say there’s a runaway train. It’s hurtling out of control towards ten people standing in the middle of the tracks. The only way to save those people is to flip a switch and send the train down another set of tracks. The only problem is there is a baby Teyla looks at John. in the middle of those tracks. Teyla glances at John. Teyla: Why would anyone leave a baby She looks at John again. in harm’s way like that? Rodney tries to explain this is about the ethical question this causes. Ronon and John then ask him questions that are beside the point. Elizabeth radios Rodney and informs him that Major Lorne has something he would want to see. Teyla looks at John. It turns out that Major Lorne's team has discovered a civilization that seems to be far more advanced then they should. The most disturbing thing though is that they have pictures of Rodney all over the place. This causes John and Rodney to inform Elizabeth of a game they have been playing that allows them to build their own civilization.

                          The team is in the puddle jumper headed for this wonder of a civilization. Teyla and Ronon are asking questions about this game John and Rodney have been playing. While answering their questions John and Rodney get into an argument which ends in John calling Rodney a cheater. John looks back at Ronon and Teyla. John: He’s giving his people way too much technology for their level of development. This turns into a discussion about the name Rodney called his nation. John tells them Rodney named it after a girl he stalked in college. Rodney: I did not stalk her. We dated twice. Teresa Geldar a very cute blonde. I always used to think her name reminded me of some kind of a mythological land. The Kingdom of Geldar. John turns and smiles at Ronon and Teyla in a isn't he such a sap way. Teyla smiles in a this is so sweet way then looks at John. She reaches forward and touches his shoulder. Teyla: What did you call your country? John (voice cracking): Well, I just (calmer) kept the name it already had. Rodney and John exchange a look. They discover satellites monitoring the planet.

                          They enter the village and the people start to follow them. They stop and the people start to crowd around them. All of them staring at Rodney in wonder. Teyla looks at John then up at the picture behind them of Rodney. They are met by Nola who studies Rodney then announces that he is the Oracle. She and the villagers bow. John and Teyla exchange a look.

                          Nola takes them to where a device is through which the Oracle communicates with them explaining things on the way. They call it the portal. It is obvious that the game that John and Rodney were playing is not a game. John notices his nation on the map and points them out. She calls them a thorn in their side and is happy that Rodney is there to help them remove it.

                          Some time has apparently passed and Rodney is discussing things with Nola and a man named Garth. John, Teyla, Ronon, and the leader of John's nation Baden arrive. Nola obviously doesn't like Baden being there neither does he. John: Doctor Rodney McKay, meet Baden. Teyla looks at John and smiles as he does this. Rodney: Oh. Your guy. Teyla rolls her eyes. Nola threatens Baden and he dares her to follow through with it. John stops them and tells them they need to talk. Nola doesn't want to talk so Baden says that's fine with him and turns to leave. John and Ronon stops him. John informs them that while they may not have anything to say they do.

                          They are all sitting at a table. John and Rodney trying to get them to see that they are not that different and stop this hostility. It doesn't work. Teyla asks them pointedly if this has always been the way between their people. Nola tells them it hasn't always been this way. John then asks when did this start? It started not long after John and Rodney took over. John and Rodney exchange a guilty look. Then John looks over at Teyla. She briefly meets his gaze then looks away.

                          The rest will be posted later tonight.
                          Last edited by Black Panther; 18 May 2007, 10:17 AM.


                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            HEllooooooo! Where is everybody?

                            Made something else....TOR walls and sig...Up for grabs!



                            Oh i'm here Camy, well, sort of.

                            I've begun doing my nominations tonight you see. Have to catch up on all the wallies and caps a bit later.

                            Your TOR ones though, very nice by the way. However i've got your May Teyla calendar as my wall at the minute..

                            I don't know if Nina sorted anyting out or not, but i'm trying to get a working link for her vid Gravity of Love. It'll upload to ther sever but won't play from it, i'm sure this has come up before, just can't remember what i did to solve it.


