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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Oh, yes group hug!

    Guys, this is all my fault...I jump to conclusion too are awesome and don't forget that!

    You are all wonderful.....Thanks...

    My test...well, I was just never good in math..I hate to admit it...I have always been a B-average...and just barely...Honestly...I think I am going to have to retake...and that makes my blood boil.....but, what's a girl to do....
    I have to do it or else I will loose a couple of thousands off my paycheck! Can't afford that!

    So, it is my fault...I am spending too much time thinking about John/Teyla...and chatting with you guys and confusing the heck out of everyone....So.....let's get back to the important things....

    My favorite pair...John and Teyla....

    Oh, and PLEASE....if any of you are Jennifer Garner fans, please don't take offense, but I just can't stand her! My husband says he likes her acting skills in Alias! Yeah least I can say that about Joe Flannigan...I mean don't you think the man deserves an Emmy for his performance in Conversion....I mean common that scene with the KISS....that was worth the Emmy alone...

    Got to go study again....good night...


      Posted this link in the Teyla thread too, but if you're interested in a little missing scenes fanfic from "Suspicion" (way back when!), I just finished this story. Shep/Teyla interaction and some references to our man Sergeant Bates. Hope you enjoy:

      Leave me a couple of words by hitting the review button too, if you don't mind! I love to hear from you (bad and good stuff is fine).

      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


        Originally posted by deSaintphalle
        Hey Camy,

        Thanks for the heads-up on the pictures. I'll have to take a look.

        When I first joined this board, I was smitten by the idea of John/Teyla. I still love them, but the writing and episodes have not always given me a clear picture of the future for those characters. John seems more subdued next to her, and not in a good way. The apology scene at the end of Conversion left me more confused. I like surprises, but I don't like confusion.

        Right now, I have to say that I am open to anything that is well written, and clearly acted. As a writer and lover of fiction, I love subtext. I am no longer particularly invested in one ship or another. I just want good writing, and sparkling chemistry. Having said all that, Ronan and Teyla have undeniable sparks that go beyond the writing. There is something juicy in all their scenes together. From day one (at least for me) Ronon brought out something really special in Teyla. He softened something about her. I believe that this could have been accomplished by having more scenes with Teyla interacting with the Athosians as well. I don't see Teyla and Ronan romantically linked. I see them as having a mentor/friend relationship. What the writers/producers will portray is anyones guess.

        Edited to add:

        I was like a teenager, missing Atlantis last week. I am so looking forward to the new episodes this week.

        Oh man, I am so with you on this. It makes for such a quieter life!

        I would love to see Teyla interacting more with Athosians and other women on the show (she seems a bit male dominated), however, she's cute with Ronan and Sheppard as friends with perhaps some UST (I'm not saying with whom as I need to keep on topic... he he!)


          Originally posted by NoDot
          Now really, can we stop the anti-math comments here!? It isn't hard!

          I like listening to people complaiun about how hard things are in Pre-Calc, but honestly, it's not hard!

          Or am I just weird?
          I find maths (as we call it in the UK) curiously quite relaxing. there's nothing quite like a wee mental challenge when you're trying to simplify some algebra. So no, I don't think you're weird!


            Originally posted by Camy
            This is terrible....I mean, I had some difficulty at the beginning with Weir...and the fact that there might be a remote chance that they might put Weir with Sheppard is beyond my comprehension...but I would never agree with something like this posting in the scifi...I am telling you..I was there earlier and the things that they write about Teyla are just as horrible if not worse......I just can't comprehend why people can't just act maturely and even if you dislike a character, or think that the character is not needed or whatever, it is no reason to speak and write such demeaning things...

            Overall, I wouldn't worry about Weir's character or the actress Torri for that is sad that there are such horrible comments out there...but in general, I have found that there are more good things about her than bad...Teyla, Rachel Luttrell on the other hand..isn't as lucky.....

            As for the pairing of John/Weir...everyone here knows who I ship for and my opinion of these two...but I really like what Astronomicalchick just suggested....I might even consider joining her statement and not ship for anyone at all and just have everyone as friends...Really...good thinking...that is really good advice..and like I said, I may just follow your lead...It is sickening and terrible how we are going up against the characters and even among each other just because we are shipping for a particular pair...Don't we have better things to do? Still, I can't make any promises because as of right now,...I just love John and will take me awhile if perhaps never to give this one up....but it's worth considering...for my own sake and sanity!

