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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by mgbland
    I do think there is a strong attraction between Teyla and Sheppard. After the gym scene, it will be a long time moving forward.

    Why do you say that? I think it's pretty obvious from the last two episodes that they are perfectly fine and feel no awkwardness towards eachother. I mean,
    she cradled his head in her lap
    for pete's sake! If she was at all uncomfortable with him or feeling like he had done anything she didn't like she wouldn't have done that. I think that Conversion is going to be seen in the future as a catalyst that really kicked off the Sheppard/Teyla ship, that kiss was the crack in the dam that's eventually going to blow wide open.
    It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


      Originally posted by aaobuttons
      Why do you say that? I think it's pretty obvious from the last two episodes that they are perfectly fine and feel no awkwardness towards eachother. I mean,
      she cradled his head in her lap
      for pete's sake! If she was at all uncomfortable with him or feeling like he had done anything she didn't like she wouldn't have done that. I think that Conversion is going to be seen in the future as a catalyst that really kicked off the Sheppard/Teyla ship, that kiss was the crack in the dam that's eventually going to blow wide open.

      I can see both of your points of view... I think the episode was intended for people to see that it could have either made or break the beginning of a relationship...Thus, Martin Gero's teaser....will it blossom into something more?
      So, the episode was not to show whether there is or isn't something going on but whether it will blossom or not into something more....
      Therefore, after seeing the two other episodes...I believe that conversion blossomed that relationship....but remember...things are so open right now, than in reality there is no right or wrong answer...just what is in the eyes of the beholder...nothing has been set in stone for any ship and only time will tell.. I believe that there will be some Shep/Weir moments to come and I believe there are some Ronon/Teyla moments to come and so on and so forth..but in the end...Shep and Teyla moments will rule!


        Okay...I was reading a fanfic in unique-bond .net and one of the stories mentiones Teyla's ability to control some of Wraith technology...Remember in the Gift how she was able to open the secret passage to the Wraith lab that was hidden in between the rocks...and she fell through and Sheppard was so concerned yelling, "Teyla, Teyla" by the way...I LOVE THAT can sense in him his concerned and the way he looked at Rodney for making that dumb comment....if looks could kill, Rodney would have dropped dead...anyhow...focus, Camy, focus.....

        What if, in the Hive....Teyla is able to open the door of the cell by using her Wraith abilities....? Huh...what do you guys think? Am I on to something here or what? Should I quit while I am still ahead?


          That would be kool to see her do something like that.I mean Teyla has the abilitys to use wraith technology then y not try to get free and rescue John from the evil WRAITH.It would be great to see her try that and save John.I do hope they shwo her using her abilities to get out and save John.
          part of:
          Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

          wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


            Originally posted by Camy
            What if, in the Hive....Teyla is able to open the door of the cell by using her Wraith abilities....? Huh...what do you guys think? Am I on to something here or what? Should I quit while I am still ahead?
            Wow!...i didn't think of that....that would be interesting....Teyla to the rescue...sound nice...Could the enzyme somehow...maybe give her an additional something also since she also has that wraith gene?.......
            Don't's an idea.....

            R.I.P Wraithlord

            Awesome sig by SciFan


              Originally posted by aaobuttons
              Why do you say that? I think it's pretty obvious from the last two episodes that they are perfectly fine and feel no awkwardness towards eachother. I mean,
              she cradled his head in her lap
              for pete's sake! If she was at all uncomfortable with him or feeling like he had done anything she didn't like she wouldn't have done that. I think that Conversion is going to be seen in the future as a catalyst that really kicked off the Sheppard/Teyla ship, that kiss was the crack in the dam that's eventually going to blow wide open.
              OMG! You said this perfectly! That kiss could really have been the end of the potential relationship, but the last scene of that episode and their interactions in "Aurora" and "Lost Boys" has me even more sold on these two.