                              AW, Nick....Teyla's May Calendar. I"m going to have to check it out and remember which one that is. I think my favorite one was the June Calendar. But in reality I loved them all. I really worked hard on that one, moreso than the JT one. I don't know if the JT one was easier or simply that I just wanted to get it done since I was running so many months behind. lOl

                              Yeah, I did the noms today and I just don't find that very entertaining at all. But worth it. I did fics and some artwork and some vids. *sighs*

                              I"m glad you are doing it too. It seems last year the Teyla and the John and Teyla categories were very poorly represented. So, please guys...don't just do John and Teyla. Remember to do Teyla as well.


                                Originally posted by Black Panther View Post
                                The Game Shippy Report Part 1
                                The team is eating together in the cafeteria. John and Ronon is on one side and Rodney and Teyla on the other side. Rodney is asking them a theoretical question. Rodney: Let me ask you a question. Say there’s a runaway train. It’s hurtling out of control towards ten people standing in the middle of the tracks. The only way to save those people is to flip a switch and send the train down another set of tracks. The only problem is there is a baby Teyla looks at John. in the middle of those tracks. Teyla glances at John. Teyla: Why would anyone leave a baby She looks at John again. in harm’s way like that? Rodney tries to explain this is about the ethical question this causes. Ronon and John then ask him questions that are beside the point. Elizabeth radios Rodney and informs him that Major Lorne has something he would want to see. Teyla looks at John. It turns out that Major Lorne's team has discovered a civilization that seems to be far more advanced then they should. The most disturbing thing though is that they have pictures of Rodney all over the place. This causes John and Rodney to inform Elizabeth of a game they have been playing that allows them to build their own civilization.

                                The team is in the puddle jumper headed for this wonder of a civilization. Teyla and Ronon are asking questions about this game they have been playing. While answering their questions John and Rodney get into an argument which ends in John calling Rodney a cheater. John looks back at Ronon and Teyla. John: He’s giving his people way too much technology for their level of development. This turns into a discussion about the name Rodney called his nation. John tells them Rodney named it after a girl he stalked in college. Rodney: I did not stalk her. We dated twice. Teresa Geldar a very cute blonde. I always used to think her name reminded me of some kind of a mythological land. The Kingdom of Geldar. John turns and smiles at Ronon and Teyla in a isn't he such a sap way. Teyla smiles in a this is so sweet way then looks at John. She reaches forward and touches his shoulder. Teyla: What did you call your country? John (voice cracking): Well, I just (calmer) kept the name it already had. Rodney and John exchange a look. They discover satellites monitoring the planet.

                                They enter the village and the people start to follow them. They stop and the people start to crowd around them. All of them staring at Rodney in wonder. Teyla looks at John then up at the picture behind them of Rodney. They are met by Nola who studies Rodney then announces that he is the Oracle. She and the villagers bow. John and Teyla exchange a look.

                                Nola takes them to where a device is through which the Oracle communicates with them explaining things on the way. They call it the portal. It is obvious that the game that John and Rodney were playing is not a game. John notices his nation on the map and points them out. She calls them a thorn in their side and is happy that Rodney is there to help them remove it.

                                Some time has apparently passed and Rodney is discussing things with Nola a man named Garth. John, Teyla, Ronon, and the leader of John's nation Baden arrive. Nola obviously doesn't like Baden being there neither does he. John: Doctor Rodney McKay, meet Baden. Teyla looks at John and smiles as he does this. Rodney: Oh. Your guy. Teyla rolls her eyes. Nola threatens Baden and he dares her to follow through with it. John stops them and tells them they need to talk. Nola doesn't want to talk so Baden says that's fine with him and turns to leave. John and Ronon stops him. John informs them that while they may not have anything to say but they do.

                                They are all sitting at a table. John and Rodney trying to get them to see that they are not that different and stop this hostility. It doesn't work. Teyla asks them pointedly if this has always been the way between their people. Nola tells them it hasn't always been this way. John then asks when did this start? It started not long after John and Rodney took over. John and Rodney exchange a guilty look. Then John looks over at Teyla. She briefly meets his gaze then looks away.

                                The rest will be posted later tonight.

                                *camy runs to BP and gives her a big Momma hug*

                                I'm off to read it slowly!