            Gosh Camy are we agreeing? *faints*

            It's much better, just watching the show and just chillin' with it.


              Originally posted by Camy

              What was my point again...Oh, I am unfortunately still hopeful with John and Teyla...I disagree with many who state that they have no chemistry...they do..there is an understanding and a respect that goes far beyond any love story that I have seen in awhile...their mutual respect and admiration is not one of sexual attraction but one of true friendship and I guess what really attracts me to it is the fact that its from two people that come from different backgrounds, different beliefs and different cultures....I just find that fascinating, that even in their obvious differences there is a common bond, truth,trust and admiration that just makes my heart skip a beat....and take a long deep's so hard to explain, but I guess I am just one of the few that see it...and even if the writers go in another direction, I think that this will always be there between these characters...I just love that....

              As far as Ronon, he is just too much of an alien...too cliche and too one of her own.....I don't see the attraction between them, just perhaps a physical attraction betweeen the two of them and the fact that people see this chemistry of them is simply because the writers have them together all the time...but, to me Teyla hasn't shown the deep connection that she has with John to Ronon...again, just my opinion...I wish sometimes I didn't feel this way because I know I will be so disappointed if the writers did not go in this, I better find another show, the meantime,,here's to John and Teyla....
              Again, I have no ideas what I just started writing...anyone?
              got to go take my test now...I am so going to fail.......
              I agree with what you say about S/T although I don't necessarily see that as romantic ship, but there is a really good potential, IMO, that they have a profound friendship that goes beyond sexual attraction (because why wouldn't they be attracted to each other they're both gorgeous!)...

              Are we agreeing again? I might have to go and lie down..

              I do like the R/T vibe though. It's quite cool.

              One of the reasons I like to post in other ship threads is that I find when you scratch beneath the surface you find you have more in common than you thought.


                Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                I agree with what you say about S/T although I don't necessarily see that as romantic ship, but there is a really good potential, IMO, that they have a profound friendship that goes beyond sexual attraction (because why wouldn't they be attracted to each other they're both gorgeous!)...

                Are we agreeing again? I might have to go and lie down..

                I do like the R/T vibe though. It's quite cool.

                One of the reasons I like to post in other ship threads is that I find when you scratch beneath the surface you find you have more in common than you thought.
                Good points all around. The S/T and R/T feelings that I'm getting are really different, but they both have the potential to really knock our socks off ('ship or friendship wise) as long as the writers do it correctly. I'm excited to see where this one goes. And ditto about exploring other ship threads. I like to pop in on the Shep/Weir from time to time to see what's going on -- it's interesting to see the different takes on the same episode or scene.

                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                  Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                  I agree with what you say about S/T although I don't necessarily see that as romantic ship, but there is a really good potential, IMO, that they have a profound friendship that goes beyond sexual attraction (because why wouldn't they be attracted to each other they're both gorgeous!)...

                  Are we agreeing again? I might have to go and lie down..

                  I do like the R/T vibe though. It's quite cool.

                  One of the reasons I like to post in other ship threads is that I find when you scratch beneath the surface you find you have more in common than you thought.

                  It's okay...we don't agree very often so it's nothing to serious....
                  The important thing here is that we are mature enough to admit it and recognize it...Thanks for the comment.....Thanks for providing your insight as well...we love to have great discussions here...once in awhile...the other time, I just like to rant about my favorite duo...John and Teyla.....
                  by the way, Aurora is supposed to be really good! and Teyla is supposed to have some great scenes in this one as well.....

                  Can't Wait.....


                    Originally posted by Camy
                    It's okay...we don't agree very often so it's nothing to serious....
                    The important thing here is that we are mature enough to admit it and recognize it...Thanks for the comment.....Thanks for providing your insight as well...we love to have great discussions here...once in awhile...the other time, I just like to rant about my favorite duo...John and Teyla.....
                    by the way, Aurora is supposed to be really good! and Teyla is supposed to have some great scenes in this one as well.....

                    Can't Wait.....
                    I've heard the same thing about "Aurora". It's nice to see that Teyla is getting some better writing this year -- just a few little scenes are always nice to have!