              "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

              HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                I think I have said this before so excuse me for repeatingm myself again but, I really do miss Bates...he brought a tension between Sehp and teyla that no other character has done...and that worries me becaue it could be a sign of no going further with this thing that I don't remember reading anywhere in regards to Bates comments about that Shep never denied having his personal feelings for Teyla..I mean think about this...everytime Bates made this comment, John never said anything beyond she's a integral member of my team..but he never said anything more..and even that comment he made once....the other times, he never said anything to denied that he had any personal feelings for her...I just thought this would be interesting to point out...So, for me, Bates was a key witness to the development of John and Teyla and now that he is gone...there is just the looks and the little things that we see, but it doesn't look like anyone else is picking up any vibes from either one of them like Bates did....
                I miss Bates a lot too. He added the purely militaristic view of things, and of course his scenes with Shep and Teyla added a lot to their relationship. Sheppard has never, never doubted her, and this trust couldn't have been better displayed than when Bates went on one of his rampages. I can't even count the number of times that Shep told him to leave her alone and shut up. And the whole "personal feelings" remarks -- he never reprimanded him for them. He could just as easily have denied it, but he didn't...very interesting. One of my favorite bits was right after Teyla and Bates scuffled in "Siege Pt. 1" and Shep holds her back. He then says "I don't care what he said! He says a lot of things..." What does THAT mean? He wasn't even angry with her for what she did -- he understands her frustration and is only worried that her actions will get her into an even deeper pit than before. That line just has a certain level of mystery to it, and like Shep's line in Conversion "Good...I won't..." he said it with a very peculiar tone. There's more there than what meets the eye.

                On another note, I really liked how for the first time that I can remember, Caldwell is confronted with Teyla and he treated her with such respect and such regard something that even Weir has been unable to do and even Sheppard, Teyla did...which is to convince Caldwell...which to me was really surprising....

                As far as Caldwell, yes I think it is obvious that he wants Sheppard's job...but I think that there is some good in him...I don''t see him as evil as Bates...not yet anyways...and I do think he finds Weir attractive...I mean she is...but I didn't see it in her...If you go back to the scene in Conversion when Caldwell was in her office, at first glance you would think that she was responding to his flirtatious attitude, however, seen it a second time, you see that she maintains her posture and that she is just being polite and taking in anything that can keep her mind off of Sheppard.
                I like Caldwell as the new addition. He's a character that we can't quite pin down yet, and that's very interesting. It wouldn't be fair to categorize him as "good" or "bad" yet, because he WAS only trying to do his job in "Conversion". While he's no Bates, I like the fact that you can't really condemn him as a character because he really isn't doing anything wrong. Plus, he drives the sweetest ship in the Pegasus galaxy AND has an Asgard on board to boot! Gotta love him!

                I agree...with SnoggingPicard...Weir certainly has some feelings which are more than just professional...but
                I don't see John sharing the same feelings for her, not yet.
                And the same for Ronon with Teyla...he has them, but not her.
                Whereas, between John and Teyla there has definetly been some sort of cues between both of them that there is an attraction there...even if it is slightly...but it is there....
                Yup, exactly. So far, I see the Weir/Shep and Ronon/Teyla ships as purely one sided at this point. All of that could change of course, but Shep/Teyla is the only one that I get mutual interest and attraction from. They click together and they have been giving each other hints for the past year and a half. They definitely have my support at this point in the game!

                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                  SnoggingPicard wrote...One of my favorite bits was right after Teyla and Bates scuffled in "Siege Pt. 1" and Shep holds her back. He then says "I don't care what he said! He says a lot of things..." What does THAT mean? He wasn't even angry with her for what she did -- he understands her frustration and is only worried that her actions will get her into an even deeper pit than before. That line just has a certain level of mystery to it, and like Shep's line in Conversion "Good...I won't..." he said it with a very peculiar tone. There's more there than what meets the eye.

                  Ah....a girl after my own true...and that is one of my favorite scenes many people misinterpreted his actions as negative towards Teyla...but for me it just did the opposite..It only gave me more assertion that he is sooooo concerned for her...He is sooooo protecting her and he is just showing his sincere and passionate way of telling her that he wants nothing to happen to her and he can deal with it for her....that she doesn't need to get involved...He knows that she is capable of taking care of herself...but like any man that loves his woman....he wants to be the one to take care of her and that is what I think his frustration came from... He needed for her to understand that she needed to trust him and she needed to back off....And just like he probably thought, when finally, Bates got hurt, who was the first suspect...and this was exactly what he feared would happen and what he was trying to protect her from....JMO....

                  While he's no Bates, I like the fact that you can't really condemn him as a character because he really isn't doing anything wrong. Plus, he drives the sweetest ship in the Pegasus galaxy AND has an Asgard on board to boot! Gotta love him!

                  Exactly...he has not brought up the tension between our two favorite characters like Bates did...I think Caldwell is there to do this with Shep and Weir...I have read in interviews from both him and Joe that he is brought into the show to put some doubt and test the relationship between Weir and John, but more of a professional relationship...but who knows where they will take this...I just thought it was awesome how Teyla was able to talk her way with Caldwell on her first try and accomplish what the other two haven't been able to do...She is just so smart!

                  Yup, exactly. So far, I see the Weir/Shep and Ronon/Teyla ships as purely one sided at this point. All of that could change of course, but Shep/Teyla is the only one that I get mutual interest and attraction from. They click together and they have been giving each other hints for the past year and a half. They definitely have my support at this point in the game!

                  You and ME BOTH! I am telling you, Snogging...all indications look in our favor! So far anyways...


                    Okay..this is for all of my Teyla/Shep Fans...
                    This is just a reminder why we love these two.....When you read next time that there is no chemistry...think of these.....

                    Who says there is no chemistry! Enjoy!


                      Originally posted by Camy
                      What if, in the Hive....Teyla is able to open the door of the cell by using her Wraith abilities....? Huh...what do you guys think? Am I on to something here or what? Should I quit while I am still ahead?
                      I love this idea!


                        I'm having too much fun!
                        Some more....

                        Who's he looking for? Should he not keep his eye in the sky?

                        The "look"

                        the response....

                        no wonder Chaya went aggressively after John, she knew it was now or never....

                        Okay...I had nothing better to do tonight..couldn't go to I can have happy dreams....Good night!
                        I hope you guys like these...


                          Originally posted by Camy
                          Ah....a girl after my own true...and that is one of my favorite scenes many people misinterpreted his actions as negative towards Teyla...but for me it just did the opposite..It only gave me more assertion that he is sooooo concerned for her...He is sooooo protecting her and he is just showing his sincere and passionate way of telling her that he wants nothing to happen to her and he can deal with it for her....that she doesn't need to get involved...He knows that she is capable of taking care of herself...but like any man that loves his woman....he wants to be the one to take care of her and that is what I think his frustration came from... He needed for her to understand that she needed to trust him and she needed to back off....And just like he probably thought, when finally, Bates got hurt, who was the first suspect...and this was exactly what he feared would happen and what he was trying to protect her from....JMO....
                          He was the only one who has believed her no matter what happened, and I think that this trust is something no one around them quite understands. In the situation with Bates, he knew that what she did could only end up hurting her. When he yelled at her, he wasn't defending Bates, only basically saying, "Look, I can't protect you on my own. You have to be careful what you do around here." He knew that if she did anything like that again, the precarious level of importance she had reached on Atlantis could be swept out from under her, and when Bates was found unconcious, you could read exactly what Shep was thinking right from his face -- "Oh sh*t!" Loved the scene when he and Ford went to talk to Teyla about what happened and she tells them that she didn't have anything to do with it. You could tell that Ford wanted to believe her but wasn't sure. Shep just looked at her really hard for a moment and nodded -- again, he just KNEW that she was telling the truth. I don't get how anyone couldn't see a connection between these two!