                    "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                    HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                      I've never seen Teyla as upset regarding Sheppard as she was in "Conversion." The closest she came was in "38 Minutes." She had lost all her composure, and didn't get it back until that final scene with Sheppard and his "apology."


                        Originally posted by mgbland
                        I've never seen Teyla as upset regarding Sheppard as she was in "Conversion." The closest she came was in "38 Minutes." She had lost all her composure, and didn't get it back until that final scene with Sheppard and his "apology."
                        Teyla's character got a chance to shine in "Conversion", and her strong relationship with Sheppard was the focus of that. Personally, I thought Weir was able to maintain control over herself very well, and kept up her strong, leader facade despite his condition. The scene that really got me as far as Teyla's reaction went was her pleading with Sheppard not to make her kill him. The desperation in her voice is truly heart-wrenching -- it is ripping her apart to think about shooting him, and she can't bring herself to do it. Also, the hesitation that she gave and the look she exchanged with Weir before going off to find Sheppard was well-done. Very believable and beautifully acted.

                        "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                        HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                          Just saw Aurora
                          Great episode, mainly team and Shep and McKay stuff but had a nice little moment where Teyla backed up Shep's reasoning that he should be the one to risk himself, Teyla actually convince McKay. Was an interesting episode for her and good for Sheppard too.


                            I'm a Shep/Weir shipper, but I drop in now and then to see what other ships think. I've been impressed by some of the discussion in here--very interesting. SnoggingPicard (hilarious name lol) has posted some very well rounded analysis. In a recent post, Picard noted:

                            Also, the hesitation that she gave and the look she exchanged with Weir before going off to find Sheppard was well-done. Very believable and beautifully acted.

                            I really haven't seen the ep, so could you explain that "look". Was it of relief, or contention? Just curious, thanks,


                            Signature By Amber Moon


                              Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                              I'm a Shep/Weir shipper, but I drop in now and then to see what other ships think. I've been impressed by some of the discussion in here--very interesting. SnoggingPicard (hilarious name lol) has posted some very well rounded analysis. In a recent post, Picard noted:

                              Also, the hesitation that she gave and the look she exchanged with Weir before going off to find Sheppard was well-done. Very believable and beautifully acted.

                              I really haven't seen the ep, so could you explain that "look". Was it of relief, or contention? Just curious, thanks,

                              I'm so glad you came to visit! And thanks for the nice comments -- I do have a certain thing for Picard, as I'm sure you can tell. Heehee, he's so great. Oh yeah, Atlantis thread, right....

                              Okay, "Conversion". I'll put this little bit in spoiler notation, but it doesn't give much away about the plot. Just to be safe:
                              The "look" occurs after Sheppard escapes from his guarded room, and Weir is dispatching teams to look for him and bring him back. Caldwell orders them to use whatever force is necessary. All of the other team members leave to form groups, and Teyla just stands there looking horrified at having to possibly shoot Sheppard if she finds him. Ronon asks her if she's coming, and she looks from him to Weir and pauses. The two of the women share this long look -- Weir kind of gives her a little smile like "It's going to be okay", and Teyla nods and goes off with Ronon. It was very simple and well-done, like Teyla was drawing strength from her connection with Weir. Excellent stuff.

                              And you haven't seen "Conversion" yet!?! You really need to get on top of that -- it was soooo good!

                              "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                              HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                                Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                                Teyla's character got a chance to shine in "Conversion", and her strong relationship with Sheppard was the focus of that. Personally, I thought Weir was able to maintain control over herself very well, and kept up her strong, leader facade despite his condition. The scene that really got me as far as Teyla's reaction went was her pleading with Sheppard not to make her kill him. The desperation in her voice is truly heart-wrenching -- it is ripping her apart to think about shooting him, and she can't bring herself to do it. Also, the hesitation that she gave and the look she exchanged with Weir before going off to find Sheppard was well-done. Very believable and beautifully acted.

                                Yess.....and if I might add....right after she shot him to stop him, she went running after him and then Ronon shot him twice...did you see her look...She closes her eyes and gives this sigh of relief and looks at see the relief that they got him and that no one had to shoot him to death....
                                In my view, the entire episode it was almost as if after the kiss she is realizing just how much she really cares about him...And yeah, I didn't quite understand what the look between her and Weir was about....Was it a look of I know what I need to do...or what...I couldn't figure that one out!