                          Originally posted by Camy
                          Exactly...he has not brought up the tension between our two favorite characters like Bates did...I think Caldwell is there to do this with Shep and Weir...I have read in interviews from both him and Joe that he is brought into the show to put some doubt and test the relationship between Weir and John, but more of a professional relationship...but who knows where they will take this...I just thought it was awesome how Teyla was able to talk her way with Caldwell on her first try and accomplish what the other two haven't been able to do...She is just so smart!
                          Caldwell is freakin' awesome. I really, really like the tension that he's going to bring to the show. Up until this point, I think that both Weir and Shep were pretty lucky to have been paired off with a colleague that they could talk to, trust, and respect and they've gotten to know each others' habits and ways of doing things. Throwing someone with a completely different style into the mix is going to shake things up and make it uncomfortable. I think it isn't so much going to test the relationship between Shep and Weir as to bring out the loyalty and respect that they have for each other -- much like Bates for Shep and Teyla, like you said. That sort of thing is good, and it's really through the interactions with third/outside parties that we can learn a lot about how the characters see each other.

                          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                            Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                            He was the only one who has believed her no matter what happened, and I think that this trust is something no one around them quite understands. In the situation with Bates, he knew that what she did could only end up hurting her. When he yelled at her, he wasn't defending Bates, only basically saying, "Look, I can't protect you on my own. You have to be careful what you do around here." He knew that if she did anything like that again, the precarious level of importance she had reached on Atlantis could be swept out from under her, and when Bates was found unconcious, you could read exactly what Shep was thinking right from his face -- "Oh sh*t!" Loved the scene when he and Ford went to talk to Teyla about what happened and she tells them that she didn't have anything to do with it. You could tell that Ford wanted to believe her but wasn't sure. Shep just looked at her really hard for a moment and nodded -- again, he just KNEW that she was telling the truth. I don't get how anyone couldn't see a connection between these two!

                            Caldwell is freakin' awesome. I really, really like the tension that he's going to bring to the show. Up until this point, I think that both Weir and Shep were pretty lucky to have been paired off with a colleague that they could talk to, trust, and respect and they've gotten to know each others' habits and ways of doing things. Throwing someone with a completely different style into the mix is going to shake things up and make it uncomfortable. I think it isn't so much going to test the relationship between Shep and Weir as to bring out the loyalty and respect that they have for each other -- much like Bates for Shep and Teyla, like you said. That sort of thing is good, and it's really through the interactions with third/outside parties that we can learn a lot about how the characters see each other.

                            Right...It's almost like there is a pattern here...Ronon was brought in for Ford and it turns out he is doing wonders with Teyla's character as a result of his presence...We can only hope that he will also add a new tension to the John and Teyla relationship....although that has really only been seen in Duet....
                            in the sparring scene....his jealous look when he walks in and sees Teyla and Ronon sparring...makes me wonder if he had the same look and shocked reaction in Lost Boys when he saw Teyla whacked Ronon from across the table....he did took a while to respond accurately after Ronon dragged her onto to the table and onto the floor...sort of the same look, there,,,hmmmm...I just came up with that one...long shot...probably...
                            But, we just have to wait and see..and then of coarse, I agree with Caldwell, he is certainly going to put the trust and respect and even the authority of Shep and coming into the picture...Yet, I wonder if this will also transfer with Shep and as much as Bates was...but no indication of that whatsoever...on the contrary, I think Caldwell has shown more respect for Teyla than Bates ever did....but I wonder how they are going to develop with the other characters...Rodney seems to just be in between Weir, Shep and Zelenka...not so much with Teyla or even Beckett...and poor Beckett...we have him this season but nothing major for him...I think he is great and I loved him in Poisoning the Well,,,I think this was the episode with Perma....he did so wonderful...and he did great in Instinct with Rodney as well...hilarious...they really need to give him more screen time....more lines...anyways, this is the Shep and Teyla thread...I've always thought that the first one that will pick up on the Shep/Teyla thing would be Beckett...don't ask me why, I just do...

                            Great points as well...SnoggingPicard...


                     point to bring in this forum again...SnoggingPicard..I think you will likely agree with me on this one...

                              In Lost Boys...
                              In the scene when Teyla, John, Rodney and Ronon are trying to escape after Ford allows them to roam the planet freely, you see how agitated Teyla is getting after Sheppard tells them that he is going to play along with Ford's plan...and you see how Teyla continues to get even more annoyed with Sheppard at the idea and he never looses his temper with her...he remains completely in control and almost begging her to understand that he has thought of every possible way and the only way to keep them alive is by going along with Ford for the time being...You see that she is just completely loosing her temper with him, but he just calmly and so sweetly continues to respond to her every question and concern...He did this also in Suspicion in their balcony scene when he is telling her about the recent changes to figure out who is the traitor in Atlantis...and he just convinces her in such a sweet way....and then he gives her that look with his puppy eyes..AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....Well, go back and see this scene in Lost Boys if you cannot remember and you will see how he just completely keeps his composure whereas, with Rodney, Ford, and even Ronon he has no patience with their arguments whatsoever......
                              Every time I see those scenes, and how he talks to the scene I mentioned when we were talking about Instinct...when they are looking for the Wraith and he just asks her in such a sweet way what is she sensing...Ahhhh...I just melt everytime he does this to her...don't you just get goosebumps..he does this with only her and her only...Am I right? Do you Teyla/Shep fans see this as well....or is it just me?


                                Originally posted by Camy
                       point to bring in this forum again...SnoggingPicard..I think you will likely agree with me on this one...

                                In Lost Boys...
                                In the scene when Teyla, John, Rodney and Ronon are trying to escape after Ford allows them to roam the planet freely, you see how agitated Teyla is getting after Sheppard tells them that he is going to play along with Ford's plan...and you see how Teyla continues to get even more annoyed with Sheppard at the idea and he never looses his temper with her...he remains completely in control and almost begging her to understand that he has thought of every possible way and the only way to keep them alive is by going along with Ford for the time being...You see that she is just completely loosing her temper with him, but he just calmly and so sweetly continues to respond to her every question and concern...He did this also in Suspicion in their balcony scene when he is telling her about the recent changes to figure out who is the traitor in Atlantis...and he just convinces her in such a sweet way....and then he gives her that look with his puppy eyes..AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....Well, go back and see this scene in Lost Boys if you cannot remember and you will see how he just completely keeps his composure whereas, with Rodney, Ford, and even Ronon he has no patience with their arguments whatsoever......
                                Every time I see those scenes, and how he talks to the scene I mentioned when we were talking about Instinct...when they are looking for the Wraith and he just asks her in such a sweet way what is she sensing...Ahhhh...I just melt everytime he does this to her...don't you just get goosebumps..he does this with only her and her only...Am I right? Do you Teyla/Shep fans see this as well....or is it just me?
                                You are soooo right on this one!! He never says anything to her without giving her so much respect and thought, and I've never seen him get impatient or pissed at her, and I think he's gotten into major arguments with everyone else at some point or another. I can remember him having a real doozy with Weir in "Rising" about going back for Sumner, and he and McKay don't seem to get along real well at times. The only time that he has even raised his voice to Teyla was in "The Seige Pt. 1" after the incident with Bates, but as we mentioned before, he wasn't even angry about what she as about how much trouble she could be in if he reported it. When I watch them together, it gives me chills. She always manages to give him these sideways glances where she doesn't say a word, but you know that she can tell exactly what he's thinking and feeling at that moment. Shep always is so concerned for and respectful of her -- love when they're sparring in "The Gift" and he immediately knows something is wrong just because she's having an "off" day. He gives her this look of horrified concern when she misses a block, and you can tell that he is worried sick when the match is over. The more I watch these episodes the more little non-verbal cues that I pick up from them. These two are special -- I've never felt so confident about a ship before, and the fact that TPTB are playing with us about where they're going with the characters is frustrating. IMO, Shep and Teyla fit soooo well together, but not to the point where their characters and relationship would become boring or predictable as a result. There are enough differences to make it interesting but enough chemistry to make it perfect.

                                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???

